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Complete Luna's Hubby by Meteoricshipyards - T

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by RagefulLlama, May 3, 2006.

  1. Athenia

    Athenia Groundskeeper

    Apr 28, 2006
    Yeah, I do think this makes a much better idea for a one-shot (or maybe even two/three chapter story) rather than some long drawn out story were they spend there childhood looking for Horcruxes through some black line and Harry seems clueless for chapter one end.
  2. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Neat little story. Has it's problems, but funny nonetheless.
  3. zEROfrustration

    zEROfrustration Second Year

    May 18, 2006
    South Africa
    I like the new chapter. Nice way for Harry to save Luna's mom.

    *wonders what's going to happen to Draco's character in this story*

    May you find shade this day,
  4. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    This fic is definitely gone to shit.

    The first Blot's chapter was original and inovative. The new author's oppener was very good too.

    But then, the author's feminist self-righteous genes started kicking in, making her gradually transform Luna and her mother into a pair of complete Marry Sue's. That tendency slowly spread to all the other characters and especially the kids, making them all completely sweet, logical, goodhearted and ultimately - dull.

    One of the last charming bits left here was the way Harry and Luna were unwittingly hunting down and destroying Voldemort's Horcruxes, without even realizing what they were doing. With this latest chapter, even this cool plot has gone down the drain. Now that the adults and Unspeakables are involved, and are even able to track the Horcruxes withot Harry's help, the main characters aren't needed anymore. The author's alter-ego (Luna's mum) seems perfectly capable to take the plot over from here on.

    I'll probably keep reading this, but mostly because of solid writing style and good update rate. Hopefully, the author will have good sense to end this, before it sinks even further into the dull grayness...

  5. Niffler Lord

    Niffler Lord Headmaster

    Feb 19, 2006
    Sri Lanka
    Yeah I'm with IP. This story had a great start but then it went down hill from there. It just feel so fake now (donno how else to describe it). Luna's character has become very un-Lunaish and Harry seems to be there only as a secondary character.

    The story has lost its appeal, for me atleast.

  6. thapagan

    thapagan High Inquisitor

    Jun 24, 2006
    I don't think this story can carry five more years at hogworts at it's current pacing. Harry and luna need a new foe.The author has resovled the POA storyline. Snape may be a good villian to elevate but how and why?
    Switch the dememtors for werewolves, having greyback attacking the wizarding world while lupin is teaching? Greyback/voldemort pairing (I mean like book one)?
    Have other prisoners escape from azkaban... Plot bunnies elude me

    Getting the humor back would be nice also....

    Update was nice but ip82 and niffler lord's points have merit

    Is this the turning point of the fic... can it be "saved"?
  7. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Err... while I don't disagree with all of what IP and Niffler say, I don't think it's 'gone to shit.' This has been the direction the new author's been going on from the start I'd thought. Not sudden change, gone to shit, just the author took Rorschach's idea and has been writing a pretty much standard romance, child!Harry, growing up sort of fic. Nothing awful about that, but not terribly compelling or interesting either. We've seen about fifty million of these sorts, all with slightly different takes on the same sort of themes whether it's falling in love Luna or Ginny or Hermione or Susan or Hannah or Daphne or Fem!Blaise.

    The further we get from Rorschach's original idea, the further we get from his originality, and so far this author hasn't shown me anything much. Mildly enjoyable and certainly better Luna than Ginny, but you can only have child!Harry acting like a child, and grown-ups doing grown-up things around them for so long before it's the exact same sort of story we've seen a million times before. Not the exact same story, but the same sort. We may see the author come up with a nifty way to break a prisoner out of azkaban, or a completely original idea towards how to do the Triwizard Tournament (perhaps Luna gets entered instead of Harry... or they both do), who knows? But it won't change the themes of the story. Love? Bonding? Luna guiding Harry everywhere and telling him how and what to do? And then being sent to their room for unwittingly saving the world again where we hear about 13 year olds kissing and tingling and brushing each other's hair. Of course let's add some traumas and dangers to explain Luna's 'oddness' and the need for Harry to be the hero.

    The only turning point I saw was when it went from one author to the next. Meteoricshipyards ain't Rorschach's Blot. Two different authors, two different styles and ideas. Not sure Blot could have even turned this into something fantastic with his style either. Maybe that's why he stopped when he did. I'd still give this a 3 out of 5 though. Pretty much what I felt after chapter 2.

    I do see another fic heading down a similar road and I wonder when the 'gone to shit' responses may be forthcoming. I don't want to discourage anyone though, so I've kept my currently in the minority opinion to myself. But that's way off-topic.
  8. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    It has gone down hill, I have to agree on that.

    I started reading this when it first came out. I thought it was pretty amusing and it was something I'd definitely follow. Now, however, some of it is getting a little old. Back when it started, I'd have given it a 4.5 out of 5. Now, I have no idea what I'd rate it.
  9. razz

    razz Seventh Year

    Jan 22, 2006
    Meh. I deleted it off my favourites list a few weeks ago.

    It's boring.

  10. Hubby

    Hubby Card Captored and buttsecksed

    Oct 20, 2007
    Why does everyone think love=sex?
  11. Lunarian

    Lunarian Third Year

    Aug 11, 2005
    Sittin In A Chair
    I greatly enjoyed the story for the first couple of chapters. I liked how Harry got that great friend in Luna and they worked well together being kiddy married but for real. Then suddenly, I'm not sure where, the story lost its charm for me and I stopped reading it. I haven't a clue where it has headed in the latest chapters and didn't really get any urge to find out. It was still a nice read at the beginning however and worth it.
  12. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    Because when two people "love" each other, they fuck.

    I agree with IP. This fic isn't worth the kilobytes of storage space it takes up.
  13. [KS18]Raziel44

    [KS18]Raziel44 Card Captored and buttsecksed

    Nov 3, 2007
    stroy was very weird xD but good
  14. Memory King

    Memory King Order Member DLP Supporter

    Dec 17, 2007
    The Graveyard Scene's out, if anyone cares to know. I found the Triwizard Tasks pretty entertaining, but they won't make you sold on this story, if you weren't already. I personally give it 4/5 for being pleasantly readable.
  15. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    Well, it started out good. Great actually. But it should have definitely stayed a one-shot, or at the most, 5-6 chapters.

    After those few, it really goes downhill. Slowly at first, slow enough that you almost don't notice it, seeing as how almost all stories have a few slow/boring chapters in them.

    The parsel-learn spell was one strike against it, but I managed to ignore that, mostly because it didn't really serve any purpose.
    The 9 year olds finding the horcruxes, and getting past the traps unscathed was a major strike against it, but the story was still interesting enough at that point to continue.

    Harry's animagus form was...original, to say the least. But really, a rhinoceros?

    Honestly, my main problem with this story is that the "Selene" seems intent on smothering Harry. Going so far as to instruct her husband not to use spells near Harry, as he learns them too fast. Or their odd reasoning that brooms are too expensive to buy one for him, and that he probably isn't that good anyway.

    Edit: That, and the story is completely boring (no plot).

    This story was a decent attempt. Not horrible, but not terribly interesting either.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2007
  16. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    I liked this story, I really did. At least, at first. Like others have mentioned, it went downhill pretty quickly. By the last chapter (I assume the latest chapter is the last, considering that Voldemort is slain), I had to really force myself to keep reading. The story wasn't interesting anymore, and the style was getting on my nerves. My mouse was literally hovering over the red X button towards the end of that chapter.

    A while ago, I would have said this story was a solid 4/5. I've definitely changed my mind since then. 2.5/5.
  17. thapagan

    thapagan High Inquisitor

    Jun 24, 2006
    The last chapter was ok, somewhere between a tightly written ending and a rush job, but a good ending to a plot bunny run a muck.
  18. slasheh

    slasheh Seventh Year

    Nov 9, 2006
    the story has come to a close, and like many others i have mixed feelings. At the start i considered it a funny story, but lately it has become dull, anyway if i could change my rating my final rating would be 3/5, and personally i don't think it is a humour story anymore, but rather romance
  19. hchan1

    hchan1 Sixth Year

    Jan 5, 2008
    A mediocre end to a mediocre story. Looking back, reading this story after the first few chapters was a time sink. It wasn't really funny, exciting, romantic, or much of anything. I think I kept reading simply because it was Harry/Luna, which was a mistake.

  20. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    Yes, the story went down hill. Luna was much too demure in this story.

    Though I don't think this deserves 2/5, as I've given worse stories that rating. It's 3/5.

    The ending is great – not that I find it at all spectacular or outstanding, but rather, because the author knew he had to end it. Really, he/she needs to be commended for knowing when a story should end.

    Plus, he avoids a lot of cliches at the end. Harry could've revealed his identiy, there could have been a marriage scene, a more intense love scene –*but there isn't any, and that's good. The story saves itself from being a flaming wreck, and merely just a normal trainwreck.