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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    @Thaumologist: I think in a run as difficult as this with so many stipulations, using a single type pokemon is another handicap. Why use a psychic when you can get one of the many dual type psychics?

    As for Gallade, unless you want to use him as the perfect "catcher" pokemon, he's just a slightly buffed up version of a medicham, which you can get fully evolved. It's a difference of 8 HP, -10 defense, 5 special attack, 5 attack, and then 40 special defense. But otherwise they are very similar pokemon. Gallade will take special hits significantly better, but their offensive power will be close to identical.

    Gallade has access to psycho cut where you need to tutor Medicham for zenheadbutt, but Medicham also gets the elemental punches (and can be move relearner-d for them as well as tutored).
  2. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    So my stream last night turned into a N^2 of FireRed. I like to think it's going fairly well so far. Just finished getting the 4th badge. Also if you put (Gen V Sucks) in your thread title you'll break your previous record for most viewing at one time because people will come in to ask why.
  3. JimmyCranberry

    JimmyCranberry High Inquisitor

    Oct 3, 2010
    Collecting the Herdier from useless Plasma Grunt #53 was child’s play with Michael and Ferrovax rising in strength. A fair deal of grinding later, Michael evolves into a Dewott, giving a nice guarantee for the upcoming Normal-type gym with its’ Water/Fighting dual typing. And with that, it’s time to take on Aspertia City Gym.

    The gym trainers fall to Ferrovax’s jaws in no time, who gains a level and a half out of the deal.

    Gym Leader Battle #1: Cheren


    Michael smashes his Minccino to pieces with a single Rock Smash. Ferrovax switches in to deal with his Lilpup, which is severely outclassed and ends up as Ferrovax’s lunch. Michael returns to the fight for his final Pokémon, a Munchlax. One rock smash takes it down to half, with Cheren choosing not to counter, instead setting up a Work Up. One more rock smash is sufficient to end him.

    Pokémon League Badge #1 awarded: Basic Badge.

    After enduring another lengthy, meandering monologue from Bianca, it’s time to press on to Virbank City, which has some huge catching potential courtesy of the Virbank Complex which, in BB2/VW2 is populated by Growlithe, Elekit, Magby and Shinx, among others.
  4. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    Alright update time!

    The next day, I challenged Pryce, the Ice Gym Leader. I go into this battle expecting easy considering Dog, the Jolteon, sweeped all his trainers. I one shot his Seel and Dewgong with Thunder. Against Piloswine, I simply send out LT2000 (Gyarados) and Surf it to death. I take one Hail'd Blizzard but only lose 40 or so hitpoints. This is what happens when you don't use a Corsola, Vira. ;)

    With that easy win the Professor says I better go deal with Team Rocket in Goldenrod. So I fly over and use Dazed, the Hypno with some Nido, the Nidoqueen, to destroy Team Rocket. I have zero issues Psybeaming the Koffing and Weazing of Pertal.

    Soon, I engage my rival in the basement. For some reason, I had to go through the basement to reach the top of the tower and my rival is down there. I expect ease. His Golbat dies quickly. However, for Haunter I send out LT2000, the Gyarados. I use bite but the Haunter is faster and confuses me so I miss Bite. Next turn it Shadow Balls crit and ONE SHOTS LT2000. How the fuck do you ONE SHOT a freakin Gyarados?!

    In anger, I sweep the rest of his team with Nidoqueen and her abilities with Dig, Sludge Bomb, Bite and Double Kick.

    Dazed and Nido gain a ton of levels off these rockets. I battle through Proton and Ariana only to met Archer. I dispatch him without much issue and the director gives me a freakin Rainbow Wing. Thanks....

    I fly back to Mahogany Town and head to Route 44. I surf in the middle to encounter my pokemon. I find a Lickitung! Not very useful for me but its alright. I catch it without much issue and name it Oz. I battle the trainers here in preparation for the next Gym.

    Inside Ice Cave, It takes several steps but my first pokemon is a Jynx! Sadly, Dog one shots it with a crit ThunderShock. Oh well.

    It takes a lot of sliding and pushing but I make my way through the Ice Cave into Blackthorn City. I quickly head to Route 45. I want a Phanpy or a Gilgar. After a few steps, my first pokemon is a Gilgar! I catch it with ease and name my new found Gilgar, Vira. This is what a real pokemon looks like, Vira. ;)

    Anyways, I wanted a Gilgar more than a Phanpy because I already had access to a Razor Fang to evolve him. This is thanks to a rom hack that makes it slighty easier to find evolutionary items!

    I give Virathe Razor Fang and then rare candy Vira to evolve into a Gliscor! Vira replaces LT2000 as an extremely strong pokemon. Thanks to having two heart scales from rock smashing a while ago, I am able to have Vira re-learn Thunder Fang and Fire Fang. With these tools, I grind Vira and MattSilver in the Ice Cave for hours.

    Now I feel they are ready. Tomorrow, my team will challenge Clair!

    Current Roster
    Nido the Level 43 Nidoqueen
    Dazed the Level 43 Hypno
    MattSilver the Level 40 Lapras
    Dog the Level 41 Jolteon
    Vira the Level 40 Gliscor
    Forest the Level 38 Bellossom

    Bat - Level 8 Zubat
    Trash - Level 6 Hoppip
    Bird - Level 8 Spearow (Fly Bitch)
    Zac - Level 10 Ditto
    Beast - Level 14 Pinsir
    Bug - Level 14 Butterfree
    Poytin - Level 15 Girafarig
    Wildfeathr - Level 15 Koffing
    Sree - Level 14 Wooper
    Menace - Level 18 Poliwag
    Churchey - Level 15 Miltank (Surf Bitch)
    Qun - Level 23 Togetic
    Billy - Level 23 Voltorb
    Claws - Level 20 Sandshrew (HM Bitch)
    Oz - Level 24 Lickitung

    Rock - Level 15 Geodude - Kadabra'd
    Rat - Level 6 Rattata - Sacrificial Lamb
    Tsunami - Level 26 Croconaw - Shadow Ball so fucking broken
    Prom - Level 18 Mankey - Training Accident with a Raticate
    LT2000 - Level 34 Gyarados - Shadow Ball is beyond so fucking broken
  5. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    You let me die to fucking McDouche? I am having a sad here, bro.
  6. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    So I've been doing a Nuz^2 run on Platinum. I've had so much fucking fun in this Gen that I've never had the moment where I would rather have typed up the story instead of actually playing it. I took notes while playing so most of this is pretty accurate. I swear that in no way did I avoid posting at first to avoid the embarrassment of possible defeat.

    Empoleon is one of my favorite starters and I wanted him, so I didn't take bonus rules. I'm not abandoning Bonaparte for a fucking bidoof. On top of that, I'm implementing a no-repeat rule on catches. I will be catching legendaries and any rares I come across, but only to box them for the completionist side of me that is working on the BW2 649 pokedex. Only the "legit" catches will get nicknames, so no worries.

    There is one more rule I'm adding to this run, and that is because I want a Gengar. Gengar is a pokemon I have never, ever, in 5 generations and years of playing, used. I even grew up with a brother who had the other version and played in the same room as me, but I never ever got a gengar. I talked to Myst about it and discussed the way fanfiction changd my opinion of lots of pokemon. Gengar is a must-have after Lamora's soul-eating haunters lurking in shadows description.
    At some point in this journey, I will catch a gastly. And at some point, I will use one of my evolutions and trade that haunter for a fucking gengar and trade it back. This is happening.

    I started my journey with Bonaparte the Piplup. He's brave as fuck, which leads to him decisively smashing my buddy's new Turtwig to bits of delicious turtle bisque. His evolutionary line is slow anyway. Who needs to be fast when you can just take your licks like a man before bashing in some skulls?

    First pokemon: Brave Natured Bonaparte the Piplup, level 5. Next catch: Level 15
    Like any cunning adventurer, I make sure to get my running shoes from my mom before heading out. Skipping a lot of conversation with the professor, dawn, johnny, and my mom, I finally get around to beginning my fucking pokemon adventure. Jesus fuck shut up already.

    I head out from Sandgem to travel to Jubilife, and eventually hit level 15. I've decided that a shinx would be a great addition to the team and a bidoof/starly would be decent HMslaves, so I don't save myself for a later route. And it's a bidoof.
    Prom the Bidoof, level 4. Next catch level 14.​

    I get to Jubilife and meet an awkward guy in a trenchcoat, catch up with Dawn, and talk to some clowns about a poketech/gear/device. Fine I'll take it. I had the intentions of grinding out some more, but since I'm not using any prophetic guides of any kind, I was unprepared for Johnny's attack on my person.

    Thankfully, Bonaparte is level 15 and has PECK. Yea, science bitch. I pound dat Starly ass before pecking out some turtle innards. Later Johnny.

    I head out onto route 203 and get down to even moar grinding. I have to spam B every level but I got Piplup to level 18 for bubblebeam before continuing. Continuing through oreburgh gate and facing a few trainers with Prom in front now to swap-level him up a bit. Soon he can stand on his own and using the newly acquired rock-smash, I let him beat some geodudes and get him to level 13. I don't want a new catch just yet.

    Into Oreburgh city and down into the mine. Bonaparte has supereffective coverage for the entire area and makes quick work of very strong grinding, getting level 20 with ease before finding Roark and reluctantly stopping the grind. It's tradition for me to evolve my starter before the first gym, but that's not an option.

    Roark is a joke, and none of his pokemon survive the initial bubblebeam from Bonaparte. Roark down.

    0/1 Evolutions used.​

    I skip over Oreburgh Gate's basement, not really realizing it's there, and head back to Jubilife. I considered using a catch on a ponyta, but that 25% doesn't sound too appetizing. However, I kind of like the idea of a shinx, so I let Prom take the lead vs the Galactic grunts for level 14. I immediately use that catch on route 203, unfortunately on a budew. Oh well, a Roserade could be interesting.

    Vira the Budew
    Level 6. Next catch: Level 16.

    Moving on, I swap-level Vira up, planning to get her to 15 and 3/4ths to be ready to catch on demand. I need to get her to super friendly and evolve her before level 19, or I miss out on magical leaf. Around level 12, Bonaparte gets level 21 and evolves into Prinlup, that magnificent bastard.

    Bonparte level 21

    At this moment, I realized that Prinlup gets metal claw at level 16. Damn. It's not too important, as it won't be STAB till he evolves again and in general isn't that strong of an ability. Not to mention steel is a horrid offensive type anyway. I won't be seeing any ice types for awhile, and I'm sure I'll manage.

    I finish grinding Vira into shape and set her in my backpack. I'm going to love and tolerate the shit out of you bitch. She won't evolve for a long time and I don't even get a fucking soothe bell till eterna forest. I've already made a few trips back into Jubilife to heal up, so I make one more.

    Bonaparte takes the lead again and I press on. My mighty penguin conqueror decimates everything in route 204 and the ravaged path. This is more or less a solo-run at this point. I reach Floarama town and make the rounds, healing up Bonaparte and being paid homage by the locals before heading towards Valley windworks. A small girl begs for my help and who am I to refuse? Marxism, not communism. Very different.

    I find some punks up to no good, trying to make trouble in Floaroma's neighborhood, slap their shit in and steal their wallets and keys. One of these must be the right one.

    I'm in luck and one fits. Bonaparte rips through a few grunts and their pokemon and I'm faced with the bane of many a Nuzlocker.

    Commander Mars​

    Luckily, Bonaparte rips her purugly in two. I forgot about the fake out, but Bonaparte ain't no bitch.

    The reunited girl thanks me through her tears, and I nod stoically before continuing my journey. Route 205 brings me to Eterna Forest. I feel like I may be abusing this system slightly, but I also ain't no bitch and therefore will not be grabbing any of these bitch pokemon. A lot of face-smashing occurs in here as I grind ruthlessly abusing this Cheryl chick to keep Bonaparte topped off. Getting her to the end nets me a soothe bell, which I slap on Vira. YOU WILL LOVE ME YOU LITTLE BITCH.

    I head on to the upper part of route 205, slap some trainers around, then make it into Eterna city. Bonaparte knocks his way through some homes, picking up whatever he finds interesting. They grow up so fast.

    I head in to face Gardenia. Bonaparte is level 29 now and I can not be fucked to give any shits about this bitch. He obliterates everything. Turtwig dies to a peck before he can set up sunny day, so Cherrim comes out at half mast and gets massacred. Roselia manages to poison Bonaparte with poison sting and survives the first two pecks, getting a hyper potion from Gardenia. But Bonaparte is angry. No one makes him bleed his own blood.

    Bonaparte kills her with another peck.

    Forest Badge
    1/2 Evolutions used.​

    He ain't no bitch and we walk it off to the pokecenter as he doesn't like the taste of antidotes. With this, it's time to finally add some diversity to this party. Bonaparte has become my go-to "trump" card and now its time to get some type coverage. We've both agreed that some little Roserade bitch shouldn't be able to give him such a hard time just because of typing. Also, I want my fucking Gengar.

    With cut, Bonaparte and I make our way into the Old Goddamn Chateau. I pull out little Vira and get her another level. Still no evolution to cancel. WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME? New catch unlocked and I'll take 100% Gastly for 0 Pokedollars, Trebek.

    Welcome to the team

    Gaston the Gastly
    Level 15. Next catch at level 25.​

    Why Gaston, you ask? Because no one fucks like Gaston. Gaston gets some decent leveling love while I swap-level him with Bonaparte, because he's only part 1 of my devious fucking plan. Gaston reaches 25 while Bonaparte is 33. I debate letting him become a haunter, but decide that I'd rather have the Empoleon to deal with Fantina's Gengar. A new catch is unlocked and I don't bother with repels because I did give myself a repeat rule.

    I head up and interact with the TV and welcome

    Poytin the Rotom
    Level 20. Next capture: level 30.​

    Fuck yea Poytin, you're even Timid. It's not quite Modest, but it'll do. I have a full page of notes and like 7 hours of playtime left to write up, but that's installment one of this Nuzlocke squared run.
    Last edited: May 26, 2013
  7. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I feel the recent love in this thread. All of you are awesome for not naming Ponyta's after me.

    I've continued my N^2 of FireRed including power leveling an Eevee to level 35 and catching Oz the Snorlax. Koga was my Hypno's and Dugtrio's bitch. Although I did lose Mattsilver my Parasect. Dat Supereffective crithax to a mid-20's level Oddish. Oh yeah. 5/7 evolutions used. (No 8th evolution due to B not working once and a pokemon evolved before it was allowed to.)
  8. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    I go for a wander through the swamps West of Pastoria, because it's closed. So there's bound to be some decent stuff hidden there. I find a dawn stone, which might be useful for Ralts later, or a bit of cash if I need it.

    Leaving Pastoria, we chase down some terrorist, and coffee sets him on fire. Cynthia gives me some drugs, and a necklace, and I head off to deal with a vermin infestation. Coffee is set to work killing everything, because it's about damn time she evolved into Coffee the Unicorn.

    First step is going back to pokemon mansion, and those five maids with the clefairy. My target is 8 turns. Apart from the first, each one uses endure on turn one. So it's impossible to do so.

    Okay, it seems these trainers are a jump higher than previous ones. Coffee's been in danger quite a few times on the way up. On the plus side, levelling is much quicker. by the time we hit Celestic, Coffee has finally evolved, and I have a brand new Rapidash.

    3/5 evolutions used.

    Duvet goes back in front of the party, and I head down to try and find Cynthia's nan. There's another evulteam guy, so he gets clobbered, followed by a history lesson from some old woman. Turn's out she's the one who wants the necklace, then another Team Bad jumps us. Some bluenet guy with parents who don't love him wants to change the world.
    Wait... Sneasel is part ice-type, right?
    Coffee switches in, takes the ice punch that would certainly have killed Duvet, and then sets Sneasel on fire. This kills the cat. The rest of the team is no bother at all.

    Back to Jubilife, and then swim on over to Canaleve. According to my younger brother, apparently I can get a Riolu if I head to the caves on the boat.
    The little prick did not tell me I have a rival battle here.
    I'm not fully healed, but the hyperactive twit falls, once again, with ease. I don't understand how he has a L35 Rapidash, but he must be in cahoots with Lance.

    Onto the boat, and off to the island. Some guy in blue gives me strength, and lets me know he'll be backup.
    Between the two of us, we beat the everloving crap out of everything that moves.
    After team Alien is sent off, I'm given an egg. Jacket the Ralts comes out, levels, and then goes back, before I start biking to hatch it. I have neither fighting nor steel types, and I get it at level one, so it should be quick to level for a while. After about ten minutes or so of biking, Monster the Riolu hatches. He's given a soothe bell, and drugged to the gills.

    We head back to Pastoria, and start killing things there. When Monster hits 11, we'll head back home, then catch and box a low levelled thing for now. There's nothing around I want.

    Towel, Gastrodon, 41.
    Coffee, Rapidash, 41.
    Duvet, Gabite, 40.
    Monster, Riolu, 6. Next capture 11

    Jacket, Ralts, 28.

    3/5 Evolutions used.


    Monster evolved at level 7.
    Apparently lots and lots drugs are good for friendship.

    Towel, Gastrodon, 41.
    Coffee, Rapidash, 41.
    Duvet, Gabite, 40.
    Monster, Lucario, 7. Next capture 11

    4/5 Evolutions used
    Last edited: May 26, 2013
  9. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    This glutton for punishment is back at it again. Platinum attempt number three, begin! Still using the Tower of God naming theme because it's awesome.

    I made up all those modded N2 rules but decided not to use them. Standard N2 rules apply including the No New Catch Ever rule of death.

    Sera's Platinum Nuzlocke Squared Fail: Take Three

    Watching boring Professor Rowan on the TV, interrupted by the retard across the way. He's going to give me a fine or something. Tuition at the special needs school must be going up. Poor Barry.

    Why couldn't he have gotten into the tall grass and mauled to death by a Bidoof?

    Anyway, take Turtwig and beat down Barry's Chimchar. Dawn still has a nice ass, Professor Rowan is still a crotchety old fart who is not as cool as Professor Oak.

    More prologue, meet Cyrus the Virus (again) and get some Running Shoes and other things. At last get to catch some Pokemon after getting taught how. Oh, that herpy derpy sound.

    What else could it be?

    New capture: Leesoo the Bidoof, Level 4. Next capture at Level 14.

    Leesoo, killer arts and all, has the horrible Simple Ability, which will make leveling his shitty ass even more of a chore than it would have been to begin with. It also means I'm going to have to grind him higher before risking that next battle with Barry. Joy.

    On to work, then. Grind Leesoo up to Level 7 on Route 201, and then make the run to Jubilife City. After all the bullshit there, including Looker and the training school for retards, as it has to be since they let Barry in the door, it's up north into Route 204 to continue Leesoo's training. I let the ugly thing feast on the Trainers I can get to, and then resort to wild grinding to get him up to Level 13 and Rollout. It takes more time than I want to spend on a Bidoof.

    Had to do it though, since Simple would have killed me if I'd let Barry's Pokemon get a couple Growls and Leers in. Rollout solves that problem, as both Starly and Chimchar are weak to it and get crushed by Leesoo's rolling bulk.

    Avoiding the Trainers on Route 203 and inside Oreburgh Gate. Rock Smash HM caught and Leesoo learns the move, taking the first step on his destined path to HM Slavery. For now, it will help him rape wild Geodudes to get that last level and let me get something non-Bidoof to use. That is done quick enough, and up to Route 207 to add a new member.

    Hoping not to get a Ponyta here, since I don't much like Rapidash to begin with and I don't want to have to level something that can't deal with Roark. Luck is with me this time as I get Yuri the Machop instead. Don't hold her muscles against her. Brave Nature and No Guard make her a pretty damn nice pickup. Too bad I can't get her to Machamp or else I'd very much consider keeping her. As it is, I have an alternative plan in mind provided she survives long enough.

    New capture: Yuri the Machop, Level 7. Next capture at Level 17.

    Into Oreburgh Mine. Yuri kicks the shit out of everything that isn't a Zubat and reaches Level 15 once all the Trainers have been cleaned out, and then it's time to challenge Oreburgh Gym.

    More Yuri goodness. Low Kick and Karate Chop pulverize the gym and Roark. Karate Chop twoshots his Geodude, while Low Kick OHKO's both Cranidos and Onix.

    Coal Badge obtained, 1 Evolution now available.

    Once that's done and I heal up and have to listen to Barry herp and derp, back through Oreburgh Gate to the next destination. Eterna City, it is. Yuri reached Level 17 upon mauling Roark's last Pokemon, so it's time to capture another. Ideal spot, too. The available Pokemon are Zubat, Geodude and Psyduck and all would be good additions. A couple steps in, and the hero has arrived. Jyu Viole Grace the Zubat joins the team. Bitches watch your tights.

    New capture: J.V. Grace the Zubat, Level 5. Next capture at Level 15.

    Mr. Grace has to sit out right now, though, as Leech Life is garbage and we need that Pluck TM to give him some punch. Still avoiding all those Trainers in Oreburgh Gate and Route 203, as I have them earmarked for Viole once he gets a decent attack move to mow them down with.

    Team Galactic dorks in Jubilife. Yuri swats down a Glameow and a Stunky while Dawn's Piplup is generally useless. But that's aight.

    Through Ravaged Path towards Floaroma Town. I wanted to save the Aroma Lady for Viole as well, but the bitch turned when I tried to slither past her. So Yuri beat her ass.

    Pluck TM grabbed in Floaroma, and it's time to grind J.V. Grace. Route 204 (south) gets him to Level 9, and the Trainers I dodged earlier continue him up to 12. Back to the northern side of Route 204 to get him to 15 and another capture. Hoping to snag a Water type at Valley Windworks now (voluntarily barring myself from using Gyarados this run, too cheap and too guaranteed...). The result of this decision will probably be getting swept by Cynthia's Garchomp should I somehow make it to that point, but oh well.

    So, hoping for Shellos or Buizel, of course I get Androssi the Shinx. At least it wasn't a Pachirisu...

    New capture: Androssi the Shinx, Level 10. Next capture at Level 20.

    Androssi makes her return, and even as the same Pokemon as in the previous run. But I'm not planning on using Luxray this time, though it's a serviceable reserve nonetheless and has Intimidate to boot, which might be good to utilize in certain situations.

    I'm resolved to have my Shellos or Buizel before I continue, so it's time to grind again. Shinx levels rather quickly, especially after learning Spark and ripping up the wild Pokemon at Valley Windworks with it. Getting Androssi to Level 20 isn't as much of a chore as I imagined it would be.

    Second attempt at the Windworks gets me Repellista the Shellos.

    New capture: Repellista the Shellos, Level 9. Next capture at Level 19.

    And this is where I am now. Returning to Oreburgh to get Repellista some security levels so that I don't lose her against some scrubby Trainer. Once that's done, it'll be time to bust up Team Galactic inside the Windworks.


    Badges Obtained: Coal
    0/1 Evolutions Used
    Most Recent Capture: Shellos, Level 11. Next capture at Level 19.


    Yuri (Machop) - 18
    J.V. Grace (Zubat) - 15
    Androssi (Shinx) - 20
    Repellista (Shellos) - 11
    Leesoo (Bidoof) - 14


    Rozeal (Turtwig) - 7
  10. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    We've levelled Monster up a few times, and head into the gym. Coffee's flame wheel or fire blast deals with most things, and Towel mud bombs or surfs the rest. Byron's team is burnt, drowned, and then dumped in the mud.

    A few bombings happen, and we head off and sort out the bad guys, before heading more North than we've ever done before. I grab basket the bidoof out of the box, and he comes too.

    Through spooky cave of mist, and into snow. Bidoof is levelled against a graveller, two snover, and a snorunt.
    We reach the magic level, and next encounter...

    Female snorunt.

    Lamp is caught, and dawnstoned. Lamp the Froslass joins the party!

    Towel, Gastrodon, 45.
    Coffee, Rapidash, 42.
    Duvet, Gabite, 40.
    Monster, Lucario, 29.
    Lamp, Froslass, 33. Next capture 43.

    5/6 Evolutions used
  11. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Thaum I meant to say, I completed that maid challenge. It's completely up to them and how many times they use endure. But, the prize for winning is just fighting a trainer with a blissey. It's a ton of easy EXP.

    Apparently, the blissey is holding a rare candy so bring someone with thief/covet/trick to steal it away. I tried to on the second day and the last clefairy nearly double-fucked me by using bounce on turn one and then endure. Also, since I brought covet this time, the fucking blissey used fling before I could swap and covet.
    Last edited: May 26, 2013
  12. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Yeah, but it's an easy 5K cash, and similarish exp. Also daily, although Vs Seeker is more useful.
  13. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    Dawn of the next day, I take on Clair and her trainers. MattSilver and Dog sweep through the trainers with Ice Beams and Thunderbolts respectively. As for Clair herself, the Gyarados is no problem for Dog. One Thunderbolt and it does down. MattSilver also OHKO's the two Dragonairs. However, that Kingdra. I end up using Dog to Thunderbolt it to death. It takes a few, and I nearly lose Dog to a Hydro Pump, but I also defeat the Kingdra.

    Clair gets pissy and runs off. So I have to enter the Dragon Cave. After some questions and some surfing, I end up with the last badge and what I really want, an ExtremeSpeed Dratini at level 15. This Naughty guy is going to be a strong attacker for my team. I nickname him Thaum.

    I get a phonecall from Elm, so I head south to get back to my hometown. I enter Dark Cave for a quick second to grab a Wobbefett and I name him CareOtters. I grind Thaum in here for a while, until he is nearly a Dragonair and able to take on the trainers.

    I take the time to train Thaum on the many trainers on this route as I hop various cliffs. During my journey, Thaum evolves into a fearsome Dragonair.

    Anyways, I get back to Elm and he gives me a pretty cool Master Ball. He then tells me those damn Kimono Girls want to fight. So I walk to the next city over to grab Bird and fly over there.

    My asshole of a rival pops out and says they're really strong. I'm not too concerned. So I enter and begin the marathon of beating them all. I use them to help train Thaum and get as much experience as I can onto him.

    These eveelutions prove not to be a challenge. Suddenly, someone else comes in and says Ho-Oh has returned!

    The climb of the Tin Tower takes forever. A lot of jumping, warping and other crazy shit. It is during this climb that I capture Lucky the Gastly. I get to the top and Ho-Oh appears. I simply use Ho-Oh as a great experience pool and kill it with Thaum.

    After that, I leave the tower and return to my hometown. It is time to Surf to Kanto. I surf on over, catching a Tentacool. He's kind of useless and I don't really need to use it. Thus, Raine the Tentacool is boxed. I move onto these Torjo Waterfalls. I catch a Goldeen while I am surfing inside her and name him Taure. He is always boxed as I have a huge amount of water types. I keep traveling, training up Thaum and others on wild pokemon and trainers. I find TM02, Dragon Claw, which I am going to need for my eventual Dragonite.

    On Route 27, I run into my first Fire type, a Ponyta. She may be useful in the future and has a lot of potential. I may use her in time. I nickname her Drome and she is also boxed for now. I spend a TON of time training in these grasses. I make sure to get Dazed to 50 for Psychic. Vira also reaches the level of learning X-Scissor.

    After all this training, I enter the area to access Victory Road and that is where my story leaves off!

    Current Roster
    MattSilver the Level 51 Lapras
    Thaum the Level 51 Dragonair
    Dazed the Level 50 Hypno
    Nido the Level 49 Nidoqueen
    Vira the Level 49 Gliscor
    Dog the Level 47 Jolteon

    Bat - Level 8 Zubat
    Trash - Level 6 Hoppip
    Bird - Level 8 Spearow (Fly Bitch)
    Zac - Level 10 Ditto
    Beast - Level 14 Pinsir
    Bug - Level 14 Butterfree
    Poytin - Level 15 Girafarig
    Wildfeathr - Level 15 Koffing
    Sree - Level 14 Wooper
    Menace - Level 18 Poliwag
    Churchey - Level 15 Miltank (Surf Bitch)
    Qun - Level 23 Togetic
    Billy - Level 23 Voltorb
    Claws - Level 20 Sandshrew (HM Bitch)
    Oz - Level 24 Lickitung
    Forest - Level 38 Bellossom
    CareOtters - Level 25 Wobbufett
    Lucky - Level 21 Gastly
    Raine - Level 20 Tentacool
    Taure - Level 20 Goldeen
    Drome - Level 32 Ponyta

    Rock - Level 15 Geodude - Kadabra'd
    Rat - Level 6 Rattata - Sacrificial Lamb
    Tsunami - Level 26 Croconaw - Shadow Ball so fucking broken
    Prom - Level 18 Mankey - Training Accident with a Raticate
    LT2000 - Level 34 Gyarados - Shadow Ball is beyond so fucking broken
  14. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Continuing where we left off, our young adventurer had just added Poytin the Rotom and Gaston the Gastly to the team. After retiring and sleeping till morning, I resume the grind.

    Bringing the new members over to Route 211, Rotom makes decent work of the various pokemon there. Just in general, Poytin's relatively massive special attack tears through the meditites before they can counter while the bronzors and chinglings lack much offense to hurt him. After a significant amount of grinding, Poytin is level 29.

    I've done so much running around by now that I decide to give Vira another level to see if she evolves. She does, and now as Roselia she is quite a bit stronger. I swap level her a bit before deciding to give her her own fights once she learns magical leaf at 19.

    Meditite one shots her with a crit confusion. Shit.

    RIP VIRA LVL 19 Roselia
    You will be missed.

    That's unfortunate, but not too worrisome. I've already gone past her catch so she isn't locking me out of catches. As far as I know I couldn't even evolve her until Iron Island, anyway. And since Gaston will cover poison for me, Roselia only really gave me a grass type coverage, and I can throw grass knot on anyone.

    Edit: I meant to hit "preview" to see that the alignment was right, but then hit submit. I'll just be over here editing this post to complete it with the rest of this update.

    I head back to Eterna city and heal up before taking Rotom and Gaston back into Route 211 for more leveling. Rotom hits level thirty and I brace myself. Route 211 is a great area in general for catching pokemon. 40% Meditite, 15% Machop, 10% Chingling, 15% Bronzor, 20% Bidoof. I have a repeat rule, so I'm looking at an ~70% chance to use a pokemon I haven't before.

    It's a meditite. I let Prom the doof give it a few rock smashes before switching into Bonaparte to tank until the pokeball clicks. Third one does the trick.

    Jorel the Meditite
    Level 13. Next catch level 23.​

    So since I left this out of part one, here's an overall recap:

    Bonaparte the Prinlup, level 33.
    Prom the Bidoof, level 17.
    Gaston the Gastly, level 27.
    Poytin the Rotom, level 30.
    Jorel the Meditite, level 13.

    Vira the Roselia, level 19.

    2/2 Evolutions used, next catch at level 23.

    I take a look at Jorel's moveset. No physical moves till 29 when he gets Force Palm. Until then I'm stuck with confusion. Fuck.

    Either way I get to work and after a few hours of being swap leveled (because confusion deals neutral damage to meditites, 1/2 to chinglings, and 1/4 to Bronzor), Jorel hits level 23 and I need to make another catch. 3 skipped meditites later, I find myself a chingling which I name Khaleesi.

    Khaleesi the Chingling
    Level 14. Next catch 24.​

    She gets boxed on my next heal in town, before I head back out to continue Jorel's grind. Right now I have pretty great coverage between Poytin, Bonaparte, Gaston, and Jorel, and now that Jorel has force palm he can deal great damage even against non-effective targets.

    Jorel finally gets level 29 and force palm. It's at about this time I decide to continue in the storyline. I head back into Eterna city and cut my way into the galactic building.

    I realize how much my training paid off and all of my pokemon (minus prom the doof) are capable of obliterating this place. Jupiter ain't shit. Meditite one shots zubat with confusion and then I swap in Bonaparte to take on this skuntank. Night slash crits, but only does a little over half HP. Prinlup isn't fast, but he's faster than this skunktank and finishes it off with brine.

    Jupiter down. JUPITER DOWN!

    The bikeshop manager scurries off to prepare appropriate homage to Bonaparte and myself. I loot the remains of the building before a blonde girl offers me her pokemon egg. No, not that, a real pokemon egg. I take it, but it doesn't fit in my rules and so I won't be using whatever hatches from it. Besides, it doesn't even come with extrasensory.

    I get a bike from the bikeshop manager (very creative gift, buddy), and then make my way towards Route 206 and cycling road.

    Bonaparte the Prinlup level 35
    Jorel the Meditite level 31
    Prom the Bidoof, level 17.
    Gaston the Gastly, level 29.
    Poytin the Rotom, level 31.

    Khaleesi the Chingling, level 14.

    Vira the Roselia, level 19.

    2/2 Evolutions used, next catch at level 24.

    I'm a bit wary about my plans at this point. Gengar will be three Evolutions, Prinlup will be three, and Medicham will be one. That's all my evolutions considering I wasted one on Roselia. Hopefully I can find a strong 1 tier pokemon. Maybe a tropius, but then again ugh tropius. Maybe Skarmory?

    Nothing ruins an epic gym match like having to pause to wipe.
    Last edited: May 27, 2013
  15. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    A dawn of a new day. Zeph decides it is time to challenge Victory Road and the Elite Four. the Journey through the Victory Road is uneventful. I run into a Graveler but decide not to catch it. TM26 Earthquake is a very nice find. Mostly, I grind here. I need to get my team really strong. In fact, I spend such a long time in Victory Road that I manage to turn Thaum into a fearsome Dragonite!


    Eventually, I take the time to steam roll my rival, Felix. He seems confused on why he always loses. I take GREAT pleasure in thrashing his Haunter.

    At any rate, I journey onwards to the Indigo Plateau. It is time to take on the Elite Four.

    Here is my roster going into this mess:

    Thaum - Level 55 Dragonite
    MattSilver - Level 52 Lapras
    Vira - Level 51 Gliscor
    Dazed - Level 50 Hypno
    Nido - Level 54 Nidoqueen
    Dog - Level 48 Jolteon

    First up is Will, the Psychic user.

    This guy is really easy. Dog one shots both of his Xatus with Thunderbolt. Jynx is taken out by a Flamethrower on Nido. The same fate for his Execuggtor. Slowbro is also one shot by Dog.

    With that out of the way, I don't even need to heal. Next up is Koga so I change Dazed to my starter. Dazed OHKO Ariados and Venemoth. Fortressess is taken out by Nido in one shot as well. Dazed also makes short work of Muk. As for the Crobat? Dog OHKO with Thunderbolt.

    Thats 2. This is pretty easy. It is time for Bruno.

    Again, I lead with Dazed and fight his team. Dazed 2HKO's the Hitmontop/lee/chan line. MattSilver one shots Onix. I let MattSilver take a hit from Onix to heal up Dazed for Machamp. It takes two Psychics to take out Machamp. He was a little tougher but not by much.

    I approach Karen with confidence and Vira leading my party. Against Umbreon, it takes three X-scissors from Vira to kill it. I have to fight through one full restore and a confuse ray but it isn't much of an issue. The Houndoom gets OHKO by MattSilver's Waterfall. Vileplume is sent out next but a single Ice Beam OHKO's it as well.

    And then, Karen unleashes her monster of a Gengar. I switch out to Dazed, thinking this will be easy. I use Psychic and almost kill it. Gengar uses Destiny Bond and in my foolishness of not knowing what the hell it did (I clicked A too fast), I kill Gengar but it takes my Dazed with me....


    R.I.P Dazed - Level 52 Hypno

    With all my rage, I approach Lance. I lead with Dog, OHKO his Gyarados. He mass sends out Dragonites one at a time, only to be consistently one shot by MattSilver's Ice Beam. Finally, he throws out his Aerodactyl. I one shot him with Dog. Charizard takes a while. MattSilver can't one shot it and he uses full restores all day on the thing but he eventually falls!

    Only losing one pokemon, I took out the Elite Four!

    In my victory, I end up blacking out and waking up at home. Must have been a hell of a party. But its time for new things. I gather up Drome, the Ponyta from my box to replace the fallen Dazed. I play some more Voltorb Flip to get Flamethrower. With these in hand and my new S.S Aqua ticket, it is time to get to Kanto.

    The ship itself is boring. I play hide and seek and train Drome on the trainers. When I arrive, there isn't much to do besides go shit on Surge. Thanks the Aqua, surfing and the gym, Drome evolves into a fearsome Rapidash!


    Surge himself is not a problem. All of his pokemon get wiped out by Nido and her Earth Power. Magneton, I use Drome to destroy. Vira takes out his Electabuzz, just in case.

    A quick jog north, thanks to everywhere else being blocked and I arrive in Saffron. There is literally nothing to do here besides getting TM29 Psychic an challenging Sabrina.

    I use Drome to beat all the trainers while I randomly warp around until I make it to Sabrina.

    As for Sabrina herself? Vira one shots all three of her pokemon with X-Scissor. Goddamn this guy is a beast.

    And with that, my journey ends for now. Soon, I shall make my way to Lavender Town!

    Current Roster
    Thaum - Level 56 Dragonite
    Nido - Level 57 Nidoqueen
    Vira - Level 58 Gliscor
    MattSilver - Level 56 Lapras
    Dog - Level 55 Jolteon
    Drome - Level 48 Rapidash

    Bat - Level 8 Zubat
    Trash - Level 6 Hoppip
    Bird - Level 8 Spearow (Fly Bitch)
    Zac - Level 10 Ditto
    Beast - Level 14 Pinsir
    Bug - Level 14 Butterfree
    Poytin - Level 15 Girafarig
    Wildfeathr - Level 15 Koffing
    Sree - Level 14 Wooper
    Menace - Level 18 Poliwag
    Churchey - Level 15 Miltank (Surf Bitch)
    Qun - Level 23 Togetic
    Billy - Level 23 Voltorb
    Claws - Level 20 Sandshrew (HM Bitch)
    Oz - Level 24 Lickitung
    Forest - Level 38 Bellossom
    CareOtters - Level 25 Wobbufett
    Lucky - Level 21 Gastly
    Raine - Level 20 Tentacool
    Taure - Level 20 Goldeen

    Rock - Level 15 Geodude - Kadabra'd
    Rat - Level 6 Rattata - Sacrificial Lamb
    Tsunami - Level 26 Croconaw - Shadow Ball so fucking broken
    Prom - Level 18 Mankey - Training Accident with a Raticate
    LT2000 - Level 34 Gyarados - Shadow Ball is beyond so fucking broken
    Dazed - Level 52 Hypno - I really fucking hate Gengar. Fuck that pokemon.
  16. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    Speaking as someone who just lurks these threads because he just knows he'll end up raging, fucking bravo you guys. I love reading these. For a lot of them, you could just put them in story form and fanfictionize it, and they'd be great.
  17. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I really enjoyed Menace's nuzlocke of platinum when he did just that. Was a really great read.

    I'm at 6 badges now and I'd write it up but I'm currently working on catching a feebas. 4 random tiles in this lake
    contain feebas. So I'm fishing. It's not within the rules, but I'm just fishing for it to say I did and I won't end up using her at all.
  18. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    better than in R/S/E when it was 6 tiles within this spread, i suppose:

    Last edited: May 28, 2013
  19. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I think the spread is somewhat even, but at least in Hoenn the 4 tiles only change when the player changes the "Trendy Phrase"

    In Sinnoh, they change daily. So if I don't find it today, I'll have to start from scratch tomorrow. I thought 4 hours would be plenty, but I'm getting tons of "Not even a nibble"
  20. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Current Team

    Yuri (Machop) - 18
    J.V. Grace (Zubat) - 15
    Androssi (Shinx) - 20
    Repellista (Shellos) - 11
    Leesoo (Bidoof) - 14

    Leveled Repillista up to 13 in the environs of Oreburgh City and then headed back to Valley Windworks. J.V. Grace smashed up all the Galactic Grunts inside. Androssi zaps Commander Mars' Zubat with Spark, and then Yuri comes in to twoshot Purugly with Low Kick. And that's done like dinner.

    Heading up Route 205 towards Eterna Forest, Repillista gets to benefit from the abundance of Hikers and that one Camper with the Ponyta to gain more experience. She handles all the other trainers as well, other than the one Aroma Lady with the Roselia and the Battle Girl, both of whom get Plucked to death by J.V. Grace.

    Inside Eterna Forest, I have a bout of stupidity that leads to an untimely death. I put Yuri out front to deal with that first Double Battle (particularly the Pachirisu). I didn't remember to swap something else to lead against the next Trainer, who happens to be the same Psychic that ruined my previous attempt at this. His Abra doesn't have Confusion, but Hidden Power back by high speed and special attack makes me wary of switching. Even with reduced type damage, Yuri's Karate Chop can twoshot it with ease as long as I don't eat a cri...

    Yeah, it happened.

    Rest in Peace: Yuri the Machop

    I really considered taking a Mulligan on this. Two crithax deaths in two different runs from the exact same Pokemon is just too much bullshit. But I deserved that one to be honest. I know better than to derp like that, so I swallowed it. Cheryl tries her best to revive poor Yuri, but her mind has been broken beyond repair. Sniffle. I buried her next to that nifty looking moss rock.

    The rest of the trip to Eterna City is uneventful. But Yuri's death means that I just lost my planned method for handling Commander Jupiter's Skuntank so I'll need to improvise something now.

    After Barry herpderp and Cyrus, and meeting Cynthia I get the Cut HM. Leesoo makes some retarded noise that I interpret as Bidoof-speak for 'yessuh massa' as he learns Cut. Good slave. Now all I need is the Badge to allow him to use it.

    First, out to Route 211 to get Repillista up to 19 so I can catch another Pokemon. I was planning on waiting until Wayward Cave to do this, but I now need something pronto. Repellista drowns many Medidites and reaches the desired level. And now into Mt. Coronet. A Geodude would be great here, and if I get very lucky I can even get a wild Machoke which would be amazing. Instead I get Emile the Bronzor.

    New Capture: Emile the Bronzor, Level 14. Next capture at Level 24.

    Not what I was aiming to get, but I'm still happy. I came to love with Bronzong as a result of my first run at N2 Platinum and I'll gladly embrace the chance to use it again. Such an amazing little defensive troll. Unfortunately, this one is also Heatproof where I would really have liked to have had Levitate (which would make it the ultimate troll for Cynthia and her Garchomp).

    Besides, I think I can use this to handle my Commander Jupiter problem, so I'll continue on. Into Eterna Gym!

    Nothing to write home about here. J.V. Grace rips through this place with Pluck, making it to Level 22 in the process.

    Jyu Viole Grace the Zubat evolves to Golbat, 1/1 Evolutions used.

    Yeah, it'll be two Evolutions, but Crobat is a boss and I'm using it.

    Gardenia meets the same end as her subordinates. Lotsa Pluck, no problems.

    Forest Badge obtained, 1 Evolution now available.

    That's two badges, and next it's back into the woods to the Old Chateau to train Emile. Slow going at the start since Bronzor has almost Shuckle-grade attack stats and Confusion doesn't pack enough punch to compensate, but the wild Gastly are often kind enough to help me by cutting their own health with Curse. The process speeds up once Emile hits Level 19 and learns Extrasensory. I continue leveling her until she reaches 23.

    Time to kick Team Galactic out of town.

    J.V. Grace hogs the experience in here, because I'm trying to level grind him pretty high to do his part in dropping Jupiter, but more because I'm pretty scared of Fantina (her Mismagius has Psybeam...) and Viole's going to need every advantage he can get to help me get past that annoying debutante. Be prepared for a ragequit in my next writeup, is what I'm trying to say here.

    Anyway, Jupiter time. J.V. Grace twoshots her Zubat with Pluck, taking an ineffective Wing Attack in the middle.

    And, Skuntank. Androssi switches in and lowers its attack with Intimidate. I immediately switch to Emile to tank the incoming Night Slash, but Skuntank Screeches instead. Switch back to Androssi again to lower Skuntank's attack another level. This time Night Slash hits and does about 20 damage. Now that Skuntank's attack has been shredded by two level, I'm okay with letting J.V. Grace come out to battle it.

    Pluck does damage and steals the Sitrus Berry, healing what little damage that Wing Attack caused. Night Slash is weak now, barely doing 10 damage to Viole. No criticals, but even that would have been no problem. Skuntank goes down to superior strategy and Commander Jupiter is done.

    Hoo hah!

    Do all the little events after that (bike, Togepi Egg, Explorer Kit, Exp. Share) and head down the cycling path. Emile takes most of the experience here since Viole has too many type disadvantages and I don't want to risk a somewhat underleveled Repillista. This gets Emile to Level 25, which means another capture is now open. I know what I plan to do with that. I WAS going to trade Yuri in Oreburgh to get an Abra that I could Exp. Share into a Kadabra at once (that was the alternative plan I mentioned in my initial writeup), but I lost Yuri prematurely and I have a Bronzor anyway now so whatever. I'll be exploiting another guarantee instead.

    On the other side, heal up in Oreburgh and head towards Mt. Coronet. I'll backtrack and do Wayward Cave after I settle Fantina. Don't want to do extra work just to get fucked by her. Repellista rips up the Trainers on Route 206, gaining much needed levels. And now I'll stop at the base of Mt. Coronet.


    Badges Obtained: Coal, Forest
    1/2 Evolutions Used
    Most Recent Capture: Bronzor, Level 25. Next capture available now.


    J.V. Grace (Golbat) - 27
    Androssi (Shinx) - 23
    Repellista (Shellos) - 24
    Emile (Bronzor) - 25
    Leesoo (Bidoof) - 14


    Rozeal (Turtwig) - 7
    Togepi Egg

    Never Forget

    Yuri the Machop - Hidden Power = Crithax