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Naruto Manga Thread Part 2

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Jon, Feb 12, 2014.

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  1. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Konoha would be destroyed? ...Naruto could take on every other nation atm and do it laughing.
  2. gullibleoats

    gullibleoats Seventh Year

    Dec 12, 2010
    Umm. Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?

    If Obama had Naruto's ability to turn the leaders of enemy nations into best friends, while not only appearing strong but also benevolent, the US's global empire would be stronger than ever.

    Naruto basically is a WMD. He has full control and friendship of all the tailed beasts. Even discounting that, with his Sage arts he's good enough to literally lay the smack down on the biggest most threatening terrorist organization in front of his home village, at the exact moment he had to.

    Seriously everyone was freaking terrified of him, with good reason. If he turned out batshit insane like Gaara everyone. Literally everyone would be dead. Instead, everyone is inspired by him. He smooth talked his way into becoming bffs with the Raikage's brother.

    THE RAIKAGE. As in the guy who a few years ago demanded the head of the leader of Konoha's biggest and most powerful clan.

    Suddenly tensions are cooled and everyone's working together looking to NARUTO as the leader. Not fucking Sasuke.

    Sure the dude's got plot armor. So does everybody in the entire manga that Kishimoto likes. You don't think the First's magical ability to heal himself without seals and having the absolute best bloodline plot armor?

    You crazy or what? The First literally had the same ability as Naruto, to control all the tailed beasts. He also made a fucking village in one day.
    Also he's reincarnated.

    When you take a look at the other options, Naruto comes out pretty reasonable. You already knew hundreds of chapters ago that he was the prophesied one and that he had the nine tails in him. Why are you surprised that they're taking that to the natural conclusion?

    This whole Talk-no-jutsu shit you guys constantly complain about exists in real life too. What the fuck do you think MLK's speech was? Naruto has the same charisma as prophet, pseudo-deity, with the actual power to back it up.

    If he were Hokage, Konoha would be stronger than ever.
  3. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    I think if Naruto turned insane like Gaara was then the bijuu would stop actively helping him and may start working against him. That would significantly weaker him and probably lead to his fall.
  4. Mugglewizard

    Mugglewizard Seventh Year

    Feb 26, 2012
    I dont think so. The Bijuus will follow Naruto in whatever he does because they are not friends with him due to his philosophy of dealing with other Ninja but with the way he treats them. Infact with the way they hate on the Shinobi they may support him if he decides to give them all a smackdown
  5. Trooper

    Trooper Death Eater

    Jan 8, 2009
    Bangalore, India
    Is Naruto on break this week?
  6. Dagro

    Dagro DA Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2014
  7. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    How he treats them falls in line with them liking him because he's so commited to doing what he says he will. There's also the fact that he's the one the Rikudo spoke about. Him attacking all the shinobi kind of flies in the face of them both. Also why follow someone obviously insane?
  8. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    I was under the impression that 9 tails flashback about the SoSP was actually talking about all the reincarnations of Asura.
  9. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    There was a prophecy of a blue-eyed, mischievious boy who would help all the Bijuu or something.
  10. afrojack

    afrojack Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2006
    Southron California
    Don't they like him because he treats them as something other than eldritch abominations? So long as he did that, they might not care whom he decides to crush, only that he's doing it with them and not for the purposes of capturing or suppressing them like slaves.

    Gaara is not necessarily batshit insane either. Even at his worst, he seemed a sociopath, yes, but still capable of reason.

    I'm sorry, but it's just a bit of a reach to say that Konoha would be destroyed under Naruto's leadership. Yes, he tries to get along with everyone, but he also lays the smackdown when he has to, and even without the other Bijuu or Six-Path powers, there is just no one even near his level.

    And his ability to bring people over to his side would likely prevent any coalition large enough to threaten him from forming in the first place. You say it's only like that in the Narutoverse, but leaders good at making alliances are the most successful in the real world too. Lone, power-hungry maniacs are bad leaders in reality just as Sasuke would be an absolutely terrible leader in the Narutoverse. You don't get ahead by terrorizing world leadership summits, especially not by yourself.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2014
  11. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    As I said that's part of it but Naruto's never really treated the Kyuubi like an abominations and the other jinchuuriki don't seem to have as well from what we've seen of their interactions. Do you think the Hachibi would help Naruto destroy Kumo after B died?

    Well if you think about it Sasuke's not that bad at inspiring loyalty to himself. Also one ruling through strength doesn't necessarily make one a terrible leader. All in all I'd probably see Sasuke leading like a kage from a previous generation or something. He wouldn't be the second coming that unites everyone and makes world peace but Konoha would still do well under him.
  12. afrojack

    afrojack Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2006
    Southron California
    Well, Bee treats Hachibi the way Naruto has learned to treat the others, as partners. I doubt he would help with the destruction of Kumo, so you're right, but then again, Kumo tried to enslave him and Bee was really the only one to bond with him, wasn't he? I was under the impression that the others had basically been ruthlessly suppressed by their jinchuuriki, but perhaps I was wrong.

    But that's also a hypothetical discussion, as I doubt Naruto would ever destroy a nation for no reason.

    On the subject of Sasuke, enough has been said already. I personally think ruling by the principle of "might is right" is pretty terrible, but that's my opinion I guess. Sasuke himself is also pretty terrible, IMO, but again, differing opinions on the subject exist. As someone who carried out a terrorist attack on a summit of world leadership and who was bent on destroying Konoha or working with those who desired its destruction at various points, I doubt Konoha would do anywhere near as well under his leadership, or even very well at all. I doubt he'd get anything but hatred or antagonism from pretty much every other nation, and they'd be at war a great deal of the time, from what I can tell.
  13. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    Well it seems like the Yagura was a perfect host like B as well and from what we've seen of Shukaku's interactions with his priest jinchuuriki and Gaara they had something of a relationship as well. Maybe not to the level of best buds forever like Hachibi and B but not treating him like an abomination. Like Sasuke the Bijuu seem to be in a position after this war to restart their relationships with the villages. I think they'd see that.

    I was just pointing out the problems with the idea of Naruto trying to beatdown everyone. Obviously Naruto's not going to try.

    Might makes right may be a terrible policy but whether the leader is terrible would be determined by how they use it, what for, and how it turned out. Sasuke's actions at the Summit was more of an assassination attempt than a terrorist attack and Danzo clearly had it coming. I don't even think it was Sasuke's intention to attack the summit. He was sneaking around trying to identify who Danzo was and then Zetsu jumped in and sold him out. He pretty much had no choice but to fight at that point. Sasuke's worse crime working with the people who wanted to destroy Konoha was capturing B's clone which probably stopped Kisame and/or Obito from doing it better. I doubt he did anything terrible with Oro since he showed a reluctance to kill people who didn't have it coming back then.

    Sasuke hasn't really done much to earn hatred from any nation except Kumo and A cooled immediately once he realized B wasn't really dead. Sasuke playing a huge role in saving the world is likely to wipe out a lot of the bad will unless he betrays Naruto or something. Sasuke starting a war as Hokage might make sense before all this cooperation happened but with everyone actively trying to keep the peace he'd have to go out of his way to start a war.

    You really think the other nations would go to war with Konoha with Sasuke at the helm? Leaving out Naruto, Sasuke could probably solo a combined army from them all. He's monstrously strong before he's grown any with his Rinnegan. If he gets the same passive Rinnegan trait of multiple affinities that Hagoromo and Madara got then he'll probably master all the elements within a few years. He'll probably also master sage mode since he seems to have half done that already. He's already survived fighting all the other Kages and that was when he was pretty weak in comparison. All in all I don't see the nations entering a war they know they have no chance of winning.
  14. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    We've never really seen Naruto be a leader have we? There is always someone else there that he'd differ to but I don't think we've actually ever seen him lead. He's still a genin which means he never had the chance to lead his own team let alone an entire village.

    If I could pick I'd go with Shikamaru. Other than strength he is superior to Naruto in every way. He might not Talk no Justu alliances but he could build alliances by doing logical things. Naruto can be his second in command. The guy who lays the smackdown on everyone but not the actual leader.

    Kishimoto missed his chance to show how Naruto could be a good leader for Konoha. He could have shown Naruto trying to solve the whole Hyuuga branch and main family thing or even work with the other clans really.

    Side note:Any decent fics on the war yet?
  15. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Except for the part where Shika is too lazy and unmotivated to do anything even close to being a leader. He's not particularly charismatic, either. A good leader needs to be.

    Is he smarter than Naruto? Sure. But smarts don't build alliances and friendships with people who are used to being wary of smart enemies.

    @Vincent: Sasuke is a cockbag. He's selfish and doesn't care about anyone other than himself. A good leader he will never, ever be. Sasuke is a vicious, self serving, uncaring, cruel, nasty little cunt.

    Oh, and he's no-where near psychologically stable. Insane leaders do not make for strong, peaceful nations.

    Really, your fanboy is showing. How long till your Sharingan Contacts and Duckbutt-Hair wig arrive?
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  16. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    Saying Sasuke doesn't care about anyone but himself is showing your butthurt. You're probably one those guys who go around calling him Sasgay and imagining different faults for him in fanfiction. Sasuke clearly cares about the people in his protective circle. What happens is that Sasuke won't allow anyone(even those he cares about) get in the way of what he's devoted his life to. There's a difference. Sasuke's leadership would be good when his goals line up with those of the village he's leading and the village at large enters into his protective circle. I don't believe I ever said Sasuke wasn't selfish or douchy. I've quite clearly said that I don't care that he is as he's never pretended that he's a good or nice person. Sasuke's douchiness is a key part of his character and the fanfiction that make him too nice of a guy tend to turn me away.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  17. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Isn't Shika the person whose basically been leading the entire army tactically?

    I know that the focus of the war character wise hasn't been on him but he has developed as a character. He rose to the occasion after his dad bit it and as much as Naruto has been doing all the super cool stuf, I feel like he's the one people have been turning to, to lead.(Unless I'm wrong, if I am then I accept).

    If naruto absolutely has to be Hokage then I say he'd be a figurehead. Handy in making friends but not the one calling the shots on the day to day running of the village.

    Sasuke can go fuck himself. I still don't believe his whole Hokage thing. Seems he just said it to get a rise out of Naruto.

    Like,"yeah you've been trying to get to me all this time but it never worked. Now I'm back of my own volition and guess what bitch I'm going to steal your dream"

    Guy just wants to be a dick.
  18. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    One word:


    "You've spent a good period of time following me around, devoted to my cause, but now I'm going to stab you through the fucking heart with no remorse whatsoever in order to kill someone I could probably have killed another way entirely, just cause I'm THAT massive of an assbag."

    Did he ever show the slightest care for Team Taka? No, no I don't think he did. But he did show a complete willingness to sacrifice them without a second thought if it meant getting his all-precious revenge.

    Sasuke doesn't care about anyone but himself. The only exception to this is dead. He's used his sad life story to justify being a massive assbag for the entire damn series with only ONE notable exception. And that notable exception lasted for all of what, one episode? Two? Betrayal and cold-hearted viciousness are his calling cards.


    "Why no, I don't give a shit that my comrades almost sacrificed their lives to try and rescue/return me to a place where people actually give a shit about me."

    Sasuke has no redeeming features. Every part of his character design is shit to those of us who value things like Loyalty, Humanity, Trustworthiness, Dependability or Reliability.

    Yes, he's a strategist, but his strategies for the army as a whole comprised of A. The plan his father gave him before he died and B. One failed attempt to stop a Tailed Beast Ball from the ten tails.

    Naruto, on the other hand, has been having a direct, massive effect on the war effort. He's saved it more than once through the force of his charisma, determination, and power alone. His ability to build allies and guide them into positions where they can be most useful is far, far better than being really smart, when it comes to being a leader.

    Any good leader will tell you that they surround themselves with people smarter than they are. That doesn't make those people more important or more useful or better leadership material than they. Leadership is about more than intelligence. It's also about knowing what is best for your people, about having the willpower and determination to bear the burdens of leadership and continue at your duty to those you lead. Shika will step up in times of strife, but I simply don't see him as capable of bearing those burdens when he could be laying on a hill somewhere watching clouds.

    Also, I disagree with the 'figurehead' part. I somehow doubt Naruto would be secretly controlled by others. He would take their advice, listen to it when it's good, ignore it when it's not, and consider all the factors as best he could. Shikamaru would make an excellent adviser. In fact he's probably literally perfect for an advisory role. But he's not a leader in the fashion Naruto is.

    He doesn't inspire loyalty, he doesn't cool the hearts and heads of his enemies, he doesn't encourage others to be greater than what they are and give them belief in the future. He's a good man with a good heart and a great mind, but I wouldn't call him Hokage material when you have people like Naruto or Kakashi or Gai around.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  19. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    Karin quite literally got in the way of Sasuke's goals when Danzo used her as a human shield.

    Also Juugo was one of the two people Sasuke cared about enough to try and save from Juubito's bijuudamas. I think Karin might be the only person Sasuke's ever apologized to and it's been noted that she can tell when people are lying to her.

    Sasuke specifically decided not to kill Naruto after defeating him.

    Sasuke clearly didn't need rescuing or returning to Konoha after Oro was killed. They were basically trying to kidnap him for their own selfish reasons. Returning him to a place where people care about him is just a nice way to dress it up.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  20. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Which is perfect justification for stabbing someone through the heart who is 'in his protective circles'. I mean, how dare she be captured?! What a bitch, right?! Remind me and others to never trust you with anything, ever. You obviously have no moral imperative against betrayal most foul.

    Well that's nice. Doesn't change the fact that he did it. He's not reliable or responsible in any fashion.

    "Oh, I'm sorry I'm a crazy fucker who tried to kill you in repayment for your loyalty and care. I promise I won't do it again until the next time it's convenient. "

    Also, I refuse to believe he tried to defend Juugo out of anything but a desire to have him as a future pawn in his plans.

    You're ignoring the Chidori through his fucking CHEST. The one that would have killed him had Naruto not deflected it and been the Kyuubi host at the same time?

    Or perhaps the Grand Fire Dragon? Meant to incinerate him? Did that perhaps slip your mind? Or were you too busy staring at the pretty Sharingan to bother to acknowledge it?

    Yeah, and deciding not to when he's weak as shit and emotionally drained doesn't change the fact that he made the decision in the first place and did his damnedest to follow through for most of the fight.

    But none of that matters because Super Speshul Sasuke can do no wrong!!!!!!!!111!1!1!!one

    Because he was in such a good place, mentally and emotionally, right? I mean, that there is the perfect example of fine decision making!

    No, they were trying to save him from himself. Something he needed, badly. That's ignoring the fact that Orochimaru wasn't dead at that point in the slightest. Getting your Naruto history wrong in favor of your favorite emo faggot again are we?

    Oh, and lets not forget that Sasuke had to be saved from Orochimaru even after he was 'dead'. Or did you forget the fact that Itachi had to save his ass from Oro during their fight because he was dumb enough to overextend himself in a fight he wasn't ready for?

    Also, I was talking about the original rescue attempt when he was LEAVING for Orochimaru. You know? Kiba, Neji, Naruto, Shika, Chouji, Lee, Gaara? All those people, lives on their line? Didn't give a fucking shit?

    Yet more willful blindness from the Sasuke fan, an unsurprising development. It's amazing how obsession with all things Uchiha makes both characters and fans capable of missing blatantly obvious points and imparts a highly useful selective memory.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
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