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Midknight... Happy Birthday!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dark Syaoran, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. Jheph

    Jheph Groundskeeper

    Jun 15, 2006
    Belated Happy Birthday!

    Have a nice and pleasant vacation.
  2. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Happy Birthday belatedly man, I look forward to showing you the ultimate power of The Scout Assassin. <_<
  3. Lord Apophis

    Lord Apophis Professor

    Jun 16, 2006
    Happy Belated Birthday!
  4. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Jon did you manage to get Tribes 2 working yet?

    Here's some links


    Tribes 2 Game Files:
    Tribes 2 - Latest Re-Release Retail Version
    Tribes 2 - Latest Re-Release Retail Version

    The Tribes 2 key promotion has ended and therefore you will either require a key obtained previously from the promotion or from the retail version.

    Tribes 2 Update Files:
    Tribes 2 Patch 21570 - 25034 - Required For Classic Retail Version Only

    Tribes 2 Classic Modification: (DONT worry about)
    Tribes 2 Classic 1.5.2 - Required For Server or Offline Play Only

    Tribes 2 Anti-Cheat Software: (DONT worry about)
    Defense Turret 1.15 - Required For Online Play
    Defense Turret 1.15 - Required For Online Play

    Tribes 2 Scripts:
    NixFix Slingscripts - Client Side Scripting Modifications

    Tribes 2 Map Packs:
    TWLMapPack - Required For Online Play
    TWLMapPack2 - Required For Online Play
    XMapPack2 - Maybe Required For Online Play
    EuroPack2 - Maybe Required For Online Play

    Tribes 2 Patch Error:
    The inability to patch install message is due to the integrity of the installed Tribes 2 files. Uninstall Tribes 2, delete the Tribes 2 directory, reinstall Tribes 2, run the Tribes 2 First Aid Utility, and finally install the Tribes 2 Patch 21570 - 25034.

    Tribes 2 ATI Radeon AntiAliasing Error:
    The ATI Radeon antialiasing error which occurs in game can be corrected by installing the RadeonAAFix script into your base/scripts/autoexec folder. Alternately you can set antialiasing to "Application Controlled" in your display settings.

    Tribes 2 IRC Popup Message Error:
    The IRC popup message error which occurs in game can be removed by installing the noChatError script in your base/scripts/autoexec folder.

    Tribes 2 Startup Error:
    The unhandled exception [ue] error message on startup is due to unaccellerated OpenGL Drivers [Windows Default Drivers] install your video card drivers.

    Tribes 2 Launch Updater:
    Your version (0.25034.0.0) of Tribes 2 is out of date, but there are no updates to update Tribes 2 to the latest version.

    This is the error message you receive when trying to run the latest install of Tribes 2 from the shortcut "T2 online" which was created on your desktop or in your start menu program group. The Tribes 2 Update Server erroneously generates this message as Tribes 2 Version 25034 is the latest update and therefore you are required to follow the "Tribes 2 Launch Setup" directions to amend this problem.

    Tribes 2 Launch Setup:
    Make a new shortcut to the "Tribes 2 Executable" Tribes2.exe and add -online to the end of the commandline. You can also add -login name password to bypass login screen and -mod classic to load the classic mod on startup. These parameters can also be added to the "Defense Turret Executable" dt.exe which is the primary shortcut required for online play.

    Tribes 2 Shortcut Target: "C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\GameData\tribes2.exe" -online -login name password -mod classic
    Defense Turret Shortcut Target: "C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\GameData\dt.exe" -online -login name password -mod classic


    DC was alright, Medevil Times was awesome . The roads in DC are utterly fucked, and I do believe the ebook I read awhile ago about the symbols laid out in the street, b/c no sane person could design roads that way.

    Got home around 11pm Sunday, saw my back door had been pried open, the chain held, and my dog had managed to scare them off evidentally. Poor Floppy had two large chunks taken out of his ears though, dunno if he got him some or if he did that when he stuck his head out the door to bark.

    Cops said they have confirmed complaints of 2 drunk mexicans wandering around causing problems in the parking lot of the gas station behind my house, like 250 feet behind my backdoor. My neighbors across the street complained as well, because they walked through their yard at around 10pm. So that was nice to come home to, but nothing was taken, just let me with a rage to go beat some ass.

    Ironic though, we leave NY b/c of crime, we went to DC worried if it would still be crime riddled like it was in the 80's, then we get home and some drunk fucks have tried to break in, in the middle of bumfuck NC.
  5. Lord Bill

    Lord Bill ¯\(º_o)/¯ DLP Supporter

    Dec 14, 2005
    Watching. Unseen...
    I was just posting a berfdae haiku for Cervy and I realised I had been busy on Middy's b-day and hadn't posting one for him. Shock, horror! So, without further ado, aside from this, this, this and me typing "here it is...", here it is...

    A Family Man.
    Words, deadly as his Banstick,
    n00bs and trollers: Ph34r!

    So, since I missed your birthday, enjoy the rest of your life instead,
  6. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Kinda late, but...Happy Birthday Funshine!

    I'm in India, forgive meh Middy. :p
  7. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    pfft your ppl invented the kama sutra, several positions of which my my birthday better, so you're excused, but next time, bring a bendy Indian girl as an apology!