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Naruto Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Fluffiness, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    That fits the narrative for Sasuke/Orochimaru dead, Kabuto/Garun alive.

    If I were you, I'd leave a big reads post and thoughts on who the last scumteam is before the day's over.
  2. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Titus, #3482 already has that, you're up
  3. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Do you know something you aren't saying about Qg, or are you basing this on something else? Really not understanding your defense here.
  4. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014

    Who do you want to lynch today? What do you think the current game-state is? What potential scum-teams are you considering between?

    Who do you think is most likely scum? Who do you think is not aligned, of the non-confirmed towns?
  5. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Where we stand with the feedback claims:

    Jan - Nothing
    Atum - Nothing
    Qgqqqqq - Nothing
    Typhon - Nothing
    Citrus - Nothing
    Zenzeo - Nothing
    Kalas - Nothing
    Newcomb - Roleblocked N1
    Snowvon - Nothing
    TMNT - Nothing
    Pozzai - Nothing
    Waco Kid - Roleblocked N2
  6. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I'll be honest, dealing with yesterday took a lot of wind outta my sails, and then D3 I've been fairly busy IRL. I'm actually going to be on my phone all day tmrw, no computer whatsoever, but I'll try to be around

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 AM ----------

    It is possible that Fontisian or Banks was role-blocked N1, just saying.

    Otherwise all the feedback makes sense.

    Also seems to indicate a Orochimaru/Sasuke dead team?
  7. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Newcomb #3501, was already planning on it. Also will try to get the other thing you asked for done tomorrow as well.

    I should be around for most the part tomorrow

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 AM ----------

    I see what your saying for banks, by why would you think the scum team would role-block and nk fontisian the same night
  8. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    No, it isn't. I gave up even really trying on this game halfway through responding to Typhon's WoT yesterday.
  9. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    If they had a role-read on her (doubtful).

    Also, just trying to cover any possibilities as with the live-list that's the only possibility if Banks wasn't and Newcomb is scum

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 AM ----------

    Titus lead us please due to [redacted]
  10. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    I want to lynch Typhon today. I think he is most likely scum by the way he has attacked me, the trend of his posts and the firing into action once it looked like he was on the block.

    Second I'd say Zenzao for what I remember of his reactions to the Math lynch, and his lack of calm in the thread - from what I remember of Batmafia and early this game, he always struck me as very calm and detached (zen, tbh). Somewhere during day 2 he lost that and got far more angry, for no real reason I can explain.

    After that, Jan.

    I think that the current gamestate is scum trying to make sure the attention stays on me, and everyone else disliking me just enough to be entirely cool with that.

    Of the confirmed townies, I'm most suspicious of Titus, but it's a pipe dream. I had my moment of paranoia on Newcomb (blahblahblah non-confirmed, whatever) but that has passed.

    I don't think about teams enough.
  11. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Things we know

    Ino is not an available claim for scum because she's a corpse
    Ino is dead by N2. We know this due to Math's claim. Math's not going to claim something we can verify by feedback. I was just doublechecking a few things with that regarding the feedback. So we can conclude that Ino was either Fonti or Math. I don't feel bad highlighting this conclusion since it's one already known to the scumteam since we ruled out Tobi!Math. If Math knew Ino was a safe claim, then one of the scumteam's possessions was used on Fonti. Just in case, do not claim in any slug chat you may have until it is verified that you're speaking to me.

    Either Choji (the pill giver) was Banks, Banks got the pills, or I have pills
    This can be deduced by the fact that no one claimed pills D3, and I'm the only person who could possibly have pills. I'm not going to directly claim my feedback but leave it available in the hood. Scum will have to NK me to get that done.

    Sasuke is most likely alive
    Given that we are supposing a scum!Math world, we can conclude that Fonti was most likely Ino. If Math was Ino, Banks is Sasuke (the protection giver) or Sasuke is alive.

    Waco not dying is a bit problematic for me, but it is likely paranoia
    Why wouldn't scum just outright shoot the cop (Waco) and block the acolyte in case they got it backwards? The fact they wouldn't shoot the cop suggests that either a) Waco is scum and not the cop OR b) the scum team does not fear getting the roleblocker lynched. This is part of the reason I'm pushing against the status quo and saying we should lynch someone like Atum or Z but not making a case.

    Scum tend to be much more forgiving of conftown pushing cases on people who aren't actually scum with little reasoning.

    Newcomb is conftown and should be soup protected

    Newcomb has never been tossed around as a suspect, because they are aware the moment he claimed his feedback, he became conftown. If we get stuck, we should see who has an unnatural townread on Newcomb. Scum don't push cases on people who can prove themselves as conftown. All Newcomb would have to do is claim "roleblocked n1" and he's conftown. So if someone has Newcomb lower in the read wall, like I believe Qgqqq has done, that's an indicator that person is not group scum.

    If Newcomb is indeed soup protected, then we can possibly massclaim this tomorrow. Scum will be searching for Sasuke with their actions, so that's a bad idea.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------

  12. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I think you very well could be right about the first part, which is why I'm putting in the time to try to work through this. However, the problem I'm having with your "well I gave up, so whatever" attitude is,

    a) It's perfect scum cover if you're actually scum

    b) Assuming the hammer comes down N3 and we lose a bunch of people, I'm kind of scared about you being on my townteam when the team is a lot smaller. Like if you are town it doesn't sound like you would be a good Sakura target.
  13. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Sakura should target you Newcomb. Then, you can claim and we can figure out how many scum and where they are by CCs.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 PM ----------

    We can infer that TMNT is soup immune, Waco is soup immune, you'll be soup immune tomorrow. If they kill you, to avoid the soup immune scenario, we'll still be left in a good position IMO.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 PM ----------

    Vote Von.

    I want to see his reaction.
  14. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Err, could you explain the Newcomb reasoning again?

    And I don't have Newcomb very low. Sorry.

    Well I'm clearly right about the second part. That's simply self-evident from the thread.

    The answer to this, however, is simple - whatever :p

    More seriously, if you have the time, read my scum games. This isn't how I play as scum, because I don't need to. I do care, invariably, and I am significantly more onto it than I've been pretty much all game.

    Well, no, I'm definitely not a good vaccination target. Nor a good town. If you choose between me and even TMNT, you should choose TMNT. But that doesn't mean you should lynch me when you could be hitting scum.

    The only reason I'm still posting is I feel a responsibility to do so.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 AM ----------

    Sure, Titus.


    ---------- Post automerged at 01:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 AM ----------

    Oh, because he was roleblocked. We're assuming that fonti, Banks, or Math weren't roleblocked, of course, but it seems reasonable.
  15. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Come on. Really. In Bat2 I was a fucking Scum trying my hardest to ape my CYS behavior and fly under the radar to as many people as I could while pushing toward myslynches subtly. Early this game I was on Math's ass about misconstruing my thoughts on her and I barely let that up when I tried to step back and calm down from her bullshit, and allow that maybe Fonti had been right about her and Titus latest PPV bout in a game. By D2 Mathblade had not relented. She simply adjusted her method, continuing to doubtcast me in the hope of achieving a myslynch on me, up to the very end. I retaliated as well as I am able to.

    Why don't you go cherry pick some more OMGUS, Qg. Show of hands, please, for those of us who believe that I have been "very calm, detached" D1?

    I haven't been afraid to tackle confrontations and open myself to examination by the other players, and point out where I believe I see inconsistencies. My vote stays put.

    Rather like D1!Pre-claim!TMNT? How convenient. Really. Make some noise then, Qg. Stand up and spend a little time building real cases, or ask for a replacement if you aren't giving a flying fuck about helping town achieve wincon.

    I don't think about teams enough.[/QUOTE]
    For once we agree on something. Titus has been acting WAF for a while now and we still have no confirmation of her being Tsunade other than a lack of CC. That the Scum have NK'd Fonti and then Banks instead of any of the claimed!roles is still a question mark I am beyond curious about. And why should the real!Tsunade paint themselves for a NK by outing themselves?

    So you're Tobi. Okay then, cool with me. Fits the narrative.

    I'm gradually seeing this.

    :facepalm Right.

    IMO Sakura was given Pills N1 that she used to double-vaccinate Pozzai/Waco N2. That is the only reasonable answer for why no one died lastNight but from the NK(or Tobi VK, though why the Scum wouldn't NK is just stupid).

    Walk me through this again. Waco checks Math, see's townie status. Math debacle with Hinata claim and then Cop claim on Jan debunked. She's either Tobi or Sasuke in a rational world. You yourself cover that Fonti has to be Ino at the top of this(see Things we know). How do you get a Sasuke is alive pattern from that?

    Da fuck? So you're actually outright stating that the Scum are more likely to let you push myslynches through and you are going along with this?

    The anti-logic in this is enough to make my head-asplode. Does anyone else see the errors in this? Please tell me I'm not the only one.

    Again, wat?
  16. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I think Titus meant "Sakura" not "Sasuke" in this quote, Zen:

    Sasuke / Sakura. These weird Naruto names sometimes screw me up too.

    As for the stuff on me, /shrug.

    I'm not confirmed town just because I claimed roleblocked N1. Scum know it's true, but town doesn't.

    I hope down is able to make some useful deductions about it, though, because putting it out there definitely helps scum as well.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 PM ----------

    Post edit: "Town," not down.
  17. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Z, your push on me is outright scummy. Don't act like I didn't see that. Yesterday I would have been counter claimed before now. I have been playing like this precisely because I am obvious town.

    The only way the pill person gave the pills to the healer and they vanish or come to me n2 is Banks was the pill person, which is a theory you poop on.

    I am inferring the protection person is likely alive because Fonti was Ino and thus Banks is the only eligible Dead body to be the protector. Thus, the protector is likely alive. You should be able to tell I meant the protector from context.

    You see my vote did not go to Atum or you right but to Von who no one is discussing? Pretty sure the three of you are scums anyway so who cares the order?

    Really, explain to me how Newcomb is not conftown. Unless you are retconning your feedback, he is conftown.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 AM ----------

    Scum know who they Roleblocked and thus who is unlynchable the following day.
  18. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Your entire attitude change on me, literally overNight, is scummy. You go from defending me heavily whenever Math tries to myslynch me to Scumreading me. Your opening push on me was proven factually wrong and you went out of your way to ignore calls since then to push another case until this one.

    No, Titus, I don't believe you're really Tsunade. You shouldn't be alive if you're really Tsunade(as EVERYONE agreed after you hard claimed D1 and I will drag up the relevant posts if I have to since you seem to hate that). We have no way to prove you're Tsunade.

    One of your detractions is a post you made early D3.

    Yeah, problem with that logic. "She may send out her slugs again whenever her previous partner dies." So at any given state you're only ever going to have communication with a single player, rendering that moot. Since you believe that Ino died N1 in Fonti than literally no one else can have slugs in them but your current partner, as anyone else will be dead.

    Use correct terms. You can't tell me it was a mistake mixing up the healer and the godfather when you can hardly ever spell my name correctly in any game we've played in previous to this yet you can perfectly write Sakura/Sasuke down and this is supposed to be an interchangeable oops?

    Also, you could have been Neji'd.

    So Banks goes from being Chouji to who in this clusterfuck you're proposing? And no, excuse me if I don't trust it when you say the role we just lynched in Sasuke!Math is still alive and well and roaming merrily from sea to shining sea. Take a minute to read the damn OP.


    New is practically a saint at this point. Everyone else is that shitty. Him being lower in a wall is an unnatural townread. So how is Qg not Scum in this instance?
  19. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Z, I am not proposing the Godfather is alive. Seriously, you were told that by me and Newcomb two minutes ago. Both the Godfather and the protector have S names.

    Second, my goal was to outline the possible inverses. Banks could be the protector. There's no problem with that.

    My push on you hasn't been proven wrong if I haven't put forth a case at all.

    Second, obvtown and conftown shouldn't put forth cases. It is anti town to do so as it constricts the process of naturally forming reads so I have avoided that.

    You know what it's lead me to, you being scum. Qgqqq being defensive is not a case when there's a steadfast refusal to discuss anything else.

    Having Newcomb lower in a wall is natural as t shows Qgqqq is still scumhunting Newcomb.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 AM ----------

    I can prove I am town if needed today but I think your response is appropriately noted as scum flail.
  20. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Hmm not sure about this von thingy.
    i still read him town, mostly for fontis read on him, and i am not alone in believing him town. He didnt really play towny d2 onwards i do agree .. that is mostly because of his lack of activity, not of actual scumplay.

    You might be right so pushing on him to get information is maybe not the worst idea.


    Other than that .. a lot of people pushing on Q.

    Trying to figure out if it is town pushing on a beaten mafia or mafia trying to get the easy misslynch.

    My gut tells me if it is the later Citrus and Typhon are a likely match.

    The biggest scumread on him is the list to push TMNT as scum. Knowing TMNT is town, that can be him pushing for a misslynch, but I do believe it comes from a more towny perspective.
    His posts feel towny in general. His activity level is kinda low, but most ppl feel that way after the spamfest the early days.

    His day one play fitted his meta pretty well.
    His reaction to Titus feels kinda towny .. Titus is still real. deal with it.
    If Von is mafia Z feels like a possible partner to him.

    Felt towny day 1.
    One of the people basically going under the radar ever since for me. I dont know his town or his mafia play, that makes it kinda hard to judge.
    Feels like he is trying to solve the game more then just pushing out useless informations.

    I dont like the Mathblade vs Citrus interaction day2. After a slight initial push on him Mathblade backed off. the moment Titus mentioned Citrus maybe being copchecked, Mathblade backs off saying that would not be possible.
    Citrus earlier talked about his 5 scumreads #3449.
    I really did not like the way he reduced them down.

    He removes Typhon because he finally started posting a bit and "got townread for it" .. without reading it himself.
    He removes him without a real reason and just doesnt bother to put him back in at any point.
    He then talks about me and Kalas which he reads similar ("most likely to be town"), removes Kalas from his scum.

    Then he says Von might be scum, and only reads him a bit towny for fontis day 1 read on him.

    In the end he calls out Q as the toplynch.

    After that he concludes with me being his 2nd toplynch, after q.
    According to his own reads he reads von more mafia than myself.
    And he has no read of his own an Typhon.

    Really focused on his Q case.
    Got no read on him early on in the game. At this point i feel like there is a mafia between him and Q.
    And if Q is the mafia his team is leaving him out in the open without even trying to help him.

    I dont like Q in this game. I am just really unsure if mafia goes that hard on their own partner and let them die. It is a possible play, but there is more than enough scum to go around and push on other people.

    Also i got asked earlier .. tmi = too much information.

    Titus - uncounterclaimed town, no reason to not believe her.

    TMNT - judge, town. if he is scum the game was lost way earlier by the real judge.

    Waco/Pozzai - While my personal read on Pozzai is mostly creep and perv (outside of the game), he is part of the cop duo this game. The world where they are not real is less than 1%, not living in that today.

    Newcomb - Town day 1, his play was put by fonti as the "paranoid newby town bubble" or something like that, and that was a perfect description for how i felt about him.
    While he slowed down afterwards he still fells like he is trying to solve the game.

    Town because of fontis read which i know to normally be very accurate (on him).
    Low activity makes him look kinda scummy.
    Really curious what Titus has on him.
    There is a world where part of fonti dying is because she missread von and that was easy townred for him. But he would have humped that towncred harder if that was the case, i think.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:04 ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 ----------

    With that written.

    Naptime (10 am here).

    should be back in 4-6 hours.