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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Forgive me LT, to atone I plan on starting a nuzlocke on black 2 [would really appreciate a blaze black key from anyone kind enough] by naming my starter after you.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2013
  2. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I will allow this if you agree to use Emboar.
  3. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Mmk, waiting to see if anyone here will send me a blaze key. I might try squared this time but I am a lil nervous.
  4. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Current Team

    J.V. Grace (Crobat) - 50
    Koon A.A. (Jolteon) - 50
    Emile (Bronzong) - 48
    Laure (Quagsire) - 48
    Mazino (Lucario) - 48
    Rak (Rhyhorn) - 32

    And up Mt. Coronet we go. Nothing to stop the team as it mauls grunt after grunt to Spear Pillar. Funny moment when a Stunky OHKO's itself using Memento on my Crobat. I don't think I've ever had that move used on me in all the times I've run these games.

    That is also the last battle before...

    With Barry Versus Commander Mars and Commander Jupiter

    Why do I have to team up with this dork and his low-level Pokemon instead of using my own?

    Well, Mazino the Lucario gets to open up. I choose to concentrate on Mars first, since the sole threat to my Lucario is Jupiter's Skuntank that runs Flamethrower. I'll want to switch out when Skuntank takes the field and I'd rather not have two enemy Pokemon out there when I do.

    Aura Sphere 2HKO's Mars' Bronzor as both opposing Bronzor set up Light Screen and Reflect in the opening round. The Galactic vixens concentrate their attacks on Barry because I'm too handsome to be hurt. Barry's Munchlax mostly just uses Stockpile rather than being useful, though it does help a little by using Screech on Jupiter's Bronzor.

    Mars' Purugly comes out and tries to Slash Mazino. Aura Sphere ruins kitteh.

    Mazino's Rock Slide drops Jupiter's Bronzor and Mars' Golbat in two rounds, and I switch to J.V. Grace as Jupiter sends out Skuntank. Skuntank drops Barry's Munchlax with Poison Jab and brings Staraptor out. The battle ends with my Crobat and Barry's Staraptor beating down Jupiter's last two Pokemon. Congratulations, Barry. You were only 90% useless this time.

    More story events with Dialga, Palkia, Lake Trio, Giratina, Cynthia and her epic tits.

    Into the Distortion World!

    This place is awesome btw, one of my favorite Pokemon locations period.

    After doing all the puzzles...oh, hey. The world is in grave danger. Sinnoh League Champion Cynthia stands there and lets a kid do all the work. Laaaaaazy bitch.

    Versus Cyrus Final

    Laure the Quagsire leads against Cyrus and his Houndoom. Dark Pulse does appreciable damage (not enough to kill even on a crit, but it would have hurt a lot) but doesn't flinch Laure. Earthquake slaughters the mongrel.

    And with Honchkrow coming out, it's Mr. Koon time.

    Thunderbolt kills Honchkrow and then Gyarados, and Mazino switches in to handle Weavile.

    Cyrus obviously isn't as smart as he is made out to be, as he tries to Fake Out my Lucario. Inner Focus trolls that shit. Aura Sphere overkills Weavile.

    Koon returns to handle Crobat. I have a couple levels on this beast (even more than I did during the Galactic HQ battle with Cyrus) but this time his Crobat somehow outspeeds my Jolteon. Cross Poison does good damage, Thunderbolt does a lot more.

    Ciao, Cyrus. Enjoy eternity in this place, yeah?

    Master Ball is primed and ready, and Giratina is caught.

    New Capture: Giratina, Level 47. Next capture at Level 57.

    Cynthia is all full of praise and stuff for how amazing I am. Yes, darling, I am very amazing.

    So I have to go visit Rowan, which I do, and then head to Sunyshore.

    Ronald McDonald is waiting at the city limits and asks me if I would like a hamburger and to excite Volkner with a hot battle. No homo.

    Laure handles Sunyshore Gym like a pro. Troll moment when a brilliant and seasoned Ace Trainer decides to have her Raichu attempt to use Dig on a Pokemon that uses Earthquake. Oops. Thanks for playing..

    Versus Volkner

    This is all Laure's show. Jolteon opens with Iron Tail, which criticals Laure and still barely does 30 damage. Earthquake. Next.

    Raichu actually manages to hurt Laure a bit with Focus Blast. Earthquake. Next.

    LOL, Electivire. Volkner's ace has nothing to throw at me but Quick Attack, and that lets me quaff a Hyper Potion in the opening round. Second round, Earthquake. Next.

    Luxray uses Crunch, it's not enough. Earthquake. Next.

    Oh, right, there is no next.

    Beacon Badge obtained, 2 Evolutions now available.

    So that's done, all eight Badges are mine and Team Galactic is done. All that remains is to challenge the League. And I now have to decide between Gyarados and Giratina to become the sixth man.


    Badges Obtained: Coal, Forest, Relic, Cobble, Fen, Mine, Icicle, Beacon
    6/8 Evolutions Used
    Most Recent Capture: Giratina, Level 47. Next capture at Level 57.


    J.V. Grace (Crobat) - 50
    Koon A.A. (Jolteon) - 52
    Emile (Bronzong) - 50
    Laure (Quagsire) - 53
    Mazino (Lucario) - 51


    Rozeal (Turtwig) - 7
    Androssi (Shinx) - 23
    Ja Wangnan (Togepi) - 11
    Enne (Snover) - 42
    Leesoo (Bidoof) - 15
    Rak (Rhyhorn) - 32
    Steel Eel (Magikarp) - 15
    Giratina - 47

    Never Forget

    Yuri the Machop - Hidden Power = Crithax
    Repellista the Gastrodon - That Ace Trainer called me a noob and he was right
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2013
  5. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    Check your PMs
  6. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Current Team

    J.V. Grace (Crobat) - 50
    Koon A.A. (Jolteon) - 52
    Emile (Bronzong) - 50
    Laure (Quagsire) - 53
    Mazino (Lucario) - 51

    After beating Volkner, headed up to the beach to get that Waterfall HM from Jasmine. She is warmed by my friendship with Barry. That makes one of us.

    Decision is made, and it didn't take much deciding. Steel Eel is brought out of the box and evolved via Exp. Share.

    Steel Eel the Magikarp evolves to Gyarados, 7/8 Evolutions used.

    Now that I have Waterfall, leveling my new sea leviathan will be much easier. HM Waterfall used on Steel Eel, obviously. Focus Sash also goes onto Gyarados to prevent any potential issues with exploding rock things as I head to Route 214 to train him.

    Level up on wild Pokemon until Steel Eel hits 32 and learns Ice Fang, and then switch over to trolling Collector Brady and his six Pokemon a little down the route until 40. Back to Solaceon Town and a bit north to rematch the rancher with the higher level Ponyta and Rapidash and Gyarados catches up with the team. Takes around 90 minutes overall.

    So, Fly back to Sunyshore and it's time to take down Victory Road. Very cautious battling inside here, as I remember very well from past Platinum games that these Trainers don't fuck around. Focus Sash swapped around the squad like Barry's mom on prom night. Only potential miscue was when I let J.V. Grace take on a Veteran's Porygon-Z and got a nasty Thunderbolt to the face. Without the Focus Sash, that could have been a disaster. I think I tanked it with a little under 10 HP remaining because my Crobat was several levels higher, but random damage variance or crithax could have changed that in an instant.

    So I've reached the giant cathedral that seems to be the Pokemon League. Jolteon on point as I head inside in case I misremember where Barry tries to ambush me. But he doesn't attack as I head to the Pokemon Center, so I guess it'll happen when I attempt to talk to the guard and challenge the Elite Four.

    All that remains is a little more grinding, which I am now in the middle of doing, and it'll be time to burn this motherfucker down.


    Badges Obtained: Coal, Forest, Relic, Cobble, Fen, Mine, Icicle, Beacon
    7/8 Evolutions Used
    Most Recent Capture: Giratina, Level 47. Next capture at Level 57.


    J.V. Grace (Crobat) - 56
    Koon A.A. (Jolteon) - 54
    Emile (Bronzong) - 56
    Laure (Quagsire) - 56
    Mazino (Lucario) - 55
    Steel Eel (Gyarados) - 54


    Rozeal (Turtwig) - 7
    Androssi (Shinx) - 23
    Ja Wangnan (Togepi) - 11
    Enne (Snover) - 42
    Leesoo (Bidoof) - 15
    Rak (Rhyhorn) - 32
    Giratina - 47

    Never Forget

    Yuri the Machop - Hidden Power = Crithax
    Repellista the Gastrodon - That Ace Trainer called me a noob and he was right
  7. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
  8. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Grinding's done, and away we go. First, the challenger's lineup.


    Jyu Viole Grace the Crobat

    Level 60
    Inner Focus
    @ Big Root

    Cross Poison
    Giga Drain


    Koon Aguero Agnis the Jolteon

    Level 58
    Volt Absorb
    @ Choice Specs

    Hidden Power (Fire)
    Shadow Ball
    Double Kick


    Emile the Bronzong

    Level 58
    @ Shell Bell

    Iron Defense
    Flash Cannon


    Laure the Quagsire

    Level 58
    @ Soft Sand

    Ice Punch


    Mazino the Lucario

    Level 58
    Inner Focus
    @ Focus Sash

    Aura Sphere
    Stone Edge
    Dragon Pulse


    Steel Eel the Gyarados

    Level 58
    @ Mystic Water

    Dragon Dance
    Ice Fang

    And now, into the League! Before we can challenge the Elite Four and take our rightful place as Champion...


    Versus Rival Barry (Final)

    The retard needs one last ass reaming, and as much as he's not worth the time, I seem to have no choice.

    Koon A.A. leads and zaps his Staraptor with Thunderbolt.

    Mazino swaps in to take on Snorlax and hits the tub o' lard good with Aura Sphere but it's not enough. Earthquake hits back hard, but Focus Sash guarantees no OHKO and it doesn't come to that point regardless. Another Aura Sphere gets the kill.

    J.V. Grace comes out to battle Heracross. Fly settles that encounter before it even gets going.

    Battle of team leads now with J.V. Grace staying in to battle Infernape. Crobat is faster, takes to the skies and dodges a Flamethrower, and comes down and crushes Infernape next turn.

    Next is Roserade, who gets served the same medicine as the two previous.

    Koon A.A. comes in to bookend the match, and wipes out Floatzel with Thunderbolt.

    Barry is done, and now on to more important matters.


    Versus Elite Four Aaron

    Koon A.A. opens again, outspeeding Yanmega and zapping it with the reliable Thunderbolt.

    Heracross is next, and gets ripped by J.V. Grace's Fly. Next.

    Drapion is third. Rather than trying to waste it in one shot as I perhaps could with my Gyarados, I decide to avoid any chance of a mishap with the one Pokemon I absolutely need and instead send out Mazino, who resists most of Drapion's moves. Two Aura Spheres take down Drapion, with Lucario eating one weak Aerial Ace in between.

    Mazino remains out to battle Scizor. No mishaps like in Canalave Gym. Aura Sphere continues doing yeoman's work. Two blasts are enough to deal with Scizor. Iron Head does do appreciable damage and would have hit VERY hard on something that didn't resist it.

    Koon A.A. comes back in to zap Vespiquen and that's a wrap.

    On to the next challenge...


    Versus Elite Four Bertha

    Crobat gets to take point this time as Bertha opens with Whiscash. Giga Drain reduces Whiscash to a tiny sliver of HP. If I'd equipped J.V. Grace with the Miracle Seed instead of a Big Root this would be a done deal, but hindsight. Whiscash sets up Sandstorm and then Bertha drops a Full Restore on it in the second round. Giga Drain drops it right back to critical, and Bertha bows to the inevitable and lets Crobat sink Whiscash in the third round.

    Laure switches in to tackle Golem, and drowns it with Surf. Yawn.

    Gliscor is next, and hits Laure fairly hard with Earthquake. Ice Punch hits back harder, but doesn't kill despite quadruple damage. Irritating. Another round of the same leaves Laure hurting and Glicsor dead. The sandstorm ends, not that it matters because Hippowdon is coming out next.

    I ought to have switched here, but I'm scared to risk my Gyarados not knowing whether Bertha's Hippowdon runs Thunder Fang. Anyway, Laure won't survive another EQ so I have to heal up and then tank the Earthquake from full HP. Another 'Quake drops Laure pretty low, while his Surf almost kills Hippowdon. With both our Pokemon reeling, Bertha and I both pop Full Restores. Seeing that this is going nowhere, I switch to Steel Eel in the next round.

    Steel Eel negates the damage from Earthquake, but takes a little from the sand. Unlike Laure, Gyarados easily outspeeds Hippowdon and rips into it with Waterfall. I was hoping to get a OHKO, but that didn't happen. I get something almost as good, however, as Hippowdon flinches and another Waterfall buries it.

    Laure returns to drown Rhyperior with Surf.

    Now on to the third battle.


    Versus Elite Four Flint

    Now, it's time to let loose the leviathan. Tremble with despair, o' hopeless wretch.

    Seriously, this isn't even a battle.

    Steel Eel Dragon Dances in the opening round against Flint's Houndoom. Doubt I even needed to, but it's better to be safe. Houndoom sets up Sunny Day. But that only weakens one Super Effective move I have to waste these chumps with.

    Steel Eel's Earthquake oneshots Houndoom, Infernape, Magmortar and Flareon. The harsh sunlight mellows out right in time to let me switch gears and drown Rapidash with Waterfall.

    Too easy.



    Versus Elite Four Lucian

    I don't really have an ideal anti-Psychic Pokemon, but I don't imagine I'll be needing one. Focus Sash goes onto J.V. Grace prior to beginning this battle.

    Emile opens against Mr. Mime. The clown sets up Light Screen, but that's useless as Emile oneshots it with Payback. Payback's a bitch, yeah?

    Bronzong mirror match possible, but it's one I'll lose badly since Lucian's runs Earthquake and I don't have Levitate. So, Steel Eel is in to take care of it. In retrospect, this would have gone down much easier had I opened with Dragon Dance, but I instead used Waterfall and dropped the Bronzong to right about half HP. It sets up Calm Mind, but that doesn't scare me. Second Watefall almost kills, but no dice. Psychic hits Gyarados for about 60 damage. Lucian heals next turn, and I use the opening to Dragon Dance. Waterfall in the fourth round sets up a sure KO in the 5th, and Bronzong sets up another level of Calm Mind. Waterfall slaughters it.

    Next comes Gallade. J.V. Grace comes in to take it down. Crobat is much quicker and takes to the air to avoid Psycho Cut. Wasn't 100% sure I'd get a OHKO, hence the Focus Sash, but Fly hits critical and removes any doubt.

    Emile returns to battle Espeon. Shadow Ball does decent damage, and also much more annoyingly lowers Emile's Special Defense. Payback (of course) doesn't kill. Ought to have run BlackGlasses here over the Shell Bell, but the item I chose does heal back most of the Shadow Ball damage. Lucian pops another Full Restore next round, and Payback takes us back to deuce. He sees the writing on the wall and lets out another Shadow Ball, which does heavier damage due to the stat lowering but still nowhere near enough to kill. I do love Bronzong. Payback ends it.

    I could have probably let Emile handle Alakazam, but I was worried about Focus Blast and in particular crithax in connection to it and the lowered SDef. So I switch into J.V. Grace to at least get rid of the stat debuff, and planned to U-Turn back into Emile who would absorb the obvious Psychic with ease. Crobat has no intention of sharing his glory and criticals Alakazam with U-Turn. J.V. Grace don't give no fuck about your type disadvantages.

    So that's done. Time to heal up and end this nonsense.


    Versus Sinnoh Pokemon League Champion Cynthia

    This girl really inspired me throughout my trip with her sheer laziness. Making me run her errands and take down Cyrus alone while it's supposed to be her responsibility as Champion to protect the region.

    In honor of Cynthia, I will win the battle in the laziest manner possible.

    I'm going to sweep her ass with one Pokemon.

    Steel Eel is out against Spiritomb. Dragon Dance the two opening rounds while tanking Dark Pulse. Crithax, as ever, can ruin the whole thing but it doesn't. Full Restore in the third round and tank another Dark Pulse, and then Steel Eel ruins Spiritomb with Waterfall.

    Second up is Togekiss. No problem, I have a Super Effective move and two levels of Dragon Dance. Ice Fang hits...and does not kill. Does not even take Togekiss into the red. Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

    If I lose Steel Eel here, I will get mauled by Garchomp. And there's no way to avoid Shock Wave and its quadruple damage with Gyarados at barely 2/3 HP. I am raging so hard when the HP bar stops dropping, but that rage turns into elation. Ice Fang activates freeze on Togekiss.

    This calls for an Overlord Laharl laugh. Fuck you, Cynthia. I would actually be happy to do that.

    Anyway, Waterfall drowns Togekiss.

    Cynthia tries Lucario next. Earthquake sends the little shit to wherever dead Lucario go to.

    And here comes the monster. And there goes the monster. Ice Fang OHKO's Garchomp.

    Milotic is fifth. Earthquake doesn't kill her, and Steel Eel eats an Ice Beam. Steel Eel shakes like the Hulkster, brother. No chance. Earthquake number two kills Milotic.

    Ice Fang on Roserade completes the sweep.

    New Fucking Hero.

    The Champions

    J.V. Grace the Brobat, Level 61 - You carried me through the early-mid game almost single handedly. And that was some boss-tier work on Lucian. I honor you with a new species name, as indicated.

    Koon A.A. the Jolteon, Level 58 - You made Cyrus into your bitch, several times. You were a suitable bro through and through.

    Emile the Bronzong, Level 58 - The best defensive wall I could have asked for. You never once even came close to failing in your duties. Made up for my lack of a proper Dark or Ghost type in amazing fashion. And trolled Candice.

    Laure the Quagsire, Level 58 - I never really wanted you, but you never complained about being a mere replacement for Repellista and did everything I needed a mudfish to do. You trolled Byron and Volkner like a boss.

    Mazino the Lucario, Level 58 - You were never quite as good as I imagined you would be, but that's because I set expectations too high. You were a suitable bro, and did the work I asked you to do.

    Steel Eel the Gyarados, Level 60 - You didn't make an appearance until the last dance, but you were the belle of the ball. You swept Flint and Cynthia, and you are amazing.

    Never Forget

    Yuri the Machop - Hidden Power = Crithax

    Repellista the Gastrodon - That Ace Trainer called me a noob and he was right


    And so, I've conquered Nuzlocke Squared and more importantly, have finally succeeded in Nuzlocking Sinnoh. Feels good, man.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2013
  9. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Since I'm 4 hours into an Emerald Nuz^2 run and LT has finished his write up, I figure I should really finish mine.

    Plat Nuz^2


    Bonaparte level 50 Empoleon.
    Poytin level 48 Rotom.
    Jorel level 47 Medicham.
    Lucky level 39 Houndour.
    Thaumogist level 28 Tropius.

    Gaston level 30 Gastly.
    Khaleesi level 24 Chingling.

    Vira level 19 Roselia.
    Menace level 36 Gible.
    LT2000 level 30 Staravia.

    5 Badges. 4/5 Evolutions used. Next catch when Thaum gets 38.

    I took a break at solaceon town and instead of heading towards Celestic town, I decided instead to try to catch a new ground type. Platinum is woefully lacking on ground types. I eventually decide to try for a Gligar since my no-repeat rule prevents me from getting another gible. After thirty minutes of grinding on the collector in route 210, I head to route 206 and try to find a gligar.

    First I get a geodude. Fuck.

    Ok welcome to the team

    Otters the Dude
    Level 14, Next capture 24.

    I've lost too many pokemon to this line, and 14-24 is pretty forgiving. I level him up back at route 210 then come back and give it a second attempt at a Gligar. I'm luckier this time and get one, welcome

    Myst the Gligar
    Level 18, Next capture 28.

    Perfect. You can tell Myst is a boy because his stinger is larger (true fact). Gligar's learnset is pretty ridiculous. He learns decent moves including Uturn, Xcissor, Night Slash, Slash, etc., but actually has 0 STABs in his learnset. I slap Aerial Ace and Dig on him immediately. Unfortunately, Menace (Arceus rest him) took Earthquake to the grave.

    I head back to route 210 and give the SecretPotion to the Psyducks blocking the way. They clear off and I start north towards Celestic Town. Thaum clears the way with Defog, making travel a bit easier and training much simpler now that my pokemon don't miss every other hit.

    Myst hits 28 by the second to last trainer on the route, and I keep going.
    I get into Celestic town, collect some items, then head to admire the ruins, where I find some galactics. I beat a grunt and Cyrus shows up, challenging me to a duel. For some reason, he wants to destroy a cave painting.

    I send Jorel in first, and he ends up sweeping. I miss my first High Jump Kick, but that's fine because Sneasel uses screech afterwards. I use Drain Punch on the next turn and heal most of the damage back, as well as OHKOing Sneasel. He sends out his Murkrow next and I one shot it with a thunder punch. Golbat comes out next and I kill it with a STAB confusion. I get Surf which is a happy replacement for Brine on Bonaparte. Time for some surfing bird.

    I take a side trip to Fuego Ironworks behind Floaroma town. There I was hoping for a Magmar to replace Lucky with a non-evolving pokemon because it somehow gives better coverage as a monotype than houndoom can, especially since I already have Ghost type to deal with other ghosts/psychics. I get a Floatzel instead, who can't hold a candle to Empoleon, so into the box with her.

    Mattsilver the Floatzel
    Level 29, Next capture 39.​

    Whatever. I head inside and battle through the trainers and what-not, getting myself a bit of exp and getting some items, eventually trading in a lot of star pieces for a lot more shards. I take my prize to Pastoria where Jorel learns Zenn Headbutt. Finally, a strong psychic move.

    I give Lucky the exp share and head to route 219 and 220, where Poytin the rotom takes the lead, frying shit as we move on. My method of grinding, now that I have fly, is to spam A until a move runs out of PP. Then I take a moment to switch a different move to the first slot, and repeat until a pokemon is about to struggle. I do that here for about an hour and a half, getting Lucky to 48 for flamethrower and crunch instead of fire fang and bite before letting him evolve.

    Luckylee the Houndoom
    Level 48. 5/5 Evolutions used.​

    The man on route 220 wants to see a level 92 pokemon, which sucks for me. I head to Route 218 to get to Canalave city. I run into little Johnny.

    Poytin thunderbolts down Staravia, Myst Aerial Aces Heracross, another Thunderbolt takes out Floatzel, then Empoleon comes in for a surf kill on Rapidash and a 4x effective icebeam on Torterra, who STILL DOESN'T HAVE EARTHQUAKE. Come on Johnny, even you're better than this.

    The EXP share goes back on Gligar and Poytin gets boxed for a moment and I head into Iron Island with Bonaparte in the lead. Iron Island is great EXP with pretty much everything being weak to one of Bonaparte's moves. Grass Knot is an easy 20 extra PP worth of kills, while Aqua Jet, Surf, and Ice Beam are all easy money as well. Riley is a great partner, but I take some pleasure in constantly knocking out his Lucario with surf damage.

    We clear out the joint and he gives me an egg. I head back to Canalave where I make quick work of the gym between Lucky and Bonaparte, with Myst leeching some EXP all the while.

    Against Byron, Lucky Flamethrowers down Magneton and Steelix before I send in Jorel to Jump Kick Bastiodon in the face. OHKO.

    Badge 6: The Mine Badge
    5/6 Evolutions used.

    Queue cutscenes as Barry wants me to come to the Library, a long conversation in the library, a plan is made, and I head to Valor Lakefront.

    Some nonsense at Lake Valor, but Jorel takes out Commander Saturn with an assist from Lucky who flamethrowers his Bronzor. Zennheadbutt takes out Golbat and Toxicroak.

    Lake Verity up next, and Dawn can't handle her shit. Same plan, although this time it's Jump kick that takes down Mars' Purugly.

    Well, now it's time for me to head to Snowpoint city. It's around this time that I paused in the lower levels as Thaum defogged it and spent 5 hours fishing up Feebas that I never used. Worth it, because I can say I did it.

    I let Myst take the lead and give him the razor fang from Route 214. Soon enough, ding and he gets a whole lot less cute and a whole lot more creepy.

    Myst the Gliscor
    Scary as Fuck. 6/6 Evolutions used.

    Lucky takes the lead as I exit the cave and he burns his way through Snovers and Sneasels and Snorunts. A lot of the trainers force him to take hail damage which adds up, but I keep him healed.

    I run into a creep ghost of a woman in a house and pick up a lot of items but eventually get to the dead end town of Snowpoint, where Maylene is chilling (heh) in the Pokemon center.

    I head to challenge the gym. Lucky makes quick work of most of the gym, but a few trainers force some hail on him. I should've healed but don't, drunk on my own power.

    Candice (Cand-ice, get it?) sends out Piloswine who survives Lucky's first flamethrower and responds with an Earthquake. It's significantly damaging on top of the hail damage he's taken from fighting through her minions. He's in the yellow, so I swap in Jorel to drain punch Sneasel. Obamasnow comes out next and starts a storm, but the 4x weakness to fire necessitates that Lucky comes back out. He one-shots the Obamasnow, but takes more hail damage that puts him in the red.

    I don't want to take any chances, so I switch in Poytin to deal with Frosslass. She's ghost, that's weak to ghost, a perfect match, I thought. Poytin wins the speed battle and throws out a shadowball. It -misses-. Oh...snowcloak.

    She responds with a shadowball and it destroys Poytin, bringing him down to red. Yes, time for a swap, I thought. No, said the game, hail. Poytin dies cold.

    I send in Bonaparte and obliterate the little fucker with a surf.

    Candice down, but so is Poytin.

    R.I.P. Poytin the Rotom, level 53
    You will be missed.

    Also I got a badge of some kind, 6/7 evolutions used.

    So fuck me. Poytin's shadowballs are covered with Lucky's Crunch and his thunderbolts covered by Jorel's thunderpunch, but still.

    Damn. I put Rock Climb on Bonaparte since apparently Gliscor can't handle it, then I head out to Lake Acuity where Johnny's failed to pull his weight and then to Veilstone's Galactic headquarters where I run into Looker.
    I beat my way through Galactic's halls and eventually run into Cyrus again. His team is stronger, but not by much. Jorel sweeps with a jump kick and 3 thunder punches.

    I continue on and run into Saturn and Charon. This part of the game was one of my favorite of any game. Walking through these creepy fucking halls, the music perfectly setting the scene, with "something floating in green fluid" lining the walls. It's fucking awesome. A stray scientist informs me that she's disgusted by what they've created here. First time through, I thought it was a new mewtwo or something. Really disappointed that it turned out to be "the red chains" but this scene in general was really amazing otherwise.

    Saturn is a weaker version of his boss and dies easily. Moving on, I head to Mt. Coronet. I fight through it, using Strength on Lucky. Looks like Cyrus finally got his wish to destroy a cave painting. I get up to the spear pillar and Johnny comes to "help" me take out a couple bitches. Whatever, wingman.

    Cynthia shows up and wants me to dive into the Distortion world with her. Nu-uh, I've read GoC, I know about Distortion dunking. Oh well, she's insistent and I guess I do kind of like the world. I head in.

    The distortion world isn't one of my favorite places, but the Giratina flying overhead and underneath in quick blurs is really cool. In general it's a great place until the "puzzle" comes into play which I thought was stupid. I would've rather had an attrition white treehollow/blacktower style maze to the bottom with progressively stronger uncatachable wild pokemon to deal with. Whatever, I make it through and eventually get to Giratina when Cyrus finally shows up again and challenges me.

    When did he get two extra pokemon?
    Jorel sweeps. Houndoom goes down to a jump kick, Gyarados to a Thunderpunch, Crobat to a Jump kick, Murkrow to a thunder punch, and Weavile to a jump kick. Medicham is like a perfect anti-rocket/galactic/plasma pokemon.

    I challenge Giratina and capture it, because I can. It's not a "legitimate" catch, but I always catch Legendaries. I get it without any resets, but it eats 20 of my ultraballs and 10 of my hyper potions. Bonaparte does a great job tanking his bullshit, though.

    Cynthia congratulates me and we hop in the glowing portal. Surely nothing bad could happen, right? I end up at sendoff spring and after catching up with some folks back home, I make it back to Valor Lakefront and head towards Sunyshore city. On the way there, I find some Electabuzz in the grass. I need a filler for an electric type, so I grab Mattsilver from the pokebank and level him up. It takes longer than expected and I'm not too keen on repeating the process at the end of it, but he hits 39 and I luckily come across an Electabuzz on the first attempt.

    Welcome, Lungs the Electabuzz
    Level 41, Next Capture 51.

    I don't feel like grinding him yet, but he'll be an nice backup. I head on to Sunyshore and clear out some items before heading for the gym. Gliscor is level 55 and ready for action. His moveset is Dig/Aerial Ace/Swords Dance/Roost. I sweep most trainers in the gym without using Dig. 3xSwords Dance-->Roost-->Aerial Ace for the sweep.

    Time for the last badge. Churchey vs Minato Namikaze:

    Flying Thunder God.​

    He sends in Jolteon first, and I lead off with Myst. Myst sets up with 3 swords dances. He means fucking business. Three irontails later, he roosts, then digs. Jolteon down. Raichu comes out next and I send Myst into a dig again. Raichu down. This next one is the reason I set up with three swords dances, I don't want to lose to an ice fang with Gliscor's 4x ice weakness. It's fine though, because dig does its job and Luxray dies as well. Electivire comes out and looks pretty badass, but dies to a single dig just as his comrades did.

    Yondaime down.
    8th Badge: The Beacon Badge
    6/8 Evolutions used.

    So Jasmine is standing by the beach and gives me waterfall and I box Jorel for a bit to bring out Mattsilver to use it for me. I made it to and through Victory Road without issue and then went back to spend a lot of time grinding.

    I spent a LONG time grinding. Bonaparte has 3 supereffective moves vs most of the populace of Victory road, and I grinded for a long ass time with several heals just to restore those stats. I went in and used up all of Bonaparte's PP on the first floor (graveler, rhydon, onix), then went to the basement and used up all of Jorel's PP there (more golbats, lots of floatzels), then went to the second floor and used all of Lucky's PP there (70% chance for steelix or magneton).

    Somewhere along the way, I got a graveler on the second floor, and Lucky didn't oneshot it with flamethrower. Jorel one-shot them with zenn-headbutt, drain punch, or jump kick, while Bonaparte one-shot them with grass knot, surf, or ice beam. For most of this, I was zoned out just pressing A and movement while watching TV. The Graveler responded with an explosion.

    Rocks fell. Lucky died.

    R.I.P. Lucky, you glorious bastard.
    You will be missed.

    Now I'm faced with a conundrum. I was pretty confident that between Steel/Water/Ice/Grass/Psychic/Fighting/Electric/Earth/Flying/Fire/Dark coverage that I had between Bonaparte, Jorel, Lucky, and Myst, I could take out the Elite 4. Now though? I'm worried about fire and Dark coverage. I don't want to put fire coverage on Jorel because I need him to have his STABs as well as thunder punch for electric coverage and ice punch because I know Cynthia has a garchomp and Empoleon is slow and weak to ground.

    I'm also not looking up any of the Elite four so all I know is there's a fire user (because I met a guy named Flint with a red afro in Sunyshore) and that Cynthia has a Spiritomb, Milotic, and Garchomp.

    Time to bring out the bigguns. I decide to use Electivire as my last spot. I pull out Lungs the Electabuzz, slap an electrizer on him, and trade him to my copy of SS before trading him back.

    Lungs the Electivire
    7/8 Evolutions used.

    I wondered if it was breaking the rules, but why should trade evolutions be disallowed? It's the same pokemon I caught, so I decided to allow it. I like Electivire way more than Electabuzz ever since this gif:
    It's my first time using one so we will see how I like it.

    He gets the exp share and I run to Veilstone, buying out their stock. I give him 10 HPUPs, 10 Proteins, 10 Carbos, and then decide to let the rest fill itself out. I get him to 50 before giving him my 13 rare candies. Level 63. It was the rare candies that got him to his 10th level, so one new catch available.

    Now it's time to topple a Champion.

    The lineup:
    Lungs the Electivire, level 63.
    Knows Thunder, Thunderpunch, Fire Punch, and Lightscreen.
    Bonaparte the Empoleon, level 65
    Grass Knot, Flash Cannon, Surf, and Ice beam.
    Jorel the Medicham, level 65
    Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Jump Kick, Zenn Headbutt
    Myst the Gligar, level 64
    Swords Dance, Dig, Roost, Aerial Ace
    Thaumologist the Tropius, level 40
    Traveling companion.
    Mattsilver the Floatzel, level 39.
    Travel Companion.
    Let's do this.

    First at the gate is Johnny, who is outmatched hopelessly. Lungs takes down Staravia with a thunderpunch, then Jorel icepunches Torterra. Myst aerial aces his heracross, then digs his rapidash, then Lungs thunderpunches his floatzel and Jorel finishes his snorlax with a jump kick that takes an eternity.

    Limit to 20 images, will respond with ending.
  10. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011

    I enter the gates and Aaron is first. I knew I would need a fire type. Jorel leads off with an ice punch for Yanmega, then a fire punch for scizor. Myst takes care of Drapion with dig then Heracross with Aerial Ace, then another aerial ace on Vespiquen.


    I switch Bonaparte to lead and head in to take on the next competitor, which looked like rock to me. Turns out to be Earth, which is fine. Her whiscash eats two grass knots to kill, and deals 30% to Empoleon with earth power. Bonaparte takes another 20% from Gliscor's thunderfang before one-shotting it with icebeam, then oneshots Hippodown, Golem, and Rhyperior with Surf in that order. Steel typing takes care of all the sandstorm incidental damage, nice.


    Next up is Flint, the cunt. Bonaparte is quite slow and fire damage is neutral, so he takes a hit from Houndoom and Flareon before surf kills them. Rapidash wastes its hit setting up Sunny Day, but then I decide to switch into Myst. I set up with a swords dance and her Infernape gets a crit flare blitz. I roost and he flare blitz again, this time dealing less than half HP without the crit. So I decide to roost stall him. It brings itself to red with its own flare blitz and then I send Myst into dig. He OHKOs the Infernape on the next turn. Magmortar comes out and another dig finishes the match.


    Lucian reminds me of Will, but whatever. He starts with Mime and I start with Lungs. We both start with Light Screen. I OHKO him with thunderpunch. Should've gone with reflect, cunt. He sends out his Bronzong and I switch to Jorel who 2HKOs it with firepunch, taking a weak Psychic for my trouble. I switch Bonaparte into Espeon and resist its shit easily with steel typing and the wall still up. I kill it with two Surfs before the light screens wear off. I send in Lungs again and set up a new one before killing the Allakhazam with thunderpunch. Gallade comes out and hurts, but he dies to a second thunderpunch.

    The Champion

    I let Bonaparte take him out with a few surfs, since he resists everything it can throw out. Roserade comes in and Jorel zennheadbutts it into the grave. Cynthia responds with Togekiss*** and I switch to Lungs who kills it with 3(!!) thunderpunches. That thing is tough and Lungs took two auraspheres to complete his mission. Garchomp comes in and I swap to Jorel. Ice punch doesn't kill and he eats a dragon rush, but also survives. Cynthia full restores, but I ain't no bitch. With 35 HP, Jorel follows her potion with an icepunch, putting Garchomp back in the red. She restores again and I repeat the process. Finally, the fourth ice punch kills the beast, and the dragon is slain.

    Cynthia sends in Lucario and I leave Jorel out. I hit him with a hyper potion and Lucario extreme-speeds me. Close but not quite. Jorel responds with a jump kick and Lucario goes down. Finally, Milotic is up and I swap in Empoleon. I remember the first time I played this game I tried to kill Milotic with a Grass knot and this bitch lived through it and mirror-coated my empoleon into an early grave. Bonaparte's unique typing gives him full resistance to anything she might try, so I take a turn to heal up Lungs. Coincidentally, Cynthia's Milotic uses mirror coat. Nah, bitch, just nah.

    I swap in Lungs and two thunderpunches topples the sea serpent.

    Champion Cynthia dethroned.
    Victory is mine.

    The Champions
    • Myst the Gliscor-You swept Minato and then swept a large party of bugs, just before you trolled Monkey King with repeated resting.
    • Bonaparte the Empoleon-You were my first and a true Emperor, you tanked, you swept, and you protected the team for me to pass out the meds.
    • Jorel the Medicham-You were one squishy fuck and we never quite got over your habit of flying into walls painfully, but you laid down the pain and had a lot of type coverage available for me.
    • Lungs the Electivire-You were the last addition to the team, but your power and support gave me a lot of openings in my type coverage and made a huge difference vs Lucian where I lacked any supereffective coverage.
    • Thaumogist the Tropius-You gave me shade, bananas, transport, and good company. Cheers.
    • Mattsilver the Floatzel-You carried me up a waterfall and could've been a magmar.

    Never Forget

    Vira the Roselia-You weren't quite ready to stand on your own yet, and I let a meditite kill you with a confusion crit. I'm sorry.

    Menace the Gible-You were a cheerful little scamp and you never got to become a fearsome monster to go toe-to-toe with Cynthia's dragon king. I would've made you a usurper, but a water pulse crit and my hubris led you (and my only earthquake TM) to the grave.

    LT2000 the Staravia-Fucking gravelers, I'm sorry.

    Poytin the Rotom-You barely missed your shadowball in all that hail. You slaughtered countless in my name and electrocuted seas of pokemon for my conquest. In the end, a shadowball and icy winds finished you.

    Lucky the Houndoom-Fucking gravelers, I'm sorry.

    ***Originally said Roserade instead of Togekiss.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2013
  11. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    It's ok Churchey, I named you after a... something so bad I don't even remember it's name ;p Anyways I'll forgive you if you promise to help me trade evolve on my ds as everyone else uses emulators. Anyways my new adventure begins, Nuzlocke Squared!

    I start off with LT the Brave Tepig, who will roast any mongrels who dare oppose me. Prof Juniper assistant who I ignore and just stare at her chest lectures me about the pokedex and gives one to my stalker, the ever creepy Furry. He challenges me after patheticly begging for a pokedex, and gets smacked. I go to Route 19 and kill a Patrat as they are useless, and get stopped by some weird old guy with dyed hair. Doing my best to ignore him I head past him to Route 20

    I defeated a few trainers on Route 20, and walked through the small grass as I want my first capture on Floccesy Ranch. For my first capture I exclude the 10 level rule as I will one hit everything till Virbank so yeah. But I get lucky and catch Myst the Psyduck Lv 5, next capture at Lv 15. Now I am off to the deeper reachs of this farm, hopefully nothing annoying happens.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2013
  12. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Sure, although I've never traded to someone over wifi outside of the GTS, so it might take some work.

    I was hoping someone would post before I finished this part, as 3 consecutive posts would've been pushing it.

    Emerlad Nuz^2
    -No repeat
    -Not following the no starter bonus rule.
    -Naming theme from ATLA and LOK
    -Extra Bonus rule: Playing Set battle style instead of Shift. You are not prompted to switch pokemon every time you down one of your opponents pokemon. Instead, you have to sacrifice a turn in order to swap out.

    I come to in the moving van. I have no clue either.
    I go into my room at my mother's nagging insistence and set the clock, which doesn't work anyway because the internal battery has run dry.
    I head over to introduce myself to May then go to find her father, who is being attacked by a poochyena. Really, Birch? You couldn't just open a pokeball yourself?

    I pick Mudkip, because I lurv Mudkips. I think that the gen III games are great games but I want a remake for them because I hate playing without the physical/special split.

    Iroh the Mudkip
    Level 5. Next catch level 15.

    I collect supplies and head out to find May, beat her Treecko's ass raw, then head back with her. I collect more supplies then set out on my journey.

    I get to Rustboro city and help Wally catch a Ralts. Dad gives me some words of encouragement and I head off to route 104. Route 104 gives some items and exp and then I make off into Petalburg woods, where I have some higher level shit to grind on.

    I'm hoping to catch another pokemon here, hopefully anything but a bug type. After half an hour, a wurmple dies and gives me enough exp for the bar to touch, but not ding. There is not a single pixel left in my exp bar that isn't filled. The next pokemon? The very next pokemon? The one I'm only a few exp points shy of being able to catch? A fucking slakoth. FUCK.

    I kill it and catch the next pokemon, this little derp:

    Mako the derp--I mean, Shroomish
    Level 6. Next capture level 16.

    Grumpy-shroom says what?
    Actually, I've never used a Shroomish before, because I never liked its appearance. But I also never knew about Breloom, so I'm looking forward to this.

    I don't want to miss out on mudshot, so Mako takes the lead and together we advance forward. He struggles a bit at first, but I get him to ten for leech seed before heading out of the area. Between stun spore, leech seed, and absorb, I can troll a lot of things with tackle backup for taking out weaker foes.

    We get to Rustboro, heal up, and challenge Roxanne. Mako destroys the gym, fighting a geodude, then a geodude, then 3 more geodudes. Really? Really? Oh well, at least Roxanne will be better. She leads with two more geodudes. :facepalm

    Mako's absorb destroys the geodudes with 4x grass weakness, but nosepass is much stronger and only has a 2x weakness. I lead with leechseed, then stun spore, then spam absorb. It wastes two turns on hardens, hits me with two rock tombs which deal 30% each, and gets paralyzed once. The super potion leads to two more rock tombs and another paralysis, but absorbs win the day and Roxanne falls.

    Badge 1: The Stone Badge
    0/1 Evolutions used.

    This gym pushed Mako up to level 15, so I don't quite have a new capture. I head North of the city for a bit of grinding and get level 16 on Iroh, ignoring the man's pleas for help as I do.

    Iroh the Marshtomp
    1/1 Evolutions used

    Then I head back in and the man is still crying for help. I head east onto route 116 and chase down the thief to retrieve some items of importance. I put Mako in the lead and get level 16, opening the next catch up. I kind of wanted a Skitty to name Ty Lee, but instead I add:

    Cabbage Man the Nincada
    Level 6. Next capture level 16.​

    I might just keep him around on a final team just for baton-passing speed boost+swords dance onto a real pokemon. For now though, he'll make a great cut and flash slave.

    I find some dickhole who stole some goods and defeat him easily, retrieving the DEVONGOODS and freeing a Wingull who Mr. Briney is very happy to have back. He promises reimbursement. Excellent.

    I head back to Rustboro and I'm dragged off to meet the head of Devon Corporation. They assign me the task of messenger boy, but they reward me pretty well with a pokenav. Nice.

    Outside, May wants to fight. She leads with wingull and I switch from Mako to Iroh while it misses a supersonic. Iroh takes it down with two tackles. She sends out Treecko and I decide not to take my chances. My first tackle hits well but Treecko's absorb hurts. 45% of my HP gone to an ABSORB? I swap in Mako to take the next one, and it doesn't hurt nearly as much. I use stun spore then spam tackle. In retrospect, it might've been better to hope for an effect spore to proc and haved a chance to poison/sleep him. Either way, a lot of hits and a potion later and Treecko dies.

    Moving on! I head back through Petalburg and hitch a ride with Briney over to Dewford town. His highest pokemon is level 19, so I need some serious training. I go north into the cave and level Mako and Iroh to 22. Mako gets headbutt at 22 and that will be a big power boost over tackle, but at level 23 he evolves and learns mach punch, which I don't want to miss. So Mako takes the lead for a few trainers to get him ripe for evolution before I switch to Iroh until we get to Brawly.

    Brawly has bulk-up, which can lead to a quick defeat because his Makuhita has vital throw which hurts. To be honest, leveling ninjask to level 16 and catching a Zubat might've been a good idea, since I could use that double resistance about now.

    I use Iroh's Mudshot (which hurts, bad) to bring down Machop and put Meditite in the red. I use that opportunity to swap in Shroomish as Brawly heals. I headbutt twice for the knockout.

    Makuhita comes in and it's the real boss fight beginning. Mega-drain is out for now, since Meditite set up light screen. I leech seed, then stun spore. He vital throws turn 1, then bulks up on turn 2. The unbulked vital throw did 30%, so I'm already dreading the outcome. I headbutt--flinch. I headbutt again--flinch. Sitrus berry procs and heals him. I headbutt a third time and he's in the red--paralyze, leech seed brings brings him to a sliver, and Mako is nearly healed to full. I headbutt a last time for the knockout.

    Woohoo for flinch hacks.

    Badge 2-The Knuckle Badge
    2/2 Evolutions used.

    Shroomish evolves and is now:

    Mako the Breloom

    I head into the depths of the cave after healing and slapping flash on Cabbage Man. I pick up some items and find Arons are surprisingly good for exp, before delivering the letter to Steven who gives me a Steel Wing. Well, I already got paid but thanks!

    Before heading to Slateport, I backtrack to Rustboro and talk to the Devon Company President and he gives me an EXP SHARE. Excellent, three payments for one job. I slap that shit on Nincada.

    I hop back on Briney's boat and head to slateport, where I clear the beach of stragglers. Choochoo bitches, all aboard the rape train. I skip over most of Slateport and head to the Museum where I beat a couple of grunts, get Thief from a Thief, and hand over the Devon Goods. All done here!

    I head north onto route 110 where I run into Birch. He talks for a bit and I continue the journey. I find the Trick House and beat the Trick Master's game to earn a rare candy and the heap of EXP it took to get. Then I head west on Route 103 where Cabbage Man gets level 16. I head back to 110 and step on the grass, getting an Elektrike to pop up. I catch it and

    Zuko the Elektike
    Level 12. Next capture 22.

    Honestly not terrible enthused with this one. I've also never used it before, but it looks like its got a pretty awful learnset. I switch the EXP share to Zuko and continue on my way, finding May in the road.
    Mako's headbutt KOs her wingull, and she switches in Slugma. I respond by swapping into Iroh, who evades a rock throw. A water gun takes it out and Grovyle comes out. It's only here that I finally realize that Iroh, as a Marshtomp, already has his dual typing and that's why he takes quadruple damage, not double, from grass type moves.

    With the knowledge of how my last battle went so poorly, I swap in Mako who easily takes out Treecko with two mach punches. How does he punch with those stubby little arms anyway?

    May goes down and bikes away after giving me an itemfinder. I fight through the rest of the route and get to Mauville, I check out all the buildings and find a nice man who gives me a free bike. I wheelie through town for a few minutes before calling it a day.

    2 Badges down, 2/2 Evolutions used.

    Iroh the Marshtomp, level 26.
    Mako the Breloom, level 25.
    Cabbage Man the Nincada, level 16.
    Zuko the Electrike, level 13.
  13. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Last time, my team was

    Towel, Gastrodon, 45.
    Coffee, Rapidash, 43.
    Duvet, Gabite, 40.
    Monster, Lucario, 35.
    Lamp, Froslass, 35. Next capture 43.

    5/6 Evolutions used

    However, my ds has developed a fault. It now seems to have a 50% chance of shutting down, rather than going into sleep mode, when I close the lid.

    Instead of a Froslass, I now have a Sneasel. Apart from that, the plan is the same - box duvet, and beat the living crap out of everything on the way up to Snowpoint.
  14. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Well Furry was waiting to jump me in the farm, I of course backhand him and keep walking. Some farmers say something but I ignore them and continue. I grinded through grass and trainers until Myst and LT were Lv 13. Found a plasma grunt bothering some dog evolution whose name I don't know, he ran away at the sight of me and threw a tm. Alder knew when I came back I had surpassed his shitty disciples, but he had me thrash them anyway.

    Cheren was a nuisance, I had Myst disable bulk up and still almost died. Went towards Virbank and killed a Sewaddle on Route 20, because fuck Sewaddle. Virbank complex was much more enticing, and my hatred of Sewaddle worked out. Churchey the Magnemite Lv 10 captured, with Sturdy and a Mild Nature :awesome Now I'm off to grind some more~

    Churchey the Magnemite Lv 13
    Myst the Psyduck Lv 16
    LT the Tepig\emergency food Lv 14
  15. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Oh man right in the feels. I left lavender town after my last post and headed south, going upstairs to hopefully get my exp share (I didn't) but I wound up staring out into the distance and this little girl came up to me and gave me TM 27. She explained that the move was called Return and based on my pokemon's affect it would deal damage. She then told me that she didn't need it anymore, her pokemon's ashes are buried in the pokemon tower. I felt a little sad for the girl, and decided to dedicate the next gym battle in honor of her dead pokemon (probably some useless, shitty ratata).
  16. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    This is by far the most fun I've had in a nuzlocke, Myst used his psychic powers and smacked aside that wannabe rockstar posing as a gym leader. 2\8 badges obtained 1 evolution used. That evo being LT the Pignite fuck yeah. Plasma thugs smacked, starred in a movie, and am on my way to burn\mindcrush some bugs.

    Team DLP Pokeman Kings
    LT the Pignite Lv 17
    Churchey the Magnemite Lv 18
    Myst the Psyduck Lv 17
  17. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Ugh is that :awesome face supposed to be because you know I hate magnemite?
  18. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    A Psyduck? Oh man....
  19. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Psyduck is a majectic creature, and Churchey I had no idea you hated magnemite, I just made the awesome face because mild my fav nature for sp attack and sturdy is better than magnet pull imo.
  20. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Ok then I'm cool with it. I thought you were referencing the X/Y thread where I argued that while magnemite was better design than klink, klinkklang was endlessly better design than magneton, since it's 3 magnemites attached together which is lazy stupid design.

    Carry on though. After the whole Yorick debacle...ugh.

    Sturdy magnemite with +SPA, sounds awesome.