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OFFICIAL thread for Half Blood Prince ***WARNING**SPOILERS

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Midknight, Jul 15, 2005.

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  1. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    Tonks gets together with Remus :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  2. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    i pruned out alot of the one word/no point posts in here to keep it cleaner.

    I can't express the anger i'm in over this stupid book.
  3. TaldMar

    TaldMar First Year

    Apr 8, 2005
    I've read through a few parts of a few chapters scanning for stuff and I can say if this was a Fan Fic i would stop reading and try to forget it exsisted. I for some reason can bring myself to read through the book as a whole.
  4. Avitus

    Avitus Groundskeeper

    May 1, 2005
    i'm sure even if snape's AK didn't work properly ( :roll: ) that falling off the FECKING ASTRONOMY TOWER would have killed him "if not for his limbs at odd angles he would have looked asleep" WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT
    the only way i'm incorporating this damn book into ANY fics is an AU, WHERE HARRY SHOOTS SNAPE OFF THE DAMN TOWER... JKR seriously disappointed with this one....there was no plot....she could have had dumbledore die halfway through instead of making us read all the rest of that utter CRAP...i honestly went to sleep at 7 am this morning thinking "ive read better fanfiction than that crap"
  5. Contempt

    Contempt Third Year

    Jul 15, 2005
    The Bitter End
    I probably won't read this book at all. Not cause of its horrible quality which every one is proclaiming, but, because I decided to stop reading cannon after OoTP. After OoTP, it just seems that JKR is wasting all the potential that the Harry Potter universe offers. She started the universe, but I feel like the potential of the series lies in its fanfiction now, since new ideas, AUs, and non-cannon writings are so much more interesting than the cannon universe now.
  6. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    no to be an ass, but i'm sick of every damned person on this site spamming my PM box asking what really happened when there are two verified links I've already posted that spoil the whole book.

    There are currently 2 confirmed ebook versions floating out there. 1 is horribly typoed from the scanning process, the other is decent, but still has small errors such as some "I" showing up as "1"'s

    I really would go for an elborate hoax, the whole scene in the office is pure unadulterated shit.

    She's gone so far out of character in this damned book i will not use anything in it for fics ever.

    The werwolf was beyong effing stupid also, and is one of the parts we can pretty much be grateful won't make it too movies.

    I do wonder how they'll handle it now. The first 3 movies were all cute and cuddly, there's no way in hell the movie studio could slim this POS book down to make it more child friendly, lol
  7. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    for what i got off the web site midknight posted i dont like who the half-blood prince is
  8. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  9. Master Slytherin

    Master Slytherin Headmaster

    Apr 15, 2005
    London, England
    Though I AM Master Slytherin, I have to defend JK.

    Though this book wasn't the best one and at parts it seemed a bit rushed, I believe that JK has done a decent job. Before you kill me, I'll present the positives and negatives in my opinion.


    Firstly, the twist with Snape killing Dumbledore, I believe was very well done and the scene building up to it was the best I've read. Ever.

    Also, the fact that Harry has grown up out of his period mood swings and the fact that he's lived a little was a relief for me. What would you have done if he had attempted to commit suicide or anything like half of fanfictions out of there? You would be disgusted as would I.

    Speaking of fanfictions, I could only name a couple fanfictions which are better written than HBP or any other HP book. One of the is Sword of the Hero. People on faniction have good ideas but hardly any of them have even 5% of JK's talent in that field.

    The Horcrux idea is very believable and interesting. Now we now that there will not just be one battle minimum in the next book. To be honest, this book was a build up to the next one which can be justified by its length.

    At first, I was unhappy to say the least at the death of Dumbledore. I must have re-read that page at least ten times before I believed it. Then, I thought, this is an excellent way for Harry to grow up in the next book and fulfill the prophecy without being shown the way.

    As much as I don't think Remus and Tonks should be together, the build-up was what I expected of JK. We all thought is was Sirius but really...yes, I admit I was shocked.

    The fact that Harry stood against Ron and Hermione if he needed in terms of the HBP potions book.

    Voldemort's memories. They were well-planned and gave us a breather when things became too much like The O.C.

    The thing with Malfoy and Snape was a tip, I think and there is more to it than you think. I think that Dumbledore sacrificed himself for Snape; he knew about the bond and didn't want Severus to die.


    Slughorn. Reminded me of Lockhart in a way...the SLug Club even more so.

    The fact that in the whole year, Harry seemed to have learnt THREE spells, one of which he couldn't even do (the water making one). I was sorely disappointed when Harry used Impedimenta etc. on the Death Eaters. I really wanted Malfoy to be dead, that would have been VERY interesting.

    THE MF'ING FLUFF. The H/G was VERY un-rowling-ish. It took me by surprise really. Also the Lavender thing rubbed me off the wrong way.

    I think she should definitely have added an extra chapter explaining Hermione and Ron's battles in Hogwart's because JK is very good at battlescenes.

    Linking on to the last point, the end seemed very rushed which disappointed me.

    At the end of the book, something struck me; WTF, WHERE'S VOLDEMORT? :evil: Some say this a good thing but I disagree completely.

    Some of you are criticising it when you haven't read it? Sorry but I don't agree with that. JK IS better than 99.9999999% of fanfiction out there.

    IF YOU DISAGREE: Give me links to fics which you reckon are better.

    Master Slytherin.

    P.S. I just got flamed to hell just for stating that the book is not perfect at GameFaqs, damn they're uptight! :p
  10. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    i also dont like how the person got the "title" half-blood prince althought it is a cunning way to make a name
  11. BlackPhoenix

    BlackPhoenix Second Year

    Apr 17, 2005
    now obviously I am going to go agianst the majority here and say I didn't mind it. It was sure as hell better the OotP. I agree with Master Syltherin on most points and I'll go in to more detail on those and add some more points of my own later.

    The thing with Dumbledore's death is it sets the scene for a Dark avenger sort of harry in the last book ( High doubtful) or in fanfiction(if written well could be really good)
  12. Master Slytherin

    Master Slytherin Headmaster

    Apr 15, 2005
    London, England
    You do realise its Snape, don't you? It's just the way you said "the person."

    At first, I thought it was Snape but then it said that it was 50 years old so I thought it was Tom Riddle. Then I found out it WAS Snape and it was a pleasurable surprise at the end.
  13. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    i know i just didnt want to mess it up for others who dont have the book but if they're like me then they know whats gonna happen even with out the book
  14. Vecna

    Vecna Fourth Year

    Jul 15, 2005
    Maybe Snape is just a really good spy, and not truely that evil.
  15. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005

    Ill refrain from ripping that to shreds.

    No way in hell that book is better then 99% of the fics out there. Look sat my links post a great huge majority of those fics are light years better.

    I called Dumbledore's death a while ago in my thread Next Canon Char to die. It was expected, it may be a hoax to get Snape in better, but I doubt it.

    Dumbles had to die or vanish for a bit, what the hell is the point of everyone hiding from the worlds "best" wizard, and leave noone for Harry to fight?

    The Horcrux idea is just utter contrived rip off of a Liche's phylactory, and that the end race to defeat Voldie turns into a GOTTA COLLECT EM ALL type quest for items is retarded.

    The fact that he's not a whiny bitch like he was in OOTP is great. Then again OOTP had him acting so stupid he may of well been named something different for all I would of cared.

    Voldemorts memories were useless ass filler, we all knew what we needed to about Voldemorts history there was no need to go so extensive.

    I hated Slughorn.

    get used to getting flamed over this book a great majority of the idiots who will buy it will worship the ground she walks on.

    I gotta agree Snape bing the Half blood" Prince was effing stupid. Wordplay is not the best literary device in the world.

    Indo this is a spoiler thread, the only allowed on the site, spoil the shit out of it all you want.

    I'll have the chapter by chapter gripe about the book ready in a short bit, gotta make dinner
  16. Master Slytherin

    Master Slytherin Headmaster

    Apr 15, 2005
    London, England
    He's not really collecting them...

    The Voldemort bits were one of the best parts...

    Though I agree on Slughorn.

    I also predicted Dumbledore's death but not so early.
  17. TaldMar

    TaldMar First Year

    Apr 8, 2005
    Its just the entire ending of the book seemed like the intro to half the RPG games out there. Hero's mentor is killed by a group that the only way to defeat their leader is to travel the world looking through dungeons collecting stuff and powering up cause at the start everyone is just barely able to walk let alone fight. And then you have the whole inner-circle=mini-bosses.
  18. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    PREACH IT brother Taldmar!

    I KNEW it reminded me of something, and its been nagging at me what. You'd think when I thought of the Lich I'd of thought about D&D type stuff, rofl
  19. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    this is where the book gets raped by pretty much everyone who logs in on this forum because most of us like the dark/evil/indep/whatever harry ....i was on some of the other forum about this book and i just kept seeing "omg i love this book" this causes me to believe we are not as insane as we thought we were....
  20. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    wait does harry learn Occlumency or was that just some bullshit to get OotP along?besides harry too upsessed with malfoy in this book
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