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lady in the water

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by k_writer, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I agree with you about the bandwagoning to an extent Bio. You got to figure most of the folks here think alike, and are going to want to bash the same person. It's not so much them altering their own opinion to suck ass, as you phrased it in IRC, but them making sure they won't get bashed for stating their own opinion.

    We're going to be doing some guideline style things in a bit, we'll see what happens.

    That's unfair calling out of our usergroup =P Most of us don't read the Intro's. It's a waste of time, and generally you learn nothing from the users. If they're worthless shits, they sometimes get filtered out by the users, there's no need for admins in Intro unless it's something we get called in for.

    I agree with you 100% on that, but you don't come to this forum, scream at the top of your lungs you like fudge packing, and then don't understand why folks pick on you, get defensive, then come crying about it. You reap what you sow.

    There was more to this thread then just the thread. Leave it at that.