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META MAFIA - Episode I: Slumber Party || Concluded [FEMME NATION Win]

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Zeitgeist, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. Schadenfreude

    Schadenfreude Fourth Year

    Jul 16, 2010
    I should outright defend myself? You know, that's probably a good idea, now that I think about it. I thought simply trying to contribute a bit more would show that I just don't have much to say, but I'm terrible at contributing, so that kind of failed. I dislike repeating what other people have already said, so I guess most of my suspicions have gone unvoiced. I'll get on that.

    But later, because right now there's a whole bunch of Christmas preparation that my mum is dragging me off my computer for.
  2. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Just a reminder that you guys have approximately five hours and forty minutes to make a decision, according to this. I recognise that it is the alcohol Christmas season, so I'm being lenient when it comes to meeting the 2 post per 24 Hours rule. However, I don't think I'll be able to grant an extension when it comes to lynching. Please, put in a lynch vote for anything before you leave. Not lynching will force you to rely on the Master of Mamo again (if she is even alive), which isn't really a fun alternative.

    The point of Deadline votes, which CheddarTrek recognised, is that they allow you to put in a tentative decision which isn't particularly binding in case you won't be around for the end of Day 2. Please utilise this Deadline Vote convention.

    Anya: 0 (+1)
    CheddarTrek [Deadline Vote]
    insectamantidae: 0 (+2)
    Gila [Deadline Vote], LochNess [Deadline Vote]
    6 votes needed to crush somebody with a pillow
    Yet to vote: 1and1is3, Anya (+ Calz the Gay BFF), Ashaya, insectamantidae, jadedmutt, Lindsey, Schadenfreude, and Vira
  3. insectamantidae

    insectamantidae Professor

    Dec 24, 2007
    Somewhere in central MA
    My apologies, Ladies.

    rant/ In real life, I am a supervisor for United Parcel Service, and I work out of the Worcester Hub, which is the only major sort facility which runs 24/6 during the holiday season in the Northeast. We're the only stop-over between Boston and New York, Boston and Syracuse, and Boston and Hartford. All the major highways (where the 18 wheelers can drive fast) run through Worcester we're on top of 5 major interstates. That being said, we have had to process over 400,000 packages in the last 48 hours. Not fun. I monitor the hazmat response team, and the safety process for a huge facility, with 250+ employees per shift x 4 shifts. In addition to Grad school applications for the PhD, in addition to having my own Christmas gifts to buy... at this point? Everyone's getting a gift card. That's why I haven't posted, and I am massivly sorry.

    When this game started, it wasn't so hectic, and finals were winding down. Then there was nothing - no response to my pm to the host regarding whether the game would go on - no promise the thread would continue... and since I had no indication the game was afoot, and I was needing extra cash for application fees I signed up to work a few extra shifts. So yeah - no time for the interwebs.

    Frankly? I'm thrilled we're still playing, and after tomorrow at 5 pm.... Christmas ends, and I go back to a normal work day, with normal hours, and normal volume of packages. Until Valentine's day, when we get crushed again. ah well.


    I think Little Knee was smothered because the 'saurs know she's useful as a player, and wanted to take her out to handicap our ability to take the witches on.

    Think about it this way - Little knee is incredibly clever, and now she's not useful to us at all. We can only hope for her good will as an angel to defend us.

    I thought Lindsay was suspicious....But it is Christmas, and she has guests, so her lack of posting is completely understandable. I hope mine is - I hope to be allowed to live, as I can be useful in a pillow fight, and I have a car - I can run for supplies!

    And there's the 2 minutes until the end of break warning, so I'm back on the clock. I'll check in soon!
  4. Anya

    Anya Harley Quinn DLP Supporter

    Feb 26, 2008
    Arkham City
    Time is running out and I don't know who to choose!
  5. insectamantidae

    insectamantidae Professor

    Dec 24, 2007
    Somewhere in central MA
    Ahh... internet on my phone, how I love thee...

    Deadline vote: Lindsey (because she's still kind of suspicious to me)
  6. Mutt

    Mutt High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2010
    Deadline Vote: Lindsey

    Simply because I trust her the least. She has a lot of excuses.
  7. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I'd rather all of us choose the lynch rather than relying on the Master of Mamo (if she still lives). Therefore:

    Deadline Vote: Lindsey.
  8. Schadenfreude

    Schadenfreude Fourth Year

    Jul 16, 2010
    As much as I'm suspicious of Lindsey, I'm not so much thinking it's that she's a witch, as much as that she might have an important role. Or maybe there's something else. I don't know.

    Either way, this;

    Rang a chord with me, and tipped the scale.

    Deadline Vote: 1and1is3

  9. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    I almost want you guys to vote me off, as I feel I almost don't have enough time to be a good player until after Christmas. At the same time... I don't wanna die.

    My Opinion
    1and1is3 totally supported Insecta out of the blue. Now, suddenly, Insecta comes back and votes for the person that might get a lot of votes because of the previous round (me). She does not explain why she is still suspicious, especially when she has been inactive. As she just stated, she has not been active for her job, which means she didn't have enough time to seriously think about previous posts.

    She even mentions in her post before mine:

    Then, out of nowhere she votes for me, and everyone jumps to follow. This takes any suspension from her and 1and1is3 this round.

    This just reeks of scumminess to me. I've already defended myself last round, if you guys still think I'm more suspicious than this... What can I do?

    Deadline Vote: insectamantidae
  10. Anya

    Anya Harley Quinn DLP Supporter

    Feb 26, 2008
    Arkham City
    I'm going to follow Lindsey and vote for :

    Deadline Vote: insectamantidae.

    Same reasons as Lindsey.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2011
  11. Schadenfreude

    Schadenfreude Fourth Year

    Jul 16, 2010
    Rescind Vote: 1and1is3
    Deadline Vote: insectamantidae

    Changing because I agree with Lindsey's reasoning, and in the hope that we actually get a lynch this time. As stated before, those are easier to draw conclusions from than if the Master of Mamo gets to decide.
  12. Gila

    Gila Second Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2011
    We've got 5 votes deadline or otherwise on insectamantidae, two on Lindsey and one on Anya and I'm pretty sure the day is just about over. Puppies are sad.
  13. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    We actually got six, because Anya votes twice.

    So Anya AND her Gay BFF, Gila, Schadenfreude, Lochness and me.

    That would be six, right?
  14. Gila

    Gila Second Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2011
    Oh yeah, I forgot about Calz, sorry. I'm not sure I'm perfectly happy with this wagon considering I started it, but I still think some smother is better than no smother.
  15. Schadenfreude

    Schadenfreude Fourth Year

    Jul 16, 2010
    How many votes do we need for a smother, anyway? I'm not quite clear on that.
  16. Gila

    Gila Second Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2011
    It says with pink on the last smother vote count that we need 6 so I presume that is accurate.
  17. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Stop. Traveller time. And before you ask, Traveller time differs from regular time in that it speaks in third person and gets killed by Ashaya, and thus, is superior.

    Hey girls, Zeit's without internet right now, and will be able to get back to hosting and stuff in a couple of days, but he asked me to end the day and stuff. 2 hours late, but hey, I'm just the messenger boy.

    Anya: 0 (+1)
    CheddarTrek [Deadline Vote]
    insectamantidae: 0 (+6)
    Gila [Deadline Vote], LochNess [Deadline Vote], Lindsey [Deadline Vote], Anya [Deadline Vote], Calz the Gay BFF [Deadline Vote], Schadenfreude [Deadline Vote].
    Lindsey: 0 (+3)
    Jadedmutt [Deadline Vote], insectamantidae [Deadline Vote], Vira [Deadline Vote].
    Consensus was reached.
    Did not vote: Ashaya.


    Somewhat expected, but still strange, events happen as the day ends at the Slumber Party...

    A consensus was reached. The Slumber Party has chosen to kill insectamantidae through a violent Pillow Fight. Dun dun dun.


    Traveller's Log.

    The Traveller doesn't know what to make of this. The Traveller has seen many crazy and traumatising things before, but none crazier and traumatising-er than this.

    No, not even Woodstock. Not even the great Lungs Train Groping of 2011. Not even that one episode of Happy Days where Fonzie jumped a shark, though that was more crazily traumatisingly awesome.

    The Traveller was called in today as a favour to The Host With The Most, to quickly oversee the status of some kind of slumber party - and the words "slumber party" quickly get The Traveller's attention - and then count the votes of those wanting to get into a pillow fight with a certain person. The Traveller doesn't see why they can't all be pillow fighting at one time, though The Host From The Coast mentioned something like it being degrading to women yadda yadda... The consensus had to be six, and six was reached.

    The Traveller was expecting a pillow fight, as per the instructions.

    The Traveller was NOT expecting the girls to immediately jump on another girl and smother her to fucking death with a pillow. Not even kidding. They approached the girl, insectamantidae and, well, Gila and Lindsey pinned her wrists and legs, while Lochness and Schadenfreude plumped a pillow, and handed it off to Anya and her Gay BFF-looking fellow, Calz. Then, Anya had her manservant stuff the pillow down insectamantidae's throat, like some kind of reverse magic trick - the handkerchief thing, but with a pillow and oh sweet Jesus -

    Insectamantidae died slowly. The girls cheered when it was all over, and quickly made plans to eat cupcakes and talk about Power Rangers or something.

    What. Just what.

    The Traveller is sure there is a funny and cute way to spin this, perhaps wrap it all up in a fluffy feminine bow. Maybe insectamantidae was a murdering psychopath, hence the consensus, but that... That was just...

    Then The Traveller realised. There in the corner, the only one who didn't vote, was Ashaya. As in, Ashaya who once killed The Traveller in a past mafia game. As in Ashaya Fucking Traveller Slayer.

    No. Wonder.

    No favour for The Host With No Boast was worth this. The Traveller has seen the face of true evil now.

    Traveller out. Of the country. Of the world. Of the universe. Of time itself.


    Insectamantidae was clobbered and sent to the Universal Female Unconsciousness as an Angel.

    Posting in this thread is prohibited until Day 3.

    Players with night actions need to bold their actions when posting in their QT. Failure to use the correct format might result in recording a non-action by me in the player log. And by me, I mean Zeit. Moreover, I will response in your QT to confirm your action. Again, I mean Zeit. Zeit does this work. Not me.

    Only the following (11) individuals have permission to post in this thread (After I'm done intruding, of course):

    1and1is3, Anya, Ashaya, CheddarTrek, Gila, jadedmutt, LochNess, Lindsey, Schadenfreude, Vira, and Zeitgeist (Host).

    Graveyard: 3
    Little Knee (MamoSwined), Palindrome (Devoured by Witches), Insectamantidae (Smothered)

    Night 2 has started.


    Sorry for the intrusion, hope it was painless. There was no way I was going to be able to capture Zeit's flavour - no chance in hell, that's way too unique for me - so I instead went with "random person comes in and leaves traumatised". Not to say I am traumatised, ladies. Just less sane than before.

    Day's over, no posting. Pew pew pew.
  18. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Before I start, I must say a few words...

    MERRY CHRISTMAS, everybody!

    [Once again, I remind you that flavour text is just flavour text. It doesn't necessarily reflect the game-state. Infer at your own peril]

    Night 2 has concluded.


    More shenanigans awaken the dawn at the Slumber Party....

    The Beastly Witches have made another move, preparing their fangs for a zesty meal...


    Calz looked around the room, staring at each of the girls sitting near him. It was early in the morning, with dawn’s morning light filtering through the windows like a knife. He was awake at this ungodly hour because it was Christmas Day; he – and the other girls around him for that matter – wanted to unwrap the presents at the base of the Christmas tree. Who wouldn’t want to open gifts? Excitement bubbled within Calz, who braced his fists with anticipation.

    “Okay, time for Secret Santa!” announced Gila, standing up. “Everybody has placed their gifts under the tree? Remember who you were assigned?”

    The group nodded, when Ashaya leapt to her feet. She had a crazed sparkle in her eyes, reminding Calz of a hungry hyena – in heat.

    “I’ll go first! Which one is my present? The big pink one?” asked Ashaya, excited. She picked up the parcel and shook it. “Oooh, sounds like a video console. ‘To Ashaya, From Jadedmutt’! Aw, thanks!”

    Grinning, Ashaya ripped off the pink wrapping paper, peering at the contents of the gift; her face fell into an unfathomable expression that was anything but joy. Definitely not joy. Ashaya trembled.

    “You got me… bathroom scales.”

    “Yes, so you can weigh yourself,” answered Jadedmutt, cheerfully. “I overheard you telling your buddy Sree that your New Year’s Resolution was losing 2 kilos? This way, you can check your progress as you go.”

    Jadedmutt continued, as Ashaya stared at the scales. “By the way, good on you for trying to lose your weight. I think it’s great to try and lose your Christmas pounds.” She sounded thoughtful. “Heaven knows how much the holidays can add the kilos –”

    “I’M NOT FAT!” screamed Ashaya, cutting off Jadedmutt’s enthusiastic speech.

    Jadedmutt sputtered when Ashaya threw the gift at her face. “Fuck you, just because I ate a few chocolate cupcakes. They had linseed – they were a healthy treat! Everybody indulges a little… don’t they?”

    “But I thought you wanted to lose – ” Jadedmutt tried to explain.

    I’M NOT FAT!”

    Gila, sensing that Ashaya was about to burst either into tears or into a murderous rage, cleared her voice. She wisely changed the topic, cutting through this tense interaction: “Okay, let’s move on. Who’s next? Lindsey?”

    Lindsey nodded and picked up the small, blue parcel that was closest to the tree. “Mine is from… Vira?”

    Vira, the bored-looking woman lounging on the sofa, looked at Lindsey when her name was mentioned. The woman yawned and lazily waved her hand. “Yeah, I was your Santa. Whatever.”

    “Uh, your gift seems a little… light,” said Lindsey mildly.

    ‘Light’ was an understatement: the box was barely the size of a paper sheet and probably weighed less. When Lindsey squeezed the gift, it threatened to crumple into a silly mess. Apprehensive, Lindsey glanced at Vira, who had now pointed her chin at the ceiling, as though she were balancing an invisible object.

    “Maybe it’s a gift card or money. Probably money. It’s gotta be money…”

    Lindsey reassured herself, while she gingerly opened her parcel. She was sorely disappointed; disbelief clung to her voice.

    “Wrapping paper,” stated Lindsey, cradling the flimsy gift. “Wrapping paper as a Christmas present.”

    “Not just any wrapping paper,” Vira said, propping herself upright on the couch. “Look at it carefully.”

    Reluctantly, Lindsey examined her gift: the paper was covered with repeating emblems of a cake with candles, above which were the words ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’! However, somebody had gotten a blue marker and hastily written ‘Jesus’ under the cakes, so that those repetitive words now read ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jesus!’ Vira appeared vaguely pleased – or as pleased as she could muster under her neutral, languid expression.

    “They ran out of the traditional Christmas wrapping paper at the store, so I improvised using the birthday-themed ones.” Vira explained to the silent Lindsey. “Tada. Instant holiday wrapping paper. Merry Christmas.”

    Anya interceded. “I’m next! Green one by the fireplace, quick!”

    Gila passed the parcel to Anya after reading it. “It’s from LochNess.”

    Anya raised an eyebrow when she saw the contents of her present. She lifted it into the morning light, allowing her BFF Calz to catch a glimpse. A magazine, glossy with big, red font. Pictures of flexing, shirtless men sprawled across the covers; the models were wearing nothing but flimsy g-strings. Above the Japanese man was the title: ‘Men For Your Pleasure’. Anya flipped through the pages, stopping at the cover-shoot on the Australian male model, Tehan. She pouted.

    “It’s nice,” said Anya, “but I really don’t think this is for my tastes.”

    “Really?” Ashaya was curious. “But these men are so hot. I could make sweet music to the German one at the back cover, although not that Australian one, Tehan. Ew, chin dimples.”

    Anya made an awkward cough. “Yeah, it’s not my thing. There are probably better magazines out there, like ‘Vogue’ or ‘ELLE’.” She sighed happily. “Mila Kunis did a swimsuit shoot in that one. I like those magazines more.”

    “For their exposés on fashion?” asked Lindsey.

    “Sure, that can be my reason,” was Anya’s evaise reply.

    Bemused, Schadenfreude scanned her surroundings, frowning when she couldn’t find the object of her thoughts. She spoke up, grabbing the attention of the other girls; Calz was too busy tearing and pocketing pictures from Anya’s magazines to care.

    “Talking about LochNess, where is she?” asked Schadenfreude, pondering. “And on that note, 1and1is3 as well. Has anybody seen them?”

    “Not sure.” Jadedmutt sounded concerned. “Now that you mention it, they said that they had to meet somebody yesterday. I wonder if they’ve come back yet…”

    The next event happened suddenly. While Gila was reaching for her present under the tree, screams sounded from the kitchens. Immediately, Lindsey and Anya jumped to their feet and raced to the source of the noise. The others were in quick pursuit. What the delegates saw in the kitchens was a terrifying sight: LochNess and 1and1is3, strung up like Christmas bon-bons waiting to be cracked. Tinsel flowed from their mouths. It also didn’t help that parts of their bodies were missing.

    “Jesus, not again!” CheddarTrek said. “And here, I thought that nobody would die because it’s the Christmas season. Holidays are meant to be fun.”

    “Isn’t Christmas meant to be fun?” CheddarTrek addressed Ashaya, who was in the middle of sighing with relief.

    “I wouldn’t know. I’m Jewish,” deadpanned Ashaya.


    Last night, the residential district for Delegates were invaded. 1and1is3 and LochNess were killed and sent to the Universal Female Unconsciousness as Angels.

    Posting is permitted in this thread until somebody is killed in a pillow fight or at the latest: 06:30AM EST on 27 December 2011.

    Players, especially info-roles, should check their QTs for any updates. Please PM me if there are any problems. I know that it is the holiday season and that recent developments in this thread may have delayed our progress, but please do not forget the minimum posting requirement: 2 post per 24 Hours.

    Only the following (9) individuals have permission to post in this thread:

    Anya, Ashaya, CheddarTrek, Gila, jadedmutt, Lindsey, Schadenfreude, Vira, and Zeitgeist (Host).

    Graveyard: 3
    Little Knee (MamoSwined), Palindrome (Devoured by Witches), Insectamantidae (Smothered), 1and1is3 (Strung like a Bon-Bon), LochNess (Strung like a Bon-Bon)

    Day 3 has started.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2011
  19. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    First of all, RIP LochNess and 1and1isthree. Disappointing that there were two deaths last night.

    Sorry that I didn't vote on Day 2, I slept for like 19 hours that day. I wouldn't have voted for insecta anyway, so that's a bit disappointing.
  20. Anya

    Anya Harley Quinn DLP Supporter

    Feb 26, 2008
    Arkham City
    I don't really understand how two people were killed. 'tis not fair. :(

    Why would they kill them? Does any one have any theories?