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Mini Mafia #7 - Concussion Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, May 5, 2016.

  1. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Your shoes didn't fall apart in two weeks.
  2. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    There was a lot of flooding recently.

    I'm probably going to vengekill you for making me walk around in my shower shoes.
  3. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Acionyx: Why aren’t people looking at this guy closer…? Is it a meta thing or something?

    I’m not entirely sure what Acionyx’s reads are supposed to be, as he doesn’t go over them or really explain them (if he has, I missed the post - I admit I’m tired but I was specifically looking.) He hasn’t made definitive statements of where he stands, beyond the beginning very beginning of the game during RVS, specifically (and is that still a thing for him?)

    He’s essentially foregone giving his own thoughts beyond shadowing Newcomb, which whom he apparently has a lot of experience with.

    His stance of me is also worth notice: Posts like #67 have him not mentioning me at all, and #65 he makes a joking statement that I caught the scumteam before him (or something to that effect.) Once Newcomb shows up and claims me to be scum in 108, he responds by stating relief and following newcomb’s lead despite no previous indication of suspecting me (I already noted how he voted me less than 9 posts after Newcomb.)

    This also includes blatant buddying of Newcomb on 108, 114, 116…Yeah, I’m just going to leave that there rather than add 90% of his posts to this list.

    His treatment of the newbies is interesting. When it comes to Jason, he’s essentially been his teacher during every interaction – and while it’s totally normal for the more experienced players to show newbies the ropes, he focuses on Jason the most. I find those interactions to have a sort of sleazy undercurrent of “hey I’m helping you now, so remember that later when it’ll be useful to me.”
    #122 does have him give Miner similar “wise old sage” advice, but that’s only one instance.
    Nothing on demon that I can see.

    On the plus side, I like how he engaged the subject of titus in #94 and #98. His interaction with Newcomb more recently are still mostly shadowing his opinions, but he present his own ideas to support them, which is an improvement.

    -What was your read of me pre-#108?
    Follow up, if Scum, why didn’t you pressure me or ask me any questions whatsoever? What did you gain by doing nothing?

    -Where is Titus in your radar?

    -What made you move your vote to Von?

    -What’s your read on Newcomb, and why is your read such?

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 PM ----------

    Next is fonti, but I'll wait for that to the morning. Sleep now. Night.
  4. Acionyx

    Acionyx Muggle

    Apr 21, 2016
    High Score:
    -I didn't state my read on you in thread beyond asking you to explain what use your question about most dangerous scum was

    -Middleish? More than anything it's that I don't see her aligned with you or snowvon. Independently I'm not thrilled with her and her narutomafia play looks basically the same to me as american gods only with considerably more quantity (and neither of them feel similar to this game). But she's also a personality that I can probably do jackshit with so I'm deferring to others for now

    -Mentioned earlier about his play but his vote on you and acknowledgement of me is not anything I've ever seen out of him before and more recently his move onto titus was unsupported; the fact that he had to go back to look at someone he claimed to have an interest in starting a wagon on says a hell of a lot about how genuine it is

    -Newcomb's play matches what I've seen of him as town and all of his reads are lining up with mine; Eido touted him to me as Eido-jr and our back and forth feels exactly like the times I've dissected games with him in the past. Also independent of that I'm never lynching him because he's been the most fun to play with today


    Not sure where you are right now but since you seem to have an interest in titus can you do her next since it's a fairly short Iso?
  5. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Vote: Sloth

    Back on this wagon. *Looks around* Oh everyone is gone!

    Will switch vote before end of day if the rest of you need another vote to presumably lynch Snowvon.
  6. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    I'll get to Titus after fonti, but a fairly good rule of thumb for her is: If she's sunk her teeth into a target and will not relent or bend regardless of her arguments making no sense or how many people state that it doesn't work, she's town.

    If she's willing to compromise and the day is not almost over, the chance of her being scum goes up considerably, but not necessarily 100%.

    If she's looking to compromise, she's scum.

    I'll go over which one is my thought when I get to her.

    Also...What the hell is with that first reponse.

    There's no benefit at this point in you not telling me what your thoughts on me pre-#108 are.
    Here, let me quote it to you:
    ^That was the question. This was your answer:
    ^This in no way answers the question. I didn't ask you if you wrote anything on me, I asked what you thought and why you thought it. Did you misread?


    ---------- Post automerged at 06:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 AM ----------

    Also also, what is ISO?

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 AM ----------

    My, someone's predictable. Excellent.

    This is the post where you unvoted me.

    That was in #316, and ever since I've had 8 posts starting yesterday afternoon.

    So, in light of that, I want you to outline exactly what in those 8 posts you've found lacking as town and/or strengthened your view of me as scum.

    Either that or was just me reappearing enough for me to put your vote back?

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:07 AM ----------

    Kay, got a client now, be back later.
  7. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    yo - the cast party for my play was suuuuper late and now I have to go to work. On the bright side I'm done with the play stuff for now. On the other hand, Day end at 7 PM yay.

    Sloth these'll be a little rushed, but I did say I'd get back to you, so -

    -Can you give a case on Demon? It feels like you’re bouncing back and forth on him, and lately you’ve dropped his pursuit altogether. Did I miss something?

    Can't give you a full case atm; basically "not a townread" but there are other people I want to lynch more. Acio pointed out the weird cop discussion as being pretty unlikely to come from scum, and I kiiiinda buy that? Also the "does everything I say sound scummy?" comment, also hard to see coming from a relatively new player rolling mafia for the first time. Still not ... really a townread? She also had that one post voting you that I reeeeeeeally didn't like. Can revisit that tomorrow.

    -Has your read on fontisian changed in any significant way? Follow up, have you noticed any odd interactions between her and other players? (Yes, I’m going somewhere with this)

    Since when? I don't have a good track record of trying to hard too read fonti D1. Interactions wise, pretty confident she's not w/w with Citrus. I don't want to live in a world where that was faked. She and Titus are getting along remarkably well, but. That could mean practically anything. My biggest thing with fonti I think is how she's getting ahead of people's reads (I think) and I suppose her general Lack of Fire? Ehh, still not super interested in killing toDay but I'd absolutely put her in the PoE of 5 at this point.

    -…Why do you reeeeeeally doubt this? Will follow up once you’ve answered.

    Because scum!Acio doesn't care about solving the game. That's a purely "help me understand this player" post that's just... above and beyond for scum!Acio I think. I don't know why he'd bother to fake it unless Titus is /with/ him and he's fishing for an excuse to townread her, but like. Come on.

    -What are your thoughts on Kai and Cobalt just saying "give me a pass D1, and I'll sheep you"?

    Actually they didn't say that - I offered the pass if they sheep me. My thoughts are, the Overwatch Open Beta and finals exist, and we're not going to get anything useful out of them. Cobalt miiiiiight do something super town or super scum under pressure, but it's not like there's a total lack of other suspects. Kai would just shitpost more if people yelled at him. So, why not get a double or triple vote out of it, and bring them on board D2, is my thinking? If they're scum it's not like they're not getting PoE'd out anyway.

    -You didn’t give an opinion on Citrus’ “read” of me on #318, despite badgering him about it constantly. I would have that opinion, sir.

    What's there to comment on? He said he read your posts and got "literally nothing." And a weak unalignment with fonti, I guess. Like. There's nothing to say about that other than I kiiiiinda think it makes Citrus more town than not, for sheer cussedness in the face of me badgering him to do things? Of all the people in this game though, Citrus would understand how that would get me to townread him though. Gun to my head Citrus is town here, but like. Meeeeeeeh.

    -When you voted for me in #107, Acio followed suit less than 9 posts later (#116), and then when you switched to Von on #354, Acio was the next one to vote on him, in #375 (i.e. 21 posts later.) Thoughts?

    God I hate this question. If you think Acio's mafia buddying me, just say so. It's not like the thought hasn't crossed my mind.

    My thoughts are that I've never played town against Acio when he's mafia, but when we've both been town it's been characterized by us mindmelding. It's hard to see it as an open pocket attempt because was saying stuff I agreed with even before I started actually playing.

    Basically we're reading the game the same way, so why wouldn't we be voting the same way? No problems with Acio based on this, and booooooo trying to backdoor doubtcast him.

    (man I really the world isn't exactly mafia Acio town Sloth, that's going to look stupid embarrassing if so.)

    -Finally, why did you change your vote? As far as I can tell: A) My wagon was still the strongest, B) most people didn’t (and don’t) have a problem lynching me, C) you still have me as your strongest scumread, D) day wasn’t almost over so it’s not like you had to reach a compromise. What changed?

    Usually not good form to lynch someone who might get replaced, and you hadn't posted in like 2 RL days or something. That combined with Snowvon openly howling ITT made that a pretty easy switch.


    Alright I'll be back like 1-2 hours from deadline fingers crossed.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 AM ----------

    btw people need to place votes. can't see killing outside of Sloth/Snowvon toDay, so like.

    Voting. Wagons. Do the thing.

    be back near deadline
  8. Acionyx

    Acionyx Muggle

    Apr 21, 2016
    High Score:
    Oh misread

    Initially hypertown but it started getting eaten away with the repeat of your question and the jason townread actually registering but I was busy with titus at the time. Newcomb having similar issues solidified it for me
  9. Jason

    Jason Squib

    Mar 31, 2016
    High Score:
    Vote: Snowvon
  10. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Day Ends in 8.5 hours!

    I'll get an official vote count when I get home (a few hours before day end), but it's 7 to soft lynch, 10 to hard lynch.
  11. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    The thing I found most suspicious of all was that once everyone basically switched over to Von because you had been AFK for like two days you showed up again with comprehensive analyses of the most experienced players, all the while failing to defend yourself against the accusations we made against you. Instead, you switched to reading other players.

    While scumhunting generally generates a tr, ignoring questions directed at you while scumhunting seems pretty scummy to me.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ----------

    Also, I never wanted the bw against you to be gone. I wanted there to be at least 2 wagons (here I define wagons as people with at least 2 votes) so that a general sense of alignment could be seen ATVL.
  12. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Townreads disagreeing is natural. Worry if two people always agree for no reason.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------

    I don't nerf my town game to improve my scumgame. That's cheating.
  13. Acionyx

    Acionyx Muggle

    Apr 21, 2016
    High Score:
    Day's running out so lemme see where I am right now



    Town Kinda





    Relevant stuff:

    -Wavered momentarily on sloth but he's so far failed to come to a conclusion on citrus/me in spite of saying things and the things newcomb pointed out about his read on him are legit.

    -Vaimes I'm dead sure is scum because not only is he feeling unnatural from what I've seen of him he's basically duplicating the play of a scum player I caught two games ago (indicating gung-ho interest in the game but not actively pursuing it, acting as though he has a case and then falling flat; the only thing missing is complaining about getting D1 lynched)

    -Demon's kind of POE but also the thing I mentioned earlier about him sort of hammering down on the sloth lynch feels like trying to grab bus-credit

    I can't honestly say I'm mega confident on font/citrus/titus exactly; they end up being more "I don't think they fit /with/ my scumreads" than them being more than lean townreads. Citrus possibly fits with von/sloth? I need to reread him because he's occupying this weird space where he reminds me of his WH12 play but also feels in-your-face-enough to be townish (really font gets an actual townlean because her earlier stance on shaking him matched my private thoughts).
  14. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    It's because people think Sloth is scum, but people think Snowvon is REALLY scum. I will be shocked if Snowvon turns out to be Town, as he effectively 99% decided he was ok with being lynched on like Saturday.

    I'm very glad I'm not on a scum-team with Snowvon/Sloth because with 12 players that would effectively be all my scummates meaning my team got hard-rolled (more due to lack of effort from Snowvon/Sloth than super-work from anyone outside Newcomb and maybe Acionyx)

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 PM ----------

    Actually yeah I basically 100% agree with Acionyx's read-wall except I would place Fontisian at null as well as Jason (because I haven't really paid any attention to any of his posts)
  15. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Vote Count 1.1
    Snowvon (6): Fontisian, Citrus, Titus, Newcomb, Acionyx, Jason
    Sloth (2): Demonturtle, Miner
    Fontisian (1): Sloth
    Miner (1): KaiDASH
    Titus (1): Snowvon

    Abstaining (1): Cobalt

    With 12 alive, it is 7 to soft lynch, and 10 to hard lynch.

    Day Ends in ~3 hours.
  16. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Vote Snowvon

    really need to step up my Neutral game ,_,
  17. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Welp. ^That happened.

    Looks like you live another day, Sloth.


    Vote: Snowvon

    Now 1 left til hammer.
  18. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Close enough, I figured saying Serial Killer would be more provocative.

    You going to try at all to get your win condition? Like full-claim or something? Because it's marginally possible Sloth gets lynched over you, but not if you literally roll over. Or who would you lynch outside Sloth? Anything?
  19. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Citrus, I would happily lynch Sloth over me. Or you. Or Newcomb. Literally anyone. That's how Neutrals work.

    But I also doubt town will let me live for long, so. Eh. I borked it, but I only have myself to disappoint so that's (y).

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:25 ---------- Previous post was at 19:24 ----------

    Vote miner
  20. demonturtle

    demonturtle Squib

    Jul 8, 2014
    Why don't you explain yourself? You still have two hours before the days ends.