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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Yeah but Magnezone is awesome.
  2. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    You know I never remember that he's a location evolution. I keep thinking that he is a metal-coat trade.
  3. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I thought he was to which was why I brought up ds trading, but then I remembered thats Electivire :\
  4. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Emerald Nuzlock^2

    2 Badges down, 2/2 Evolutions used.

    Iroh the Marshtomp, level 26.
    Mako the Breloom, level 25.
    Cabbage Man the Nincada, level 16.
    Zuko the Electrike, level 13.

    As an aside, I found out that Breloom is in the Erratic Experience Group, meaning he requires a whopping 1.64million EXP to reach lvl100. As a comparison, the other groups require 600k, 800k, 1mil, and 1.25mil. It shouldn't be too huge of a difference until I get to the late game grinding. On with the tale.

    I spend about fifteen minutes hopping around on my bike in town before getting to work. I had a brief encounter with Wally who asked me to beat him down in front of his father. Some people have weird kinks but w/e.

    I slap EXP SHARE on Cabbage Man before I turn to go east and clear that short route out then go west and clear that slightly longer route out, getting to Verdanturf and collecting some goods there. With Iroh at 28, I take on the gym. Most of Watson's disciples don't seem to actually have electric pokemon.

    On the one hand, I'm glad the gym doesn't consist of 10 geodudes and a nosepass, but on the other hand, these guys lack cohesion. Magnemite and Voltorb, nice. Volbeat and Illumise, ok they are kind of like fireflies which is bio luminescence which is kind of electricity so O.K. Then there's Gulpin, Zigzagoon, and Meditite? C'mon Watson, make some rules for this place. Iroh does most of the work here with a few sodas between bouts. Watson himself is a very easy battle with Iroh's ground type and despite only having a 4 level advantage, Iroh sweeps and only takes 2 quick attacks and a sonicboom for his trouble.

    Badge Three-DYNAMO BADGE
    New Evolution unlocked. 2/3 Used.

    I heal up and head north from Mauville, finding the Winstrate family, razing their home, executing their pokemon, raping their women and pillaging their MACHO BRACE. Good on you Winstrates. I get to the top of route 111 and try desperately to stick one foot in the deep sand, but apparently these are fucking gale force winds. Flygon is my favorite pokemon, but I can't try for a trapinch just yet. I head instead to the fiery path where I grind for ten minutes getting Elektrike to 22.

    I've checked up on Manectric and it just doesn't seem worth the evolution. He has 0 coverage outside of electric and I'm sure I can find plenty of other pokemons to throw a thunderbolt/thunder onto if I really need electric coverage. I regret naming the little bugger Zuko now that I'm not using him but he's going to the box. I've done some research on fiery path and everything there is a decent pickup. All of them are slow fire types, but I've always liked numel.

    The next pokemon I encounter is a Torkoal. Hmm, never used one, but he looks interesting. Welcome to the party

    Bolin the Torkoal
    Level 14. Next Catch 24.

    He's pure fire. It's at this point I realized I switched up the names of the characters, but that's fine. He's got a great defense stat and very bad speed, but hey he comes with Curse to exaggerate that as well. I'll throw my quick claw on him for serious battles. Without the physical special split, the high defense will mitigate a lot of damage from rock/earth leaving the only serious threat as water. He gets the EXP SHARE for now.

    I grab Bolin, Mako, Iroh, Zuko and Cabbage Vendor (he's really man as Vendor wouldn't fit, but w/e) and continue on to route 113 and come across quite a few skarmory. Another pokemon I've never used and I doubt I'll get one here since 5% isn't worth trying with my next capture, lest I end up with a Spinda. Ugh.

    I swap in Bolin to start doing work, and its slow going with ember but the lack of any special moves in the area means he can afford to take the first hit every time. We get to Fallarbor town and I set Zuko in the PC after meeting Lannette who asks me to see her later. Aww yis.

    I get TM28 DIG from some chick in a house, and head towards Meteor falls because so far it's pretty linear and that's the only option. I find Lannette and she gives me a doll. Bill gave me an eevee you bitch. I grind for a bit in the area, letting burn and poison from ember and smog deal a lot of the damage for me with smokescreen spam to conserve PP. Soon enough, Bolin gets level 24, and the next pokemon to pop up is a Swablu.

    Asami the Swablu
    Level 16. Next Capture 26.

    I really haven't used a lot of GenIII pokemon, and I remember that Winona's Altaria kicked my ass when I was twelve. It'll make a good special wall. I kind of wish she had cotton guard, but that's gen IV or V.

    I leave it off here.

    Iroh the Marshtomp, level 34.
    Mako the Breloom, level 31.
    Bolin the Torkoal, level 24.
    Asami the Swablu, level 16.
    Cabbage Man the Nincada, level 16.

    Zuko the Elektrike level 22.
  5. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Since last time, on my way up to Snowpoint, I've gained the next two badges, destroyed team Plasma, killed a god, made my way to the Elite Four, finally killed off my rival, and gone back into Victory Road for training.

    During this, Sneasel evolved, and levelled up enough for my next catch.

    It's a Rhydon, who I've called Sack.

    I've not used a Rhydon since one my first ever runs on Blue, so I have no idea how useful they are.

    Turns out they're awful, and there's a reason I don't use them. It's slow, has terrible defence, special, and weaknesses. On the plus side, when it hits something, that thing will die, unless it has type advantage.
    Weavile is similarly rubbish, in that when it can hit things, it's great. But if you hit it back, it drops straight into the red.

    This is not as much fun as I was expecting, although Gastrodon still sludges anything that moves, before consuming it.


    Towel, Gastrodon, 54.
    Coffee, Rapidash, 50.
    Duvet, Garchomp, 51.
    Monster, Lucario, 53.
    Mirror, Weavile, 48.
    Sack, Rhydon, 45 (next catch 53).

    I'm hoping to get most of the team up past 55 before challenging, although there is nowhere decent to really train a fire type, so I might have to head back to the Resort Cafe. We'll see.

    6/8 Evolutions used.
  6. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    If you need late-game grinding, I suggest Vs. Seeker abuse. There are some Trainers that have Pokemon that scale up in level as you progress through the game. Look around the Pokearth at Serebii to find ones that will let you grind your team properly and quickly. You're probably going to want to be at or near 60 before trying to run the E4.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------

    EDIT: Nevermind, too much early luck has already broken this game. I got a Shelgon with my first wild capture. I could crush the entire game with just that and the Golduck starter. I'll either do a non-Randomizer Emerald run or do White 2. The Randomizer hack is amusing for normal gameplay, but it makes Nuzlocke too easy.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2013
  7. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Huzzah! I'm the new champion of Sinnoh (finally). Nuzlocke^2 is awesome.

    Final team:

    Moon, Electivire, Male, 58.
    Monster, Lucario, Male, 54.
    Towel, Gastrodon, Female, 62.
    Duvet, Garchomp, Female, 53.
    Mirror, Weavile, Male, 61.

    Coffee died against Yanmega, the first pokemon in the E4.

    She'll be missed.
  8. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Considering trying to beat pokemon red with only normal type pokemon...
  9. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    Probably the best gen to try a normal monotype run, what with hyper beam, bind, and wrap being broken as all fuck, and Tauros, Lickitung, and Snorlax being OP as hell.
  10. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    And if you're cruel enough you can save an explosion for Gary's last pokemon ;)

    Then you'd really...


    Go out with a bang.
  11. NTD

    NTD High Inquisitor

    Jun 2, 2012
    Roaming, accruing charges... Please wait
    No normal pokemon in R/B/Y learn explosion or self destruct though....
  12. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Shhhh, don't ruin my punny. :p
  13. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I lost my DS so no Nuzlocke until I buy a new X/Y themed one D8
  14. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Actually Snorlax can. Because Self-destruct is TM36 in Gen 1.
  15. NTD

    NTD High Inquisitor

    Jun 2, 2012
    Roaming, accruing charges... Please wait
    Ah, you're right. It's super hard to get it to learn self destruct since gen 3 though. Something about a munchlax and XD Gale of darkness.
  16. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    So between job searches, I have a load of free time. Enough time to go and start N^2 on Black 2.

    We start with Sofa the Snivy, retaining the same naming scheme from last time. I'll keep him, rather than chucking my starter, because I feel like it.

    He's a fast little thing, but weak as a piece of soggy loo roll. Repeated trips to the farmer lady are required, but eventually we've found the miscreant, retaken the stolen pokemon, and saved the day!

    Back to town, then me and Sofa destroy the dreams of two schoolkids. He learns growth, and we decide now would be a good time to start our actual journey.

    Ten minutes later, he's five EXP short of hitting level 15, and we have our first badge.

    Sofa, Male Snivy, 14.

    We head East, towards the mainland, and Sofa hits 15 by fighting off a creepy old guy. We continue to beat up little kids, and avoid grass. Sofa's plenty strong enough by himself, and there's nothing around here except Ratatta-analogues and the like. We reach Virbank, heal up, and go to the complex.

    First thing that pops out is...

    Suit, the Magnemite, Level 10.

    He's caught, and now to Audiono grind.
  17. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    I saw "Slut, the Magnemite, Level 10" and burst out laughing.
  18. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Phew, I wrote a lengthy post and then closed my Firefox, and it's lost :(

    Anyway, starting a new PoKéMoN Feuerrote Nuzlocke (not Nuzlocke², since I don't know its rules), with basic rules:
    - catch only the first met PoKéMoN in a place/route
    - fainted = dead
    - shinies are exempt from the no-catch rule
    - no trading

    My adventure started when the demented old codger of a Professor Oak caught me sneaking out of my home town. He started spewing some bullshit about "dangerous pokémon" in the woods. Dangerous, my ass - as if I hadn't been born in this town. Anyway, after a series of embarrassing questions about my gender (male), my name (KrzaQ) and his grandsons name (Adolf), he led me to his lab and told me to choose a starter pokémon.

    I chose Feuer, the Charmander. Right after that Adolf ran into the lab to get his starter pokémon. He chose Squirtle and promptly forced me into a battle - but he stood no chance against anyone with IQ in eighties or more.

    To cut a long story short, I went to Viridian City to get Oak's parcel, received a pokedex in return and then decided to start my journey. I met Luftwaffe the Pidgey on Route 1 and Spion the Rattata on Route 22 while training for Elite Four. While training I took a photo of my team:
    We trained until the whole team was on level 10 and then I headed towards the Victory Road. Unfortunately, I was almost immediately stopped by Adolf, who must've had the same idea (what else would he be doing there?). He told me that I needed 8 badges before I'll be even allowed to try my chances against the E4. Way to destroy a 10-year-old's dream, Adolf... Anyway, we battled, he lost again and I changed my direction to north, where Brock, the soon-to-be donor of my first badge resided.

    While going through the Viridian Forest I hoped I'd meet a Caterpie or a Pikachu, but the first pokémon to greet me was a Kakuna. Rest in peace, useless shit.

    I trained Feuer on the Forest and Gym trainers, and well, they are weak. In the meanwhile Feuer learned Metal Claw and evolved into a Charmeleon. I decided to challenge Brock and it turned out he was weak as well - Feuer's Metal Claw wiped his team. After getting the badge, I took a team photo and decided to rest for a few days.
  19. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    So Unova has been one of my more fatal runs...

    No problems getting to Elesa. I had a team of four:
    Sofa, Ervine, 27.
    Banana, Darumaku, 30.
    Suit, Magnemite, 31.
    Hat, Sigilyph, 22 (next catch 29).

    Everything was going fine. Suit was magnetbombing and sonicbooming everything.

    I forgot about flame charge.

    Suit died.
    Luckily, Banana's overwhelming attack stat meant that after being paralyzed, facade destroyed everything.

    We left Nimbasa, going West, and find an angry biker.

    Still thinking we're on a winning streak, he quickly and efficiently kills banana.

    We go back to town, grab a bunch of repels, and head on through to grind against deerling, audino, and then into chargestone.

    Hat the sigilyph finally hits 29 after psybeaming a Nosepass into dust.

    The dust stirs, and I whack on another repel. We welcome Desk, the Drilbur, at level 25.

    Back to the city, and we plan on taking on the gym. Sofa will grab a few levels through here, and the type advantage/STAB should hopefully carry us.

    Sofa, Servine, 33.
    Hat, Sigilyph, 29.
    Desk, Drilbur, 25.
    1/4 evolutions used.
  20. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Alright I finally got my new comp about a week ago so it's time for Nuzlocke, Heartgold Edition. My starter shall of course Roarian the Totodile, King of the Swamps.