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Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Sol, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    To be honest, I'm torn about Percy remembering Annabeth (somewhat). On the one hand, I'm relieved that the Percabeth ship, which Riordan spent an agonising, almost annoying, amount of time and energy developing, is preserved. However, a Percy who doesn't remember Annabeth could have lead to great, potential dramatic conflict.

    Riordan, when a fan asked him a few weeks ago, said that the character Reyna from the Roman Camp was someone who "Piper should look out for". The Lost Hero implies that Reyna was Jason's love interest from the Roman Camp, and a Badass. It's likely that this character would play a major role in Son of Neptune, and would interact with Percy. She could easily fill the romance subplot left empty in Son of Neptune with Annabeth's absence, leading to all sorts of problems in the future.

    Reyna is also apparently a daughter of a "significant Roman Olympian", according to Riordan. If Jason was attracted to her, what could she possibly be like? She can't be weak, and since I strongly suspect that she'll be a foil to Piper, she won't be particularly Mary Sue-ish either.

    But now that Percy remembers Annabeth (somewhat), his interactions with Reyna are limited... Oh well.
  2. DarkAizen

    DarkAizen Professor DLP Supporter

    Dec 5, 2007
    It sucks that Percy remembers Annabeth from the start. At least he's still a badass.

    So when does the book come out?
  3. silverlasso

    silverlasso Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Dec 7, 2007
    San Francisco
    Yeah...fucker couldn't just take the offer and become a fucking God.
  4. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    I just finished The Red Pyramid, and I have to say, it's nowhere near as good as the Percy Jackson books. The main characters were really annoying. While I could tolerate Carter, Sadie I fucking hated throughout then whole book for being an obnoxious, self-centered bitch.

    Are the new Percy Jackson books worth reading or are they on the same level as the Red Pyramid?
  5. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Judging from what others have said in this thread, I'd say that Lost Hero has better action scenes than PJO and some like it more than PJO. However, others like it less than the original series mainly because of the absence of Percy as the main character. Piper (the Love Interest) is a bit more Mary Sue-ish than Annabeth too, but she's a polarising character; some people really, really like her while others really dislike her. Everyone has some sort of opinion on her. *shrug*

    Lost Hero is better than Red Pyramid, however. The main character Jason is pretty cool and does have Badass capacities without being annoying or whiny. Leo Valdez, who with Jason and Piper form the main trio, is awesome as well. I personally really liked the book's treatment of Hera. She's one of my favourite goddesses in mythology, and I'm glad that Riordan finally gave her an in-depth look - without making her a Woobie, a sweetheart, or losing her characteristic bitchiness.

    You have to wonder what it's like to be that bitter and bitchy, especially when married to a colossal dick like Zeus.

    The recent sequel to the Red Pyramid, Throne of Fire, was actually better than Red Pyramid. ToF is actually on par with the PJO books, by my standards anyway. Riordan was smart; he accomplished this by introducing a new character and
    bringing Zia in as a major character.
    The new character mellows out Sadie, while the spoiler is one awesome firecracker. lol at the pun.

    Egyptian mythology gets very interesting when it comes to Nephthys, Set and Anubis anyway, so it was an interesting move on Riordan's part.
  6. silverlasso

    silverlasso Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Dec 7, 2007
    San Francisco
    Personally, I don't find Egyptian mythology all that interesting to read* about when compared to Greco-Roman mythology. Sadie being a bitch on top of this was enough to turn me off reading that series.

    *TV/Movies are different...I mean, the Mummy is awesome.
  7. silverlasso

    silverlasso Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Dec 7, 2007
    San Francisco
    Okay, I read The Lost Hero, and in the process wasted almost a day of finals prep. I regret nothing.

    It was actually pretty good, all things considered. The plot was interesting, and I like where it seems to be going. Can't wait for The Son of Neptune. I really want to see Percy kick ass as a Roman.
  8. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Just read Lost Hero as well, and I have to say, it was rather decent, way, waaay better than Red Pyramid but did not have quite the same charm as the PJO books.

    The main characters were meh. Jason felt like Percy Light and I will be seriously pissed if Jason ends up being the leader of the 7 half-bloods instead of Percy. (I am assuming here that Percy is one of the 7)

    I didn't dislike Jason or anything, I just don't feel the same attachment to him and don't find him as compelling or cool as Percy was. Maybe it was just the lack of the first person or that I like water based abilities more but there it is.

    Piper was ok, she got annoying at times with her "does he know another girl? Oh noez, he can't, I wuv him!" routine but was okay otherwise. Likewise with her daddy-issues.

    Leo was by far the best of the three. he was a ton of fun, had cool abilities and skills and felt much more like a main character than Jason ever did.

    Whom do you guys think the 7 are, from those we have met until now?

    We have Leo and Piper from the Greeks
    We have Jason from the Romans

    Percy should be a given, and Nico (by the way, I was expecting Nico to appear in Lost Hero) and Annabeth may turn out to be among them too.

    Makes 6 with 5 from the Greeks. That Reyna girl seems to be important as well and we would have 7, only with 5 Greeks, doesn't seem really balanced. I guess Nico is expendable but he is one of the most powerful ones, so the one replacing him would have to be descending from a big 3 god themselves.

    Son of Poseidon as the coolest cover yet, by the way.

    The Wikipedia page hints that Percy may lose the invulnerability though.


    It's sad that this preview with ten pages of Percy is already better than the whole Lost Hero book >_>
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2011
  9. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    It would make sense that Nico would be one of the 7. Nico and Jason are the only ones, we have seen, anywhere near Percys level. I imagine the main difference between Percy and Jason in terms of ability is that Percy went for a little swim.
  10. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I would be cool if Percy, instead of the Leader, is this dude that was well above the ability of the members, occasionally drops by with helpful tips, occasionally saves their lives but usually is on his own world of awesome. I know this isn't a very good description, but do you get what I'm saying?
    I called it. I fucking called it!
  11. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    Hm...I'm not sure. I mean, remember Book 3 where Thalia shot Percy in the chest with lightning bolts? The same lightning bolts that exhausted Jason? Remember how Percy literally didn't even feel them?

    Even before the Styx, there was a pretty noticable difference in power between, at least, Thalia and Percy, and Jason hasn't shown anything that seemed to change that. The only powers those two have shown are Lightning Bolts (exhausting), flying (pretty cool, actually), and power over wind spirits.

    Percy, on the other hand, has got some many powers, I'm not surprised he forgets some of them sometimes. He's been shown to have enough power to redirect rivers and push boats (for extended peiods of time), and increase surface tension the the point that he can drive on it (as in, with multi-ton vehicles). He can create Hurricanes (good luck flying through that) and Earthquakes, and he gets enormous amounts of strength, speed, and combat skill in water, plus a healing factor.

    Now sure, these abilities rely on water, so he sort of has a weakness there. Only not really, because Percy can summon large amounts of water.

    Jason, Thalia, and Nico have never been shown to be healed by the Earth or Air. They don't get Minotaur+ plus levels of strength. They don't get the ability to beat a person famed for his swordsmanship in battle on the first day they ever picked up a sword just because they splashed some water on their faces.

    And that's just the combat powers.

    Honestly, even before the Styx, Percy had the pick of the liter when it came to superpowers.

    Also, we have a publication date now:


    However, as Nemrut said, there's potential bad news, too.


    This is from Wikipedia, and by definition unreliable.

    Which is good, because if Percy loses his Curse I am going to rage so hard.

    Last edited: Jun 5, 2011
  12. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Taking away his curse would be absolutely retarded, if the gods could take away the curse of achilles why the hell didn't Apollo do that during the Trojan War while he was on Troy's side? Didn't he ultimately help kill Achilles? If the gods could just take away the curse it seems pretty redundant imo.
  13. silverlasso

    silverlasso Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Dec 7, 2007
    San Francisco
    I know, right? For some reason it just feels right to to read from Percy's POV.

    Yeah, why the fuck would going to the Roman camp end up removing the Curse? I will be super-angry if that happens. I suspect it will happen, though, along with Jason becoming the leader. Which will ruin it entirely for me...unless, of course, Percy gets some extra Romanic boost by being the son of Neptune. This is just a wild conjecture, but I'm hoping there's more to Neptune being specifically mentioned in the title than Percy just being at the Roman camp.

    And if there ever is a duel/showdown between Percy and Jason, Percy better pwn.
  14. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    It seems to be more like a choice, if you know what I mean. They can't really force it away but rather give him two choices and he has to give it away willingly.

    Otherwise it would be as you pointed out, quite dumb.

    But regardless, I don't appreciate Percy losing that power. Although, I can see the problem though. An invulnerable Percy would make it far too easy for him to overpower all enemies. I mean, all the people who made so much trouble for Leo and Co, Percy could have handled alone quite easily.
  15. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    And now for something completely different.

    I'm thinking of writing a PJ fic, but I need a lot of help to come up with a plot.

    Here's the basics.

    However, I'm not sure where to go from there. So if it's okay, I'd like to use this thread to hammer out a plot.

    Because he's been using his powers since he was...actually, I need a specific age, but he was young. Because of that, he uses his water powers a lot more, because he didn' had Riptide and it was hard to fight one-on-one as a pre-teen/small child. As such, think Water-bending. Why? Because I was always disappointed that Percy didn't use his powers more often in canon.
    But I need a plot for 'Book One.'

    Someone might still steal the Thunderbolt, but I’m considering doing away with that plot, because it’d be harder to do if Luke had already started the War. If it does happen, Sally might get kidnapped by either Hades or Zeus, as they take something from Poseidon in return for what he ‘stole’ from them. However, even if they did, Percy probably wouldn’t join the Camp or even care about possible War between the Gods. What he would do is head towards whoever had his mom and (try to) beat the shit out of them. Of course, without Annabeth or Grover, things would happen very differently and he might take a completely different path to get there. The Camp might send somebody, too, but the most contact they’ll have with Percy (at this point) is glimpses at a distance; enough to start rumors and birth questions. It might be revealed that Poseidon has a son, though.

    However, none of that is likely to happen (except maybe the reveal of the Son of Poseidon and people catching glimpses of him). If the War is going on, Cronos is the obvious suspect, so there’s no reason for them to touch Sally except stupidity. As such, The Lightning Thief is unlikely to go down, so I need a new plot for the first Book.

    Any ideas?
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2011
  16. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    I get it and it seems interesting but that would mean that Percy wouldn't appear much and that we wouldn't get to see him.

    that would suck. And seeing that the second book has him as a main character again, it would only make sense that he sticks with them.

    He better be the leader though, Jason is small fries compared to Percy.
  17. gullibleoats

    gullibleoats Seventh Year

    Dec 12, 2010
    It says in the preview he still has his curse. And it's been two months since his memory loss, so I don't think he's going to lose it anytime soon. Besides, even without the curse it's not like anyone short of a Titan can beat him.
  18. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    I like the idea of a Percy who focuses more on his godly powers over the elements and such than he does on his physical skills. I too thought it was a shame that he didn't use them as much as he could have.

    About the plot, hmm, it's hard to suggest something without really knowing where exactly you want it to go.

    One idea could be that Sally does die and Percy wants to bring her back since technically, that'S possible. For that, he needs more information and seeks out Camp Half-Blood, albeit with the intention to raise his mom from the dead.

    But that's almost entirely the same plot as book 1, although you could easily give it a much darker spin. Have Percy be ruthless in his pursuit and whatnot. Have him exploit the campers.

    Sounds rather bad too, sorry >_>
  19. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    Yeah, I noticed I didn't give enough information to be really useful. Let me add some stuff.

    Earlier in this thread, Vash mentioned his own idea about Hades and Percy sort of teaming up, which could be cool. Like Vash, though, I have no idea how it would work (besides them being uncle and nephew, which Hades doesn't seem to care all that much about, honestly). It could also lead into the stuff I have planned for Nico and Bianca. In this way, Sally dying and Percy going Orpheus could work.

    I need a lot of help with Book 2, simply because everything changes if Percy isn't at camp and would have no reason to get involved.

    If the events of Book Two go down, they probably won’t involve Percy (why would he care if some Satyr got kidnapped and put in a dress? Or that some tree got stabbed?). Luke would only bother, though, if he knew Percy was alive and powerful enough to make him nervous, in which case he might want a chance to control the Prophecy. As a result, Thalia’s resurrection might be pushed off until after Hades puts his kids back into play.

    Tyson will still show up, though, so he and Percy will meet. That could be where Percy’s story starts, maybe involving the other Cyclopes.

    However, I have plenty of ideas for 'Book Three.'

    'Book Three': Hades releases Bianca and Nico while Luke turns Thalia’s Tree back into a, well, Thalia. Thalia and Bianca are thought to be the Chosen of the Prophecy, especially after Nico is thought to be lost/killed in a battle/assault on the Camp. In Reality, Nico gets picked up by Percy in New York. Then the events of Book 3 go down, but not in any way like they do in the books, since Percy (and Nico too, I guess) isn’t there.

    (For example, Bianca wouldn’t stupidly pick up anything that belongs to Hephaestus, because she wouldn’t know what was happening to Nico. On the other hand, they’d have to deal with the Nemean Lion without Percy. Luke still frees Atlas, though, and Annabeth is taken to him. She acts as she does in canon.)

    Meanwhile, Nico is taken in by the Jackson’s (maybe in order to return the favor Hades gave him) and he eventually ends up fighting by Percy’s side for New York. The idea is that the cousins eventually take to protecting New York and basically splitting it between them. Of course, they can’t do it alone, which is where Percy’s brothers, the Cyclopes, and Nico’s undead servants. The undead are easy enough to ‘convince,’ but it takes a bit more effort to make the Cyclopes stand in line. Luckily, two sons of the Big Three have what it takes to do so, especially with Percy’s relation to them.

    (As for what the mortals see…I don’t know. But it should be something I could have fun with. Maybe they’re mistaken for young Crime Bosses or something? The Cyclopes are mistaken for really, really burly men and the skeletons for frightening, thin men; after people see them listen to the two boys, rumors go out of control.)

    However, even a bunch of Cyclopes and undead soldiers isn’t going to stop the Lord of Time and his armies. As such, Nico eventually convinces Percy to take a bath in the Styx and Sally gives permission. Of course, the person he sees (probably) isn’t Annabeth, since they haven’t met yet. Might be his mother or…I’m not sure. But that’s not until later.

    And at some point, the two forces (Camp and New York) need to meet, but I’m not sure when or where. I do, however, what to keep them separated for awhile.
  20. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    About Percy and his (soon-to-be-lost) invulnerability. It's clear why this is happening. The author (forgot his name) obviously never intended to write anything further than the final book of the first series. He's obviously making a cash-cow of PJO, and that sucks.
    But there was this small problem with his brilliant plan, he needed to get rid of Percy's invulnerability, a brilliant plot device in the first series, but a big problem on sequels.
    Consequently, retardation ensues.

    Also, the plot discussed seems very entertaining, though for it to ever pass the dreaming phase it needs a more stable plot for book one, never mind book three. I'd normally try to suggest some stuff, but it's late and I'm tired and I wouldn't say anything helpful at this point.
    All I'll say is that you (and anyone writing PJO fics) have my support, I may help later, best of luck.