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Naruto Manga Thread

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Verse of Darkness, Feb 17, 2007.

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  1. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    All of the MS powers were shown before Sasuke used them though. They didn't come out of anywhere for Sasuke. Sure he conveniently leveled them up but it was clear that he hadn't mastered them(or rather Susanoo) before he did so.

    Rewriting reality is considered a genjutsu which the sharingan was established as being extremely powerful with. I'm not sure where the time/space jutsu comes from.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2012
  2. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Hardly. At this point, Naruto was completed exhausted from searching, going Kyuubi and fighting Orochimaru twice over. He'd already fallen over twice whilst running through Orochimaru's base. The rest of the team weren't at their peak either since they'd been running and fighting to varying degrees, whilst Sasuke had literally gotten out of bed.

    Even the fight itself wasn't much of one. Sai didn't do anything (I presume he was observing and looking for the right moment), I've already said Naruto was totally exhausted and Sakura didn't even get close. The only one who was even injured was Yamato, solely because he wasn't aware of Sasuke's lightning chakra flow and was attempting to the protect the medic. And that only kept him down for a moment.

    So saying that Sasuke "effortlessly demolished" them is a heavy exaggeration. Whilst it looks that way at first glance, when you take a closer look it didn't happen like that at all.

    I don't consider that an asspull at all. We had a huge argument about this on TFF and the sequence of events basically went like this:

    1. C0 builds up for explosion
    2. Sasukemaru swipes tattoo summoning Manda.
    3. Sharingan on Manda and has him eat Sasuke.
    4. C0 explodes.
    5. Sasuke desummons Manda.

    Sasuke had already prepared an escape plan beforehand (as shown by Suigetsu's snake scroll) which is logical since he knew he'd be facing S-rank shinobi. We'd already seen multiple uses of space-time ninjutsu and we know that it's the "fastest" method of travel, making it the only way of escaping Deidara's technique. Sasuke had absorbed Orochimaru, gained access to all his abilities, had the snake summoning tattoo and was able to receive a chakra-boost from Orochimaru to keep him alive.

    All this, to me, makes Sasuke's escape method plausible. I'd give the relevant manga pages but I don't want to go rifling through those pages again.
  3. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    Kishi set up a theme in that battle of Deidara incorrectly assuming things about Sasuke only to be proven wrong a little later. Deidara assumes Sasuke is completely out of chakra because he's stumbling and turned off his eyes. He could have been seeing damage from Sasuke electrocuting himself half to death and Sasuke not seeing him as a threat anymore.
  4. Davinelulinvega

    Davinelulinvega Third Year

    Dec 2, 2011
    also to be fair, sasuke doesn´t have access to either izanagi or izanami... (yet)

    what bothered me about the MS was a completely different thing though:

    we know that every eye looks differently, and they supposedly come with different techniques. at least that´s how it appeared when it was first introduced. kakashi had his wormhole thing and itachi the other stuff. then sasuke got the "ability" to put out amaterasu. and now shisui has been shown with the brainwash thing...
    yet sasuke, madara and itachi all "only" had tsukiyomi, amaterasu and susaano. and in sasukes case i can´t even remember if he ever used tsukiyomi before.
    so, what´s the deal with that? does every MS have it´s own shit or were sasuke and itachi just too incompetent to come up with original techniques?
  5. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    They don't pick what techniques their MS gets. Their MS comes with those jutsu. One per eye and perhaps another for both eyes. The techniques are obviously recycled. There's a certain number of MS jutsu that they have a possibility to awaken with the MS. I assume that Sasuke and Itachi have the same techniques because they're so closely related. Sasuke has used Tsukuyomi.
  6. Davinelulinvega

    Davinelulinvega Third Year

    Dec 2, 2011
    where did you get that from?
  7. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    Most of it is obvious from watching the series. Tobi for example knows what the jutsu are. He been saying things like "your Kamui won't work on me" and "It's a rare Uchiha that can use Susanoo."
  8. Cxjenious

    Cxjenious Dark Lord

    Aug 24, 2005
    Duh. The abilities are in the eye; the Uchiha just has to awaken them with the right circumstances. I can see how all of the techniques fit together - it's quite nice actually, in a gay, butt-fucking sort of way.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2012
  9. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    Didn't Tobi have a crapload of sharingan lying around or something? It would have been pretty interesting if he used those for ET and brought back the clan. I would have liked to see how the average Uchiha stacked up to regular ninja.
  10. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Looks like Saskue and Itachi are about to make out.
  11. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    I don't like Sasukes escape from Deidara because he has done all of that while chakra exhausted. I mean summoning Manda is a chakra hog. Genjutsuing is also uses nonexistent chakra. than he uses never mentioned before (or after) space time jutsu which again uses chakra. And Sasuke didn't have any time space jutsu at that point it was mentioned right there for the first time and last time.

    Lets say you are right about that( which you are not) but it isn't only instance, for example explain to me where did Sasuke get Hawk summoning contract?
  12. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    What Hawk summoning contract?
  13. Synchro

    Synchro High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 30, 2008
    He pulled out a Hawk summon during his fight with Danzo. Even Tobi/Madara/whatever-his-name-is was left wondering where Sasuke got that from.

    @Kalas's post: Oh yeah, he did that didn't he? He went from Snake (Hebi) to Hawk (Taka, I think).
    Of course, I seriously doubt we'll see him using a Hawk summon ever again. Unless he needs to get out of the way of a bijuu-dama or something and then he'll suddenly pull out space-time summoning to escape and kill the boss hawk in the process. :)
    Karin's escaped from Konoha - she'll have a secret scroll (just like Suigetsu) and she'll just happen to be around to perform the reverse summon. :facepalm
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2012
  14. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Danzo fight iirc. Sasuke summoned a hawk through the powers of changing his team name :p
  15. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    For one thing, Sasuke being chakra exhausted was an assumption of Deidara's part after seeing that his Sharingan was inactive. Sasuke didn't confirm or deny this so he might have simply been tricking Deidara (again).

    Though as I said before, I think Sasuke drew upon Orochimaru's chakra to summon Manda. We see in the Itachi fight that Orochimaru still held all his power despite being absorbed and even suggests that Sasuke makes use of his abilities.

    Given the way genjutsu works, it'd make sense that it doesn't take a lot of chakra to work especially aided by the Sharingan. It's also possible that he'd hypnotised Manda some point beforehand as a part of his preparation.

    [QUOTEthan he uses never mentioned before (or after) space time jutsu which again uses chakra. And Sasuke didn't have any time space jutsu at that point it was mentioned right there for the first time and last time.[/QUOTE]
    No, it's just the summoning technique. This "never-mentioned-before jutsu" was just Sasuke de-summoning Manda to escape the blast zone.

    And this is revelant...how exactly? If I had to guess, it was one of the things he picked up from the granny cat.
  16. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    We are talking about asspulls of that Sasuke wich makes people hate him of course it is revelant. Great snake escape is only one of those instances. Hawk summoning is another. There are few others mostly small things which adds up.

    I don't even mention EMS which I find ridiculous but I will keep my dislike to myself For the sake of Itachi who is true boss of the manga.

    I would have liked it if Itachi was the one who get more attention instead of Sasuke.
  17. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Sasuke's use of hawks isn't an asspull at all. It's not even that big a deal. He picked up a summoning contract, whoopty doo. Maybe if he'd pulled out some bullshit sage mode like Kabuto did, but straight summoning animals? Everyone and their mother can do that these days.

    To be honest, I feel like Sasuke's various powerups are greatly exaggerated. I fucking hate the guy, but he hasn't done anything completely unbelievable thus far. The whole opening fight between him and Naruto's team has already been explained pretty well by Portus, I believe. His fights with Danzo and Diedara were about as close to legit fights as this manga gets these days, and he still gets destroyed by Itachi in the end.

    The whole MS deal was pretty dumb, especially Susanoo, but it certainly wasn't instant god mode, as Kirabi easily proved. And even still he wore it out in like a fucking week. We'll have to wait and see how his EMS turns out, or maybe even his Rinnegan if Kishi decides to go that route, but I can't really bring myself to care about the prick at this point.

    Nah, I'm more worried about Madara, with all of his uber shenanigans. I hope he gets his shit rocked by Juubi!Naruto before things get even more ridiculous.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
  18. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    It's not like the Hawk summon even played a big part in the fight. He used it for a standing platform and it was gone.
  19. Davinelulinvega

    Davinelulinvega Third Year

    Dec 2, 2011
    exactly, i think he was basically the worst MS sharingan user in the whole series so far. looks like he traded all of his skills for this mcguffin. and even then he almost fucked up. i honestly think that´s among the better fights kishi has provided in the sense that sasuke really isn´t a "good" ninja at all at this point. he basically got powerful much more quickly than skillful and thus is forced to solely rely on what for ninjas like itachi is their absolute trump card and last resort. at least pre edo, but then again, if i could regnerate EVERYTHING i wouldn´t care about damaging my eyes anymore either.

    and that´s the reason i think naruto is the "stonger" one of them at the moment, because he was forced to get better at using his head despite his power increases, even if he´s still making stupid mistakes...
  20. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    Sasuke was clearly shown to be on par with Itachi skills wise. Itachi only dominated when he used his MS(which Sasuke could barely counter). I imagine that Sasuke's MS usage more resembles Madara's than Itachi's. He's turned it into his primary means of fighting. You can say that he's not a good ninja all you like but that's the exact sort of mindset that makes a kage so dangerous. They take an overpowered jutsu they most would use as a trump and they become good enough with it to absolutely own it.
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