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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012

    This quote has made me think of a plot bunny.

    What if the Illuminati were a secret organization of wizards who seek to take over muggles?

    They operate globally and have secretly supported both Grindelwald and Voldemort, although the two did not know this.

    The Illuminati also have a vast network of muggle supporters who are promised special rights in the new regime.

    Unlike Gellert and Tom however, the Illuminati take things very slow, as they look a things globally and can't limit themselves to just Britain.
  2. Zel

    Zel High Inquisitor

    Oct 23, 2015
    High Score:
    ...my mind was blown. To be honest, Wizards taking over isn't implausible, Imperius and other memory altering would make the process easy...but that's not the case since they have a secret enemy, The Order of the Phoenix, which exists for far longer than in canon and stops their machinations from succeeding.

    And the only one who actually is right about the whole conflict in the shadows is Xenophilus Lovegood, a known conspirationist that no one takes seriously.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2015
  3. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    So that's why Luna is bullied. A warning to back off.
  4. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    In canon Karkaroff fled after Voldemort's revival. He was eventually found and killed by the Death Eaters.
    What if Karkaroff decided against fleeing? Realizing that he is marked for death anyway, he refused to go quietly. For years Karkaroff was quietly gathered dirt on his former comrades and played political games as a Headmaster of Durmstrang. And he is willing to use whatever means necessary to expose Voldemort's return and ruin Death Eaters' reputations. Fudge can deny whatever he wants, but his propaganda campaign is way les effective outside Britain.
    Can one former Death Eater make a difference if his name isn't Severus Snape or Regulus Black?
  5. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    A 100% original take on the harem trope:


    Absolutely no idea where it goes from there. But it would beat every single harem story every told, I guarantee it.
  6. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Steals and Resurrects DH Harry?
  7. Ennead

    Ennead Seventh Year

    Jul 12, 2012
    In WWZ fashion, an ICW reporter interviews various people involved in the Fall of Hogwarts, Voldemort's reign before ICW forces intervened, and the restoration of a broken wizarding Britain.

    Fall of Hogwarts occurs because...Neville didn't kill Nagini, Voldemort has one last Horcrux remaining and revives himself, Harry goes into hiding or something, oppression of Britain continues for a few years before humanitarian intervention is called for within the ICW...ICW peacekeeping wizards (or maybe just Krum and sidekick?) try to find Harry and revive the Order in some grand climactic arc, denouement with hopeful restoration blah blah.
  8. will408914

    will408914 Squib

    Dec 31, 2015
    High Score:
    Hopeful restoration? The problem is, once Voldemort escapes he will almost certainly have learned his lesson about easily-identified Horcruxes, and he has to be dealt with before restoration can take place.

    On the other hand, it could be that he decides to make hundreds of Horcruxes and ends up with a soul spread so thin that no part of it can actually operate. Problem solved.
  9. Ennead

    Ennead Seventh Year

    Jul 12, 2012
    The "grand climactic arc" that it seems I was too vague about includes Voldemort's demise through Harry, fulfilling the prophecy. I'd say he's not going to make another Horcrux to avoid that butter-thin soul thing, and just go into hiding. Hm...Harry keeps the Elder wand since Voldemort is alive, so more exploration of the Hallows is possible too.
  10. Atri

    Atri Groundskeeper

    Apr 28, 2012
    So, I thought of this plot bunny and wrote it down in 20 minutes. It's un-betaed, so, sorry for any mistakes. I don't have the time to write it, but I think it could be the beginning of an interesting story. And perhaps someone else could adopt it. :D

    Plot Bunny​

    Ron would remember that day his entire life. His hands were bloody when he finally finished making a big enough hole in the cave-in to crawl through. Harry still hadn’t appeared. Neither had Ginny. He only had the unconscious fraud for company and his own imagination.

    Was Harry facing the monster right now? Alone and without his best mate to help him, though Ron didn’t know how much help he’d have been. Harry was a hero, the Boy-Who-Lived, so why was there this big lump at the back of his throat, refusing to dissolve? Why did he feel that cold certainty that something had gone wrong?

    Ron looked into direction Harry had gone, swallowing. If Harry had not yet come back, then it was his duty as his second, his best mate to follow. Loyalty and courage — that’s what Gryffindor was all about, and Ron was a Gryffindor to the bone as all Weasleys were. This…this was just like the chess board last year.

    He pushed the fear back and began walking.

    It did not take him long to find the Chamber. The voice led him.

    “…and so the fabled Harry Potter is worse than dead. I find it fitting that it is your energy that will revive me. The girl was a poor substitute. How do you feel, Harry Potter, now that you are eternally trapped in my diary? Now that you will forever drift unfeeling, knowing that it were your actions that made my return possible?”

    Ron flinched back, instinctively seeking the shadows, even as his mind raced, listening. There, in front of him, stood a young teen in expensive school robes; Slytherin robes and further down a massive snake. Across from him was Harry, strangely see-through, but with the pure determined eyes that were so like Ron’s best friend. And between them, at their feet, was Ginny!

    Ron almost lurched forward, hand clenching. No, no…he couldn’t be rash. Not right now. That would be a poor strategy. Whatever this strange guy did to Ginny and Harry, he would do to Ron too — and Ron had no weapon! No wand!

    Ron’s slight step forward must have caught Harry’s attention, for their eyes met briefly.

    “Someone will defeat you, Voldemort,” Harry’s strong voice echoed through the Chamber. “Now that you have a body, you are as vulnerable as I was.” Harry’s eyes drifted to a sword glittering on the chamber’s floor and then, closer to Ron’s position, the invisibility cloak — and instantly Ron understood. His mate looked like a ghost. Whatever had been done to him, the only thing Harry could now do was talk while Ron finished what his friend had started. “Dumbledore will find you, Tom!”

    “I will be long gone when Dumbledore investigates…”

    Breathing shallowly, Ron inched forward, only half listening to the conversation. Blimey, but Voldem-…Tom loved to hear his own voice! The ridiculous thought was so strong that Ron wanted to laugh hysterically. He bit his own lip, fingers grasping the cloak and putting it slowly around himself, even as he tasted the blood in his mouth.

    Crouching, feeling slightly safer, he continued. Now the sword.

    It felt like an eternity, taking the sword so that Tom wouldn’t hear or see it from Harry’s dead body — don’t think about it, don’t think about it, don’t think about it —, watching Harry take ghost steps to the side so Tom followed, his back to Ron.

    “Poor Harry Potter,” the bastard said, oblivious to Ron’s tight grip around the handle of the weapon, “left alone by his savior. Think, boy! Dumbledore could have come himself with the phoenix instead of sending you a hat and a sword! The old man cares nothing for poor orphan boys like us! And what do you have now? Nobody and nothing.”

    Ron aimed and then he pushed with all the fear and all the rage in his heart.

    “He has me!” He screamed, feeling the resistance of flesh give away as blood spilled down the blade, ignoring the screaming of the young Voldemort and pushing even harder.

    Then, it was done.

    Panting, Ron let the blade clatter onto the stone floor, his arms beginning to tremble.

    “You’re a hero, Ron.” Harry was smiling at him, then he looked at Ginny and turned his face away. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save her.”

    “She’s…she’s dead then?” asked Ron hoarsely, falling to his knees when they wouldn’t support him. He had hoped, had prayed that she was only unconscious. “And…and you? You look like a ghost, Harry.”

    “Voldemort…Tom Riddle…he used Ginny to open the Chamber and then…then he used her magic, her soul to take on physical form. But…but she wasn’t enough…”

    “…And so he used you.”

    Harry nodded. He was beginning to look even fainter, fading like the fog over the lake after the sun came out.

    “He trapped me in the diary as…punishment for surviving, I suppose, after he took what he needed to become real. I’m now like he was, trapped in here.”

    “We’ll find a way to get you out! To put you back in your body!”

    But Harry shook his head.

    “No, Ron. My body is dead. The basilisk bit me. I suppose if Fawkes had not been killed before that, he might have healed me, but now…” He grimaced, looking down. “Ron, I must ask you…if basilisk venom can kill so quickly…you must destroy the diary with it.”

    “But you’re in there!”

    “And I don’t want to be trapped in there forever. What other choice do I have? Do it like Voldemort and steal the life of someone innocent? No, it’s better if I die than remain imprisoned for all eternity.”

    “I won’t do it!” Simply the thought of it…no.

    “Then bring me to Dumbledore. He will finish it.”

    “Dumbledore! He will help you!”

    “He will dispose of the diary. He will do what is right and not what is easy. I’m sorry, Ron, that I asked you this. You shouldn’t have to kill me.”

    That damn acceptance of his death made the laughter bubble up from inside Ron, before it spilled out of his mouth in abrupt sounds that turned into sobs.

    “Ron…Ron…please don’t cry…it will be alright…”

    Even now Harry was trying to comfort him — him, Ron, when it was Harry who was fading!

    “Do what is right, Ron,” Harry’s last whisper caressed his ears and then his ghostly friend was gone.

    Harry meant that Ron should kill Harry or let Dumbledore do it. But that wasn’t right. His friend didn’t deserve death just for trying to save his sister! And Harry had been so sure that Dumbledore would do as he wished…

    When his tears had dried, Ron rose unsteadily to his knees. He felt empty, the raging feelings inside his chest only echoes of what they had been.

    He knelt next to his sister. She looked like she was sleeping, but so pale…

    “I’m sorry.” He kissed her cheek, remorse for all the mean things he had ever said to her, all that he wouldn’t be able to do together with her in his mind…and then he stood up.

    He only glanced at his friend’s body, knowing that Harry was not in it. Instead, carefully, he picked the old diary from the floor — for a moment, he imagined it warming with his friend’s spirit — and then gently put it inside his robes, close to his heart.

    Harry had called him a hero, but Ron didn’t feel like a hero, surrounded by corpses in this underground tomb. Harry was the hero and as a friend Ron would do everything in his power to make him live again. There had to be a way.

    And if the adults wouldn’t help him? Well, Hermione would soon be waking up again. It wouldn’t be the first time that they handled things alone.

    Silently, Ron Weasley turned around, sword in one hand, cloak in the other and diary close to the heart, and left the Chamber of Secrets behind.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2016
  11. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Yes! From that point on Ron grows up to be a badass.

    Write it.
  12. Atri

    Atri Groundskeeper

    Apr 28, 2012
    I don't have the time, between my quests, my ASOIAF fic and my original stories. But DLP is full of great authors and perhaps this can be taken as an inspiration for one of them. :D
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2016
  13. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    This made me want to read a story where Harry functions a bit like Bob does in Dresden Files. The hero that everyone thought died defeating the dark lord assisting Ron in solving cases and trying to find a way to get his body back could be fun.
  14. Jazz-Meister

    Jazz-Meister Disappeared

    Oct 26, 2015
    High Score:
    Trying desperately to write, but all I can think of is a villain named Barefoot Jim.

    "It's impossible to kill him Harry, he has no sole!"
  15. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    I've been mulling over an idea for a one shot. Tentatively called One Last Adventure. The idea stems from the moment when Harry "dies" a second time. I've seen people try to train Harry in that moment or use it to send him to a different dimension or back to the past, but I haven't seen anyone take advantage of the fact that it is all in his head.

    Essentially Harry takes advantage of this fact and asks Dumbledore if he wouldn't mind going on one last adventure as Harry picks up that piece of Voldemort's soul and boards a train leaving Albus in charge of his body. Basically just a cheap excuse to have Albus return and lay waste to people. I guess it could be expanded into a story of redemption and second chances if someone was inclined to take the idea any further.
  16. Atri

    Atri Groundskeeper

    Apr 28, 2012
    That could turn out very interesting.

    Does Albus tell anyone that he's not Harry? If yes, how do Harry's friends react to Harry more or less abandoning them for the peace of death? How do they get used to Albus in Harry's body? What about Albus' friends? What about the public? Does Albus continue as headmaster? Does he disappear somewhere, finally free of the expectation of the WW? For Albus, it must feel like the moment just after he killed Grindelwald. He knows what comes next. Does he want to do it all over again?
  17. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    It would probably depend entirely on the nature of the story. If I decide to write it, it'll be a one shot and no one will find out that Albus took over Harry's body.

    I've toyed with the idea of making the possession temporary too. Maybe make Harry wanting to help Tom's soul or do something for it tie in with being the Master of Death. He feels the need to escort it to the other side because it is unable to cross over on its own in its current state and leaves Albus in charge while he is away. That might be a bit too convoluted though, and it really isn't needed.

    Now, what I would do if I was going to write a full story around this idea would be to take it a completely different route. I would focus more on the conversation Harry had with Dumbledore where Dumbledore talks about how much he despises himself and the follies of his youth. Then I would break from there and have Harry offer Dumbledore the chance at the life he always wanted. Instead of wasting his youth hiding in shame and fear from Grindelwald, he would get the chance to take the traditional tour of the world. The time after the final battle at Hogwarts would be more about second chances and adventures into the world of magic.

    I'm not sure that Dumbledore would tell anyone the truth of who Harry really is now. I think in a way that might ruin what Harry hoped to achieve by giving him this chance because it would come attached with it the history of his old life. It's not really a second chance if people know who you are.

    That's just me though. I certainly don't have time to write a full story around this idea right now especially when I'm already working on another one. Which is why it will be a one shot if I write it.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  18. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    I think you would have to explain this part.

    I don't remember the full conversation between Harry and Dumbledore, but I always thought Harry's subconscious used the image of Dumbledore as mentor and teacher to let him jump to the conclusions he actually already knows. It was a moment of pure clarity for Harry, which let him understand the full ramifications.

    A bit like those theories about the stone, which shows the user what he or she believes the dead person might say.

    In short, I think he doesn't talk with the Dumbledore with the decades of knowledge and power, but with a Dumbledore, which he imagined himself.
  19. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    There are numerous fics where Dumbledore and friends summon Harry the Hero to defeat the Villain because reasons. What i have yet to see is the Ministry summoning a Champion of their own, because after 4th year Fudge is ultra paranoid and it's not enough for him to destroy Dumbledore but wants to make sure he is safe from his magical power. Que RandomUniverse!Harry who fucks shit up.

    To continue Harry convinces Fudge to name him the DADA teacher instead of Umbridge.
  20. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    Was just going through the latest thread here on DLP 'Is Wizardkind Cruel to Not Share Magic with Muggles?' And thought there really needs to be a fic where 'Hogwarts reads the DLP Forums' I can only imagine the humor someone could come up with for a parody fic like that.