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Naruto Manga Thread

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Verse of Darkness, Feb 17, 2007.

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  1. BobVosh

    BobVosh Squib

    Apr 8, 2012
    So I have a few questions, that I can't remember if the manga just glossed over or actually explained. I remember that Mito and Kushina were both Kyuubi containers that no one knew about. How was this possible? Kushina was in at least the third shinobi war, and Mito had to be in the first. No clue about the second.

    Did they just never use the most powerful Jinchuuriki?
  2. MyrzaelHanzo

    MyrzaelHanzo First Year

    Dec 24, 2011

    So how much of meaning of his lofty surname was known to Naruto ? Before meeting with Kushina he knew nothing about his Uzumaki heritage and now he knows next-to-nothing. I do not remember anything in canon that would indicate that Naruto was EVER inspired by his surname. And it looked like people in Konoha do not care about some long buried clan.

    So that is why Jiraiya gave blond lookalike of Yondaime his signature jutsu and summon ? I wonder if he thought that these actions actually helped in keeping Naruto´s parentage hidden.

    Well, seeing as how they haphazardly "trained" Naruto in actual use of his jinchuuriki abilities, I would say Konoha had not used them in past in combat.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2013
  3. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    According to whom?

    My theory has always been that Mito and Kushina were jinchuuriki styled in the way the original Sage was - meaning that their purpose was to contain the bijuu rather than use the bijuu as a weapon of war.

    Remember that Naruto's seal was specifically made so that the Kyuubi's chakra leaks through so that Naruto can use it because Minato believed that he would need it. Now think for a moment that perhaps Mito and Kushina's seals weren't meant to allow the Kyuubi's chakra to leak out. They were meant simply to seal away the Kyuubi and hold it at bay. In such a case the Kyuubi's chakra leaking out would mean a failure of the seal and therefore be a very bad thing.

    This could explain why so many jinchuuriki seem to have issues controlling their power or are even killed by their bijuu after a time (case in point Bee's predecessor). The ninja villages have perverted the original purpose of the jinchuuriki from a person meant to hold the bijuu at bay to a person who can channel the bijuu as a weapon of war. Creating a "weaponized" jinchuuriki carries much more severe risks than creating one meant only to seal the bijuu's power.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2013
  4. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Because it was time for Naruto to learn how to protect himself and keeping his parentage hidden was becoming less and less important.
  5. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Mito was capable of Kurama's ability to sense negative emotions, implying she was using his power though perhaps not in the sense that current jinchuuriki do.
  6. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Was it specifically stated that Mito gained that power because of the Kyuubi or was it something that she inherently possessed as a sensor type, similar to what Karin can do?

    I don't remember if it was ever explicitly stated, but perhaps it was an ability that Mito possessed all along. Need to reread.
  7. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Kisame says it here, though whether he's a trustworthy source or not is debatable. I seem to remember it being stated somewhere else as well, but I can't find it right now.
  8. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    There is a rather fatal flaw with this theory due to current canon. And that is that since the Sage basically imagined the bijuu into being, and made them peacefull by nature (see chibi!Kyuubi crying), there should never have been a reason to contain them at all. Based on what we know now, the bijuu should have been able to coexist with humans in peace in their natural unsealed state.

    Only the original creature (Juubi) had to be contained, and even then we don't know if Juubi was actually evil. Some of the latest chapters seem to indicate that Juubi may have simply been such a massive force of nature that it killed humans not out of malice, but simply by existing (kinda like accidentally stepping on ants).

    Based on what we know from Kyuubi, it was humans who basically enslaved the bijuu and mistreated them, and thats why most bijuu hate humans so much. For example, we know that Madara placed Kyuubi into genjutsu and used Kyuubi as a weapon against Hashirama. After the battle was over, Hashirama apparently decided that Kyuubi could no longer be allowed to remain free, even though Kyuubi was innocent of any wrongdoing and had basically been mind-controlled into attacking. Kyuubi actually has a flashback during the edo!jinchuuriki fight to this, where a bloody Hashirama states that since Kyuubi is powerfull and can be controlled, he must be brutally imprisoned simply for being powerfull.

    Actually, its pretty ironic that exactly that happened to Hashirama himself. He was mind-controlled by Orochimaru(Madara) into attacking Konoha against his will, and was then sealed away into a torturous existence in the stomach of Shinigami(Mito/Kushina). Since Hashirama is once again back as an edo, I wonder if we will get a comment from Kyuubi about this, if someone (Sasuke?) controls Hashirama and sends him to fight Naruto. An ironic role-reversal. Wonder if Kyuubi will suggest that Hashirama should be sealed inside Sakura/Hinata/whoever so that he cannot pose a danger to anyone again :).

    Everyone is already using Hashiramas dna, so its just a short leap from sealing Hashirama himself and then transferring his sealed soul to the next generation. I mean we know he has insane chakra levels (just like the bijuu), and he has mokuton so a Hashirama!Jinchuriki might be very powerfull. :)

    Obito mentions it after Naruto escapes from the island. He compares Narutos ability to Mito's and says its the same ability, though he does not clarify where Mito get her ability. Supposedly the Zetsus that were infiltrating everywhere were partially to lure Naruto out, since normal sensors could not detect them.

    I will say that it seems highly likely that Mito got her ability from Kyuubi, just like Naruto did. Its plausible that Hashirama had something to do with that. Given how Mokuton can apparently control Kyuubi so easily, its possible that Mito was able to take a piece of Kyuubis chakra for herself somehow without having to go through the whole combat scenario that Naruto had to go through. Maybe that way she got the non-combat powers of Kyuubi (sensory ability), but not the combat powers such as the chakra aura&bijuudama and so on.

    Though we don't really know much about Mitos seal. We saw Kushinas seal, and it was pretty nasty compared to Narutos, and was indeed solely designed to keep Kyuubi contained with extreme prejudice. Mitos seal might have been more like Narutos however.
  9. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    The idea that the bijuu are benevolent creatures isn't supported at all by the manga. True, they are rational and certainly not intrinsically evil, but to suggest that they have no ill will towards others is just plain false. The Kyuubi can certainly empathize and even form friendships with characters like the Sage and Naruto, but I hardly think that they've simply been misunderstood throughout history.

    Concerning Mito's ability, it stands to reason that if she gained it simply by having the Kyuubi sealed in her then she never would have been able to utilize it against someone like Madara, seeing as he supposedly died during that very same encounter. I propose that Mito possessed a rare gift among the Uzumaki that gave her this ability that Naruto also possessed in a less potent fashion. Gaining control over the Kyuubi simply enhanced his intrinsic abilities just like it has seemingly done for every single character who Naruto has shared the Kyuubi's chakra with.

    Also, neither Kisame nor Obito are reliable commentators. Neither was born before Mito's death.

    Is is supported by the manga? No. Does it make more sense than "the legendary monster of destruction, Kyuubi, gives you magical powers of empathy?" Maybe.
  10. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    I may have stated what I meant badly. The point is that originally they were basically supposed to be true monsters and actual literal demons. However now we know that the Sage basically imagined them into being and that they were once children and lived in peace. I would presume that means that since the Sage only had a human mind as a model, the minds of the bijuu themselves are very similar to that, which fits the way they act.

    Which basically means that the bijuu are likely just as capable of good and evil as any human, and capable of living in peace. However obviously they are not saints, and just like humans, if they are mistreated or otherwise if something happens they can become violent and hatefull towards those who hurt them.

    When it really comes down to it, we don't have much proof that the bijuu ever really did anything nasty after the sage died. There are a few vague mentions of Kyuubi attacking places where human evil reached a critical point, but no details. I don't think we have a single other mention of any bijuu attacking unprovoked. And we have viewpoint from Kyuubi where it is obviously bitter towards Hashirama for capturing and sealing it simply for being powerfull, when it was controlled by Madara. If Kyuubi regularly went around blowing villages up, that whole scene and the reason (sealed for being powerfull, not for being evil) Hashirama gives would not work.

    I don't have any problems with the idea that the view of bijuu as evil sentient monsters is just human propaganda by the current villages who use them as weapons. I am sure its much easier for everyone to justify slavery of sentient beings, if you first convince yourself that your slaves are inherently evil monsters and nothing more.


    Mito never used the negative sensing against Madara. Madara (and Obito) know of the ability because Madara actually did survive, learned of the ability later in life from his spies such as Zetsu (Madara lived to a very old age), and told about it to Obito. Mito never used this on Madara, and infact its not mentioned she even used it regularly. We only know she had it, because of this:


    Whats more, we even have hints that its an ability Kyuubi itself has. The only comments of Kyuubi attacking humans, is when "human malice" in a certain place reached some huge level. How would that work if Kyuubi could not sense malice and realise that a group of humans somewhere have become uber-evil?

    Whats more, when Naruto does the whole waterfall training and learns to let go of the anger and bitterness inside him, and then goes to confront Kyuubi, Kyuubi actually instantly senses that Naruto has changed, implying it could feel that Naruto suddenly had a lot less of "darkness" in him.

    I think its 99.9% certain that this is an ability of the Kyuubi, and Mito just got it by somehow gaining some control over the chakra (but not as much as Naruto who attained KCM). Kushina never had any control over the Kyuubis chakra at all, and as such never gained this ability.

    But Naruto did not have any ability to sense emotions at all, so there was nothing to enhance. I also don't understand what you mean by by Kyuubi enhancing intrinsic abilities of every character? I mean if you super-charge the chakra levels of someone, then obviously they can use their techniques in a super-charged way. But I don't think we have any proof that any of the people suddenly gained entirely new abilities. And thats what the emotion sensing is, something totally new that was never hinted at before Naruto got KCM.

    Kisame is irrelevant here, since he does not actually link Naruto to Mito at all. He knows Naruto can sense malice, because Naruto just sensed him inside the sword despite the fact that normal sensors (chakra sensors) cannot detect him and because Naruto openly stated that the way he did this was by sensing a feeling of "malice".

    Obito regularly shows knowledge of things that happened before he was born and which are related to Madara. We know Madara taught Obito a lot of things in that genjutsu. Whats more, Madara transferred his "will" into Zetsu, creating the black zetsu, who presumably had access to Madaras knowledge and memories. Heck, odds are that Madara also just wrote lots of things into journals and such. He had plenty of time, stuck to that statue that was keeping him alive.

    Obito had multiple valid sources to Madaras knowledge, and Madara was highly motivated to spy on Mito, Kyuubi and Hashirama so his knowledge of Mitos ability makes perfect sense. As such the fact Obito was not alive when Mito was is irrelevant to whether or not he accurately knows about Mitos abilities.

    a)That Kyuubi is a monster of destruction is indeed just a legend, with recent events suggesting its just propaganda.

    b)There are instances of Kyuubi showing/being suggested in having this ability.

    c)Its not so much empathy in my view. I think its worth pointing out that Naruto&Kyuubi can only sense malice/negativity and nothing else. So he can presumably sense things generally considered negative such as evil, anger, hatred, cruelty, etc. But its not actually true empathy in that there is nothing to suggest he can sense any other emotion. Naruto in KCM cannot sense happiness, love, boredom or any other non-malice emotion.
  11. Bucks

    Bucks Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 10, 2008
    I agree with most of what you said, but I'd like you to provide proof for this.
  12. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    No-one's ever said that he can't sense positive emotions but it's strongly implied that he can't as it's specifically referred to as sensing negative emotions. Otherwise it would just be the ability to sense emotions.

    Kisame says he can "detect hatred and other negative emotions" while Tobi says he can now "sense the hostility of the enemy". Every time Naruto is shown using that ability it was by sensing his enemy's malice and he's given no sign that he can sign positive emotions as well.
  13. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Basically, from what I understood, Kyuubi's anger at humans came from Madara, Hashirama, Mito and Kushina, because of how they each controlled him in some way. Or rather, they were just an example that already enforced what he thought about them. He originally felt that way about Naruto until he showed he was different than the rest and willing to become friends.

    This page shows what I mean.
  14. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
  15. Kthr

    Kthr Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2008
    São Paulo, Brazil
    Dear lord, I can just see the fanfictions now. Sasuke ignores his fangirls because he loves too much.
  16. Clerith

    Clerith Ahegao Emperor ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    High Score:
    The personalities were a little weird, but damn that was a cool chapter.
  17. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Orochimaru botched the Edo Tensei and summoned Danzo instead of Nidaime.
  18. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    I kinda liked the fact that the First was the brawn and the Second was the brains, but with this whole 'Uchiha have too much power of love so they sealed it away' thing...

    We're just one skirt and magical transformation sequence away from this turning into a shoujo.
  19. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    I am actually a bit happy that it didn't turn out that everything was 100% the Uchiha's fault and that the Nidaime and Danzo were to blame too. Would have been easy to shift the whole blame on the Uchiha again.
  20. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    I have long suspected the two's mentality were more similar than not.
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