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Naruto Fanfiction Challenge

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Evergreen_Queen, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. Evergreen_Queen

    Evergreen_Queen First Year

    Jul 28, 2006
    A mother's bloody womb
    Really I think Akatsuki member's level all depends on their situation. For example, Kisame skills is around a high leveled jounin. Because he even stated that he'll be dead in a matter of seconds if he face someone at Sannin level. But if he's near water or in water then I'm assume he's a nightmare for whoever is facing him. Same thing with Deidara. She's or he might be a high leveled jounin but her/his long ranged attacks are second to none.
  2. Verse of Darkness

    Verse of Darkness Denarii Host

    May 29, 2006
    They are above or on Kage level. And you must remember, they were basing their fight with reputation. Later on, Kisame stated that they could take him.
  3. li.u

    li.u Fourth Year

    Mar 29, 2006
    well...your opinion...i still think it was lame as hell
    that's pure shit...i really don't know why Itachi had to say this crap about Jirayas 'godlike' strenght and that they couldn't defeat the super sannin!
    1. Orochimaru is A SANNIN (at least equal to Jiraya...probably stronger) and he states clearly that he's WEAKER than Itachi...besides, Tsunade seemed quite weak for one of the 'legendary sannin'...
    2. sannin isn't a rank...it's just how the villagers used to call their famed three men cell for their exploits in the war.
    isn't he? that's exactly why it's so lame that Deidara managed to defeat him with his gay ass explosives. i mean gaara defeated that bone guy (orochimaru's favorite), survived x assasination attempts ordered by the kazekage, etc. + his sand armor (that layer) managed to survive tons of hits from a berserk Lee who looked like he could smash anything...well but strangely this same armor can't survive a gay explosion bird from this Deidara guy...i hate him :(
    don't understand this too...first raving about how the tailed monsters are so uber godlike chakra monstrosities (unfathomable power, bla bla)...and then let one in it's original form be defeated by 'good boy Tobi' and the gay explosives guy...

    and about that strenght depends on terrain thing...these guys are strong enough to change the terrain for their needs (Kisame flooded this whole area of dry desert ground with his suiton jutsu when he fought team Gai). so they really shouldn't be impaired by something like their soroundings =/
  4. Verse of Darkness

    Verse of Darkness Denarii Host

    May 29, 2006
    1. Lol, Sannin is just merely a title. I mean, Kabuto was considered a "genin" by Konoha but in reality it he was around Kakashi's level. Remember, Orochimaru attempted to steal Itachi's body but Itachi fought back. Orochimaru, being used to stealing bodies and killing his opponents was most likely shocked and afraid, so he dubbed him stronger than himself. And actually, it pretty much makes sense. Sasuke, the most second important character in the manga final villain is Itachi, it wouldn't make sense for Itachi to be weaker than the Sannin, which he is suppose to surpass.

    2. Like stated before, Sannin is merely a title yes. However, they were given the title Sannin due to the fact that they had excellent teamwork and they fought wars. Obviously at the end of the manga, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura are going to be given the title Sannin as well, since one its plot-no-jutsu, and two its because they are going to eventually surpass them.]

    3. About your point towards Gaara, its the only way to prove the power of the Akatsuki. Deidara, an Akatsuki member who was warned by Sasori saying that this Jinchuuriki was no pushover and that he was unprepared, still managed to outsmart him and proclaim that it was hard not killing him. You can hate him all you want, but you can't deny the power he has and how he managted to increase the potential threat and power of his organization.

    4. I never stated for Tobi to kill Sanbi no Isonade, I stated that Deidara with Tobi almost single-handedly defeated the Bijuu. And of course the Bijuu are going to pale in comparison of the Kyuubi no Youko, he's the King of Bijuu. You can't actually expect Shinobi take down Gods. Kishimoto had to obviously tone their powers down.
  5. li.u

    li.u Fourth Year

    Mar 29, 2006
    heh? don't really get your point here =/
    1. i also said sannin is no rank, like genin is for example...so no contradictions there. didn't really understand what you meant when talking about Orochimaru trying to steal Itachi's body (can't remember this being directly mentioned in the story) and then being shocked? and afraid?! about not succeeding...well if he really did try and FAILED and is SCARED of Itachi then he got probably his ass whipped by him. i also don't get how you can 'interpret' both Orochimaru and Sasuke (after the 3 years of training) literally saying that 'Itachi is still stronger then both of them' (so he'll willingly give his body to Orochimaru to achieve his goal bla bla bla), into 'Itachi is weaker than Orochimaru'?!
    2. yeah...again no contradictions
    3. pff...never said that Deidara was weak. just that Gaara IS one of the strongest character when near sand and that it was lame as hell to be defeated by exploding BIRDS (when survived Lee bla bla read my former post). you're right though about me being able to hate him all i want, cause i hate him like hell.
    4. i never claimed that you said they killed it. i actually just said they defeated it...with which you seem to agree. and about shinobi not being able to take down gods: that's my point! they can't! so why can Tobi and Deidara? if Kishimoto doesn't want them to look like gods, he mustn't rave about their 'unconceivable uber god power that no human can grasp' (no mather if nine, six, five or two tales) and then let the same monsters be defeated by men...
  6. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Not to mention original.

    Eh.. Deidara cheated, he threatened Gaara, who took up his Naruthics.( naruto ethics.)

    Tob Pfft, Deidara wtfpwned that living shell of turtle soup.
    And amusing.

    I may be mistaken, but they were given the title Sannin because they were Hokage level, but of course, there can only be one Hokage at a time. :p

    Four quotes above.

    Tobi is an idiot. He is Kishi's way of introducing comic relief when the going get's tough.

    This is likely to hold true, it's a pity that Sasuke will survive, or die in Naruto's arms. *Sighs dejectedly.* So disturbingly blatant.

    I see no need to comment on this, but I will make you read this sentence just to get my opinion to annoy you. -grins.-


    You need sleep, which you have probably gotten by now.

    I doubt he tried. he probably showed extreme interest in Itachi and Itachi's Sharingan.

    Itachi probably got annoyed and used Mangekyou on orochimaru and wtfpwned him with Tubgirl images.

    Itachi doesn't forgive, he would have been killed. Unless someone stopped Itachi, Eg; The leader.

    I've taken the assumption that orochimaru IS weaker then Itachi. ( note the uncapitalised o ) He may have at his prime. ( In his original body) been stronger. But Itachi has Sharingan. And it is shown to be the 'Zomg i wihs i add dat dingy!' of the Narutoverse. You also forget, Three year's has passed for Itachi also.

    No Lunch either, I'm hungry.


    ..............Yondaime Hokage ring a bell?

    On another note.

    'He is neither man, Nor monster.
    He will never be able to defeat me.
    Only a Man can truly hope to kill a monster.'


    Oh and you're both quite off topic.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2006
  7. li.u

    li.u Fourth Year

    Mar 29, 2006
    pff...conspiracy of deidara fans :(

    just meant that he more often seems to agree with me than not...
    yeah...heh...and i dying in the process...not even to kill it but to lock it up. that's like you lure a rabid dog into a room and shut the door closed behind it. but i wouldn't really call that defeating the beast...
    as long as no one cares i'm fine with that :)
  8. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    I'm not really a fan. I just recognise the potential for Deidara's character development.

    You WERE tired were you not? -grins.- It was just a random thing to say.

    And then you slowly leak noxious gases into the room. ^_^

    Ha ha, alright.
  9. li.u

    li.u Fourth Year

    Mar 29, 2006
    eh alright...heh...yeah...
    just noticed this thread somehow started with a challenge so i actually read it this time (last time i just skipped to page 2 into some discussion about 'human instrumentality project' =/). the 'taking on jirayas idea' is a bit much but curiosity sounds good (like gaara wondered how naruto could get that strong). anyway, i'd still let him take sasuke with him (he won't abandon his dreams for curiosity's sake) and then compare their progress to see if jiraya's words held any truth (practically just as some sort of entertainment for orochimaru...fits in his character profile). then if naruto should exceed his expectations (something like mastering the uber technique like he did with the rasengan) you can start with orochimaru having his experiments on him. though i would only do the chakra infusing thing if there is some higher logic to it (which will be hard to find considering that naruto has enough of it already). i'd rather let him tweak naruto a bit (like in 'sounding in the dark' where he zaku's arms implanted)...yeah and the part with the snake really is a bit too much.
    hmm...wow...after a 2. read-through it looks like it has nothing more to do with the original challenge...heh...perhaps it helps anyway -.-