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OFFICIAL thread for Half Blood Prince ***WARNING**SPOILERS

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Midknight, Jul 15, 2005.

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  1. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    I don't realy think the story is that bad infact it was above average in quality the plot is cliches but the reason it seems overused is because we read fanfiction if we didn't then we realy woudn't care less....somethings however just irritated me to no end, angered me even. Snape killing Dumbledore.....And people are going to make dummass fanfiction where Dumbledore was actually asking him to do it....the arguement they had and then the Serverus Please this could be a possibility seeing as how the plot has gone to shit though.....I realy hate Snape Harry should definately kill him. The Harry/Ginny connection seems terminated to me as in I think she is going to move on she wasn't exactly trying to stop him....
  2. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I don';t read my 7 year old fanfiction.

    My 7 year old asked me if that book really was Harry Potter

    Me "Yes it is"

    Him: "Dad can you read me one of the other book *pauses* THOSE are actually good.

    My son went through a I AM Harry Potter phase he loves the books so much. He refused to be read HBP halfway through.
  3. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    I swear... the more I i hear about this book, the more i'm wondering "Whatever JKR is on, i want some!".

    Its just crazy... I mean...WOAH! Its blown me away. Just look at this.

    Ron is jealous only about some things while others he doesnt give a flying shit about. He's like a light switch i swear.

    Hermione seems to have gotten stupid... its like her brain has changed it's self to suit Ron's needs or something... man, this makes me sick. Ron/Hermione, urgh!

    Harry grows a major sack! (i dont mind this TOO much) He starts putting shit together that not even Hermione can now but that could be becuase of her brains chaging to suit Ron's needs... so yeah.

    Hermione and Ron ignoring Harry's ranting about Malfoy... you would think they would listen to Harry by now but noooo, lets be a bunch of idiots.

    Harry kinda likes Ginny now for no reason....

    Blaise is a MALE! (That right there is shit even thou we knew this before the book came out. Its just wrong. Blaise is a better female anyday. Even better with Harry)

    Malfoy... he stunned Harry or wateva and stomped his face. I mean, WTF!@#~............. Voldemort wants Harry badly, correct? Malfoy had Harry stunned! Why didnt he just flee the school with Harry and deliver him to Voldemort? I mean, Voldemort wouldnt even care that he isnt doing his mission... HE'S GOT HARRY POTTER! (Note: Was Tonks watching or something? Even if she was, Malfoy didnt know this and should have tried taking Harry to his master. It makes more sense)

    Argh! I'm going to get something to drink... something STRONG!
  4. Vecna

    Vecna Fourth Year

    Jul 15, 2005
    I was severely dissapointed that Voldemort, didnt even make one appearance in the whole book :cry:
  5. Nytmare

    Nytmare Fourth Year

    Jul 12, 2005
    Midian Castle
    My girlfriend bought it yesterday, HELLYES!!!! * does happy dance naked*
  6. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    The only real problem I have witht he book is that Dumbledore's death didn't seem to do a wizard of his stature justice......I was wondering why Harry didn't use the AK as his first spell off rather than the stunner aimed for Snape's back when he was chasing him. I can fully see Harry going death eater's house to death eater's house torching it---> listening to that killing sonata from desperado lol. Dats Gangsta.
  7. ghst.san

    ghst.san Sixth Year

    May 31, 2005
    Hmmmm well kill me but i liked the book pretty much... sure there are big plotholes but i symply like her way of writing...

    The only things that completly piss me off is that Harry "falls" in love with Ginny and the "Power of Love" .

    I dont think that Hermione gotten stupid, she refuses to even talk to Ron for a big part of the book.

    Another aspekt I like about the book is that it leaves much room for further fics.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    i thought the book was awsome, i never saw dumbledore being kill.
    yea introducing th ehalblood prince like that wasnt what i expected either and was a little off, but hey we dont know if whats happening in th enxt book.

    thought it was funny thathermione gets turned on by fresh mowed lawsn and parchment. laughed my butt off when i read that

    HAhah you guys are going to, love it when harry getas to gether with someone your going to blow a gasket, or maybe not, i liked it.

    snape practically killed dumbledore with behind his back, i mean, well you just have to read, it, i thought it was so ironic, fdidnt know whether to laugh or tear the book aprat,

    BEST PART THOUGH IS THAT THE STORY IS GOING DARK, it seems that it took the death of dumbledore, to make harry realise that theres actrually a war going on and that he needs to learn, atleast i think thats what it meant at the end.

    i was mad though that harry followed malfoy around the whole dtory and didn't su8cceed at anything.

  9. Master Slytherin

    Master Slytherin Headmaster

    Apr 15, 2005
    London, England
    I've gotta agree with gst.san that there will be a lot of fanfic openings but imo, they're gonna be shit.

    The Draco thing is gonna mean that there is gonna be about a million fics where Draco and Harry journey together to defeat Voldie and much more slash. :evil:

    Much more fluffy fics I think. :evil:

    People won't know how to write the horcruxes being destroyed so we're gonna get pokemon!fics. :evil:

    On the positive side, I've got a reeaal good idea which uses the horcruxes. It's gonna be AU and the horcruxes will be the only thing from the books that I'll use probably. Watch this space. :twisted:
  10. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  11. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    things that can be used:
    a Weasley turning into werewolf (make it ron and kill him off)
    tom memorie (harry's mind rape thing)
    horcruxes(harry can do it and be on equal footing with voldemort)
    dumbeldore's death (for a dark 7th year harry)
    snape hunt (again 7th year harry)
    harry haveing balls( already used but now with a little proof)

    i'm not sure if i read it right but tonks Patronus changed right?
  12. TaldMar

    TaldMar First Year

    Apr 8, 2005
    Ya i kinda wondered about that when Snape said her patronus changed that struck me. So now we know thatyou patronus shape can change.
  13. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    just wanted to make sure i wasn't the only one who sar that and i gess a patronus changes due to your current emotional state
  14. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005

    Chapter 14

    -Ron's jealousy over the Slug Club comes out yet again, you get to see a Aw... I'm going to be sick moment between R&H

    -Harry hasn't noticed Ginny in FIVE YEARS. All of a sudden her slobbing like a whore all over another guy makes him fiercly jealous? He's fricking Harry Potter he could bang half the girls in the school at once with just the word please, and he pines over the plain chick... suuuuuurrrreeeee

    -whee so Ron gets the female mood swings this year instead of Harry

    -Hermione turns around and blasts Harry for supposedly spiking Ron's drink with the luck potion, when its HER fault Ron is on the team in the first place. Her by the rules attitude is out of place now that JKR has established she has no problem cheating for Ron. Serves her right for bitching Ron out and insulting him, lol.

    -Ron getting some tongue action upsets Hermione to the point she attacks him. Same deal with Hermione/Ron as Harry/Ginny. the seeds should of been planted much more in year 4, then 2+ years after puberty set in and normal ppl started becoming interested in the oppisite sex. To have them sudden start to wonder if they like each other, and then spent half the story acting like little idiots over it, kills alot of the mood of the book.

    -Half blood what? Prince who? The only phrase used more in the entire damned book is "withered hand"

    Chapter 15

    there are several great moments in here, but they're ruined by her lack of timing.

    -"There isn't anyone I want to invite," mumbled Harry, who was still not trying to think about Ginny any more than he could help, despite the fact the fact that she kept cropping up in his dreams in ways that made him devoutly thankful that Ron could not perform Legilimency.-

    That line made me gag in real life.

    -Pretty much the entire area of this book gets ruined by stupid ass Ron/Hermione jealousy.
    -Hermione's still being a bitch b/c Harry is not worshiping her ass for help constantly anymore, since he's using Snape's potion book.
    -ya know for Dumbles deciding Harry needs special lessons he's only done 2 in 3-4 months.
    -Harry + Luna fics just got a boost in this chapter, rofl. I'd bet AU fics spinoff that moment.

    -Snape to Malfoy: I want to help you. Malfoy to Snape: NO!! Several minutes of the whiny BS follows.

    Chapter 16

    -Harry to everyone: The sky is falling Snape is teh evil werd!!!!

    Everyone else to Harry: stfu. Snapes a great guy! Dumbledore is brilliant, sane, and totally prefect and he trusts Snape! Snape is as sweet as sugar!!!!

    -The I.Q. of the people in this story somehow found a way to drop into negatives I swear to jebus.

    -Lupin fully explains the werewolf ideals to Harry

    "Sometimes you remind me a lot of James. He called it my 'furry little problem in company. Many people were under the impression that I owned a badly behaved rabbit."

    Great line, but it ruins the mood. One moment we're talking about a guy who werewolvizes little children and steals them from their families, then Lupin's joking. Thats a)disturbing and b)stupid

    -Kreacher sends him a present of maggots, great stuff.

    -Harry gets turned on by a MAGGOT being picked out of his hair by Ginny.

    I don't care if the hottest girl in the world was ass out naked in front of me, her picking a MAGGOT out of my hair would most def. not give me "goose bumps that had nothing to do with the maggot"

    -"He raised his right fist. There, shining white on the back of his cold hand, were the scars which Dolores Umbridge had forced him to carve into his own flesh: I must not tell lies."

    every single fic I've seen that involved Harry getting lied to involved that particular scene. I even wrote it for mine before smacking myself and deleting it. WHY THE HELL DOES EVERYONE USE THIS!!!<begins incoherently screaming>

    -"Dumbledore’s man through and through, aren't you, Potter?"

    "Yeah, I am," said Harry. "Glad we straightened that out."

    -death knell to canon based 7th year fics that wanted to turn Harry dark. Threw up in my mouth just a lil bit. ew.

    I liked the new minister up until this. It just destroyed any likability the man could of had.

    Chapter 17

    -"Oh, hang on — password. Abstinence."- WTF? IS this supposed to be towards the drunk picture, or referencing sex?

    -Lavender sucks, but shes still better then Hermione/Ron.

    -hand gets mentioned again, whee

    -What the f*** is with everyones mood swings in this story? One second Dumbledore is about to cry, touched that Harry is "his man" then Harry tells him what he overheard between Snape and Malfoy and gets pissed and basically tells him to shut up before he beats him with his... wait for it.. "withered hand!"

    -JKR explains how Riddle killed his family without being caught. This could of been recapped quickly in a paragraph or two, instead youfew pages

    -Tie Slugworth to a chair and truth serum his ass, don't force us to hear Dumbles telling Harry it's up to him and him alone to find out the truth
    -I do like how coincidentally the key to finding out info about Voldie is that dumbass Slug. Godforbid she come up with a reasonable plot behind it instead of some weird fool knowing information even Dumbles, with his vast resources, has not been able figure out. I'm sure in book 7, Percy will hold the key to defeating Voldemort, b/c he knows the secret behind spoon related killing.

    Chapter 18

    -The Bezoar bit was funny, but someone needs to beat Hermione with a damned cauldron. JKR: we get it Hermione's an annoying twat, STOP with the needless annoyances the witch does and just let her be a normal person kthx

    -The return finally of the Mauraders Map
    -If the man OBLITERATED himself, how the HELL is Harry supposed to get him to tell him the truth.. when HE WON"T REMEMBER. I mean wtf.
    -And why doesn't Harry get mad over the love potions and whatnot everyone was trying to feed him?
    -she teased us. It seemed like Won-Won was dying but Harry had to go and save him=(

    Chapter 19

    -""Don't be ... I didn't. . ." muttered Harry awkwardly. "Half our family does seem to owe you their lives, now I stop and think about it," Mr. Weasley said in a constricted voice. "Well, all I can say is that it was a lucky day for the Weasleys when Ron decided to sit in your compartment on the Hogwarts Express., Harry."

    No.. it's lucky Malfoy was a prick during Harry's trip to Diagon, or else Ron would be screwed.

    -Snapey poo the innocent one and Dumble's arguing.
    -McLaggen: WHy does JKR keep introducing new characters, when we know NOTHING substantial about the old ones? Not to mention she introduces new characters that are mind bogglingly annoying?

    -Harry looses another Quidditch match b/c the retard McLaggen hits him with a Bludger, while he's trying to tell everyone how to play their spot.

    -"the match was such a fiasco." Okay, so the DoM bit is a fiasco, and Quidditch matches are fiascos. What else can we call a fiasco, so we can see fiasco in the book as much as we see withered hand or half blood prince?

    -Very short, capter. Nothing worth the space she used except for the elves following Malfoy.

    Chapter 20

    -omfg Ginny and Dean had a argument! woot that means i can get in her panties now right?!?!?!

    Harry could of had Ginny at any moment, anytime, in the previous years. It is f*cking stupid that this crap comes up now. Did she run out of disposable characters or something to kill, that she had to focus on this crap?

    -Another Lesson with Dumbles. Yes we can clearly see he's interested in training Harry. Is Harry getting spell or physical training? No he's watching old ppl's memories of Riddle, which other then the Horcrux revealer are USELESS. Dumbles could of come straight out and told him, but instead you get to read pages of this stupid slop, to make the readers believe in Harry/Dumbledore being like father/son.

    -Dumbledore admonishes Harry for failing to get Slugs memory. I repeat. Tie the bastard to a chair, truth serum, or break into his mind. The end. But then we won't have 30 pages of Harry/Slug.. hmm... yep tie his ass to a chair.

    -Once again we don't care what Voldemort did. Make it a seperate series. Kill his ass, and get it over with.

    -How coincidental Tom would wind up finding his mothers locket and another artifact. Can she not come up with stuff that isn't contrived to the point of painfull to read?

    -If Dumbles knows Voldemort is doing all sorts of evil things, and forming the DEs... why.doesnt.he.do.something.about.it.then.

    -At least you find out why no teacher stays longer then a year in DADA finally.

  15. TaldMar

    TaldMar First Year

    Apr 8, 2005
    I seriously think that the DoM takes all Werewolves registers them then changes thier names Fenrir Greyback and Remus Lupin are just to much.

    Harry spends about 2 months with the Wealsey's and we learn nothing about Bill or Fluer,and after this we are suppose to give a damn if bill turns all wolf or Molly disproves of the weddings.

    You know if you took book 6 Harry and put him back inot book 5 it would kick ass.
  16. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    The world would be a better place if book 5 never happened.

    This one wouldn't be so horrible if she didn't slowly pace out book 5 the way she did.

    Now as is, HBP is totally rushed, with characters totally flying all over the place personality wise, with such small detail given to large things, and such detail given to stupid things.

    Book 7 needs to not take place in year 7, but several years down the road. Harry is still a puss in this book. He may be stronger personality wise, but his magic still isn't where it needs to be.

    I guess she's not going to let him get strong though, just "collect em all" and destroy them so Poor old Volde turns to dust.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    midknight you go on and on about the fics that are better, the FANfics come from a story/book/world that jkr MADE, if it wasn't for jkr then those fics (that you say are supposdly better which)... (they aren't i must say, my head is spinning from trying to understand some of them,) wouldn't be available for you to read right now.

    the whole book was to set up for book 7 which is going to be very long.\

    this is a darklordpotter forum, so obviously most of us are going to be dissapointed that harry didn't kill the world.

    if you haven't read the book yet and are scared to because of what you read here then your stupid, you should draw you own opinons
  18. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    They do come from a world she started, and then is currently screwing up. As a former fan of her work, it honestly sucks to see the whole series stagnate like this.

    I'm sorry you cannot understand many of the fics in my list, most of which are worlds better then this book that will make millions in its first day alone sadly. You bashing those author's hard work is retarded in the extreme.

    Yes I'm aware this is a darklordpotter forum, as I post under that pen name and am partially responsible for the large growth spurt we had after a majority of my reviewers all came to post here =P

    I have read the book, days before most of you had in fact, and I clearly understand it well enough not to be called stupid thank you very much.

    Considering I've had to empty my inbox for Pms a great many times the past few days to the point I got mad about it I decided to write the summaries per chapter. If you don't like my comments per each chapter, then don't read them, it's not hard. They are my opinion, that I am taking time out to provide, and judging by the tone of this thread a great many agree with me.

    I don't see you pruning/deleting out the dozens of spoiler threads that have managed to be spread out all over this forum, often without a spolier warning, despite the fact it says clearly not to do so. I don't see you watching the boards like a hawk, fixing triple posts, or the anons lately that have come in and tried their best to spoil the book.

    So do feel free to go back, read slowly, and understand the book, instead of coming hear and calling me stupid. Or you can be a fanboy that worships the ground JKR walks on, I don't personally care, but bitching at me is rather retarded.\

    If you didn't mean it that way fine, but I'll be goddamned if you did mean it that way after all the work i've been putting inrecently.
  19. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    Why doesn't Dumbledore teach Harry Occlumency in this whole FUCKING BOOK?!!?!

    ANd if this skill is so "obscure" as Dumbledick says in book 5, then why does Bellatrix Lestrange, and now Draco Malfoy, both know it?!

    And why is Harry not in the SLIGHTEST angry with Dumbledore?! In fact, he says he was "embarrassed" by his conduct in Dumbledore's office. Harry learns more magic from the Half-Blood Prince than he does from Dumbledore.

    At least he can apparate though, that much can be said for Harry now.

    Dumbledore is still a fucking idiot. Some people may get soft on him after this book. I ain't one of them. Dumbledore is too blindly trusting and as Snape says in the beginning "Believes the Best of People," in my opinion, to the point of foolishness.

    Lastly, in regards to Midnight, yes this book pussied out on Harry A LOT, I mean the dude did more preparation for the Triwizard Tournament than he does for the life or death confrontation that he is going to have with Voldemort.

    The only thing i'm excited for is that this guy RAB seems pretty hard-core. HOPEFULLY Harry will work with him, but I doubt that as well.

    And I think that what Midknight means Featherturtle, is that other than wanting Pussy now, Harry is still acting like a fucking 12 year-old.
  20. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    i gotta say the only thing about the book i like was harry useing that spell Sectumsempra which is a dark spell.. so he might use some dark spells....and i also like the flur and bill determination to stay married ( it got me OK) err thats about it for the book
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