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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. thisperson

    thisperson Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Oct 29, 2006
    Eh, it does. Vlad. VisualBoy (which you use IIRC) has this feature.

    Press Shift + F# key to save.

    To load, press the corresponding F# key that you hit.
  2. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    I would have thought the overbearing specificity with which I detailed how such a thing would be done as well as the poorly spelled exclamation at the end would have made clear my sarcastic intent.

    Thisperson, I am disappoint.
  3. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Well I started up today with the goal of reaching the Indigo Plateau, that goal has been reached and with only two casualties, both from exploding Koffing in the Old Mansion. So with that said here is my current team.

    Molly-Snorlax(Female)-Level 37-Will be used to beat the rival's Alakazam due to having a way too high Sp. Defense
    Calz-Pidgeot-Level 42-Will be used to beat the Fighting Elite Four member and the rival's Exeggutor
    Shezza-Electrode-Level 43-Will be used against Ice/Water Elite Four and the rival's Gyarados and Pidgeot
    Vlad-Nidoking-Level 43-I have no idea, but EQ is a good move to have and having Megahorn can't hurt
    Sorrows-Lapras-Level 51-The rival's Charizard and Lance, Dragon Elite Four member.
    Venus-Venusaur-Level 54- The rival's Rhydon and Bruno's two Onix.

    New Caught:
    Middy the Gloom
    Vash the Koffing
    mknote the Tentacool
    Irene the Psyduck
    Articuno, for the hell of it since I can't use legendaries and I decided to take the long route to the 7th Gym instead of just flying to Pallet and going south.

    New Dead:
    Vash the Hitmonchan
    Gio the Raticate

    I plan on power leveling until everyone is level 60 or until I get tired which ever comes first. I think the hardest part of the Indigo Plateau will be the Ghost Elite Four member and Lance.

    EDIT: I apparently caught two Raticate at some point in time.
    EDIT2: Since some people have been wondering for a while, the EQ TM is received as the prize for beating the 8th gym leader.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010
  4. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    I'll tell you why. Because Vlad the Nidoking is gonna handle it.
  5. Militis

    Militis Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2008
    You heard him. He's gonna HANDLE IT.

    /fanboy bandwagon
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  6. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    Doing well so far on my new run on SoulSilver that I started today. I got as far as ready to beat the Bug gym.

    My current team consists of:

    Harry the Quilava - Level 14
    Neville the Bellsprout - Level 16
    Padma the Pidgey - Level 15
    Millie the Geodude - Level 12 (My HM bitch)
    Ron the Magikcarp - Level 13
    Terry the Flaaffy - Level 16

    In Box:

    Morag the Zubat - Level 5
    Colin the Rattata - Level 5
    Dennis the Spearow - Level 6
    Demezla the Togepi - Level 4
  7. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    You didn't take Togepi? Did it hatch with Extrasensory?
  8. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    It did. Sadly, I can't evolve the Togepi to its 2nd tier without beating the game once AND getting a Shiny Stone (Diamond/Pearl only)... considering this is on an emu... :p
  9. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Ahhh. Right on.
  10. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    That's not quite true. If you play the Pokeathlon a few times, you'll amass enough points to purchase a Shiny Stone on certain days from one of the desks. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday according to Bulbapedia. Unfortunately, you have to wait awhile (Blackthorn, maybe?) to be able to use the Move Tutor to give Togekiss its best move - Aura Sphere. You can get Heart Scales the same way, however.

    My aim today is to finish Victory Road and be all set for the Elite Four (Lv 55 or so. Not taking chances with the Elite Four, who I think range from ~48-60). Fingers crossed nobody faints through Victory Road. I've got a fairly good team going here. They're all going to be a pain to replace.

    EDIT: Well, somethings just come up so I won't make my target. Saved in front of Victory Road. Nothing interesting happened. Found a Wingull in the last water route. Probably will do Elite Four on Wednesday.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  11. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Well, I think I can sum up the last few hours as Sabrina being a massive cunt whose Alakazam should rot in a pit of all eternal torments for as long as I see fit. (That same thing was a bitch to me in SoulSilver too, but now that I'm Nuzlocking, it's even worse.)

    Anyways, the day started off lovely enough. Climbed Silph Co, beat me 30 TR Grunts and Scientists (Yes I counted), plus that one Juggler who looked out of place, but I let him off with only a minor raping via my Twineedle. My rival guy and Giovanni were easily handled, and it was with great spirits that I conquered the trainers in Sabrina's gym and challenged the leader herself.

    Waspish the Beedrill > Kadabra, Apollo the Pidgeot > Mr Mime, and then Alakazam came, his eyes flashing with an evil fire, spamming Psychics like a bitch and killing both Snips the Kingler and Waspish in OHKO's. On my part, I probably should've remembered that Alakazam's are wicked fast, and that even though I thought my dearly departed Waspish was faster, I was totally fucking wrong. (And Apollo came back around and raped Alakazam and Sabrina's Venomoth. Like a boss.)

    So my brilliant plan to replace Snips with Lasciel the Lapras ended with an early training miscalculation and Lasciel's bloody death. Now I'm raising me an Omanyte, which'll be a barrel of laughs, but I think it's a good option.

    So, as of now, my current party:
    - Stark the Venasaur, Level 44
    - Apollo the Pidgeot, Level 44
    - Sandy the Sandslash, Level 44
    - King the Hitmonchan, Level 44
    - Prince the Omanyte, Level 13.

    Rotting Somewhere:
    - Digdug the Diglett, Level 22. Hyper Fang'd.
    - Tiger the Meowth, Level 20. Training Screw-Up.
    - Cerberus the Doduo, Level 18. Meat Shield while fighting Giovanni in Celadon.
    - Gutsman the Snorlax, Level 31. Hyper Fang'd.
    - Natalie the Venonat, Level 24. Meat Shield while fighting Koga.
    - Snips the Kingler, Level 44. Alakazam'd, but not forgotten.
    - Waspish the Beedrill, Level 44. Alakazam'd. I'll miss her Twineedle like all hell.
    - Lasciel the Lapras, Level 26. Training Screw-Up.

    Welp, this bodes well.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  12. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  13. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    -Fought my way to Bill’s house, evolving Weedle into a Beedrill along the way. Got the SS Ticket and decided now was the time to take on Misty
    -Led with Atlas who took down Staryu with only a little health loss. Sent Fodder in with Starmie. One Water pulse from the thing took me down to the Red with confusion. Hyper fang only took a third of its health.. Sent in Atlas to save the day. Almost killed it with Bite but Misty used a Super Potion. I took a swift and the second Bite took it back down to half health. A crit’d Swift from starmie and Atlas fell. Beedrill was down in two hits, not even managing a poison. Water Pulse took Edward into the Red and its Bite did nowhere near how much I was hoping for. The killing Water Pulse was a crit, just to add insult to fatal injury. Only a in the red Rattatta left and the Starmie was faster.

    So ended my Journey. An amazing start, only to be brought low by the Weedle Conspiracy and the Water Wall.
  14. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    As if my team couldn't get any worse...

    Trolled Rock Tunnel for levels, then decided to try and clear out Saffron.

    It started well, as these things always do.

    Then a Wheezing 14 levels below Venusaur (26 to 40) pulled of epicfail!self-destruct. So long, super-level starter with TM Gigadrain and epic powers of capturing wild pokemon.

    Then a few battles later, Nidoking falls the exact same way. This is of course why I wanted Graveler and Snorlax, but alas...

    Dead this round:
    - Daphne the Venusaur
    - Krum the Nidoking

    New team of retards:
    - Kingsley the Kingler, Level 33
    - Salazar the Gyarados, Level 33
    - Susan the Weepinbell, Level 33
    - Griphook the Hitmonchan, Level 33
    - Lavender the Marowak, Level 32
    - Gred the Doduo, Level 20

    Honestly, at this point I'm contemplating seeing if I can win the game with the biggest team of rejects. And if you think that Gyarados is redeemable, you should see his moveset...
  15. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    Victory Road was slightly worrying, but two Soda Pops ensured no casualties (out of battle, of course, and the Soda Pops are from the random beach house south of Slateport so they're legit). Finished raising everyone to 55. Managed to amass a decent team, all things considered. Still miss my Camerupt, however.

    Elite Four I'll tackle momentarily. This is my team going in.

    Swampert - Surf, Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Beam
    Heracross - Strength, Earthquake, Brick Break, Megahorn
    Flygon - Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Fly
    Gyarados - Thunderbolt, Surf, Bite, Hyper Beam
    Walrein - Aurora Beam, Ice Beam, Body Slam, Surf
    Banette - Psychic, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Faint Attack

    What's the stance on Ethers in Nuzlocke runs?

    EDIT: Replaced Aurora Beam with Iron Tail. Probably won't end up being particularly useful, but Walrein was lacking in variety so I might as well.

    EDIT 2: I think I overraised, as this is easier than expected. First two (Dark and Ghost) were a piece of cake. Walrein nearly fainted due to it missing twice in a row with Iron Tail and two critical hit Double Edges from a Sealeo three levels its junior. Had to use a Hyper Potion post battle as Walrein had 7hp left. I also used two Soda Pops, but neither was needed in the end. Drake was easy, too.

    Then Wallace. Milotic is a beast. Massive special defense, Toxic and Recover killed my Gyarados. Heracross managed to beat it with Megahorn. The rest of his party was a breeze, too. And that was it.

    The End.

    It was a fun ride while it lasted. Won't be doing another one any time soon though, as uni already looks like a difficult semester. Though, I did start one with a friend on our Fire Red (me) Leaf Green (him) cartridges last night. I have Charmeleon, Mankey, Rattata, Geodude, Pidgey and Magikarp (also killed a Weedle with a critical hit) just as I'm going into Mt Moon, while my friend has Charmeleon, Spearow, Butterfree (deceased, thanks to Brock's Onix using Rock Tomb), Jigglypuff, Zubat and Magikarp. Methinks I got the better deal...
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  16. Big Z

    Big Z Headmaster

    Nov 20, 2006
    Chicago, IL
    If you want to make the Nuzlocke run challenging, you probably need a rule prohibiting power leveling past a certain point. Once you start swimming in money, 1000 is peanuts for restoring your pp and gaining multiple levels in the process.

    Example: With a mid level Blastoise, having the moves Tackle, Water Gun, Bite, and Bubble gives around 150 pp. One hitting level 24ish wild pokemon gives around 300 exp per, with slight variations based upon level. With 150 pp to use per pokemon center visit, that's 45000 exp, which is easily 2 levels at level 70. At around the level 35+ range, that's probably 6-7 levels.

    Perhaps incentivize speed by comparing in game time length (a la speed running) after beating the game in order to discourage power leveling?
  17. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    Nuzlocke is about competing against yourself. If you want to power level, go for it. All the house rules require personal enforcement anyways, as this is well beyond what the game is nominally about.

    I'm doing this for fun. I have a casualty list longer than a Thai trap, but it's because i'm not interested in spending hours power leveling against hundreds of wild pokemon just so i can guarantee a win with my six best guys. I don't have the patience for that sort of grinding.
  18. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    I didn't grind for particularly long, but yeah, I see what you both mean. The main times I did it was when raising someone to catch up after a death, and I guess the for 45min just before the Pokemon League. Shouldn't have.

    When I get the time, I'll try it again and figure out a way to make it more difficult. A limit on a certain amount of level ups per route, money penalties, or within a time limit, or a combination of the three. Something'll work.
  19. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Well I have reached level 60, I plan on beating the Elite Four later today after getting some sleep.

    EDIT: My rule on items has been that I can't use items in a battle but outside of battle everything except Revives are usable.
    EDIT2: I decided to go ahead and challenge the Elite Four without sleep... went better than expected the only casuality was Vlad the Nidoking who died to a crit Fire Blast from the rival's Charizard, the following Fire Blast missed so Lapras was able to finish off the half health Charizard. Although Lance's Aerodactyl nearly raped my team since it got two Superpower off and was insanely buffed.
    EDIT3: May try again just to see if I can do it without anyone dieing sometime later.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  20. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Hard to resist the urge to join in. I'm going for ruby as a personal favorite.

    1. If a pokemon faints, it's dead. Sent into Oblivion for ever after.
    2. The first pokemon encountered on a route must be captured or killed. Any that come after must be killed unless shiny, and than deposited in Oblivion for ever after.
    3. All pokemon must be given a (intended zany) nickname.
    4. One pokecenter healing allowed per new town/city entered. PC-healing costs 1000 per use per pokemon.
    5. Potions/Healing items forbidden in battle. Items in question may be used outside of battle. Berry's allowed, stat boosting items allowed.

    Optional: Power-leveling allowed until the first team member hit's 30. If said team-member dies than it is opened up again so long as no one exceeds LV30.

    So far:

    Grinded just after getting Anomaly the Treeko until I ran out of attacking PP, just avoided another battle since I positioned myself literally right outside Littleroot without thinking about it.

    Healed in the next town up, pounded May and her Torchic, leveled up some more and caught Link the Seedot by some water. Pounded the few trainers in the area until Quick-attack was learned. Leveled Link up a couple of times.

    Skipped healing in Petalburg and spoke with Norman, then haxed Wally a shiny Ralts for later amusement and confirmation on something. Caught Niobi the Zigzagoon on route 104. Beat richboy before Petalburg Woods and captured Tank the Shroomish therein.

    Went back and utilized Petalburg pokecenter. Stopping for the time.

    Anomaly the Treeko LV13.
    Link the Seedot LV8
    Niobi the Zigzagoon LV5
    Tank the Shroomish LV7.