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Naruto Manga Thread

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Verse of Darkness, Feb 17, 2007.

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  1. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Actually, there is no proof of that whatsoever. The way Shiki Fuujin works, is that everything it seals is sealed inside the user of the technique, but apparently the things that are sealed are then released inside the Stomach of the Shinigami, after being eaten alongside with the user of the technique.

    For example, when Sarutobi sealed away the two first hokages and Orochimarus arms, the process happened EXACTLY as it did with Minato. The hokages/arms were pulled INTO Sarutobis body, and the same seal that appeared for Yin-Kyuubi in Minato, also appeared for Sarutobi. Basically, Sarutobi was a "jinchuuriki" of Orochimarus arms and the other hokages at this point.

    And yet, when Orochimaru released everyone, the two hokages and his arms were NOT still sealed inside Sarutobi, but had been released from that seal during Sarutobis time inside the shinigamis stomach.

    If your idea about sealing things prior to being eaten were true, then it would not have been enough for Orochimaru to release the souls from Shinigami in order to regain his hands. If your theory was true, then only Sarutobi (with Hashirama Tobirama and Orochimarus arms sealed inside his body via the seal we saw form on his stomach) and Minato would appear and be open for Edo Tensei. And afterwards, in order to get his arms, Orochimaru would have had to break the seal on Sarutobi to get his hands. But obviously this did NOT happen. Orochimarus arms were already free when releaed, despite having gone to Shinigami sealed inside Sarutobi.

    Logically the exact same process would work with Minato and Yin-Kyuubi, which means that while that part of Kyuubi might have been sealed inside Minatos body while Minato was alive, when he was eaten, his soul and Yin-Kyuubi would have separated and become distinct and separate entities inside the Shinigami. That how it was with all the other examples (hokages and arms.

    Infact the only thing that contradicts this is that we did not actually see a "blob" for Yin-Kyuubi when the souls flowed out of Shinigamis stomach. So either Kishi forgot, the Yin-Kyuubi flew away so fast we did not have time to see it, or it actually was one of the blobs and we did not see Orochimarus arms (they might have merged with him instantly, due to him being linked to Shinigami at that time). I will say that Naruto&Kurama are much further away than Orochimaru for example, so while Orochimarus arms only had to move maybe a meter, Yin-Kyuubi would need to fly through air for miles and miles to reach Naruto and the Yang-Kurama. IF it returns to Naruto, then it does make some sense that it would have flown from the room at very high speed.

    Could Minato be an exception? I guess maybe, if we come up with some bizarre idea such as for example having Yin-Kyuubi be a soulless/mindless thing composed of only power (with the complete mind and the entirety "bijuu-soul" having gone to Naruto from the start), and as such would operate on different principles.

    Though I will say that we actually see Minato thinking about Naruto and Kyuubi in the latest chapter, and how they have learned to work together. The fact that he does not even give a throwaway line about what happened to Yin kinda suggests to me that Kishi may just have forgot that Minato took away half of Kyuubi.

    I mean if he still has the Yin inside him, should he not be plotting to release it to Naruto. And if he does not have it, should he not be wondering if it went to Naruto to make his son stronger. There is also the tiny fact that it was just a couple chapters ago that we learned that an Edo Tensei CANNOT be a jinchuuriki for some reason, and that Madara has to be revived by Obito (via Rinne Tensei) for real if the moon eye plan is to go forward. That further suggests that the very edo Minato should not be able to be a jinchuuriki of Yin-Kyuubi.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  2. Lamora

    Lamora Definitely Not Batman ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 10, 2009
    New York
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    For the record, I still find it dodgy as fuck that souls correspond to limbs, let alone the notion of amputation.

    Also, this new resurrected Orochimaru seems like a pretty cool guy. If this was him pre-betrayal, I can totally see how his own brand of weirdness would go unlooked, even under the eyes of Sarutobi.
  3. Trooper

    Trooper Death Eater

    Jan 8, 2009
    Bangalore, India
    Now I had a thought...
    Seeing as Kishi seems to be bringing everyone and their mother back to life, including people who were supposed to be impossible to resurrect...
    Why not bring The Awesome Toad Mountain Sage, JIRAIYA back?

  4. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
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    Hashirama and Tobirama get better and better. Hashirama apprently shrugged off Orochimaru's control, which is good.
  5. Napwneon

    Napwneon Banned

    Dec 20, 2010
    I am quite curious as to why Kabuto didn't bring him back. AFAIK Jiraiya never went through any Shinigami Shenanigans, and having him fight against Naruto would seem so... obvious.
  6. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    He couldn't gather enough, or any, of his DNA because his body was at the bottom of a lake. He theorised he could summon him if he had access to the weapons that Nagato used to kill him but nothing came of it.
  7. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    ^ Lack of DNA, IIRC.

    Aaaaand ninja'd. Better said, too.
  8. Sechrima

    Sechrima Disappeared

    Sep 30, 2010
    NRW, Germany
    Perhaps Orochimaru has some of Jiraiya's DNA sealed up for just such an eventuality. One can hope.

    Also, Datakim, you raise some good points. I hadn't considered Orochimaru's arms. But let's look at it this way: Either Kishimoto will be inconsistent and the Yin-half of the Kyuubi will still be inside Minato, or he has completely forgotten about the Yin-half, or he failed to depict it returning to Naruto when Orochimaru released all the Shinigami's trapped souls. Personally, I'd rather like Minato to be a jinchuuriki or for Naruto to immediately get the Yin chakra. Both options are appealing. If Kishi just plain forgot about it... :facepalm
  9. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    Wait, Orochimaru released ALL the souls? I thought he was just letting out the Hokages and his arms.
  10. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    He could choose?
  11. Synchro

    Synchro High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 30, 2008
    Perhaps he could. That might explain the lack of any mention of Kurama's remaining chakra. The souls to be released were determined by Orochimaru.

    Orochimaru only intended to resurrect the Hokages and get his arms back so he freed them from the seal. Either he doesn't know about Kurama's chakra or he's not interested in it if he knows, so...no kyuubi chakra.
  12. Sechrima

    Sechrima Disappeared

    Sep 30, 2010
    NRW, Germany
    That's a possibility, I suppose. But it would still be possible for Naruto to get the Yin chakra at this point. Apparently Hashirama broke free of Orochimaru's control last chapter, so he could perhaps break Orochimaru's control over the others. At that point, it's possible that Minato could grab the Uzumaki mask and commit faux-seppuku, releasing the Yin chakra. I doubt this will happen, since Minato didn't seem to know it was possible to be freed from the Shinigami, and thus wouldn't know how Orochimaru pulled it off. Also, I doubt Minato ever intended Naruto to get the Yin half, for whatever reason, so he probably won't do anything like this. I wish he would, though. It kind of bugs me that Naruto only has half of a bijuu, even if it's the strongest one.
  13. Synchro

    Synchro High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 30, 2008
    You know, I'm not entirely sure anymore that he only has half a bijuu.

    As I recall, Naruto in bijuu-mode was able to casually match the power of four - or was it five? - bijudama from the other jinchchuriki in full out bijuu-transformation. If that is the power of half-a-kyuubi, the real one must have been utterly ridiculous. Not quite on the level of the ten-tails, but still...

    Are we certain about this whole yin-yang split shtick? I vaguely remember Jiraiya saying something about it just before his fight with Nagato, but was it ever confirmed in-story? Maybe it was just plain chakra that Minato took from Kurama and over time, Kurama was able to recover it (he did do the sage-mode meditation thing a few chapters back).
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  14. Sechrima

    Sechrima Disappeared

    Sep 30, 2010
    NRW, Germany
    I'm pretty sure that, once something chakra-oriented has been sealed, it can't just regenerate or heal back to normal. It's fundamentally gone. Especially if it's sealed in the Shinigami. Otherwise Orochimaru would have slowly regained the use of chakra in his arms without needing to use this mask.

    Half of Kurama was completely sealed away, leaving only its Yang component behind. I'm fairly certain of that much.

    Edit: Come to think of it, isn't it a little strange that this version of Orochimaru, who had been sealed in Anko's Curse Mark for ages, also lost the use of his arms when Hiruzen sealed the original's away? If that's the case, then why did this Orochimaru not disappear when Itachi sealed away the original's entire body with the Sword of Totsuka? Odd.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  15. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Shinigami seal >>> Totsuka seal I guess.
  16. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    I'd say this version is the original but in a reconstructed body. The curse seal bound him to the impure world with his chakra so he wasn't entirely cut off when he was sealed by the Totsuka/burned by Amaterasu. When Sasuke introduced the flesh and unsealed it, Orochimaru's soul moved into the body.
  17. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    I always thought this whole bottom of the oean thing was just an excuse. I mean I find it pretty tough to believe, that in the entirety of his career and all the time Jiraiya spend fighting and hunting Orochimaru, there never was an opportunity for Orochimaru to take and store a sample. Heck, Orochimaru is apparently basically carrying the dna of the hokages with him (!).

    All it would have taken is Orochimaru storing some blood or such Jraiya lost during a fight with him (or for that matter any fight with anyone). If its possible to find dna from ancient kages that would probably have had their bodies destroyed or cremated, then not being able to get some from Jiraiya who JUST died, is absurd.

    I think it more likely that that Kishi just felt that Jiraiya had such a good death, that brining him back as an edo would just ruin things. And its not like Jiraiya could even pose any real challenge against the current Naruto anyway, so there is no combat related reason to do so. It might allow Jiraiya to feel all proud at Naruto for actualy making peace with Kurama, convincing Nagato away from his mad path and mastering SM far beyond Jiraiya. But neither Kabuto or Orochimaru seem like the types that would want to give Naruto a chance to say goodbye.

    Well, like I said, the possibility does exist that the Yin-Kyuubi just left the Shinigami at such great speed, that it was not depicted in the chapter. Orochimaru was there, so his arms would not have had to rush anywhere, and the other hokages had nowhere to go. However if the Yin-Kyuubi is going to play a role, then presumably it would have to reach Naruto (who right now is in a life or death battle against Madara, Obito and Juubi) pretty damn quick. Heck, Naruto has managed to do little to Juubi, and we know it is about to undergo another "evolution" and become even stronger very soon. So in that sense, it would make sense for Naruto to get a boost from regaining the Yin-Kurama so he can better challenge Juubi.

    So it does make some sense from both story perspective and logical reasons that the Yin-chakra might have just sped away from the room near instantly. That would also allow Kishi to "surprise" the reader with Naruto suddenly getting a boost, just when it looks like Juubi has become too strong for anyone to have any chance against.

    Remember that only the summoner can see the souls/Shinigami, so Sasuke&co would not have seen any of that. And Orochimaru obviously was distracted by suddenly having hands. If an extra soul (Kyuubi) slipped out and left the room at 100km/h, he would likely not have noticed. Though if I am totaly honest, this kind of explanation does feel like trying to justify a potential loop hole.

    However there is a loop hole if Minato still has it. It would contradict the behaviour of the other hokages/arms, and it would also contradict the fact that according to Madara, Edo Tensei zombies CANNOT become Jinchuuriki. Heck, it was just a few chapters ago that this inability was a BIG DEAL, since it means Obito would have to sacrifice himself via Rinne Tensei to bring Madara back, if the Moon Eye Plan is to proceed. For Kishi to state that an edo cannot be a jinchuuriki (and make it an important part of the basic plot), and then make an edo (Minato) into a jinchuuriki just few chapters later would be just bad writing.

    I was also slightly bothered that Yin-Kyuubi was not even mentioned. I mean we see Minato thinking about Naruto, and even feeling proud that Naruto has managed to convince Kurama to work together with Naruto in peace. If Minato DID still have Yin-Kurama, then it feels odd that Minato would not have even considered trying to give back the Yin part back to Naruto, who Minato nows knows would obviously be able to handle it beter than he (or anyone), thanks to having become a perfect jinchuuriki. This is twice as true now, that he knows Naruto is fighting an immortal edo!Madara. Should giving his son a powerup that would allow Naruto to better oppose the super!madara not be a priority to him?

    Instead, he does not consider or acknowledge Yin-Kurama in any way. That kinda disturbs me since it implies that maybe Kishi really HAS forgotten.

    I agree here. Hmm, I suppose you could make the argument that Kurama is now in a position to start renerating it thanks to Naruto.

    I mean first of all, I have the impression that the bijuu basically can regenerate chakra pretty much an unlimited amount of time (albeit at limited rate, which prevents them from being all powerfull). That would also explain the whole reincarnation thing. I mean we know that the bodies of the bijuu are not truly flesh and blood (even if they look like it). Infact if you think about it, the bijuus bodies are kinda like Narutos shadow clones. They are chakra turned into solid form. Ofcourse since the bijuu have such insane levels of chakra, their chakra bodies don't have the problem the Kage bunshin does with disappearing the moment they take any damage.

    And like I said, this might explain the reincarnation. Lets say a bijuu is killed. Presumably they lose all their stored chakra along with their body when this happens. However unlike humans, the "soul" or requivalent of the bijuu does not depart the world to the afterlife. So a bijuu that has been killed is basically reduced to a non-corporeal soul floating around (think Voldemort). However presumably they still produce chakra even in that state, and can store it for later use. And as the years pass, they have more an more chakra regenerated, until eventually they have enough to use that chakra to construct a new physical body for their non-corporeal soul

    Presumably then, if Kurama cannot do this, its because either the part of its soul capable of creating Yin-chakra has been lost, or that in order to start creating more chakra, the bijuu need a tiny bit of the chakra to work it. That is to say, they need a small amount of chakra to use as an "egg", and they can then start increasing the amount of chakra slowly. So even if Kurama is drained completely or killed, he would always have a tiny fragment of Yang-chakra, and he could then start slowly increasing that amount.

    However when it comes to Yin, Minato took literally ALL of it, leaving 0% to Kurama. That would mean that Kurama cannot create more Yin, since he has no chakra-egg to start increasing. However Kurama has now merged his chakra with Naruto, who DOES have both Yin and Yang chakra. It makes me wonder if as a result of this, Kurama is now in a position to start slowly regaining the chakra Minato took, thanks to Naruto basically sharing a portion of his own Yin with Kurama, potentially allowing Kurama to finally jumpstart Yin-chakra production of his own. Though even if true, it would presumably stilll take decade before Kurama had enough of it to matter.

    Yeah, that whole thing does not really make sense. Heck, the fact that Orochimaru seems to know everything the other Orochimaru did is confusing too. I mean Orochimaru came FROM Ankos seal, and that seal was placed a long time ago. Should the Orochimaru from Ankos seal basically be totally igorant of everything that happened after Anko got the seal.

    For that matter, should Orochimaru not be massively weak, since his power should be composed solely of whatever tiny piece of himself he plaed inside the seal, with the majority of Orochimaru (and his power) still sealed away inside the sword of Totsuka.

    And ofcourse said Orochimaru should not have lost the usage of his hands as ou say, since he still had them when Ankos curse mark was first placed.
  18. Sechrima

    Sechrima Disappeared

    Sep 30, 2010
    NRW, Germany
    The only thing that would make sense given how the manga has depicted events is if Orochimaru's soul is spread out evenly across all his horcru--I mean Curse Marks, and they are all interconnected and their 'separateness' is really only a material illusion. That way, if one form of Orochimaru loses his arms, all other forms spread across his Curse Mark hosts lose their arms at the same time. Though divided up in different physical seals, they are still spiritually combined.

    Furthermore, perhaps the Sword of Totsuka does not seal the spirit, but only the physical form. Once the physical body is sealed up, perhaps the spirit proceeds off into the Pure World. I hope this is the case, or else Nagato is doomed to spend all eternity in a genjutsu-like "world of drunken dreams", which seems kind of harsh since he turned out to be a good bloke. And yeah, by this mechanic, it would make sense that the Curse Mark-spawned Orochimaru would have retained use of his body, whereas he lost the use of his arms because the Shinigami actually seals away the soul of things.

    I'm a bit disappointed in Kishi for making me pull at strings like this though, if I'm honest.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  19. Vikraal

    Vikraal First Year

    Jan 30, 2013
    @Sechrima: Orochimaru new body had perfectly usable arms, that belong to that body. I'm not sure how his body possession works, I suppose his soul manages to transfer traits/bloodlines into the new host and because of the pressure of such transformation each body continues to rot away. It would explain why he had so many people are inside his 'world of curse seal', each of the people's essence is storied in them.
    With the Loss of his soul arms, the arms of the new host's body didn't mutate and transform as desired as such Orochimaru could not access his techniques as he normally could.
    Although why does it Rot slowly, when the transformation to access his abilities seems instantaneous is very weird. Edit: It looks instantaneous now, but regaining his abilities was a slow process in the previous chapters.

    @Datakim: I think Orochimaru knows everything through Kabuto when he took his powers.
    By regaining his souls arms he got another piece of himself back to access more of his original power. Why his soul arms seems to obey Ankomaru's soul is a good question.
    Although This Episode also contradicts a certain fact that Ankomaru desired Sasuke's Body, which could explained by Sechrima's Theory that they are all always connected and know everything at all times. That would really drive a person insane, which he is/was or is faking sanity.

    I'm not so sure of the Limited Rate of Recovery of the Bijuu chakra, Naruto seem to easily have handed out A TON of chakra to just about Everyone. After just having used most of Kurama's energy. Although It could be said that at the current moment of the Manga Determination can overcome things such as Physical Fatigue and stress from using that much chakra and even Regain chakra to 100% in the Biju's Case.

    As for the Minato's having and doing something with the Yin' Half -theory, For One Minato doesn't have the whiskers, which means even if he did possess the Chakra, it might just cripple him and make him loose control as he has no experience of using it.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2013
  20. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Kushina contained the Kyuubi and she didn't have whiskers.
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