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Mountainous Mafia #3: Desperate times, desperate measures

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vaimes, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Osieorb18

    Osieorb18 Muggle

    Apr 12, 2019
    I was thinking from their entrance that their posts feel very superficial, and a quick ISO-skim backs me up on this (I'll do an ISO dive of Keldeo and some others later). I think that Keldeo is trying to throw questions out there to look townie while not following through with those questions or really progressing the game state. It is Day 1, so there's a degree of that from everyone, but it's also a particularly good spot for mafia members to hide. The percentage of fluff in their posts looks to be at that sweet spot where it's slightly more than natural while still being low enough such that it seems to be trying to not appear too scummy.
  2. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    Thanks for the response, I understand. Are there any other votes on you that seem illegitimate in any way?
  3. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Its a high content day 1
    Which has no correlation to those things
  4. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    Who fits both categories to you here?
  5. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Bolded part 1: ignoring breaking the rules of not discussing replacements, meta-wise, 3 people replaced out at around the same time and I can assure you that at least Gemma replaced out because she was not having a fun game.

    Bolded part 2: fire spends about half the post talking about how I'm an outed wolf, and then proceeds to ask/poke fonti's slot about my slot, even though there's like 5000 ways GH could hop on the bandwagon. This is low-effort posting and also reads like he's trying to confirm a lynch onto me for day one and then coast for the rest of the day. Since I haven't seen him show up to anything that I've posted, this makes all the more sense.

    Bolded part 3 is in reference to bolded part 2.

    Bolded part 4: This just reads like "hey guys, let's lynch everyone on Miner's wagon after he flips town (because haha I know he'll flip town), that'll catch all the wolves".
  6. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    I don’t know, just how I naturally think of reads I suppose.

    Tell me more about your meta with Osi.
  7. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Since m7 answered already...

    No i think its a tell you decided not to care about this game because you felt doomed.
    Unfortunately by nature of thread tempersture youre probably right about and could easily think as either alignment.
    Which is pretty lame because i had a fairly light scumread of gemma and i feel much more qualified to read you and now it's almost deadline and the only wagon has been a slot that never really started playing
  8. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Hah! You wouldn't know this but those two bolded/underlined statements are extremely funny to me.

    -Font did nothing as just a joke, she appeared to be joking but stated she was serious from the start at a later point. Surprised me too.
    -In fairness, Font's been very strongly town this whole game so 114 (not 116) is not too early time to make a read on her that was stated to be a lean, imo.
    -Fwiw, I don't see tom as being capable of influencing font without a hell of a lot going for him (i.e. not D1), so I don't see him as a instigator of font's read and subsequent 1v1ing Gemma
    -Are you suggesting a tom/waco/grape world? Later you say (I think) that grape's a townread, so maybe not but I'm clarifying.
    Everything else, noted.

    To answer your questions:
    -It stands out to me, but it's nowhere near as weird as you think, and NAI. It's more of a "think about this later if it comes to that" situation. With Tom, you look at the results far more than the road (he's going to hate me saying this)
    -Wolf!Gemma tries to make sure town!fonti townreads for as long as possible and definitely kills her before fonti can figure her out. Once caught, wolf!Gemma's move is ~probably to stay alive long enough to silence fonti at Night and try to to reverse her read in her absence.
    I'm not too sure what town!Gemma does if fonti (town or scum) comes at her like this, tbf.

    Hm. I (temp) rescind my notion that Umami/tom could be a thing. Both because of this and because while I see scum!tom easily able to fake an interaction like it, I don't think umami can yet fake her legitimate escalating annoyance and shots at him between 360-371.
  9. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    Consider me intrigued, I look forward to that ISO.

    If this is a scum interpretation of Keldeo’s game here, what do you suppose his town game would look like?
  10. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    i'm gonna go ahead and say that you've read me once in the X amount of games we've played together. As far as I can tell Jari isn't in this game.

    Also, wrt to people that are suspect on my wagon, I'd probably take a closer look at Waco. I have no idea what Seratin said about me because I didn't get there in my catchup, but I'll try to find his case.
  11. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Yeah, you're probably going to hate this lol.
    But! Let's talk about your progression on Fonti:

    -159: First mention of suspecting her, in direct response to my joke post. Possible joke too, so I pressed and you described it as "Mostly joking, somewhat serious" in 202, fair enough.

    -212: First mention of #6 as your (admittedly weak/odd) reason to suspect Font, 214 elaborates on it slightly.
    -260, 269, 316, 324, 344 are posts basically longer repeats of these, elaborating on it, and noting how nothing else has really pinged you (you were specifically asked this by a couple of people, myself included)

    -264: You back fonti up on actual, recent game content: "that was a good rebuttal" - though more on that later

    -266: immediately after backing font up in 264, and with no strong reason to scumread her, per your admission, you say this, in response to a post about killing her (and you):
    Which is a damn aggressive stance to take on player even as a scumread.

    -299 is in response to a post that directly asks what I just pointed about 266 above, but you don't address that part of the post. At all.
    What you do is talk font/gemma. After some sleep, you decide "I agree that fonti prob wouldn't react that way as a wolf" - I think this is a final decisive indicator that at the very least you're not scumreading her, and a return to 264.

    I'm just going to ignore any discussion about #6, because I'm tired of it. But I need you to explain 266 and why you went from 0 to 100 and back to 0 with no prompting whatsoever between these 3 posts.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Who currently in her wagon is doing the bussing? By this logic it'd be fonti or tom?
  12. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    God thats so foreign to me. I have to interpret it to <how numbers work> through using rainbow walls as a codex

    I have much osi meta and im bad at reading him and currently just shit talking hes super null
  13. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Hey @Fluffiness

    you're like the last person that I can reminisce about the old days with like a boomer. Get in here and talk. And stop being scared by my activity comments (which, unfortunately, is NAI because you just like to maintain your ability to be AFK for half the game and not be read for it.)
  14. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    I disagree with both of these.

    On the first, I agree with the last sentence, and sort of agree with the first. For the bolded: This is "true" in a very superficial sense. Yes, you can make arguments as any role, but scum often get caught because their arguments, especially when agreeing or disagreeing with points of contention, often appear flat and don't hold water, instead being stretched to match what other players are saying. This happens because they want to appear to be in the same wavelength as town, but they are actually unsure on the train of thought that led to it, and it shows. An example of this is below.

    On the second, we've literally talked about voting patterns and how they matter (that whole d1 being a shot in the dark discussion and the previous post in that line), meaning that jumping into wagons has huge implications to all players and specially scum, so...what?

    Also here's the more on that,
    Fonti's rebuttal in 242 was not a breakdown of Gemma.
    Most of that post was subjective interpretations of throwaway phrases and gifs which shouldn't be convincing to anyone, beyond the feeling of genuine effort. It did have some good thoughts and notes, but the way you reacted on it on its own points to someone wanting "to appear to be in the same wavelength as town" but being unsure on how to do so, and has the TMI of someone who already knows Gemma's role (scum).

    So what I'm saying here is based on this post and others, if Gemma flips red, Umami can be her partner.

    Here are the other posts:
    Legitimate questions, good ideas, zero follow up/pressure.
    Note that Gemma only replaced over 12 hours after this post and in between (and around the time of this post) both Gemma and Umami were fairly active and answering questions - in fact Gemma did sort of ask "what interaction?" and it was left unaddressed.
    Note that this is the end of the only instance she actually questioned Gemma.
    Also, Gemma's response should be making her consider a Grape/Gemma world (as I think the writing suggests), but that hasn't been brought up at all?

    Revisiting this, this post bugs me 'cause in contrast to #165 (at the top) shows a clear understanding why scum can't just "jump on whatever train without concern."
    So she knew all along and is now contradicting herself?

    Possibly bringing it up now also clears her from being one of the bussers later.

    Lol. This is in response to a post you really want some more clarity on.
    Originally it pinged me because just saying "fair enough" struck me as as a scummate having done her dutiful interaction before backing off, but it can also just be not wanting to push tom/relief that he's not going to pursue the line of thought that might lead to scum!umami.

    In response to Grape's push on Tom.
    Of all the things to connect to Gemma, this is strange. Also the creation of a counterwagon regardless of Gemma's alignment (but specially if she is scum) benefits scum so...?
    --- Post automerged ---
    Bleh. Yesterday was hell, but I should be in and out today until EOD.
    Ping me if you need me, still got a lot to catch up on, will answer anything as I see it now.

    Man, that the 3 people I was looking forward to playing with the most replaced out is a bummer.
  15. Osieorb18

    Osieorb18 Muggle

    Apr 12, 2019
    Both? I'm not sure. Maybe tom? He tends to coast on people ignoring his lack of actual material while still appearing active and pushing the thread in the way he wants it to go. If he's putting on enough of a show but kinda just poking at things without really seeming to put in effort, that usually is a bad sign.
  16. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Well, im usually scum. Weve been over this before.

    But that wasnt saying "im great at reading miner". Im sure im fine at it i can atleast separate personality from actual AI things.

    Rather it was saying gemma has larger ranges than you and my thoughts on her were largely connective
  17. Osieorb18

    Osieorb18 Muggle

    Apr 12, 2019
    I definitely need to actually do dives. I'm no longer convinced enough for a D1 Lynch on Keldeo or Miner.


    I still think Fonti is town. I still think Gemma!slot is scummy, but I like Miner's posts much more than I liked Gemma's. Sloth is one of the GOAT players in the thread.

    Between Grape and Tom, I was feeling that the pairing might include exactly one wolf. I no longer think that Grape is the wolf in that pairing. Reading through more of Grape's posts, Grape feels very pure and there's some WIM there that I don't think I see very often from Grape as a wolf.

    Matching with the leap present in their mannerism pattern, Tom feels like he is doing both, kind-of like you implied.

    VOTE: tom
  18. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Ooh baby do i have weird news about the playstyle i chose for this game...
  19. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Feels fairly innocuous, following thread consensus really. Don't really know how much mafia Seratin has played, nor do I know how long it's been since he's last played, but I'm guessing he's playing with a thread of new people essentially. This could be witch lean since it feels like he's trying to say what everyone else is saying without saying what everyone else is saying, if that makes sense.

    fonti townread strikes me as a little weird, since I think (?) Seratin has played with fonti before and anyone that's played with fonti will likely not townread fonti d1.

    This is actually pretty reasonable. I'd say that my gut instinct was to watch font closely when she posted the gun thing, but then I realized that mechanics talk when there's a new setup/setup twist almost always happens early d1 and it's almost always fonti or Newcomb that starts it. Owner's market is a really good example of this. But Seratin and Umami both wouldn't know this, so I'm fine with this.

    Shrug vote. Shrug thoughts. Probably would lynch Seratin if fire/Grape doesn't hit, but I don't think there's any case for Ser/fire or Ser/grape w/w.
  20. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score: