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Movies that suck

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Cruentus, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Yes o_o. HP 1 & 2 are the ones out of the 5 I like the most, they seem more in line with how the book came across and the actors haven't cut/brushed their hair or been given designer clothes yet.

    And no shitting directing. (See: PoA)
  2. Cruentus

    Cruentus Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jul 25, 2006
    I can't see it either. I fell I asleep five minutes into it when I saw it.

    That WAS the best line in the movie, but I'll never forgive them for making Bison into a pussy that lost to Guile of all people.

    Of course it was shit! I could have told you that just by looking at the trailer! Anybody here who is familiar with DOA could have made a better movie.

    It wasn't great, but I've seen worse, it was still way better then Patch Adams.
  3. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    I just had the misfortune of spending 5 quid of two DVDs both of which suck arse beyond all measurable means. First is Sci-Fighter which had the potential to be mildly amusing and decently violent, but instead managed to do nothing more than show me the most scripted martial arts fight scenes I've ever had the agony of watching.

    Second was The Confidence Man, which again had the potential to be a decent, if not brilliant, film but instead turns out to be a boring pile of shit with some of the most stilted script I've ever heard.
  4. Hibiki

    Hibiki First Year

    Aug 9, 2007
    Matrix 2 & 3 ruined the first one completely.

    Death Proof was just so boring i stopped it after half an hour.

    But what I still like to watch every once in awhile ... the StarWars Parody Spaceballs by Mel Brooks.

    Spiderman 1 was a great movie.
  5. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    and I felt those 2 movies were the worst in directing, acting, cinematography, and script-work.

    <shrugs> Its all a matter of opinion I suppose.
  6. Link

    Link Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 28, 2006
    Epic Movie. I watched the first few minutes and the last few and I didn't feel like missing something.

    The Fountain. I guess the acting and filming was good, but the plot was terrible. The only thing I liked about it was near the end when the guy died with plants growing from inside his body. It had to be really painful.

    Transformers. It was ok as an action movie, but well, a movie about the Transformers? WTF? Next thing we'll see... a movie about Micro Machines.

    Dead or Alive. I kept watching only because there were some nice chicks in bikinis... fighting each other.
  7. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    That's all DOA was. Tits. And that's all it needed.
  8. Runeknight

    Runeknight Second Year

    Dec 10, 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand
    I think the worst movie I've ever seen is 'Silent Hill'. I suffered the terrible experience of sitting through the entire fucking thing at one of my younger cousins birthday parties, which was sadly, also a sleep over party. I was forced to attend by my mother, and while I imagined it would be boring and pretty bad, I was not prepared.

    Okay, back to the movie. It was terrible, most of the time I had no idea what the fuck was going on, the plot was non-existent or just really horrible. This may have had to do with something with the fact that all these 14 year old girls and guys talked, giggled and pretended to be scared by the crappy special effects, not letting me hear too much dialogue.

    I despise horror movies on principal, generally they're horrible plot-wise and are very unrealistic. 'Silent Hill' was no exception; easily the worst movie I've ever seen.
  9. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    The two worst movies Ive ever seen have to be eXistenZ and Red Sonja. Red Sonja is one of the Governator's first movies and sucks on whole new levels. They stab people but theres no blood and when the swords hit together there is only a dull thunk instead of a clang. Also for some reason I cant figure out they have this terrible lip synching thing going on where while you can see there lips move but it takes 2 minutes to actually hear words. This is all on top of bad acting and an even worse plot.

    eXistenZ is one of the most random movies Ive ever seen short of A Scanner Darkly. One minute there inside this huge virtual reality game and the next a chinese waiter is getting holes blown is head because Jude Law is listening to the voices in his head, but wait heres the best part the gun came from...his meal? Apparently the bones from the special can be made into a gristle gun. The absolute worst part is that the movie only got more random from there
  10. Calis Clayr

    Calis Clayr Seventh Year

    Nov 23, 2007
    One of the smallest countries in the world
    Let's see, the ones that truly sucked according to my humble opinion:

    - A.I.: the only movie that made me leave before the end, it was so boring.

    - Eragon: the books are nice, the movie utterly sucks. They cut out so many things it doesn't make sense anymore.

    - Pirates of the Caribbean 2 & 3: 1 was awesome, 2 was passable, 3 was pathetic. Seriously, they shouldn't have made those sequels.

    - Matrix 3: same as PotC, though 2 was still pretty decent. 3 was horrible, especially the ending.
  11. Flaylda

    Flaylda Second Year

    Dec 21, 2007
    Eragon - the actors are simply... unfitting. Eragon is too dandy, Murtagh looks like the younger version of Snape (wrong fandom, I know, but screw it), Brom is too young-looking, Galbatorix looks like a lowly miscreant, and Arya is just... NOT Arya at all (there was no flowing dark hair, ethereal elvish glow, holier-than-thou atmosphere, and... heck, they even didn't make her ears pointy!). The plot's rushed. The only good stuff in it is the animation.

    Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix - I fell asleep while watching it. 'Nuff said.

    Dead or Alive - I'm a girl, and a straight one at that, so I can't particularly enjoy corny movies with hot chicks in revealing bikinis as their trump card.

    Epic Movie - Overdone slapsticks. Tits. Stupid, failed attempts of humor. Half-decent plot. Overall Rubbish.
  12. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    Yes, Eragon.... I could tell from the trailers that it was going to be horrible. They changed far too many things, cut out too much, and the actors simply didn't fit the characters.

    Mazes and Monsters. One of the earlier movies that Tom Hanks acted in. Bad special effects notwithstanding, the plot was horrible, it made absolutely no sense. More like a propaganda movie on the evils of board games..... Of course, I should have known it was going to be bad, seeing as it was a dollar-fifty at Wal-Mart......

    I can't really think of any others off the top of my head..