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META MAFIA - Episode I: Slumber Party || Concluded [FEMME NATION Win]

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Zeitgeist, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    ...Approved by KaiDASH
    Credit for original tinyhunt format goes to garcia of sirlin

    Inspired by Merrill II

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...



    Episode I


    Turmoil has engulfed the galaxy. Many solar civilizations have fallen in a state of anarchy. Worryingly, these murmurs of discord have even reached FEMME NATION, whose ordinarily prosperous and united star-systems have begun to quarrel over the sovereignty of the industrial planet called MERRILL. Merrill is the originator of the galaxy’s main fuel – the addictive Mafiatonium.

    As the political conflicts within Femme Nation escalate, trade from Merrill falls and the galaxy’s stockpiles of Mafiatonium dwindle. With starvation, tensions rise within galactic core. Fearing a descent into outright war, the Central Council of Femme Nation – led by Lady Tinn de l’Escargot and Dame Mishie Chelle – has convened an emergency conference on the dynamic city-state of OESTROGEN. Hosting several delegates who plan to sleep the nights at the symposium until a resolution is found, this all-women meeting is to be called a “Slumber Party”.

    However, rumors circulate that Beastly Confederation of Witches, the radical extremists who may have instigated the conflict over Merrill, have caught wind of the Slumber Party. Ruthless in their animosity for Lady Tinn, the mysterious ringleaders of the confederation have decided to send KAIDASHIANS, a picky breed of carnivorous shapeshifters, to Oestrogen and trigger a full-scale war in one, foul, lesbian blow….

    Roles drawn:

    1 Batshit Batmanus
    1 Kneedle of Arya
    1 Shamanalyst
    1 Master of Mamo
    1 Quinanya
    1 Easy Cheese
    1 Saint Mutt
    1 Nessperado
    1 Prancing Protester
    1 Rayndrogynous Rider
    1 Dromeosaurus
    1 Insectaraptor
    1 Scumapotamus

    META MAFIA: Slumber Party is a Mafia variant (Flash Tutorial on Game Play: "Mafia"). You might be familiar with tinyhunt by KaiDASH, which is the actual predecessor of this game. META MAFIA: Slumber Party or “Femmafia” will be played between two teams: the uninformed majority and the informed minority. Despite what some may want, none of the girls will be allowed to play for both teams. At the beginning of the game, each player is told their role by the Game Host.

    The Delegates of Femme Nation are told they are a part of Femme Nation and their awesome role. They do not know who are the other girls loyal to Femme Nation (unless otherwise stated) and are only aware of their own role. To win, the Beastly Confederation of Witches must be completely killed. During the day phase, all players (Witches included) can vote on a single girl to be executed via pillow fight and removed from the living players.

    The Beastly Confederation of Witches are told their role in addition to the roles of all other Witches. They must work together to carefully get rid of Femme Nations's delegates until they are the main girl posse within the Slumber Party (and voting during the day phase is made irrelevant). During the night phase of the game, they can work together to kill another girl.

    {WHAT TO DO}
    The game will begin during day. During day phases, the players will be able to use the thread to communicate and discuss who among them is guilty and should be clobbered with pillows. At any time a player may submit a single vote to have another player squished under pillows. When a girl at the Slumber Party receives a simple majority of votes at any point in time, they are removed from play. Players may rescind their vote at any time (when a majority has not been reached) and cast it for someone else (so long as it is day phase). They cannot rescind their vote after a majority is reached against one player. If a majority of votes is not reached against one player by the end of the day phase, no one is squashed in the pillow fight.

    During the night phase, discussion in the thread is prohibited. The Witches can collude via QuickTopics and can inform the Game Host about the individual they want to kill. Roles (such as Batshit Batmanus, Easy Cheese or Quinanya) may additionally be used during this time.

    At the beginning of the next day phase, if a person was killed, she is identified by the Game Host and the process starts anew.


    The Mechanics:

    {Nightkills} Each night, the Witches can collaborate through QuickTopics to determine one person to Kill. Then, a Witch will capture the victim and eat her. The Angels’ mystical Protection will be able to stop these Kills, however.

    {Spike} Each Witch can choose to, once per game, Spike the drinks on the Night of her choice. Only one Witch Spike the drinks each Night. When a Witch does so, she can Match a player to an Innocent role, one role at a time, until they are incorrect or choose to stop. Each correctly Matched player will drink a Spiked cocktail and die. The Angels cannot stop Spike, unlike ordinary Night Kills.

    A successful Match will only give the 'so and so died' message. A failed Match will give a public message of the form 'Lutris attempted to SPIKE MattSilver the [incorrect role]’s drink, but failed.'

    {Gay BFF} An honorary girl, the Gay BFF, is also attending the Slumber Party with the players. On Day 1, there will be a plurality vote to assign the Gay BFF to a galpal, who can then name the Gay BFF whomever she wants. Gay BFF always Lynch votes the same as his friend, adding an extra vote.

    Moreover, the Gay BFF will perform an uber-private makeover on his galpal every Night. Consequently, the Batshit Batmanus would not be able to properly investigate the galpal, blocking the check result on the galpal (i.e. The Batshit Batmanus will find that the galpal’s status is neither INNOCENT nor GUILTY, but instead BLOCKED)

    If the galpal dies, the Gay BFF leaves the game. If nobody votes for someone to be awarded Gay BFF, he will be randomly assigned to a girl.

    {Angels} Dead players join the Universal Female Unconsciousness and become Angels. Each Night, the Angels decide by plurality vote to Protect a player (random tiebreaks). "No Protect" is a valid vote. A successful Protection will prevent a Nightkill.

    Angels get the results of Batshit Batmanus’s checks at the end of each Night. The Angels can also no longer give Protection when only 4 or fewer players remain alive.

    Angels are given a QuickTopic for their own discussions.

    {Overdrive} At the start of Night, a dead Witch may cast a spell of Overdrive on Living Witches, putting the Witches into a bloodlust frenzy and allowing their Kills to pierce the Angels’ Protection for that Night. After casting Overdrive, the Witch may not vote any further in Angel chat (but are still allowed to post in it). Living players are not informed of Overdrive occurring.

    {Death} Roles are not revealed upon death.

    {Lynching} Lynch voting is a non-compulsorily majority vote that takes place during each day phase. In this slumber party, the player would essentially fling a pillow at the target. The lynched victim would thus be clobbered by pillows during a pillow fight and thus perish. If no majority is reached, the Master of Mamo (if alive) may pick someone to lynch.

    {Compulsory Lynching} Lynch voting becomes plurality vote at 4 players or less (random tiebreak), and no-lynch is not allowed. When exactly two players remain at the start of a day phase, the win goes to (in order) the Gay BFF’s galpal/Master of Mamo/Witch.

    The Nessperado can tie with the Witch.

    All other roles lose to a Witch 1v1.

    {Day Phases & Lynch-Voting} The Day Phase will last for a maximum of 48 hours, ending instantly when a Majority Lynch vote is reached. To ensure sufficient time for discussion each day, there are now two different types of Lynch votes:

    • a Deadline vote, where your lynch vote will be counted at the end of the day.
    • a Standard vote, where your lynch vote is counted immediately.

    To cast a Deadline vote, say: Deadline vote: Player
    To cast a Standard vote, say: Lynch vote: Player

    You can rescind or change a Deadline vote at any time before the end of the Day Phase. You can do the same for a Standard vote at any time before a Majority Lynch is reached.

    Night Phases last for 24 hours.


    The Possible Roles

    These roles have been named with a certain adherence for lulzy roleplaying. Each potential player has already named one role after herself, appearing below.


    These are the people of the Town or “Femme Nation”. As the uninformed majority, they must attempt to preserve the intergalactic conference, the Slumber Party, and eradicate the Witches. They will normally do this by voting during the Day on who shall be lynched and killed in the Pillow Fight.

    Batshit Batmanus (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Cop or Investigator in normal games of Mafia. The crown jewel of the Femme Nation, a Batshit Batmanus is a special operative who has been trained in clairvoyance and psionic powers since birth. Although prone to the disease Capsloxic Allcapts, the Batshit Batmanus have reputedly hunted and killed Witches, especially the foul Kaidashians. To underestimate the Batshit Batmanus’s psychic abilities to sense Kaidashians would be a death sentence.
    - Can investigate one person each Night to see if she is a Witch

    Kneedle of Arya (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Acolyte in special games of tinyhunt. Kneedles are cyborgs produced by the international LUNGS Corporation. The Kneedles manufactured by Arya, under the label of Stark Industries, are specifically attuned to the mad, telepathic signatures of the Batshit Batmanus. Consequently, Kneedles of Arya can recognize the Batshit Batmanus, even when incognito.
    - Is Informed of the Batshit Batmanus's identity​

    Shamanalyst (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Spiritualist in special games of tinyhunt. Shamanalysts are sages who research divine studies of netherworlds and dreams. These women frequently choose to observe from the sidelines, instead of participating in the fray. Their use of medications (made from geese feathers and white powders) from the local “chemist” allow them to access the Universal Female Unconsciousness and communicate with Angels.
    - Every night, can discover the Angels’ Protection target ​

    Master of Mamo (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Governor in normal games of Mafia or Judge in special games of tinyhunt. As Canadian ambassadors from the Jedi planet of Corellia, Masters of Mamo oversee the important conferences such as the Slumber Party. Although they may seem friendly, benign or lazy to the naked eye, these Masters control wild, lesbian beasts from the distant land of Sinnoh. When no consensus has been reached within a conference, the Master of Mamo will unleash her brutal swine until the majority agrees to her wishes.
    - If the Lynch vote is deadlocked or no-lynch, the Master of Mamo may determine the Lynch target[/B]​

    Quinanya (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Vigilante in normal games of Mafia. The Quinanya is a wealthy billionaire who is renowned for her coquettish and playboy antics. Even though she chose to visit the Slumber Party to listen to new legislation regarding tax cuts to her company, Quinanya instead chooses to frolic with the busty, female strippers at the Slumber Party. However, this frivolous side is merely a mask. At night, Quinanya moonlights at a masked renegade who fights for justice (and candy-canes). Unlike other delegates of Femme Nation, Quinanya will step outside the law and kill another person if she deems that injustice has been committed.
    - Can kill a target at Night if there were two consecutive mislynches. After a possible Quinanya Kill (whether used or not), the mislynch counter resets to zero. ​

    Easy Cheese (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Eager Cadet and Beauty in special games of tinyhunt. Easy Cheese is an epicurean scientist whose interests include Chemistry and, well, cheese. Her tendency to combine these two loves has resulted in semi-sentient concoctions before, from Mozzarella Monster to Roaring Roquefort. Her love for cheese has also enabled her to invent special foods for Femme Nation, including Brie that can improve memory and Parmesan which can entice the Angels from the netherworld.
    - The Angels know the Easy Cheese’s identity through the power of Parmesan.
    - Can create, once per game, a Mozzarella Monster during the Night to publicly announce the next Day that “THE MOZZARELLA LIVES!”​

    Saint Mutt (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Martyr in special games of tinyhunt. Hailing from the Twilight Churches, Saint Mutt is a consecrated woman with unearthly powers. She is rather cynical and jaded for a saint, however, and will kick your butt if you touch her south of the border, especially if you refuse to give her apples. Although she does not hold a “universal, altruistic love” for all womankind as expected of someone holy, Saint Mutt will willingly sacrifice herself and use her sacred, martyred powers to resurrect one victim of the Witches.
    - At Night, Saint Mutt may die to Save the player the Witches Kill ​

    Nessperado (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Desperado in special games of tinyhunt. Nessperado is a debatably Scottish girl who may or may not exist when you attempt to talk to her. She can be rather elusive, darting away whenever a stranger approaches. Oddly enough, interesting pictures of the Nessperado do apparently exist, though. As a jingoistic denizen of the Femme Nation, she can summon a great deal of patriotism. Consequently, she will voluntarily die for her country in order to kill another person.
    - Nessperado may commit suicide to immediately determine the Lynch target, so long as a majority has not been reached.

    Prancing Protester (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Dancer in special games of tinyhunt. Dancing her way from Wall Street to Ollie Kingdom, Prancing Protester is a political activist who has plucky resolve. She is aware of many flaws within Femme Nation and is determined to fix them at the Slumber Party, protesting and broadcasting certain political views. These views will be broadcasted to the public in the form of snazzy, little slogans. However, those slogans can be a bit faulty at times, if odd.
    - At Night, you may Protest to announce to all players the next Day with a quirky political slogan. ​

    Rayndrogynous Rider (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Pope in special games of tinyhunt. Rayndrogynous Riders originate from a bizarre planet which every sixty years hosts a battle to the death between seven contestants. After the LUNGS Corporation concluded the last battle with little dexterity, a Rayndrogrynous Rider has been sent to the Slumber Party to protect the others delegates, including the Quinanya and Kneedle. The Rider uses powers derived from her gender ambiguity to clairvoyantly check every delegate of Witch DNA, ensuring that nobody else keeps up with the Kaidashians. However, LUNGS programmed the Rider’s cybernetic add-on so that the auto-check only activates once the Rider’s testosterone levels peak.
    - On the Night when only 4 (or less) women remain in the Slumber Party, testosterone levels peak, and you automatically Check all living players. ​


    These roles are the Mafia or “the Beastly Confederation of Witches”. As the informed minority, the Witches will attempt to overthrow the current regime and kill all the delegates of Femme Nation. They can communicate with other Witches and are able to vote on a single person to kill each night.

    Dromeosaurus (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Godfather in normal games of Mafia and Demon in special games of tinyhunt. A truly wicked witch, the Dromeosaurus is the leader of the Beastly Confederation and the mastermind behind this womanity conflict. She will use her feminine wiles to crush and devour anybody who stands in her way, particularly people who dare to abandon her cherished WKTF Romhack project. If consensus on the Night Kill cannot be reached by the Witches, Dromeosaurus can step in at the last moment (see rules) to determine a target. Dromeosaurus also possesses a prescient power from the North to spy on the Batshit Batmanus’s brain, learning the probability of the Witches being discovered.
    - Communication with other Witches via PMs and QuickTopics
    - Can vote to target a person to be killed during night phase
    - Will be informed of Batshit Batmanus's investigation target through the Winterfell BRAINSTORM
    - Can determine which person to target for kill if no consensus reached

    Insectaraptor (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Occultist in special games of tinyhunt. Insectaraptors are especially vicious among the shapeshifting beasts. Gifted with the Demon Mayor’s blessings, the Insectaraptor has travelled to the Slumber Party in order to devour the Rayndrogynous Rider with whom she shared a LUNGS battle. Although her Praying Mantis Kung fu is deadly, this Witch famously possesses psychedelic coffee which enables the drinker to access the Universal Female Unconsciousness (UFU), thusly spying on Angels.
    - Communication with other Witches via PMs and QuickTopics
    - Will be informed of the Angel’s Protection target. If you are lynched on the first day, the Witches are informed of the Easy Cheese’s identity.
    - Can vote to target a person to be killed during night phase​

    Scumapotamus (max: 1):
    Role is similar to Killer in special games of tinyhunt. Scumapotamus originates from a distant, sunny land of palm trees and pornography. Gifted at shapeshifting, she can expand her body into that of a hungry hippopotamus to crush her victims, from wayward Travellers to interracial Lovers. While her bloodthirsty demeanor results in multiple deaths, Scumapotamus’s tendency to attract fanboys often saves her from a grisly fate. Scumapotamus, being so bloodthirsty, will be the most ardent in Spiking other people’s drinks. She’ll even use her Adobe prowess to hunt down her next victim within the Slumber Party. Consequently, her rampaging kills are usually successful.
    - Communication with other Witches via PMs and QuickTopics
    - When Scumapotamus attempts to Spike, if she is incorrect in her match AND she have killed 2 or less players with her Spike, the person she incorrectly Matched dies anyway. All other effects from incorrect Spike are as normal
    - Can vote to target a person to be killed during night phase​

    Certain roles may not have been drawn for a particular game. Slots are randomly drawn and players are randomly assigned a role via the use of a generator designed for Mafia games (link: here).

    General Information/Rules for TL;DR
    - Modkills can happen, if a transgression has been made.
    - During the day, everyone can post whatever accusations they like.
    - During the night, posts are prohibited (thread will likely be locked).
    - Players who cheat or violate rules will be killed and removed from play (their roles revealed).
    - Voting during the day is done as follows: Deadline vote: Player (for Deadline Votes) or Lynch vote: Player (for Standard Votes), without brackets. Must be in bold. Must be in this thread. It is a public vote. I will update with a tally whenever possible.
    - To rescind a vote, write Rescind Vote and then start the process anew.

    Only the following (14) individuals have permission to participate in this thread:

    1and1is3, Anya, Ashaya, CheddarTrek, Gila, insectamantidae, jadedmutt, LochNess, Lindsey, Little Knee, Palindrome, Schadenfreude, Vira, and Zeitgeist (Host).

    All other individuals will have their posts deleted.

    Waiting List (a.k.a. if you don't post, these people take your role):

    1. Lady Sorrows
    2. Lightfighter
    3. Irene

    All PMs and QTs have been set-up. Players may now begin to post, after confirming that they have received their PMs by posting in their QTs.


    ---------- Post automerged at 04:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 AM ----------

    Posting is permitted in this thread until somebody is killed in a pillow fight or at the latest: 12:10PM EST on 11 December 2011.

    13 people remaining; 7 votes to crush with pillows.

    Day 1 has started.

    Remember, before you can vote to crush somebody with pillows ("pillow-lynch"), you must elect a galpal for the Gay BFF. The winner, the player with the majority vote, will be allowed to name the BFF whomever she wants. [nb: Don't forget that I'm your Host. :3]

    The format for voting for a potential galpal, in the correct format:

    Elect Galpal: PLAYER'S NAME
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2011
  2. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    Okay everyone, let's get down to business. I know all girls always hope for a Gay BFF but let's not be too selfish in wanting fashion advice, relationship support and someone agreeing with our every idea.

    If the Gay BFF goes to a witch, then they will have an extra vote and be unable to be checked by the Batshit Batmanus. Of course the witches will know that so why would the attention to themselves knowing us females are bloodthirsty and have our pillows ready? Unless of course they realize that that will be our train of thought and decide to take the gamble.

    My hope is that one of the innocent roles with no great power gets it. If one of the stronger roles gets it, they have a greater chance of being lynched than they normally would, and if a lesser role is lynched, of course it is a great loss for us girlies, but a better choice than killing a more powerful role. Of course there is every chance that no one is lynched at all.

    That was a lot of rambling, and maybe useless posting but it's my first time playing and I am just typing things out as I think of them.
  3. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    First thing's first:

    HOMESTUCK. <333333

    Anyways, what do you girls want to do with the gay guy? I kinda want to kick him out because he has a penis and stuff, but he is looking kind of... girly. <_<
  4. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Well, I think that Zeitgeist should be our gay BFF. I don't particularly want a gay BFF, but I also don't trust any of you. I'll give a few other girls some time to talk, then nominate one of you, I think.
  5. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I've also little desire for a gay BFF, but I'd be nervous leaving him to the machinations of some of you gals. Who would be a good choice...
  6. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Vira: yesss. Homestuck. <3

    Righty then! I'd be up for getting the Gay BFF if you guys would like - I'm not especially important a role.

    Although at this point we're pretty much obliged to name the Gay BFF Zeitgeist, and all his promising of revenge isn't exactly doing much to make it look appealing. :p
  7. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Where has he promised revenge at? Hmm, perhaps whoever gets it should name it Zeitgeist in that case. Though I am understandably wary of anyone who wants it.
  8. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Yeah, he absolutely has to be Zeitgeist. I'm still waiting for more of you to post before I cast my vote.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 AM ----------

    Well, actually, if I won, my gay BFF would be Sree, of course.
  9. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Not Taure?
  10. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Haha, it was a running joke that it was going to be called Zeitgeist, and Zeit's threatened revenge on IRC and such. :>
  11. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    Also gonna wait before voting for Palindrome. I feel I shouldn't vote for someone because they are the only option.

    Is there any reason you think you would be good for it/ want it besides having a not so important role?
  12. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Palindrome isn't the only option though is she? We could vote for anyone regardless of whether or not they say they want it, yeah?
  13. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Before I went to sleep, I also wanted to tell you that you have 36 hours to pick a girl for the Gay BFF, or else a galpal is randomly picked.

    Another reminder that you should post at least TWICE per 24 hours. Yes, some of you have tough commitments, but this is a short game and shouldn't involve too much effort. A post cannot consist solely of a vote; there should be more there than just the bold text. Don't worry, though. This is a simple, relaxed game, so it shouldn't cause you an aneurysm.

    Happy Witch-hunting, everybody! May you make Lady Tinn proud. And yes, people are jokingly said that the Gay BFF could be named after me. All I said was that the galpal would have some balls to do that, when I'm the Host. :>

    7 votes needed to elect a galpal for the Gay BFF

    Yet to vote: 1and1is3, Anya, Ashaya, CheddarTrek, Gila, insectamantidae, jadedmutt, LochNess, Lindsey, Little Knee, Palindrome, Schadenfreude, and Vira

    P.S. I know it's obvious, but revealing any info from your private QTs would be foolish, with the possibility of Spiking. ^^
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2011
  14. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    That's true Cheddar but then it is completely random and I feel you are really taking your chances of maybe giving it to a strong power role / witch who didn't ask for it.
  15. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    No, he isn't gay. Sree is, though.

    Well, Palindrome could be a witch as well. We're taking a chance no matter what.
  16. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    I know but not so much of a chance picking the priest or something this way. Unless the priest volunteers themselves.. But that wouldn't be a smart choice in my opinion and I hope they don't
  17. Anya

    Anya Harley Quinn DLP Supporter

    Feb 26, 2008
    Arkham City
    Maybe one of the more experienced players should be the Gay BFF? I know that Ashaya has played before, but who else?
  18. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    What about you Anya? Are you a n00b to Mafia?
  19. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Ash has a 10 inch clit that she assfucks Klael with.

  20. Gila

    Gila Second Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2011
    I would rather have a newer player get the friend, because while the extra vote is kinda visible, the investigation immunity benefits scum who are skilled enough to not behave scummy the most. If a new player is witchy, they will probably not be as good at hiding it.