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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Alright, time to run a Nuzlocke on X. Except gifted pokemon are wondertraded until I get something of an even or lower level.

    So we start as normal, trying to get out the house in pyjamas. That doesn't work, and eventually I get outside, and am given some sort of Vulpix. I use her to unlock all the training, and then throw her into the randomness that is wondertrade. Please oh please can I encounter a breeder throwing out their imperfect scraps...

    Oh... I need two to wondertrade. Right, let's go catch something, then get rid of Delphine.

    First encounter is a level four zigzagoon. Stolichnaya added to the party! Together, we wave goodbye to Delphine, and welcome our new teammate:
    A bred Eevee (male, level 1), Rune knows Covet, Charm (Hooray for Fairy!), Curse, and Wish.

    We mooch around in the grass a bit, Rune eating large amounts of cake and beating the crap out of local birds. Then we proceed to beat up a small child, and kill his Zigzagoon. Rune hits level 5, and we head into the forest.

    I'm hoping for something interesting, but instead I find a panpour. He's named Lilt, and will likely be dropped into a box when I get back to civilization. But for now, he can join Rune and Stol in playing a few games, and gaining trust. Soon, I'll have a creepy dog with fleshy bows! And nothing will stand in my way!


    We get through the forest, and Rune is indeed kick-ass as a Sylveon. Stol's doing quite nicely, and Lilt isn't doing much of anything. We leave the forest, reach route three, and encounter our new teammate, a level three Bidoof. Rune accidentally kills it, and we continue to town.

    Heal up, head East, and encounter a Litleo. Sierra joined the party!

    She's got unnerve, which seems crap, but she also sets things on fire, which seems to make up for it. All is going well, until Stolichnaya dies from a critical hit from a Farfetch'd. Sierra hops out, and roasts the duck, but it's too late.

    And the damned little thing never even used it's pickup!

    With a fairy and fire-lion, the gym stood no chance. We leave it smoldering in our wake, and go North, picking up the Exp Share from the gym leader's sister. This encounter is a Flabebe, and I really don't want a second fairy, so it joins the Bidoof in not-being-caught-ville.

    Two lab assistants offer to show me around the city, and Sierra sets fire to their lab. Jamesson the Squirtle joins the party!

    Jamesson leaves the party, wondertraded away.
    First, we get another Zigzagoon. But that gets thrown back, as I've had one.
    Then we get a Ledian, but it's level 14, so it gets thrown back.
    Sliggoo, level 40. Thrown back.
    Axew, level 1.

    Coupenotte joins the party, hopefully for good.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  2. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I did promise that I would take another shot at this. Going to Nuzlocke Squared X, with a couple more added rules. In addition to the usual (badge-limited evolution, ten level rule, have to keep most recent capture alive or no new ones EVAR) I've also decided to ban gift Pokemon, since you really can put together an entire team in this game without ever capturing a single thing and that's bullshit, and to ban reusing routes. In addition to that, no backtracking. Once I've passed into a given area, I won't be going back into older ones regardless of whether I've used them previously.

    I will, however, be keeping my starter this time (since the game's first encounter is a guaranteed Pidgey anyway) and all interact Pokemon are still usable.

    Pokemon X Squared

    Going to go quick and dirty with this writeup, as I'm a decent ways into the game and don't want to spend an hour typing.

    Get up and dressed, get the lecture from the mom, go outside and meet Serena and Shauna. Those two run out into Route 1. Follow, into Aquacorde town where I get introduced to the rest of the Superfriends and get called a bunch of retarded nicknames.

    S-Meister, Lil' S and Big S can all blow me. You will call me Master. The one girl says that it suits me, and I couldn't agree more. Obey your Master and make me a sammich.

    Starter time.

    Panzer the Chespin. Level 5. Next capture at Level 15.

    Complete the rest of the pregame stuff, also beat down Shauna's Froakie. Through Route 2 and into Santalune Forest, where I abuse Shauna's healing to grind Panzer a couple levels until he learns Rollout. From there, trolling the trainers in the woods is a cinch. Continue on through Route 3 and into Santalune City, where I waste no time in challenging the Gym. Rollout squishes all the bugs.

    And then it's time to take on Viola. I have a couple levels on her, so I'm not concerned about any potential typing issues. Rollout crushes her Surskit in a couple hits and builds up enough power to steamroll Vivillon in one hit. Easy.

    Bug Badge and Infestation TM acquired. One Evolution stocked.

    The win also brings Chespin to 15, so capture time. I would just avoid grass until Lumiose and take my Kanto starter with this, if I were using gift Pokemon. But I'm not, so into Route 22 with eyes on a Litleo or a Psyduck.

    But of course it's...

    Yogurt the Bidoof. Level 6. Next capture at Level 16.

    Could have been worse, I guess. This route does have Bunnelby.

    She'll be an alright Cut/Rock Smash Slave if nothing else. Take a little time to level Yogurt. Once she's strong enough to not die instantly to anything, I continue raising Yogurt against the trainers on Route 22. I had to switch in Panzer against the one kid with a Riolu, and killing it brought him up to Level 16.

    Panzer the Chespin evolves into Quilladin. 1/1 Evolutions used.

    Now into Route 4, where Yogurt continues to get the bulk of the experience so I can be done with her ASAP. Panzer does switch in to handle the gardeners with their Corphishes. I forgot how early Bidoof evolves, and have to evolution cancel when Yogurt hits 15.

    After meeting Professor Sycamore and allowing Panzer to roll his fat ass all over the Kanto starter trio, I select Leonardo the Squirtle and box him, since he's not legal in this challenge. I also get to meet Lysandre and Diantha (also known as the Weakest Champion Ever). Seriously, Cynthia was the last one to not be a pushover. Was very disappoint with how easily my Aegislash shat all over Diantha in my initial playthrough.

    Route 5. Nothing I even want here. Could try for Honedge on Route 6, but the encounter odds are relatively low so I won't. I forgot about the Double Battle with the Plusle and Minun, and the experience from that brings Yogurt from 15 all the way to 17. Unlocking another capture. So I have to go back to Lumoise and grab some Repels at the Pokemon Center to avoid encounters. I have an eye on Snorlax, and I don't want to waste time leveling another Pokemon prior to that.

    Fast forward through all the events at Parfum Palace. Poke Flute wakes up Snorlax! It attacked in a grumpy rage!

    When was Snorlax ever this easy to catch? Just took one regular Poke Ball.

    Barnabas the Snorlax. Level 15. Next capture at Level 25.

    Barnabas is a beast. Wish he had come with Thick Fat over Immunity, but I'll not complain too much. Spend a couple levels raising him outside Camphrier Town and then go back into Route 6 to do the side paths and give him even more experience against the trainers there.

    I go ahead and start using the Battle Chateau now. Snorlax needs the experience and money is always good. Especially since I'll be burning a ton of it at the clothing store in Lumiose City later on. Barnabas hits 25 here, due to my letting him gorge on everything since his capture. Capture time.

    I decide to use a Honey to guarantee a horde encounter inside Connective Cave. With luck I'll either get Zubat or Axew, and if I'm not and get Whismur at least it'll be at low level and quick to raise ten and move on. I get the Zubat horde.

    Morgan the Zubat. Level 8. Next capture at Level 18.

    Now I've got a Fly Slave, if nothing else. Crobat is always awesome and I might use it, but that will depend on what the game gives me in the route north of Cyllage City in a bit. It won't evolve until after the ten levels I need to unlock another capture, so I have a little time to decide.

    And that's what I'm in the middle of doing now.


    Badges: Bug
    1/1 Evolutions Used
    Most Recent Capture: Zubat, level 15. Next capture at Level 18.


    Panzer (Quilladin) - 25
    Barnabas (Snorlax) - 25
    Morgan (Zubat) - 15
    Yogurt (Bidoof) - 17


    Leonardo (Squirtle, Banned) - 5
  3. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005

    Panzer (Quilladin) - 25
    Barnabas (Snorlax) - 25
    Morgan (Zubat) - 15
    Yogurt (Bidoof) - 17

    Right, so I finish leveling the Zubat to 18, which proves to be a pain in the ass early on but gets much easier once he learns Wing Attack. Do most of that in Route 7 right outside the Connecting Cave. Morgan goes into the box once I unlock the next capture.

    Repel through the caves and out into Route 8, where I keep the bug spray applied through the regular grass and head into the yellow flowers instead. Odds are that I should be able to get either Absol or Mienfoo here. I get the latter and catch it.

    Shampoo the Mienfoo. Level 15. Next capture at Level 25.

    I wanted a proper Fighting type to get past Grant with minimal fuss (and without risking my Snorlax). Should have done a little homework beforhand, since I learn too late that Meinfoo doesn't get a decent Fighting move until almost Level 30. Stuck with it regardless. I decide to hold off on leveling Shampoo until after Cyllage Gym, so that I can at least grab the Aerial Ace TM and throw Strength on too in order to give her a couple moves.

    Still rolling with the Quilladin/Snorlax tag team into Route 9 and Glittering Cave. Both of these are getting rather overleveled, but it's not a bad problem to have. I run into a Sandile on Route 9, which would have been great to catch had I not gotten the Mienfoo a bit earlier (love me some Krookodile).

    Barnabas does all the work against the Team Flare Grunts inside Glittering Cave. Get the Jaw Fossil, which revives into Valvatorez the Tyrunt back in Ambrette Town. Gift Pokemon, not legal, boxed.

    Now down through the beach area of Route 8 into Cyllage City. Get some new things: Old Rod, Dowsing Machine and the bike. Also take note of the fact that there's some dude in the Pokemon Center that wants to trade his Steelix for a Luvdisc. Hmm. Someone this retarded deserves to be swindled. I will have to think on this matter.

    First, though, it's time to beat down Grant. Panzer takes down the gym trainers with Needle Arm, but that only does neutral damage to Tyrunt and I don't care to risk getting owned by some Ice move from Amaura, so Barnabas gets to deal with Grant. TM Rock Smash onto Snorlax for the battle.

    One hit does quadruple damage to overkill Amaura. Grant's Tyrunt manages some flinchlock annoyance with Bite and manages to force me to burn a Soda Pop, but that's all it can do and he's dead soon enough as well.

    Cliff Badge and Rock Tomb TM acquired. One Evolution stocked.

    Now that Cyllage Gym is done, I teach Shampoo to push some boulders via Strength HM. Grab Aerial Ace inside the Cyllage entrance to Connecting Cave, also put that on Mienfoo. Back through to Route 7 to train the kitten. Aerial Ace is the doom of many a wild Croagunk and Roselia. Shampoo hits 25, and it's capture time again.

    Back through Cyllage onto Route 10. The regular grass has common Golett and Sigilyph. This is the reason I waited on Zubat. I'll use it if I get Golett, but I won't if I get Sigilyph. And I get Sigilyph, so no Crobat this run unless/until it dies. Sooner or later I'm going to probably get tossed a curve ball by running into something that isn't a common encounter, but playing the odds has served me perfectly well so far this run. Even so, just about anything else I could have gotten on Route 10 would have been workable. Except maybe a Nosepass horde, and I imagine I could have made use of that too.

    Lushiris the Sigilyph. Level 20. Next capture at Level 30.

    Sigilyph is perfectly beast. Psybeam and Air Cutter pretty much tear through everything in her path. I use some Battle Chateau abuse to catch Sigilyph and Mienfoo somewhat up to speed.

    Nothing worthy of note traveling through Geosenge Town and Reflection Cave. Lushiris trolls Korrina and her two Lucario with ease, and will be doing so again soon.

    I have another capture unlocked by the time I get to Shalour City. I need something that can Surf soon, since I can't use the free Lapras outside town due to my rules and I'm not willing to use Barnabas as an HM Slave. So, plop the Old Rod into the water outside the Tower of Mastery. Takes a couple tries to get a bite, but there's no mystery as to what's on the hook.

    Venus the Luvdisc. Level 15. Next capture at Level 25.

    I honestly feel bad for myself having to use a Luvdisc for even one battle. But I shall persevere, and perhaps cash it in for that Steelix back in Cyllage City.

    Anyway, back to the game. Snorlax slams his fat belly into Serena's trio of Pokemon for the win, though that Absol really does pack a nasty Bite. Came closer than I would have liked to a death there, but was thankfully packing a Hyper Potion. I think I'll be switching the next time I battle Serena to avoid that risk next time. Meowstic and Braixen pose minimal threat due to Barnabas' bulk and beefy SDef stat.

    Shalour Gym is a breeze, except for one dangerous moment when Lushiris doesn't quite kill off a Hariyama and eats a very damaging Knock Off counter. Doesn't kill her, though it would have easily done so with a crit.

    Korrina is a joke, and it's terrible that one of her lackeys caused me more trouble than she did. Three Psybeams, three dead Pokemon. Next.

    Rumble Badge and Power-Up Punch TM acquired. Two Evolutions stocked.

    Next actually is Korrina again, this time atop the Tower of Mastery. Lucario Mirror Match. I win. Chrom the Lucario boxed.

    And now it's time to get to the loathsome task of raising the Luvdisc, now that I have Surf. All the way back through Reflection Cave, through Ambrette Town and into Glittering Cave to do this, since it's the safest place and Luvdisc is objectively terrible.

    Until next time.


    Badges: Bug, Cliff, Rumble
    1/3 Evolutions Used
    Most Recent Capture: Luvdisc, level 15. Next capture at Level 25.


    Panzer (Quilladin) - 34
    Barnabas (Snorlax) - 33
    Shampoo (Mienfoo) - 32
    Lushiris (Sigilyph) - 35
    Venus (Luvdisc) - 15


    Leonardo (Squirtle, Banned) - 5
    Morgan (Zubat) - 18
    Valvatorez (Tyrunt, Banned) - 20
    Yogurt (Bidoof) - 18
    Chrom (Lucario, Banned) - 32
  4. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    So. Caught a Trapinch after beating Ramos, leveling it up. One battle left to do on Route 11 before evolving into Vibrava. Wild Sawk. Bulldoze, doesn't kill. Fucking Counter. OHKO. Just sat there watching the HP go down, knowing exactly what was going to happen. Locked out of ever catching anything again. Twenty hours of work down the drain.

    Jesus Mother Fucking Christ I hate Nuzlocke so fucking much. Fuck this game. It's probably gon be ragequit time.


    Alright, and now to distract myself from that fail...something new. Monotype Nuzlocke Run. I'll leave it up to the first person to reply to pick which type I use. Give me something fun. Preferably not something that doesn't come along until late into X/Y (like Ice).

    ...I seem to have such a love/hate relationship with this. LOL.
  5. Clerith

    Clerith Ahegao Emperor ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    High Score:
    Fire would be cool, but too easy. Same for normal.

    ...You knew it was coming. Fairy! Or steel =p But steel is ez mode.
  6. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I don't think either of them will be extremely hard, as long as I'm careful (which I will be for a while, and then I'll get lazy and get owned and ragequit as always). But, Fairy it is. Starting, will get something posted later today.
  7. Clerith

    Clerith Ahegao Emperor ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    High Score:
    At least there's a good amount of Fairy types early on, and they tend to have good defensive stats.
  8. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Actually, also, I dispute the idea that Fire would be too easy. Actually, a Fire monotype run would be rather hard (at least without using Mega Charizard). I would probably not be able to get past Grant, at least not without half my team getting killed.
  9. Clerith

    Clerith Ahegao Emperor ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    High Score:
    Torchic. Although I guess you'd definitely consider event pokemon cheating. Even then, Braixen's Psybeam should get the job done.
  10. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Pokemon X Monotype Nuzlocke: Fairy Version

    First, the rules.

    - Death is final, as always.
    - Only Fairy types may be used.
    - Starter to be boxed as soon as first available Fairy (Azurill on Route 3) caught.
    - One Pokemon per evolutionary line allowed (as in, no catching multiple Flabebe or what have you).
    - Routes are NOT limited, as long as multiple Fairy types can be had there. Likewise, no limits on encounters per area. Just sticking to one type is restrictive enough, at least in this case.
    - Usage of other Pokemon as HM slaves IS allowable, but these can never be deployed into battle.

    So, started and took Sherman the Chespin. Straight line run through the tutorial scenes, through Route 2 and Santalune Forest and into Route 3 where I only need a couple encounters to run into Miakis the Azurill. Female, Huge Power, Gentle Nature.

    From here, back to the starting area because Azurill is weak as Hell and attempting to level outside Santalune City would have ended badly. Also needed for evolution purposes. I need to evolve to Marill at or before level ten to learn Rollout, in order to deal with Viola. Happiness evolution really sucks. Especially without massages or Soothe Bell.

    I come up with a system by which I do ten laps from the start of Route 2 to the bottom of Vaniville Town, and then grind Miakis one level. I have to break that and do more running at the end, but at Level 9 my Azurill evolves into Marill. Grind a couple more levels against the trainers on Route 3 and it's time to do Santalune Gym. Sherman goes to the box now that I'm able to stick him there, never to see daylight again.

    Rollout smashes the gym and Viola. Bug Badge and Infestation TM that I will never be able to use acquired.

    Get Exp. Share, turn it off at once. Route 4 will have two captures. Ralts is obvious, though I could wait and grab a higher level Flabebe on Route 7. I see no need to bother doing so. I want a red Flabebe, damn it, so into the red flowers. Soon enough I grab Priphea the Flabebe. Female, Flower Veil, Calm Nature

    Ralts is a rare find, but I use the encounters looking for one to continue leveling my Marill. She hits 16 before I have to hit the Pokemon Center to heal. First encounter upon returning to the bush is Cordelia the Ralts. Female, Synchronize, Gentle Nature. No male Fairies in this magical wonderland, at least thus far.

    Here I waste a lot of time messing around with Pokemon-Amie, which I never even bothered to look at in my previous runs of this game, in between training up my Flabebe and Ralts. Get all three Pokemon to three stars of affection. Hopefully this actually does something?

    Anyway, Cordelia gets to smash the trainers on Route 22 and Priphea does the same to those on Route 4. Now getting ready to head into Lumiose City.


    Miakis (Marill) - 16
    Priphea (Flabebe) - 14
    Cordelia (Ralts) - 14


    Sherman (Chespin)
  11. Clerith

    Clerith Ahegao Emperor ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    High Score:
    Amie is OP. More crits, more evasion, attacks just do plain more damage, chance to survive a fatal hit. It's actually worth using if you can stomach it.

    Anyways, run sounds interesting so far =p
  12. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005

    Miakis (Marill) - 16
    Priphea (Flabebe) - 14
    Cordelia (Ralts) - 14

    Into Lumoise City. Professor Sycamore's two special kid assistants give me Le Return TM. Since Miakis has maxed happiness due to her evolution process, she gets that at once. She also gets to maul the good doctor in a battle in his lab. As a reward, I get a Kanto starter that I can't use. Anyway, Zahard the Charmander put into the box.

    After the meet and greet with Lysandre and Diantha, into Route 5. More easy leveling in the environs. Miakis evolves into Azumarill against the resident trainers and then it's into Camphrier Town.

    Priphea evolves into Floette after a little Audino grinding on the main path of Route 6, and Cordelia likewise into Kirlia while beating on the trainers in the tall grass areas. Cut HM retrieved among other goodies in Parfum Palace. Those fireworks do look better during the nighttime.

    Sherman the Chespin comes out of the box to serve as Cut Slave.

    Uncle Vernon the Snorlax caught and boxed on Route 7. Just going to take, but never use, all the gift and interact Pokemon.

    Do a couple rounds at the Battle Chateau (aided by swapping the Amulet Coin around) to secure enough cash to keep me supplied with items.

    It's raining on the other side of Connecting Cave. This will be an annoyance down on the beach area due to all the Water trainers. For now, thorough Route 8 and Ambrette Town, through Route 9 (have to skip the Sky Trainer due to no flier, that will be the case for the whole game too). I'll catch something to zip me around Kalos when I get the requisite HM, but obviously will never use it in battle.

    Nature Power TM grabbed in Ambrette Town and taught to Floette. Love that move.

    Glittering Cave has the next Fairy to join the team, and Loki the Mawile takes much less time to grab than I thought he would. Male, Intimidate, Gentle Nature. So like, this is three out of four Pokemon to have Gentle Nature. That shouldn't happen, and it annoys me this time because I don't need Mawile's Defense lowered. But I'll just have to deal with it.

    Team Flare is a joke. Next. Sail Fossil revived into Rainbow the Amaura back at town. Boxed.

    After a little backtracking to train up Loki, the beach area of Route 8 is indeed a pain as predicted due to the rain. Have to do a lot of switching in Miakis to not get everyone else drowned by those boosted Water attacks.

    Should have just let Azumarill handle all of Cyllage Gym, would have been safer. You might think Kirlia's 4X damage Magical Leaf would oneshot a lower level Relicanth, but somehow no and Rock Tomb comes so damn close to killing her on the counter.

    Miakis obviously handles Grant. One Aqua Tail kills Amaura and a few more take care of Tyrunt (after some Hyper Potion annoyance). Cliff Badge and Rock Tomb TM get.

    Into Route 10. Planning to catch Snubbull here and not bother with Eevee (Sylveon) for the time being, since its level makes actually getting to and using Sylveon a real pain in the ass. I'll come back to this once I get to Dendemille Town and can aid the process via the move relearner.

    Of course, Snubbull proves a pain to locate even though it's not supposed to, and I run into the Eevee first. Decide to go ahead and grab Bridget the Eevee. I know he's a male, the rest I didn't bother to check. Boxed, perhaps will use Sylveon later but at the moment he's slated to be a reserve. Florges should do his job just as well, and won't need any work.

    After a little more time (and several rare Sigilyph encounters that serve as food for Loki) I do at last run into Tinkerbell the Snubbull. Female, Run Away, Relaxed Nature. And heading back to the other side of Connecting Cave to train her up. And that's where I stop. Work week begins tonight, so probably little progress expected the next several days. Later.


    Miakis (Azumarill) - 28
    Priphea (Floette) - 25
    Cordelia (Kirlia) - 27
    Loki (Mawile) - 26
    Tinkerbell (Snubbull) - 21


    Sherman (Chespin) - 11
    Zahard (Charmander) - 10
    Uncle Vernon (Snorlax) - 15
    Rainbow (Amaura) - 20
    Bridget (Eevee) - 21
  13. Big Z

    Big Z Headmaster

    Nov 20, 2006
    Chicago, IL
    Starting a Nuzlocke since I've been meaning to do one! Since I haven't touched X yet, it was the perfect opportunity to do the Nuzlocke there.

    Started the game, got dressed, and went to the first town to get my starter. Decided to go with Xiph the Froakie!

    First encounter was with a level 3 Fletching. Decided to name it Sera, since I didn't want to wait until the Snorlax encounter.

    Went into the forest, I ran into a level 3 Pikachu. Mishie joined the team!

    Destroyed all the trainers in the forest and grinded a bit to take advantage of the free healing. Went on to Route 3 and found a level 5 Burmy, so now I have Lion!

    Onwards to the first gym!
  14. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Must catch Peggy the Wailmer and put them in daycare together.
  15. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Da fuck is a froakie. I'm flattered though, love you too bitchu.
  16. Big Z

    Big Z Headmaster

    Nov 20, 2006
    Chicago, IL
    Evolves into Greninja:

  17. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005

    Miakis (Azumarill) - 28
    Priphea (Floette) - 25
    Cordelia (Kirlia) - 27
    Loki (Mawile) - 26
    Tinkerbell (Snubbull) - 21

    After not touching this for almost a week, I do most of Tinkerbell's training on Route 7 until she evolves into Granbull and then move over to Route 8, with a little work at the Battle Chateau sprinkled in towards the end. Also use Pokemon-Amie to get her affection up for dat boosted EXP and other various and sundry benefits.

    During the time on Route 7, I encounter Sugarcane the Swirlix which I actually forgot was there when I originally passed through. I catch him and send him to the box. Since I'm too lazy to bother with trade Evolutions, he's likely never to see the light of day again unless I have no other options and have to look into doing the trade with someone. But, he is there nonetheless.

    Cautious (read: lots of switch-leveling) Battle Chateau abuse also gets Cordelia to Level 30, evolving her into Gardevoir.

    Continue through Route 10 into Geosenge Town, battling various trainers en route. Route 11 has Dedenne, which I want to complete my team. Finding one takes a long time, and the wild Pokemon there are good experience. Team is at an average level of over 30 by the time Lero-ro the Dedenne pops up. Male, Pickup, Gentle (a-fuckin-gain) Nature.

    Back to the same old song and dance to level Mr. 'Ro. Route 8 and Battle Chateau.

    And into Reflection Cave. No problems whatsoever with this place. Catch Mummer the Mr. Mime who is in fact a reverse trap in here to serve as a backup Psychic in case Cordelia doesn't make it to the end. I tried to get my hands on a Carbink via Honey abuse as well, but the game didn't want to cooperate and I eventually grew frustrated with having to reset every time my Honey ran out and quit looking after a spell. Will come back around for that later if I need to.

    So, Shalour City. Tinkerbell tanked the battle with Serena, though just about anything would have sufficed there. Fairy matches up quite well against Serena's team, at least at this stage.

    Fairy also matches up well against Shalour Gym. I let Priphea the Floette do most of the work here, though Fairy Wind is starting to grow rather outdated as an offensive move. Not much help for it though, I plan to evolve to Florges as soon as I get the Shiny Stone here in a bit, and then I'll have to use the Move Relearner to teach her better attacks.

    Cordelia handles Korrina. X Special Attack on the opening round, since I know Mienfoo will lead with Fake Out anyway. Clean sweep with Confusion from there. Rumble Badge and Power-Up Punch TM get.

    And now to unlock Mega Evolution, which is useless to me since Mawile is all I have that could use it and I can't get the required item until the postgame. Bah.


    Miakis (Azumarill) - 34
    Priphea (Floette) - 34
    Cordelia (Gardevoir) - 35
    Loki (Mawile) - 34
    Tinkerbell (Granbull) - 34
    Lero-ro (Dedenne) - 32


    Sherman (Chespin)
    Zahard (Charmander)
    Uncle Vernon (Snorlax)
    Rainbow (Amaura)
    Bridget (Eevee)
    Sugarcane (Swirlix)
    Mummer (Mr. Mime)
  18. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    It’s time to restart my game. My Pokemon have been saved, but my outfits will be left behind. I spent so much money on them, and will continue to rebuy them forever.

    Anyways, IT’S NUZLOCKE TIME.

    A dumb Fletching tackles me while I’m trying to sleep. Why does the staircase lead straight to my room, can’t I have a locked door? I wake up and behold my pink abode. My pink pajamas are lovely, but it’s time to become an adult. I change into a boring outfit, with a pink purse and hat. Don’t lie to me Game Freak, I know there’s a red purse around here somewhere, this pink stuff doesn’t match this red and black outfit at all. I go downstairs, say hi to my badass Rhyhorn-riding mom, and then I’m out!

    Two kids greet me at the door. Calem, the most boring of all the official rivals, and Shana, who’s annoying but at least as a personality. They bid me to follow them, which I do because I’m boring and can’t think for myself. In the next town over I’m introduced to orange kid and green kid, but who cares because they don’t impact the plot at all.

    Just give me my Pokemon already.

    I choose the Chespin, and I name him Xion. Everyone leaves. I do some dumb sidequest to get permission from my mom, then it’s off to Route Two! Here’s a rule I made: I don’t want to play with starters. They make the game too easy. So, this is the only time I’m allowed to use Wonder Trade. As long as the Pokemon I get is under level 10 and not a starter, I’ll use it. Anything else I’ll Wonder Trade again until I get something that meets my criteria. So let’s catch my first useable Pokemon.

    It’s a Pidgey. A boring choice. Or it would have been if Xion hadn’t crit-killed it. Thanks, Xion. :(

    I like how this forest is just a clone of Viridian Forest. It’s neat. Of course, I find a Caterpie. Might as well stick to the originals. I catch her and name her Lexi. Lexi’s at level two, so I train her to level five before Wonder Trading. Goodbye, Xion!

    The Wonder Trade me gives me a goddamn Snorunt in return. One of my favorite Pokemon, what luck- Oh wait, this is at level thirty. BZZT, ILLIGAL. I send it off with a broken heart and get a Carbrink at level one! Oh great, a rock-fairy type, I guess Wonder Trade wants me to sweep the first part of the game. Carbrink had no pressed IVs and no egg moves, but it has the Sturdy ability. More importantly, its name is in Japanese and is a bunch of unreadable characters! Great.

    Anyways, I beat the forest and dodge the trainers on Route Three only to find an Azurill. I catch her carefully, hoping desperately for Huge Power, but nope, Thick Fat! Why does a water-type need Thick Fat anyway, it already resists ice and fire. She was named Ash, and into the PC she went. More dodging of trainers to get to Route Four, where a Litleo practically gift-wraps herself to me. I name her Font. She has the ability Rivalry.

    Finally, some attacking power for my team. Maybe I can really do this!

    I beat up the trainers I pass, my Carbrink learns Rock Throw, then Sharpen, like I need any more help. Lexi evolves into Metapod then Butterfree, and Font learns Work Up. I go to the gym and have no problem. Sorry, Viola, but my fire-type and rock-type are just too strong. I go onto the next route where I find a Flabebe. Just what I wanted, another fairy. I name her Irene and box her. I have a feeling I’m going to be running out of female names real fast. <_<

    That’s where I stop. I’d like to thank the Sochi Opening Ceremony for giving me the downtime to play Pokemon for like three hours. I’ll probably be playing Pokemon whenever something interesting comes on in the Olympics, so until then!

    Unreadable Characters the Cabrink (level 12). Tackle / Harden / Smack Down / Sharpen.
    Lexi the Butterfree (level 11). Tackle / String Shot / Harden / Confusion.
    Font the Litleo (level 11). Headbutt / Growl / Ember / Work Up.

    Ash the Azurill (level 4). Water Spout / Bubble / Something / Something.
    Irene the Flabebe (level 7). Fairy Wind / Who Cares.
  19. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    The path from the first gym to the second gym is so long. So many side quests. Back at the route before Lumiose, Lexi the Butterfree took a Peck to the face and died. I thought I could Confusion kill this Fletchling, but nope! Oh well, Butterfree looks bad in 3D, not to mention it’s an inferior Vivillion.

    Lumiose is the same as ever, but holds no problems for me this time around since I’ve mastered roller-blading around. My first stop was the lab, because it gave me no choice. I beat up the prof and gained a Bulbasaur, named Zev. But do to a tragic circumstance he died to a heart attack instantly. Into the RIP box he goes. Weridly, the prof seems to let Calem and Shana choose from the starters too, but they never show up again. Weird.

    After the lab, I change my hair color and eye color to brown. I finally feel like myself again. Before I leave the city, I’m called down to a café where evil leader and stylish Dimanda are. Now that I know that Dimanda is the champion, I lol at how evil guy is talking to her with such shallow concepts. You know, I’d be fine with evil guy if the developers just toned down his hair. Did it really have to stick up like that?

    Moving on, the route after Lumiose I catch a Furfrou. Not exactly what I wanted, but whatever. She’s named Tinn. I immediately backtrack to style Tinn’s fur into a Star style. It looks vaguely decent. Anyways, off to Route Five! There’s a bunch of trainers here not to mention the useless losers Mr. Green and Mr. Orange. What are the point of these characters if you could just give more characterization to bland Calem and perky Pink Girl? I make it to Breeding Town, the town I spent most of my time post-game, not that there’s anything other than breeding to do here. The little castle to the north is boring, but because a Snorlax is blocking my path, I must head to the palace!

    Blah, random side quest. I catch the rich guy’s Furfrou and gain the Poke Flute. He moseys up a fireworks display and Shana and I have a moment. Thank you to the butler who gives me TM Protect. On the way back to the bridge, I wander into the grass. I’m not looking for anything specific, I’m not sure I even want an Espurr. The grass gives me a Nincada. An interesting Pokemon, it might give me a second, later on. I name her Drome.

    I don’t accept gift Pokemon in my party, and that includes Snorlax. I already have two normal-types anyway. It’s here I come across a dilemma. There’s interesting Pokemon in the grass, like Roselia, but hordes have both Hoppip and Psyduck.

    In the end, I choose to go the natural route and save my Honey. I go into the yellow grass and find…

    A Flabebe. Damn it.

    I don’t have time for breeding right now, but I don’t worry daycare couple, I’ll be back! At the end of the route, Calem shows up. Seriously, this guy is so boring with all his neighbour this and neighbour that. Brenden from Hoenn was way more interesting than this nerd. I team up with him and trounce the other two guys. Tinn, I find, is a very useful Pokemon. Being a pure normal-type is shit, but Tinn’s ability halves physical damage and her attack is good for what I thought would be a filler Pokemon.

    In Zubat Cave or whatever it’s called, I find a Whismer, but Tinn kills it in one hit. Oh well, I don’t need another normal-type. Exiting the cave, I find a gorgeous mountain environment. The prof’s servant duo upgrades my Pokedex, just in time to catch some cool new Pokemon. But first, I go to the edge of the cliff and just look at the view. Someone give the environment developers a medal, seriously.

    In the grass, I’m blindsided by a horde of Wingull! Since I get a choice, I painstakingly kill all the female and catch a male Wingull, who I name Lucky. I guess I needed a water-type. I eventually get to the next town, with the fossils. Nothing to see here, gotta go to Glittering Cave. But first, the Rhyhorn ride. Over the rock, I find a Helioptile. Another half-normal type. Whatever! I catch him and name him Kalas. A kind lady heals my Pokemon before I enter the cave. I wonder what Pokemon I’ll catch here-

    Oh, it’s a Machop. Meh. I name him Stojil and he goes to the box. Machop are so uninteresting. I get to the main part of the cave, and meet the Flare grunts. Damn, I love their theme. Though they’re no match for me and I continue on. I rescue the researcher guy (Calem barely helped), and get the Sail Fossil from him. Sorry, cute ice dino, no gift Pokemon for me.

    Down through the aquarium and I make it to the beach. There’s no grass here, but I found out later that the beach counts as the mountain route above, so oh well. It’s nice, anyways. I used Kalas to take out the trainers. The problem with Kalas is that he’s fragile. I don’t have the Eviolite yet, so all I can do is be careful with Kalas’s HP and terrible typing. I have three normal-types in the party right now. I need a good flying type to take hits.

    Once I get to bike town, my first stop is the clothing store. By a miracle of Arceus, I’m able to get an outfit that matches, hat to purse. Then I get my bike (yellow), and deposit Drome the Nincada. I don’t have any patience in raising it, especially since Ninjask are fragile. I wave farewell to bike town and go looking north for a new Pokemon. I researched this, since the grassy route with all the graves stones has an abundance of interesting Pokemon. In the normal grass, the most common Pokemon is Siglyph and Golett. In the yellow flowers, it’s Snubbull and Electrike. The wrestling flying-fighting type is uncommon in the normal grass, but Eevee in uncommon in the flowers. Hordes are Nosepass, Yanma, and Electrike, none of which I want.

    I choose the normal grass, hoping for a Golett, but get a Siglyph. Not that I’m complaining, a Siglyph would do wonders for my team. I name him Lutris. The game lets me go to the stone town, but some tourist guide and tourists are blocking my path. How unkind of them. Dejected, I go back to bike town to challenge the gym leader.

    I tried to train Lucky the Wingull, but this Wingull doesn’t want to be trained. He learned Water Pulse though, so that’s good, right? First trainer has me up against a Dwebble with Lucky in front. Lucky uses Water Pulse, gets it down to yellow. I fist-pump, “Yeah, go Lucky!” Dwebble uses Rock Blast, first rock sends me into red and the second kills me. Lucky never stood a chance. :(

    I skip the trainers, I didn’t feel like getting the experience. Just like my last/first play-through, my team is weak to rock, which is a physically powerful type even without super-effective. I send Font the Litleo and Kalas the Helioptile to the back with Tinn and Unreadable Characters to the front. First Pokemon is Amara. What a cutie. Tinn uses Baby Doll Eyes, lowering its attack, but that Amara’s Take Down is a force to be reckoned with, doing half. It becomes a battle of attrition, healing Tinn and lowering the Amara’s attack until it switches to using Aurora Beam. Tinn takes it out with a few well-placed Bites, and then it’s on to Tyrunt.

    I don’t trust this Tyrunt in the least, so I switch to Unreadable Characters. With only Stomp and Bite, Tyrunt can’t do much to me, but it keeps fliching me every second turn, sometimes three times in a row. It’s the most annoying shit. But Unreadable Characters was able to succeed with Nature Power / Power Gem. The badge is mine, and out I go.

    On my way back to stone ville, Flare grunts try to get in the way, but I crush them. I have no time for their shit. I go straight past stone ville, into the next route but I end there, right before the grass.

    I don’t like having three normal-types on my team. Tinn is a force to be reckoned with, but I don’t know how long she’ll stay that way. It’s nice to have an electric-type, but Kalas needs better moves already, he can’t stay with Thunder Shock forever. Font has become less useful, I keep thinking that I can find much better fire-types later in the game. That normal-typing just really fucks with her.

    So yeah, I need to catch a couple new Pokemon. A water-type would be nice. One that doesn’t die, at least.

    Unreadable Characters the Carbrink (level 26). Nature Power / Reflect / Smack Down / Sharpen.
    Font the Litleo (level 24). Headbutt / Noble Roar / Fire Fang / Work Up.
    Tinn the Furfrou (level 23). Headbutt / Bite / Sand Attack / Baby Doll Eyes.
    Kalas the Helioptile (level 22). Charge / Thunder Shock / Thunder Wave / Quick Attack.
    Lutris the Siglyph (level 22). Air Cutter / Psybeam / Thunder Wave / Tailwind.

    Ash the Azurill (level 4).
    Irene the Flabebe (level 7).
    Drome the Nincada (level 17).
    Stojil the Machop (level 17).

    Rest in Peace
    Lexi the Butterfree (level 11). You weren't very good anyways. :(
    Zev the Bulbasaur (level 10). Illegal Pokemon are not allowed!
    Lucky the Wingull (level 17). Maybe sending you against a rock-type wasn't a good idea.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  20. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    A lot of stuff happened!

    Last time, I was just before the grass on Route whatever (after stone town). In said grass, I find a Hariyama, who I name Blab. I needed more bulk on this team, thank you game! Before Reflection Cave, there was a double battle that I couldn’t resist. A Machoke and Mr. Mime vs. Font the Litleo and Tinn the Furfruo. I switch Tinn out immediately because I gotta protect my normal-type, and send out Unreadable Characters (UC) the Cabrink to take the blows. But I forgot Font was half-normal type and got a Low Sweep to the face.

    As I stared at my Litleo’s body, I thought, “Yeah, that was dumb of me.”

    UC handled the battle, and I continued on. There wasn’t anything I wanted in Reflection Cave, so when it gave me a Mr. Mime, I killed it. No way is that going into my box. I got a few trainers into the cave when, from outside the game, my mom called me so we could go out. I turned off my DS and froze, too late. I didn’t save. I spend four hours wondering how I was supposed to explain Font being alive again and Blab being retconned out of existence, but when I turned on my DS again I realized I automatically saved when I entered Reflection Cave.

    I tried again. Reflection Cave is massive. Thank god for that girl in the middle who heals your Pokemon. I must have gotten turned around twice, and it didn’t help that I ran out of repels quickly. But I got out of the cave with no one dying, and entered the mastery town. This town has my favorite city music, it’s just gorgeous. Too bad the Olympics were on and I didn’t hear any of it. Fuck Mega Evolution, it’s time to catch another Pokemon. In the grass to the east, right beside the shore, I find a Chatot. Laaaame. I kill it for being boring.

    In the Tower of Mastery, I meet up with my four dumbass friends. Calem attempts to beat me to gain the Mega Stone, but I kick his ass so hard. Like his Pokemon could even dream of touching Lutris, Tinn, and UC. Oh look, gym battle time. First off, fuck this fighting gym. I have two normal-types (Furfrou / Helioptile), a rock-type that would take neutral damage (Carbrink), my bulky fighting type (Hariyama), and my blessed psychic-flying type (Siglyph).

    It’s basically up to Lutris, UC, and Blab to win this badge. In the second trainer battle, Blab gets murdered by a well-placed Low Sweep. I don’t really like Hariyama, but damn. I shrug, and have my third battle. A guy sends out a Machoke. Okay, no problem, I send out Lutris. Lutris uses Psybeam and gets it down to red. Close, but next time- SUDDENLY, Machoke uses Knock Off. Lutris’s Mind Plate goes flying, and his eyes close as blood hits the wall behind him. I scream, and I’m am still screaming as I bury Lutris by the shore.

    Welp. I take out Drome the Nincada from the box. I need a secret weapon. We train to the east until Drome reaches level 20 and evolves. With her comes Palin the Shedninja, my backup. I have to be careful, dark-type moves were everywhere with fighting-types, but if I could play it smart… It feels really nice when Palin switches in on some poor Pokemon and Hone Claws as the Pokemon desperately tries to kill her.

    I make it to the gym leader and we do battle. UC basically does everything. He could take any attack and use Nature Power until the opponent died. It feels lazy to hide behind UC all the time, but he’s certainly useful. Korrina gives me the badge, but withholds the Mega Ring until I follow her to the top of the Tower of Mastery. There, it’s Lucario vs. Lucario. Two Power-Up Punches wins me the battle, and I get the Lucario as a gift. BZZT. Into the box he goes.

    Moving right along, Calem gives me Surf, but I skip the Lapras as Kalas the Helioptile is an adequate ride across the water. There isn’t anything interesting on this route, except for this one trainer. He sends out a Tauros, and I send out Palin because she can take normal-type attacks, but she immediately dies to a Pursuit. WTF. The Tauros had Payback too. I guess I wasn’t expecting much from Palin, but still.

    Coumarine! Nice place, though it’s really annoying that it’s divided by a train. I skip everything and go south, to the desert. Please give me a good Pokemon. Please, please, please- it’s a Trapinch! Yessssss. I catch her and name her Anya. Trapinch have reasonable bulk, but I have to be careful. I want a Flygon so bad. The grass gym has a nice atmosphere. I don’t need to protect Anya, because Drome the Ninjask has finally come into her own with the TM Aerial Ace. She slices and dices, while Tinn was finally trusted enough to be given Return. No one can stand against us!

    The gym leader is similarly handled, though UC takes on the Gogoat in case of bullshit moves. I win my badge and to the power plant! Tinn’s out in front, to keep Arena Trap and Shadow Tag from killing my weaker Pokemon.

    The Power Plant also has great music that I can’t listen to because of the Olympics. Oh well. There’s nothing important here, just a boatload of trainers that I defeat, though I run really low on healing supplies. Fuck that one guy who charges me through the roof for Fresh Waters. Oh, but Anya evolves into Virbrava, so I finally have a Pokemon who can Fly. The prof’s two servant people come by, dressed up in masks and acting suspiciously, but they heal my Pokemon, so I guess they’re okay.

    With the electricity back on, I’m finally able to return to Luminose City! Shauna waits for me there (look, I spelled her name right!), and we watch the lighting of the tower. It’s underwhelming in the day, maybe I should have messed with my clock. I don’t have anything to do in Luminose at the moment, so I head straight for the gym. The questions are super easy, except for that third damn question with the elemental monkeys. In my first play-through, I got it wrong twice, but remembering that moment, I go straight for the Panpour.

    Clemont would normally be a challenge for me, but with Anya and Kalas, there’s nothing his Pokemon can do. He starts out with Emolga, but I was expecting that and sent out Kalas. Emolga uses Aerial Ace, but to no avail as I Surf it into red until Emolga is redrawn. Here comes Heliolisk! It’s pre-evolution vs. evolution, or was as I switch Kalas out for Tinn. Thunderbolt hits like a pile-driver, but Return hits just as hard. Tinn goes into red, but since I go first, I’m not that worried. Heliolisk goes down, and Anya Bulldozes that Magneton into non-existence. Emolga is similarly killed with a Rock Slide, and I win.

    With the Thunderbolt TM, I’m ready to evolve Kalas. One Sun Stone and bam, Heliolisk. I get invited to the red café where Lysandre spouts off his dream and leaving everyone except Sycamore vaguely uncomfortable. Hey, Flare leader guy, everyone would be descended from the king's brother from 3000 years ago, it doesn't make you special. That done, it’s time to move on to the creepy woods, and hopefully, Goomy.

    Unreadable Characters the Carbrink (level 41). Nature Power / Reflect / Ancient Power / Sharpen.
    Tinn the Furfrou (level 39). Return / Bite / Retaliate / Baby Doll Eyes.
    Kalas the Heliolisk (level 37). Surf / Thunderbolt / Thunder Wave / Quick Attack.
    Drome the Ninjask(level 33). Swords Dance / Protect / Aerial Ace / Double Team.
    Anya the Virbrava (level 35). Fly / Bulldoze / Rock Slide / Dragon Breath.

    Ash the Azurill (level 4).
    Irene the Flabebe (level 7).
    Stojil the Machop (level 17).

    Rest in Peace
    Lexi the Butterfree (level 11). You weren’t very good anyways. :(
    Zev the Bulbasaur (level 10). Illegal Pokemon are not allowed!
    Lucky the Wingull (level 17). Maybe sending you out against a rock-type wasn’t a good idea.
    Font the Litleo (level 25). Why are you normal-fire? That’s such a dumb typing.
    Blab the Hariyama (level 24). Welp.
    Lutris the Siglyph (level 29). I'm so fucking sorry. I wish you were still here.
    Lucario (level 30). Nope.
    Palin the Shedninja (level 23). I tried, you were kinda cool.