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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Guys. I don't know what to do.

    Clarice the Dratini died today leveling against the grunts in Chuck's gym in a tragic Ice Punch incident. But, but...

    When I went to release her, she came back. D:

  2. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Just stick her in the box and forget about her I guess.
  3. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
  4. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    If they love you enough [nojoke.jpg]
  5. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Zeitgeist the Lapras, after I trained him from Level 25 to solosteamrolling the Elite 4... he did. :3
  6. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Did some grinding with my new Chinchou and dominated the waters between Olivine and Cianwood. Calz the Croconaw also evolved during this time. Once I reached Cianwood, I tried going to the Safari Zone, but they said they were under construction, and I left in a huff.

    I was really worried about the fighting gym and refused to let my Chinchou or Graveler anywhere near it. So, I send Muscle the Machoke in and she destroyed the entire gym. Chuck tried to Double Team / Focus Punch her, but she was like, 'fuck you and your haxy tricks' and Vital Threw his ass.

    So, got a badge, got HM Fly, and now I'm going back to Olivine.

    Current Team:
    Calz the Feraligatr, level 31,
    Kens the Geodude, level 27,
    Muscle the Machoke, level 32,
    Teh the Chinchou, level 26.

    Lutris the Togepi, level 4,
    Mishie the Paras, level 7,
    Insecta the Koffing, level 14,
    Irene the Magikarp, level 20.

    Rest in Peace:
    Anya the Gastly, level 17,
    Inq the Nidoran Male, level 12,
    Anya the Butterfree, level 12,
    Cheddar the Pidgey, level 17,
    Zeit the Eevee, level 15,
    Sree the Tentacool, level 20.
  7. Kang

    Kang Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Nov 5, 2007
    Rename it the 'boy-who-lived' and back in the game it goes. If it faints again, however, you must release both it AND another pokemon (rename that pokemon Voldemort).
  8. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    I like that fucking rule, Kang.

  9. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:

  10. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Right, going to write this mess up quicktime. Might edit into form with the previous couple of logs tomorrow when I'm off work.

    After beating Elesa, continued back onto route whatever it was and gave Cheren his latest Cleveland Steamer. After that, Jiraiya (that's totally who Alder reminds me of) shows up and has me and the dork beat up on a couple of kids for his amusement. Cheren pulls his lameass Sasuke gotta be strongest routine an I roll my eyes. I beat up on a couple street performers and then cross the drawbridge into Driftveil City.

    During the crossing I take about twenty fucking minutes to get a Ducklett to show up, which I catch and name Daisy.

    Drftveil, cliched old cowboy talking about varmints and shit, down to Cold Storage. Catch Darius the Timburr en route and Beethoven the Herdier evolves into Stoutland. Win. Cold Storage is rolled, Scald TM is grabbed but not used because my Dewott is a physical attack specialist due to his nature (my whole team is, I really need to get a special attacker and am thinking heavily about training my Solosis up if I don't get one soon). Hoping for Joltik in Chargestone, will see what I get. Another option might be to run Chandelure as I'm fairly well guaranteed to get Litwick shortly, though using two Fire types is not something I really want to do and I'm not kicking out Darmanitan as it's my only source of a decent Fighting move at present and probably period unless I get extremely lucky and bag a Mienfoo later.

    Anyway, Musashi the Dewott single-handedly rolls Driftveil Gym and Clay. A one-sided battle with Bianca gives me the Fly HM, and Pesto the Pidove comes out of the box to serve as my Fly slave. I'm losing track of route numbers here, but the one between Driftveil and Chargestone Cave gives me Mundungus the Karrablast, which might have been useful were I able to make trades and lucky enough to nab a Shelmet later. Since the former is a no go and the latter is unlikely, to the box with Dung forevermore.

    Chargestone gives me Juggernaut the Ferroseed (wanted Joltik so so badly here, Galvantula is one of my Unova favorites...). I consider training Ferrothorn to replace Mr. Krabs the Crustle (forgot to mention that he evolved whilst beating up on the Scientists on the previous route) and begin to do so with the aid of my brand spanking new Lucky Egg. For this purpose I head to Lostlorn Forest, catching Lily the Petilil in the process. I get Juggsy to about level 30 before I decide that he really doesn't suit my style and switch back to Mr. Krabs as my tank.

    Lucky Egg makes leveling a breeze, Musashi and Millicent both evolve as a result of boosted EXP against the Chargestone Cave trainers. N goes down like a bitch to Millicent the Darmanitan and her obscene 110 attack at level 35. Into Mistralton City or however the Hell it's spelled and I leave off for today.

    Status Post-Chargestone Cave

    The A-Team

    Musashi the Samurott - Level 36
    Mr. Krabs the Crustle - Level 36
    Millicent the Darmanitan - Level 36
    Beethoven the Stoutland - Level 36
    Pesto the Fly Sla...Pidove - Level 10

    Will update the box later, need to get ready for work...
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2012
  11. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Journal Entry #5

    I start the day off by doing some training with Clarice the Dratini on Chuck's grunts. I'm happily plowing through them when an absolute disaster strikes: Some faggot's Hitmonchan Ice Punches Clarice into oblivion.

    Fawkes the Fearow promptly cuts it in half while I cry over my unevolved dragon's corpse. But when I open my eyes, I see her wide eyes staring confusedly up at mine. She mewls in concern when I gather her up in my arms and hug her for all I'm worth, thanking every deity out there as I do.

    I'm understandably shaken by the experience, and decide to train up the rest of my pokemon before I take on Chuck himself. Thus begins the trek to the Safari Zone.

    On the way I run into a Kingler who Scramble the Exeggutar regrettably kills. Next I fish up a Magikarp. Luck finally smiles upon me just before I enter the Safari Zone in the form of a Growlithe, which I waste no time catching and naming Flare Bud.

    I enter the Safari Zone, unsure of how The Rules work in regards to the place, but luckily it doesn't matter because the first poke I encounter is a Poliwhirl that I deem Uzu.

    I spend a while levelling my Fearow and Exeggutar, and finally step into the gym confident of my imminent success.

    It all goes terribly wrong.

    To start the match Fawkes easily handles Chuck's Primeape, who had apparently gone full retard and was spamming Double Teams despite Fawkes' repeated use of Aerial Ace. It's the Poliwrath that comes next that devastates me.

    I send out Scramble and order a Sleep Powder. Nope. Instead I get a Body Slam that causes instant paralysis that stops Scramble cold. For three turns. When he finally manages to land a Sleep Powder, it doesn't even last long enough for him to launch a Solar Beam (which, by the way, is stopped by his fucking paralysis halfway through.)

    I'm left with no choice but to switch him out in his injured state, and attempt to use Fawkes again. The Poliwrath's Surf takes out over half his hit points.

    I'm getting desperate now, so I switch out to Uzu in the hopes of putting her ability to use and negating the Surf. Just in time for the asshole to use Focus Punch.

    Uzu is gone before I even get to know her.

    Filled with both rage and helplessness, I send out Clarice the Immortal, who promptly unleashes her rage upon the pokemon. This is where Poliwrath goes full retard, spamming Focus Punches that Clarice is only too happy to interrupt. It puts her to sleep at one point, but luckily Shed Skin gets rid of the status that very same turn.

    Eventually, Clarice comes out on top and I'm left to deal with the loss of a pokemon I'd thought to be end game.

    Storm Badge - Obtained

    To end the day I flew to Goldenrod City, and more specifically, the Name Rater. I make a change.

    From this day forth, my Dratini will no longer be known as Clarice. She will be known as...

    Chosen One.

    New Arrival(s):
    Flare Bud the Growlithe
    Nature: Lax
    Ability: Flash Fire
    Moves: Odor Sleuth, Helping Hand,
    Flame Wheel, Reversal
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2012
  12. draconian139

    draconian139 DA Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    I like the rule but it needs an adjustment making it so Voldemort must be a pokemon you actively used instead of some box fodder.

    My own day sadly ended with my Hariyama ,Kingsley, being countered and thus OHKOed. I was counting on him to handle the next gym. At least it taught me not to leave pokemon in front that can't selfbuff or cause sleep/poison though. I'm currently up to 6 gyms defeated but I don't like my chances of completing unless I snag some pokemon to use ice and fighting abilities soon.
  13. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Aekiel died like a champ against Misty, I switched him in to save Vira. After he died, I had Lungs bite Starmie to death. I am now heading towards Vermillion and will probably grind my team up a fair bit before I challenge my Rival in the SS Anne.
  14. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Traveller's Log, Week 20.

    It has been some time since The Traveller has updated this log. Of course, the log itself had been through a few ordeals. In no particular order, The Traveller had lost it in a swamp, watched it get devoured by Seaking, saw it burn with the rest of The Traveller's possessions after an encounter with a particularly ornery Ponyta family (And walking into Veilstone City naked was another story all together; just watch the news), sold the crispy pages to a skeevy archaeologist by claiming that it was an ancient writing, and, well, let The Traveller just say that there was a lack of toilet paper one day, and...

    Regardless, things have changed. First off, the Pokemon captured. The first was Vee the Eevee, gifted in Hearthome City. Yes, The Traveller didn't quite want to break the law against gifted Pokemon not given out by licensed Professors, but there was a woman named Bebe who was running the underground breeding ring, and she was hot, and when a hot woman asks The Traveller to take an illegally bred Eevee for use, The Traveller has already agreed and is wondering what else she needs help with today.

    Vee has been a valuable addition to the team. He was quickly evolved into a Jolteon after The Traveller procured a Thunderstone from the Underground, and when he actually learnt an electric move - Shock Wave, via TM - he became a staple for The Traveller's Travelling Band Of Awesome Team Awesome Awesomeness.

    The other captures? Not so much. Rolypoly the Marrill out on Route 215, Belle the Rhyhorn on Route 214 (The Traveller really wanted a Houndour instead, but Belle might yet prove useful), April the Wooper in the Pastoria Great Marsh, Renly the Pikachu in the Trophy Garden (Also stole some ashtrays while in the mansion.), Mia the Tentacool on Route 220 (So. Many. Fucking. Water. Types. STORMY IS JUST FINE THANKS) and, finally, Willow the Sudowoodo on Route 221. Gave a Heart Scale to a man in Pastoria to teach Willow Wood Hammer. She might be exceptionally useful, too.

    In between the catchings, The Traveller beat up Barry The Rival, and secured Veilstone City's Gym Badge. The Storm won MVP for that match by matching Maylene's Lucario blow for blow, though special props go to Penrose for laying a Toxic Spike and helping kill her Machoke because of it. After that, beat up some Galactic assholes; no losses. Then Barry again, then came the Gym Battle with Crasher Wake.

    Vee used Shock Wave and OHKO'd his Gyarados. Copper used Grass Knot to kill his Quagsire. Then came Penrose Vs Floatzel. Now, Penrose had been a great asset in this gym, and battles before. Toxic Spikes and Giga Drain, not to mention Stun Spore, made him versatile and one of the strongest special attackers in a team full of them, bar Sir Ricket.

    So, of course, Wake's Floatzel's Ice Fang killed Penrose in one strike.

    Penrose The Roselia (Level 4-35).

    Damn, this one hurt in the same vein as Gatsby's. The Traveller always knew of Pen's weakness to physical attacks, but the brutal OHKO from Ice Fang was a shock. Losing him leaves another angle uncovered - grass moves. While Willow now has Wood Hammer, it won't be the same, and she's no stronger, defence wise, nor does she have Penrose's power... It sucks. All deaths do, of course, but Pen was one of the early ones, just like Gatsby. Stormy and Sir Ricket were in mourning for as long as The Traveller was. Copper was the one to avenge her death, and earned the MVP for beating Wake, in the end.

    The Traveller spread her ashes in Floaroma Meadow, and moved on to more travels.

    Fenraellis The Warlock finally showed himself in the form of Galactic Boss Cyrus, and The Traveller fought him fiercely in Celestic Town. By now, The Storm and Copper had both evolved into steel powerhouses, the former after battling a Bird Keeper and the latter in fighting in Wake's gym. The Storm's moveset includes Surf, Shadow Claw, Peck and Aqua Jet. Sir Ricket is still going strong with a combination of Slash, Aerial Ace, X-Scissor and Rock Smash, but his low defences are showing and The Traveller fears a repeat of Penrose soon. Copper has the ever-reliable Extrasensory, Grass Knot, Shadow Ball and the surprisingly effective Confuse Ray. Vee has Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Pin Missile and Double Kick, and can take down steel/electric types like Magnemite because of the latter move and his ability, Volt Absorb.

    Anyway, Fenraellis's sock puppet was defeated in a sweep courtesy of Vee and The Storm, but he'll be back. He and his admins both; a storm settling on the horizon, bringing potential death with them...

    But The Traveller must move on. Willow must be trained up, and soon, a battle with Byron the Steel Gym Leader will ensue. It will be difficult, especially without Penrose to feel the part-Rock or part-Ground types owned by trainers in Byron's gym, but The Traveller will make sure The Traveller is ready.

    Traveller out.



    The Storm the Empoleon, Level 38.
    Sir Ricket the Kricketune, Level 38.
    Copper the Bronzong, Level 38.
    Vee the Jolteon, Level 38.
    Willow the Sudowoodo, Level 31.
    Blindy the Zubat (Fly and Defog Slave), Level 12.

    Graveyard: Bridges, Bunny, Geist, Goro, Gatsby, Chase, and Penrose. Lest We Forget.
  15. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I really, really hate Crasher Wake's Floatzel. I had to bring my Luxio out of the retirement box and train it back up to speed to beat him in my first playthrough.
  16. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Did a bunch of stuff:

    Delivered Amphy’s medicine and afterwards, the game warden phoned me and said the Safari Zone had opened. I surfed back to Cianwood and stumbled across a male Golbat in one of the caves. I was like, ‘Oh boy!’ since I really needed something that could use Fly. So I Low Kicked it down to red health and began throwing balls. And then continued throwing balls. But that Golbat kept breaking out of them like it was personally taunting me (which it was). It finally stayed in one of my last Poke Balls after destroying nearly my entire ball collection. MattSilver volunteered his name to this annoying little troll, so Matt the Golbat joined the team.

    In the grass outside the Safari Zone, I got a female Growlithe. I was delighted. I could finally fight grass-types! I named her Lucky because I promised Luckylee that I was going to name a Growlithe after him. Nothing I could do about the gender, though~

    In the actual Safari Zone, I aimed for a Lavitar. I got a Zubat. I told it to fuck off and then got out of there. I had better things to do.

    Flew to Olivine and challenged Jasmine. Kens the Graveler steamrolled her two Magnamites and Calz the Feraligatr killed the Steelix in two Surfs. It was my easiest gym battle yet.

    Caught a male Goldeen on the way to Mahogany Town which I named Seratin. He will stay boxed unless my team has a terrible tragedy. Right now I’m in Mahogany and just about to head north. Going to see if I can find any interesting Pokemon before I deal with this Team Rocket infestation.

    Current Team:
    Calz the Feraligatr, level 32,
    Kens the Geodude, level 28,
    Muscle the Machoke, level 32,
    Teh the Lanturn, level 28,
    Lucky the Growlithe, level 25,
    Matt the Golbat, level 22 (Fly slave).
  17. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I really am getting too lazy to be creative about my progress reports, so you get another boring recap. I think I'll be a true FF.net review whore and promise to go back to how I was doing them before if enough people rec this post (please don't so I can keep being lazy). Derp.

    First order of business upon entering Mistralton City and meeting Skyla and that other dude was to visit the move relearner. Musashi the Samurott picks up Megahorn and Beethoven the Stoutland gets Thunder Fang and Ice Fang for type coverage (I have neither anywhere else on my team at the moment). That uses up all my Heart Scales, but meh.

    Route 7 (I think?) adds Snowball 2 the Watchog to the box. Passing the Lucky Egg around and beating up on trainers for epic experience, and into Celestial Tower for more of the same. I catch Fiendfyre the Litwick which joins with a shitty fucking Adamant nature, killing any thoughts I might have had about using it. I generally don't care too much about natures unless they lower whatever I consider to be the Pokemon's most vital stat. Oh well, them's the breaks.

    At this point I decide that I'm going to do something about the complete lack of special attackers on my team and bring out Lily the Petilil, and do some backtracking to train her up from Level 19. There aren't a lot of places to effectively build up a pure Grass type right now, and I eventually decide on Relic Castle. I raise Lily to level 26 (to learn Giga Drain) and then evolve her with the Sun Stone received in Nimbasa City. From there I head back to Mistralton and build her up the rest of the way on Route 7.

    Next is Mistralton Gym, which Mr. Krabs and Beethoven rip through with Rock Slide and Thunder Fang respectively. Beethoven gets a flawless victory on Skyla (Crunch takes out Swoobat in one hit, Thunder Fang flinches Unfeazant with the first hit and finishes it with the second, and Thunder Fang kills Swanna dead with 4X damage).

    On to Twist Mountain, I let Millicent the Darmanatan sweep Cheren for lulz and would have avoided any damage if not for Liepard's Fake Out. This could have backfired due to Simipour and I would be raging if I had gotten crithaxed, but the dumb fuck used Leer rather than a water move. Blackrock the Boldore is added to the team inside the cave. Given that I'm using the No Repeats rule and have Woobat and Boldore, I can get myself a guaranteed Axew in Mistralton Cave if I am so inclined but I don't think I will. Feels too much like cheating tbqh.

    That is all for now, I'll likely be doing a fair bit of optional Surf stuff before continuing on the main story path.

    Team Status Post-Mistralton Gym

    Musashi the Samurott - Level 40
    Beethoven the Stoutland - Level 40
    Millicent the Darmanitan - Level 41
    Mr. Krabs the Crustle - Level 40
    Lily the Lilligant - Level 39
    Pesto the Pidove - Level 10 (Fly Slave)

    ...Does anybody even care what's in my box? >_>
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2012
  18. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    Well, I've decided to start my own run of this on HeartGold. Normal Nuzlocke rules + the no items in battle rule and no legendaries.

    Anyways, after going through the tutorial parts (I chose a Cyndaquil who I named Zeph), I finally got my hands on some pokeballs.

    I step into the first grass in Route 29 to find myself a level 2 pidgey. Sadly, death struck that poor bird with a crit tackle from Zeph. Sadden, I went on to Route 46 hoping to find a quick Geodude to train up to take on the upcoming gym. I step into the tall grass, only to find a goddamn rat first. Somehow, I caught this rat and named him Pest. Pest the Rattata has thus far proved to be a fairly strong pokemon.

    Next up, I head into Cherrygrove city and onto Route 30. Again, I run into another level 2 Pidgey. This time, I manage to capture and name him Bird. The next hour or so was spent on getting Bird and Pest up to Zeph's level. Once I felt they were good enough, I took on the first trainers and steamrolled them.

    I head into Route 31 hoping to catch a Caterpie. Luckily, that is exactly what I run into. Without much effort, a Level 5 Caterpie named Bugger joined my party. Next I spend the next twenty minutes getting Bugger to a Butterfree.

    The RNG gods hate me tonight.

    With Bugger, now a level 7 Metapod, I was killing a level 4 Caterpie. Somehow, that little shit crit twice in a row and killed Bugger. Poor Bugger.


    R.I.P Bugger the Metapod.
    You were certainly a little bugger.​

    After that saddness, I entered Dark Cave hoping I'd find that Geodude I wanted instead of a nasty Zubat. Luckily, I found a level 2 Geodude right away and caught him. He earned the name Stone

    My current team:

    Zeph the Cyndaquil - Level 12
    Bird the Pidget- Level 11
    Pest the Rattata - Level 11
    Stone the Geodude - Level 2

    Bugger the Metapod - Level 7
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2012
  19. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    Alright. After reading through this thread, I've caught the bug. Starting up my own run.

    Version: Leaf Green
    Trainer: Zeus
    Theme: Various Divine Beings

    Just playing through a basic run at first. Though I'm not sure how to handle the safari zone. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
  20. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Journal Entry #6

    Another of my team died today. It was Flare Bud the Growlithe.

    He dies at the hands of a Murkrow's Pursuit as I attempt to switch him out with Fawkes the Fearow. And even now as I right this I can't believe I didn't just heal him. I can't believe I was so stupid.

    Before that, I catch a Lapras from the Union Cave, who I name Pearly. Soon after comes a shiny red Gyrados who now goes by Bessy.

    But they aren't enough to fill the gap. Flare Bud is only the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm feeling... different lately. I feel angrier. I have these urges. I want to hurt the trainers that I face, like they've hurt me countless times before.

    I... I almost order Fawkes to kill that damn Murkrow. I come this close. And he would have done it too. My pokemon will do anything I say, and I fear that one day I'll abuse that loyalty. I can't...

    I take on the Olivine Gym. I almost lose three of my pokemon to Sabrina's infuriating Magnemites, but we prevaile. When she sends out her ridiculously overpower Steelix, however, I cut my losses and allow Bessy to Dragon Rage it to death.

    Mineral Badge - Obtained

    It feels cheap somehow, using an abnormally strong pokemon that I've just caught to beat a Gym Leader.

    I remember Pearly, who I spent a long time levelling in that Rocket base before Flare Bud's death. I teach her Thunder and Iron Tail, and challenge Pryce's gym.

    She sweeps the whole damn thing. In comparison to all of the previous gyms I've faced, Mahogany's nothing but a sad, sad joke.

    Glacier Badge - Obtained

    Neither of the gym battles have sated that urge yet, that insistent buzz in the back of my mind. I find my thoughts darkening with the evening sky, and right now I'm focusing on one scapegoat in particular.

    Team Rocket.

    They're going down. I'm going to put a stop to their plans if only to see the looks on their faces when a teenager sweeps the rug out from under all of their feet. I swear if it's the last thing I do, I'm going to crush Team Rocket like the bugs they are.

    I'm ending this entry here. Elm is calling me.

    New Arrival(s):
    Pearly the Lapras
    Nature: Hardy
    Ability: Shell Armor
    Moves: Thunder, Iron Tail,
    Water Pulse, Body Slam

    Bessy the Gyrados
    Nature: Impish
    Ability: Intimidate
    Moves: Dragon Rage, Bite,
    Rock Smash, Twister