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Naruto Manga Thread

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Verse of Darkness, Feb 17, 2007.

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  1. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Madara gains Rinnegan toward end of life, too crippled to fully abuse its powers> Revives Izuna, though at a limited degree> Probably mindscrews Izuna into being obedient, and instructs Izuna to revive Madara in the same way down the road> Izuna goes mad initially trying to figure out how to do this, finally settles on the Juubi, Nagato, and Akatsuki in general over the many years> Happens across Kannabi Bridge while observing Minato, and trying to puzzle out how best to disable him when the time comes to hijack the Kyuubi> Finds dying Sharingan out there for the taking and implants it, growing a fraction stronger> Modern hijinks and the like, including the evolution of Obito's Sharingan, under the "Tobi" persona caused by earlier madness> Somehow forces Nagato's eyes to evolve into Rinnegan.
  2. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    I was just thinking that. Tobi's eye jutsu works at close range. He has to be touching whatever it's used on. Kakashi's eye jutsu works at range and he just has to be looking at them. Obito would have been extremely hax if he matured and awoke his MS.

    I'm starting to think it's the younger son of the sage more after that speech Tobi gave about expectations leaving one hollow. He did call himself Nobody or something like that.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2012
  3. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
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    I have to say, what Tobi says makes way more sense than what the "good guys" are saying. I really don't see how Naruto can do anything to change the world.
  4. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I still think he's Obito. Sure, his power level didn't make sense when he was fighting Minato, but think for a moment about the scene when Tobi's mask is destroyed.

    "So, now you know who am I," says Izuna/Sage's second son/random Uchiha.

    "Eee... And who are you exactly?" Asks Naruto. "Hey, sensei, do you know him?"

    "I have no idea who he is," answers Kakashi. "Gai? Bee?"

    "Don't know the guy."

    "Me neither."

    A little anticlimactic if you ask me. :p
  5. Izanagi

    Izanagi First Year

    Apr 8, 2012
    Well Izuna seems to be the culprit for me too. Now that i think about it we never saw Tobi de-activate his sharingan so it makes sense it was implanted and as an Uchiha the Chakra loss would be neglible. Though it doesn't explain why it doesn't morph into MS when using the space-time ninjutsu.

    Also i know it doesn't much considering all the stuff which has been revealed but according to the legend didn't the older son of the Sage kill the younger son out of jealousy or am I mistaken?
  6. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Not sure if Obito is all that much better from the readers POV actually. I mean how big a role has Obito played in the series? A few mentions here and there at best, and two chapter flashback to how Kakashi got his eye a long time ago.

    I wonder, if we have the next chapter end with Tobis mask shattering and Obitos old face revealed, how many "average" readers of the series will instantly be able to tell "gosh! Its OBITO!"? I rather suspect that only the more hardcore fans (read ones who debate the matter in forums) will recognize him, while everyone else will just go "who the fuck is this guy?"

    And yes, I am sure we would get a flashback and hype from Kakashi and everything would be explained. But the thing is, if you need to explain who Obito is to everyone and remind most readers who he is, then that same flashback/explanation thing would work on Izuna, elder/younger son or anyone ever mentioned in the series just as well.

    Heck, at this point I rather suspect the elder son of the sage would actually be more recognizable than Obito. He had those very unique "swirlygan" eyes making him more "unique" than Obito (assuming we get a flashback with them anyway, I think Tobi has rinnegan/sharingan now?), and I think we saw him more recently than we saw Obito. He is also the start of the whole generational feud between Senju and Uchiha, which has been repeatedly emphasized in Naruto vs Sasuke. Not to mention that Kyuubi is now playing a major part in the battle, and Kyuubi would presumably recognize either of the two sons of the sage, making it just as easy for Kyuubi to reveal "its the elder son!" as it would be for Kakashi to reveal "its Obito!"

    Bottom line, I don't think this particular thing makes Obito any more likely than the other options.

    Personally, his more recent comments to Naruto made the younger son option a bit more likely. I mean if he is the younger son, then that guy was basically Naruto, filled with hope/love and all gungho about bringing peace to the world. A (very long) lifetime of constant failure and disappointment as people just kept fighting and killing each other despite his best attempts could well have resulted in this fatalistic attitude he has, and would also explain why he finds Naruto so naive. Because he WAS Naruto once, only to have harsh reality grind the same hopes Naruto now has into dust.

    Would certainly make more sense than Obito somehow surviving and then rather than returning home to his friends, deciding instead to brainwash the entire world just for kicks (or for revenge simply because the girl he had a crush on as a kid happened to die during a war).
  7. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    According to Tobi the older son attacked the younger son. I assume he survived.
  8. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Whats the deal with the sons of the Sage? I don‘t remember much besides he attributes each got.
  9. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Senju Clan Ancestor - Younger Brother and Heir
    Uchiha Clan Ancester - Older Brother
  10. gullibleoats

    gullibleoats Seventh Year

    Dec 12, 2010
    Hmm. As many have said, it seems more and more likely that Tobi is the younger son of Rikudo.

    However, with the appearance of Orochimaru, the mention of Kannabi Bridge, it may be that Orochimaru did not actually create the body possession jutsu, and the younger son used it on Obito as he was dying.

    Perhaps the reason that he has lived so long is that he switches bodies around, and his name is a tribute to the person whose body he took.

    Besides, if he is the son of the Sage, it does make sense that he would try to witness all the Shinobi Wars.
  11. Davinelulinvega

    Davinelulinvega Third Year

    Dec 2, 2011
    i´m still in favour of a form of possession. i think the connection to obito has now been established, so it remains to be seen in what way they are "related"

    remember obito was crushed under a rock when he gave kakashi his eye. tobis space time jutsu would be the only thing i could think of that could get his body out of there. of course that would imply that tobi already knew how to do the jutsu, or learned the potential of obitos eyes in a second.

    i do not think that it really is the character obito though.
  12. uju32

    uju32 First Year

    Feb 10, 2012
    That's because phasing is apparently a base Sharingan technique.
    Which is deeply scary.
  13. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Have we actually seen his Sharingan whilst he's using his jutsu?
  14. uju32

    uju32 First Year

    Feb 10, 2012
    I thought so, but the closest image I can find is him appearing behind Konan after her mega paper bomb explosion.
    Not conclusive though.
  15. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Tobi looks too old to be Obito, from what we've seen. He has age lines and such. If he's not Izuna, then I would say he's even older than that. Dude knows everything.
  16. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    In theory, it could be argued that the younger son is extremely long lived or even ageless/immortal, given that he apparently inherited the "life force" of the sage, which was supposed to be extreme. I mean this guy is the ancestor of all the Uzumakis who were supposed to possess extreme longevity, and Hashirama with his super-duper chakra/dna that everyone is trying to get their hands on. Except what would have been likely diluted by the many generations between this guy and Uzumakis/Hashirama, would still be as "pure" as possible in him. I could well see him being able to live for many centuries as a result, even without any special life extending techniques.

    The only problem with that is that the original sage did not live that long (that we know of anyway), but that could be explained by Juubi poisoning his body or somesuch. We did have a flashback of the sage talking to the little bijuu, which means he survived having Juubi extracted from his body, which is normally lethal. Even Kushina who had "special chakra" was in really bad shape afterwards, while the sage seemed to have no problems walking around and talking to his bijuu kids. That would be the life force the younger son would have inherited.

    Depends I guess. It does seem like the transport is focused on the hole in his mask, where the sharingan is, implying a sharingan technique. However we have never seen him utilize MS for it or anything. One possibility is that Kishi simply did not show this, since it is apparently Obitos eye and we have seen Obitos MS pattern in Kakashi, so this would have instantly revealed it. So it might be that its going to be "retconned" to have been MS technique all along, now that we know.

    Another possibility is that Tobi is so good that he can use his technique with just the base sharingan, as uju32 said. We have seen Itachi for example use base sharingan to cast powerfull genjutsu, so we know it is possible to use base sharingan to invoke techniques. Tobi just does with teleportation, what Itachi did with genjutsu. Its far from impossible, since Minato basically did this whole teleportation thing with no sharingan at all. Ofcourse if this is true, it does make you wonder if Tobis eye has another even more powerfull MS techinique (super-teleport? :)) that has not yet been revealed.
  17. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    I think the problem with that last paragraph is that all sharingan seem to have the ability to use powerful genjutsu so Itachi doing so doesn't really work as evidence for Tobi doing so with a ninjutsu.
  18. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Itachi using genjutsu from base was basically just an example of a technique being used by a base sharingan. For all we know, Obitos eye has a random mutation where it does S/T rather than genjutsu in base or something crazy like that.
  19. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Keep up, sonny boy. :sherlock:
  20. Bucks

    Bucks Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 10, 2008
    I work at my own pace, don't judge me:colbert:
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