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WIP On the Way to Greatness - By Mira Mirth - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by ChuckDaTruck, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    Luckily for me, I had only recently gotten round to reading the previous chapter (then read it a second time 'cause I like this story so damn much), so it was all quite fresh for me.

    I actually enjoyed that Harry was torn and frightened; I felt that it showed he's *not* a super-badass but that in spite of all he's learned and overcome, there's still a 15-year-old kid in there that can be scared and indecisive and want others to take care of the hard stuff since he knows he's not really ready and may very well never be. I also felt this was demonstrated by mira mirth more than once showing Harry being overwhelmed with the decision and wanting desperately to have more time to just *think*.

    No doubt there's a shitload of fallout coming that canon-Harry never had to face, being a Gryffindor and all. This Harry will have to face the wrath of Malfoy and Goyle, who will both be out for his blood more than ever, not to mention every other kid who's parent is a Death Eater. So yeah, there's bound to be more fireworks before the end of term.

    As for the A/N about disturbing imagery, was she referring to Dawlish or Kingsley? I'm assuming Dawlish, since that's what made Harry puke or want to, but to my jaded self, it seemed a bit, well not tame, but certainly not over-the-top. Perhaps a spot of counseling is in order...

    Oh yeah, my rating for the chapter was 5/5, and for the story is still 5/5. One of the best fics I've read, to be honest, and I'm looking forward to Harry flipping his shit on Dumbledore when he hears about the Horcruxes and how fucking many there are to find and destroy, just to have the *opportunity* to fight Voldemort to the death. Should be a fun conversation to read.
  2. Blazzano

    Blazzano Unspeakable

    Aug 6, 2009
    I just crawled out of the cave I'd been living in and found this story after its thread got bumped. Well, that easily ranks up there with the only other Slytherin!Harry story I've enjoyed, Big D's "WWSHD." For entirely different reasons, of course; WWSHD is a humorous and fanciful take on the concept, and this is a serious, surprisingly all-around and more realistic approach.

    It seems that as Mira has gotten more word space to work with for each successive year, the story has more or less improved. That's no mean feat, because most fics go downhill when they decide to get more wordy. It does lend a somewhat unbalanced feel to the thing, but it's the right kind of unbalanced, where it gets better instead of worse. I hope that trend continues.

    4.5 out of 5, rounded up for the voter applet here.
  3. silverlasso

    silverlasso Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Dec 7, 2007
    San Francisco
    I love this story. It's easily in my personal top five of Works-In-Progress. Although mira updates relatively sparsely, I find I don't mind because the chapters are awesome, and also because I end up reading both the update as well as the previous chapter. It's like a double-update every time! =P

    I really liked Harry's characterization in this chapter; he's not supered up, but we can still see the potential that he has. He also isn't cold towards death or anything. All of his reactions make sense. While he appears to put on the facade of a mastermind, we can see that he's a real person with faults, as well.

    I also was satisfied with how Kingsley died. Too often authors are unwilling to make realistic and necessary sacrifices; I'm glad mira doesn't fall into this trap.

    Anyways, awesome update with a fantastic battle scene. Can't wait for things to begin ramping up even more.
  4. Dirk Diggory

    Dirk Diggory Seventh Year

    Jan 5, 2008
    This is the best thing about this story. One of the least believable things about canon Harry (and fics using him) is his complete lack of any urge for self preservation. Real people in Harry's shoes would be like WTF, I have no chance against this Voldemort guy creating 80 foot high flame beast thingies, do I look fucking suicidal to you?

    A Harry who has normal reactions (i.e., actually trying to avoid situations that should almost certainly result in his death) is extremely rare.

    Anyway, this is one of the best fics going imo. Kickass update.
  5. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I think you guys might be misunderstanding my complaint about Harry's attitude -- I agree that it's awesome and excellent and amazing and shit that he has normal self-preservation type feelings. I like that he gets nervous and has second thoughts and wants time to think, and you all are right that too many fanfic authors don't bother with those realistic types of feelings.

    What I didn't like was his attitude about trying to back out on the whole plan, which he knew was vitally important, after he'd been trying so hard to get more involved in general. That doesn't mean it's bad writing, it means that I don't like that about the character in that situation. Normal OMGWTFISCARED reactions are great, and not seen often enough in fanfic, I just thought Harry was being a bitch at that one moment.

    Rest of the chapter kicked ass, just like all the other ones. Harry showed a ton of potential without being overpowered and demonstrated awesomeness in other ways. I can't wait for more, and I still rate this SOB at 5/5. ;)
  6. Johnny Farrar

    Johnny Farrar High Inquisitor

    Mar 14, 2009
    In front of a Computer.
    Updated. Will be back with a review.
  7. Anme

    Anme Professor

    Apr 17, 2008
    Awesome that this was updated. This is one of the best HP fanfics out there and I feared it was abandoned.

    Really liked the update too.
  8. Blazzano

    Blazzano Unspeakable

    Aug 6, 2009
    This was a pretty good chapter, IMO. Lengthy filler-type stuff, since the year's climax was already in the last chapter, but at least some of the filler was interesting, and will hopefully lead to interesting stuff later on.

    In particular, I'm curious to see what Harry thinks should be done about Wizard society - it looks like he's got the beginning of a new philosophy in development, and he seems like the type to eventually try and implement his new ideas.

    Hopefully it won't take him too long to figure out exactly what's wrong with Voldemort, though: Voldemort talks the talk, but ultimately he doesn't care about anything not named Voldemort. Harry should be able to figure this out eventually, just from examining how Voldemort treats his own allies (disposable).
  9. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Fucking hell. Kept thinking Blaise was our Blaise.
  10. Memory King

    Memory King Order Member DLP Supporter

    Dec 17, 2007
    How about a DLP Self-Insert fic where everyone goes to Hogwarts and...

    Never mind, I must be more tired than I thought.

    On topic: Quite a satisfactory ending to one of the best OoTP rewrites I've seen yet, my hopes for 6th year are really high.
  11. h2o

    h2o Professor

    Dec 13, 2007
    Is this one of the best HP fics ever written? I'm really getting a strong yes after this last chapter. I re-read the entire story since it was so long between the updates and... fuck me.

    Harry isn't just Harry Potter, he's a Slytherin. None of that "I'm sneaky" bs in crapfics but a proper Slytherin who stands up for his House. I think this is one of the best parts of this fic, and how he interacts with minor characters like Bletchely, Montague and Pucey.

    Also, Cedric in this story is really, really well written. I'm hoping for him to stay in the school next year... but I'm just not quite sure how it'd work other then him getting a teaching position... which is a bit absurd. Slughorn will get Potions, Snape Defense Against the Dark Arts... you'd think at least.

    Edited to add: Oh yeah, changing this from a 4/5 to a 5/5. Its epic.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  12. Garden

    Garden Supreme Mugwump

    Apr 25, 2010
    This fic is rising to an awesome crescendo.

    Definitely a 5/5 with the latest chapter.
  13. silverlasso

    silverlasso Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Dec 7, 2007
    San Francisco
    I'm going to have to agree with that. It just keeps getting better and better.
  14. Anme

    Anme Professor

    Apr 17, 2008
    This is to Slytherin!Harry fics what Santi's fic is to Brother-is Boy-Who-Lived fics.
  15. oephyx

    oephyx Headmaster DLP Supporter

    May 17, 2008
    Not Europe
    I'm not that happy with the last chapters. I think the story as a whole is great, but the update rate is so low that It's hard to get back into the story, and I really haven't enjoyed it much. Which is a shame, because the background ideology and politics are great; I guess I don't care much for Harry - his actions strike me as pretty smart, but that's about it.
  16. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    So, I seem to be doing a read of everything that I just kinda haven't read so far, but everyone else likes. I remember reading the first 3 or 4 chapters of this back in the day and finding it really dull. However, I read the whole thing last night.

    I still think the first 6 chapters, or 3 books are dull. However, the last two books, or 9 chapters are REALLY good. The end of book 4 and all of book 5 were just a pleasure to read.

    Looking forward to more, but unsure of when i'll get it with 15 chapters in 2 years. :/

    This gets a 4/5 from me.
  17. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:
    Wow. Bots with pictures now. Crazy.
  18. Legacy

    Legacy Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Dec 19, 2010
    To Zennith, you suck. Thank you for getting my hopes up that the author for this may have updated.

    P.S: I dislike you.

    End of message.
  19. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:
    To be fair, I was commenting on a post by a bot that was humorous and also had an avatar pic... whatev.

    Also, I care.... so much....that you dislike me. So much.
  20. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Legacy... you posted that 2 days after Zennith did, therefore making me look at the damn topic again. So you're pretty much worse than Zennith imo.
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