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Pathfinder PbP- Way of the Wicked- Character Creation

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Vesvius, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    New thing. If you have any character ideas that require a race or class not listed above, and REALLY want to go with them, pitch then to me either here or via PM. Chances are that if its cool, I'll go with it.

    No gunslingers though. Fuck those guys.

    What's your guys opinion on maps? Must have or couldn't care less?
  2. Dellez

    Dellez Seventh Year

    Jan 5, 2011
    I rolled really well on my abilities. And in a good order too. I don't even trust these rolls.

    In order, with racial modifiers (-2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha):
    7, 14, 18, 15, 8, 20.
    Rolls: 2, 7, 9, 8.

    I'm thinking that he was chosen by one of the normal pantheon of gods, leaving it a mystery as to which one.

    The only other pathfinder game I played (lasted 2 sessions :( ) had 2 gunslingers. In a 4 person party. Fuck that.
  3. Lexicat

    Lexicat Second Year

    Sep 5, 2013
    wait we're not doing point buy?
  4. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    Either 25 point buy or Focus and Foible.

    Aw, Fuck it. I like cool shit too much. Lexi, Wildfeather, go nuts.
  5. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    I would like to be an alternate in the off chance that players start dropping off.

    I have played Pathfinder for two years now but haven't had the chance to play an evil campaign yet.
  6. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    Zadok the Cimmerian
    Male Half-Orc Ranger 1 (Favored Enemy: Humanoid (Human))

    Crime: Attempted Murder of Sir Balin of Kerfald

    The story of Zadok the Cimmerian begins in the Savage North where fell things walk and nomadic tribes of Orcs loot and pillage over the Watch Wall. Once, there was a tribe of Orcs who were successful at raiding the Borderlands and being a menace to the good folk of Talingarde. Eventually King Markavian V sent his armies northward and crushed cruel barbarians until only the children remained. Zadok was one of these children, spared by the witch hunter Sir Balin out of a (misplaced) sense of compassion and peculiarity of finding an orc spawnling with startling blue eyes. He took the child home with him and tried to raise him as one of his own, trying to impart the values of truth, justice, and nobility into the wretch, but to no avail. Zadok was an angry youth, and his peers were not as accepting and welcoming to the greenskin as they ought to have been. Haunted by their jeers and cruelties, he grew to silently hate them and all humans for their arrogance.

    Sir Balin eventually stopped trying to force Zadok to be normal and instead focused his attentions on the warrior's arts, in particular the art of the hunt and the silent ambush. In these, Zadok excelled and was happy for a brief time. Zadok would eventually come to venture alongside Sir Balin, serving as a spotter and extra swordarm. This was all well and good hunting witches and blasphemers (although Zadok didn't particuarly care for Mitra, he was merely happy to hunt his prey down.), but eventually Sir Balin was tasked once again to go beyond the Wall, and Zadok with him. Seeing his mentor slay the only creatures who looked like him filled Zadok with a rage, and he eventually publicly confronted his master about this. Balin made a flippant remark about their barbaric ways, and Zadok reached for his sword and tried to hew him in two for the insult. But Balin was the teacher for a reason, and Zadok was quickly defeated and imprisoned. He seethes in Branderscar presently, loudly proclaiming his desire for vengeance against the one who betrayed him.

    Also, where do you want us to make our character sheets? Just post stats, or is there a specific place that you'd like us to put our info into?
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
  7. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    Just PM me your complete stat block. I'm plugging everything into hero lab to keep track.
  8. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    If you want to do maps, sure, I'm all for it. If not, that's cool. I don't really have an opinion yet, as I haven't really done a Pbp. Can anyone link to a few completed adventures done that way?
  9. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    A note on traits. You get two of them. One is your crime, the others up to you.
  10. Lexicat

    Lexicat Second Year

    Sep 5, 2013
    Sent my sheet, will post... something of a character background for you later. I'd rather let my roleplay and actions speak louder than... well they're all words.
  11. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    We're off to a fast start!

    To recap, here's the info I have and need from all of you.

    Custer- Complete

    ChaosGuy- waiting on confirmation you still want to play

    Dellez- Need a full stat block or sheet. Just PM it to me

    Wildfeather- Statblock and Background.

    Brukel- Statblock and background

    Lexi- Background and check your PMs

    Typhon- Statblock and Background

    Vir - Background and check your PMs.

    Moving much faster then I thought we would. If anyone has any problems or questions, just let me know.

    A reminder: we're not going with the bonus skill point house rule. So if you've overspent, let me know what you'd like to remove.

    Still looking for opinions on maps. Honestly, leaning against them. But still would like to hear from you.
  12. theronin

    theronin Order Member

    Jan 17, 2013
    Looks like you guys are full, but if someone backs out let me know. Never actually done something like this but I've been wanting to give it a shot.
  13. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    Roland Bloisne Male Tiefling Infernal Sorcerer level 1
    Stat line:
    STR: 8 DEX: 14 CON: 16 INT: 16 WIS: 11 CHA: 16
    Feat: Toughness
    Arson: Whenever you score a critical hit with a fire attack, you receive a +2 fire damage bonus to your damage roll. This bonus is a trait bonus.
    Fiend Blood (Bloodline): Choose one of the following skills: Bluff, Intimidate, or Knowledge(planes). You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.
    Selected: knowledge (planes)

    Born to a minor noble house, the Tiefling known as Roland began his life in the days when the house was under the rule of the wizard Dirmabach Blosine. Ambitious and greedy, the wizard had no trouble cutting a deal with the beings of the pit for power in exchange for the union between his daughter and a man of the Pit Fiend’s choosing. Dirmabach failed to accomplish anything with his new found power and instead sunk the house into steadily accumulating debt. Thus by the time Roland was born to the mage’s daughter, and the chosen man, an adventurer, who left soon after the birth of his son, house Bloisne was heavily in debt and missing a lord, Dirmabach having been killed by one of his “associates” over just how much money he owed them.

    Dirmabach’s eldest child Wilhelm inherited the lordship and the increasing piles of debt that came with it. Despite lacking the magical abilities that his father had possessed Wilhelm attempted to turn their fortunes around but money continued to flow out of the house with increasing frequency. All the while Roland was slowly growing up under his mother’s disinterested gaze, his magical talents already far outstripping that of his grandfather. In his studies, his fiendish heritage was made apparent, even without the horns and tail that clearly marked him as one touched by the dark servants of the Lord of Sin into account as he displayed an almost unnatural knowledge of the planes.

    Wilhelm eventually came up with a solution when he noticed his unwanted nephew’s talent for the arcane. Roland would be sent out, under the gaze of the family guards to start fires, preferably in poor areas where there would be little investigation. The fire would be left to burn, the Blosine and their friends ensuring no one would come and attempt to put the fire out. The Blosine would buy the land from the homeowners who would in most cases be left with nothing, before selling it once the debris had been cleared away. Slowly but surely turning their fortunes around.

    This continued for many years until Roland was sent out with Wilhelm’s grandson Lucca. Lucca had never bothered to hide his disdain for his family member, but it was still a shock to Roland to find himself sold out by his family to ensure that there would be no consequences for the Bloisne’s activities over the last fifty years. Clapped in chains Roland was taken from his home and all that he knew to face his punishment.

    As he was carted away to Branderscar, the Tiefling swore vengeance upon his family and offered his service to any being that would and could grant him that vengeance. Within the Infernal Pits a being heard the cry of its descendent and smiled.

    Roland was raised knowing his place, he was destined to be a servant of the house, he would never be its lord nor would he ever get the respect that a member of the nobility deserved. Despite this however he was provided with the means to ensure that his sorcerous talents could grow so that he might serve the house.

    Despite this his heritage has always been apparent and within his own mind he has long faced the temptations that dominate the minds of those touched by the infernal, temptations that he ceased to combat the day his family betrayed him.

    Roland is reserved and is a great believer in people knowing their place within a group, preferably with him in charge. Although he is more than willing to step aside should someone more worthy come along. Ambitious and cruel he has long desired to seek power in the arcane as a means to escape from his unappreciated servitude to his mother’s family. Although it should be noted that his dislikes cruelty for the sake of cruelty an aspect that carries though in almost all of his actions, everything he does aimed at furthering himself or those who have won his loyalty, with pleasure rarely factoring into the equation.

    Cautious and prone to taking his time, once a decision is made he holds to it unless it is proven to be a misjudgement. He has an almost fanatical reverence for contracts and deals abiding by them without fail and loathes those who break them with a passion, something that has only increased since the betrayal.

    He takes great pride in his ancestry believing it puts him closer to those who have true power as well as differentiating himself from ordinary humans, a group he holds in relatively low reguard.

    He lacks physical strength and presence although his other worldly appearance and graces have prevented this from impacting on his charisma.
    Dusty red skin combined with his horns and tail clearly marks Roland as one touched by the servants of Asmodeus, something that has forever marked and set him apart from the rest of society.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
  14. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Okay, so a question about the traits: what exactly qualifies? I mean, obviously the crime is one, but what is the other one? Do racial traits or class traits count? I had assumed not, but Brukel used his Sorcerer bloodline as his second trait, and I just sort of included mine in my build. Just trying to clarify!
  15. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Yeah, I'm still going to play, I got some of the stuff done, but I can't find a good sheet for a Magus so I'm having to do a bunch of stuff in a really shitty fashion.
  16. Vir

    Vir Centauri Ambassador ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    May 21, 2006
    High Score:
    And that is the basics of my backstory as told by my character to some useless asshole sitting in the next cell over.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
  17. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    My character, Kevdak Urthadar, just reflecting on how he ended up in his cell... by talking to himself.
    Also sheet is here :http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=823951
  18. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Okay so here is my sheet:


    Disclaimer: This is a biased narrative, from Lexgud's perspective. Some of it is a result of his low wis score (being easy to trick) and drinking the koolaid from the Hobgoblin community he found. I also took some liberties.

    Narrative/Character background:

    All men are equal after the whip.

    I am Lexgud, commander of the third platoon of the greatest hobgoblin army to ever walk the land.

    Or at least, I was. Perhaps I was a bit hasty in taking my platoon to lay siege to that village just off Daveryn. My platoon was well trained, well organized, and lead by a brilliant, charismatic leader. Earlier sorties onto the island of Talingarde had been successful, giving us the lay of the land and a good target to hit that wasn't too heavily defended for our numbers to get in, nab a few women and children, and get out.

    Or at least, that's what we thought. It seems like the kingdom of Talingarde is either better defended than we though, or some foul magic divined our intentions because when we arrive to loot, pillage and plunder, the entire town seemed deserted. That's happened before though, people barricade themselves inside their house and hope we'll just walk away without the loot.

    Fat chance! Our slave pools have been a little dry, and hobgoblin women don't serve in the military, so I was a bit...Ornery. Just minutes after we began breaking down doors to get at the silverware and food inside, the entire damn Talingarde army shows up! My men bravely fought to the last, of course, but eventually only I remained. By some quirk of fate, my childhood tutor from the knights of Alerion was amongst the responders to my raid, and death on the battlefield was too honorable for the likes of me.

    Sheesh, can that guy hold a grudge or what? I guess I forgot to mention that I'm a citizen of "Great and Noble" Kingdom of Talingarde. Hah! What a crock. Some time after my birth it became very popular among the nobility to 'rescue' children from races of ill-repute (whose parents, by the way, were typically killed by soldiers of Talingarde) and educate them in the ways of goodness and all that rot. For some, it sticks. For others like me... Well, we usually wind up running away and using our skills for personal gain.

    Like me. A proud member of the Order of the Cockatrice, trained by some of the best the kingdom of Talingarde has to offer.

    My 'parents' got me from a young age, and noticed very quickly just how much better than all the other human children I was. I was strong, swift, and had a natural force of personality that their own, birthed children could only aspire to. Seeking to benefit from my talents (it's very prestigious to have a child join the Knights of Alerion, let alone an 'adopted' one!) they paid for my training as a cavalier. I bet they thought the military discipline from a young age would curb my more... rambunctious tendencies.

    To some degree it worked. The martial studies and discipline I received kept me so busy that I rarely had time to order around the younger children, forcing them to get my food and petty trinkets to entertain me. Despite this being the obvious order of things, my minders (oh, did you really think the nobles raised me themselves? How cute.) continued to punish me ineffectively in order to get me to stop.

    Eventually though, my training was complete. Everyone else had always intended me to enter into the Order of the Lion, to serve his majesty. As if, in the dead of the night before my official selection of the Order of the Lion, I ran away. I had saved up enough money (nobles may be rich, but they don't give their children very much of it) to pay for my passage to the mainland. Eventually I was able to find a hobgoblin community, and join their army. With my talents it was a forgone conclusion that I'd wind up in command.

    Originally I'd just wanted to take a few slaves from Talingard, so I'd have some company, get a little glory, prove my stuff, you know the drill. Now though? Now they'll all burn.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
  19. Lamora

    Lamora Definitely Not Batman ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 10, 2009
    New York
    High Score:
    I want in. I'll have my shit done by tonight.

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
  20. Vir

    Vir Centauri Ambassador ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    May 21, 2006
    High Score:
    When are we starting this?