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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    I understand the reason why people feel the rules should be changed, but I think that's more of a problem with the way Quidditch has been depicted through the books than anything else. Since Harry is a seeker, the focus of the was mostly on him and how he affected the game. Of course, we want Harry's action to be relevant and as such the capture of the snitch almost always end in victory for Gryffindor.

    The only professional experience game we are ever shown actually depicts a LOSS even with capturing the snitch and I would assume it is fairly common. If you think about it, the snitch is worth 15 goals. In the Ireland vs. Bulgaria match, we see the Irish dominating chasers score this number of goal in a very short amount of time. If you keep in mind the tempo of the game (broom going at 150 mph) I would assume that the gap between 0 and 150 isn't so great. If you look at Pottermore released, the qualifiers for the World cup were fairly even in term of score. Most winners did not win solely because of their snitch catch (if they did catch it).

    What I would like to see is more interference of the Seeker in the chasers play as a decoy, disruptive influence, cutting close to enemy chasers to disrupt them or making a dive forcing an attack to scatter, that kind of stuff. Just like a goalie in hockey can go behind his net and control the puck. Since contact with goalie is strictly forbidden, it changes the way the players have to react to his presence. Since we've seen chasers and beaters getting in the way of seeker before, we could assume that seekers could do the same to the other position.
  2. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Seems to me Bulgaria was a mediocre team who got on solely by having an excellent seeker, which was enough to pull them through since the rest of the team really only needed to buy enough time until Krum caught the snitch. Only the Irish team was so good, that plan failed.

    I can't imagine that this is that common. Having a fifteen goal lead, that's a curbstomp, in any sport. I mean, you are trying to throw a ball through three small loops guarded by a keeper, while flying at 150kmh while two cannon balls are flying around, trying to kill you. It's not that easy to score.

    The one thing that makes things interesting is if the league is counting scores like Hogwarts did, which forces teams to win with a certain amount of points for that win to mean anything. Or win in such a way that the enemy doesn't get the score they need. That has potential.
  3. redlibertyx

    redlibertyx Professor

    Oct 25, 2011
    I think, really, the first rational rule change for Quidditch should not be changing the point value of snitch catches but the elimination of the unnecessary trailing zero in scores.

    Also: I would read the shit out of a good Quidditch story (I desperately hope for an underdog sports movie for "Quidditch Through the Ages" but I doubt it'll happen). The only thing I hope is that one remembers there are more fouls than just blatching or blagging which seems to be the only ones fanfic authors seem to remember. For once I want someone to call a stooging foul.
  4. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I had a lot of time today, so I took one of my old ideas and rewrote it, adding more details and made it a little more interesting.

    Luck of the Draw

    In canon, Arthur Weasley won some money in a lottery from the Daily Prophet. He used said money to travel with his family to Egypt to visit his son Bill.

    The Weasleys then had their picture taken, on which their rat Scabbers was seen. The picture was put in an article in the Prophet.

    In Azkaban, Sirius Black read the article and recognized Scabbers as the animagus form of Peter Pettigrew.

    Wanting to protect Harry Potter from Peter, Sirius escaped Azkaban.

    Eventually Sirius, Harry, Ron Weasley and Remus Lupin confronted Pettigrew in the Shrieking Shack.

    Unfortunately, it was the night of the full moon and Remus transformed into his werewolf form, allowing Peter to escape.

    After Pettigrew escaped, he started looking for Lord Voldemort, whom he found in Albania.

    Sometime later, Bertha Jorkins visited Bartemius Crouch Sr. in his home, where she discovered that his son and convicted Death Eater, Barty Jr. was kept under the Imperius Curse and an invisibility cloak.

    To prevent Bertha from revealing his secret, Bary Sr. cast a powerful memory charm on her.

    Bertha eventually traveled to Albania for a holiday, where she encountered and recognized Pettigrew.

    Peter lured Bertha to a recovering Voldemort, who broke Bertha's mind and learned about Barty Jr. as well as the upcoming Triwizard Tournament.

    Using this information, the Dark Lord had Pettigrew free Barty and put his father under the Imperius instead.

    Then, Alastor Moody was kidnapped and Barty Jr. took his place using Polyjuice Potion and put Harry Potter in the TriWizard Tournament as a fourth champion and made sure he wins.

    When Harry and Cedric Diggory both touched the winner's cup, they were transported to a graveyard where Voldemort killed Cedric and used Harry's blood to return to full power.

    And thus, Lord Voldemort returned and the Second Wizarding war began.

    But what if Arthur did not win the lottery?

    The immediate consequence is that the Weasleys don't go to Egypt and don't have a picture in the Prophet.

    Sirius has no reason to escape Azkaban and continues to stay there, slowly becoming more and more insane.

    Harry's third Hogwarts year continues uneventfully, with Auror John Dawlish being hired as the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor instead of Remus Lupin.

    Lupin was hired partly because of Sirius Black having escaped and here Sirius still remains in prison, so Remus remains unknown to Harry.

    Additional consequences are that Harry doesn't blow up Aunt Marge and his permission for Hogsmeade visits is signed by Vernon Dursley. This means that Harry doesn't receive the Marauder's Map from the Weasley twins.

    Harry also doesn't learn the Patronus Charm this year, as he doesn't have Dementors to worry about.

    He does learn some interesting Defense spells from Dawlish though.

    Near the end of the year, the curse of the Defense position forces Dawlish to leave the school after he is badly injured by the Whomping Willow, though he is remembered by the students as a competent teacher.

    And so the year ends without much fanfare and the next one arrives with the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament.

    Barty Crouch Jr. breaks free of his father's Imperius as in canon and casts the Dark Mark during a Death Eater riot after the Quidditch World Cup. However, also like in canon Barty Sr. manages to recapture his son and reapply the Imperius.

    At Hogwars in the Tournament, Fleur Delacour is chosen to represent Beauxbatons, Viktor Krum represents Durmstrang and Cedric Diggory becomes the Hogwarts champion.

    Without Voldemort's involvement Harry doesn't become the fourth champion and is not accused by Ron of entering his own name. Their friendship remains strong and without problems.

    Alastor Moody becomes the Defense Professor this year, though this time it's the real Moody.

    Without Crouch interfering, Cedric isn't warned by Harry about the dragons of the first task and receives less points.

    Harry goes with Parvati Patil to the Yule Ball, though not having to worry about being a champion changes his attitude and he has a better time here than in canon, even getting a kiss or two from the girl.

    Being on better terms with Hermione here, Ron takes her to the Ball and their relationship begins two years earlier than in canon.

    In the final task, without Krum being put under the Imperius, things change and Cedric isn't first to the cup, with Fleur being there before him and winning.

    Another consequence of Harry not being a champion is the fact that the Weasley twins don't receive money from him to create their joke shop.

    At the end of the year Moody leaves his position as the Defense Professor after receiving a request from Dumbledore to investigate rumors of Voldemort's presence in Albania. Hagrid however does not travel to speak with the giants and never meets his half-brother Grawp, leading to Grawp's eventual death at the hand of other giants.

    Cornelius Fudge remains on good terms with Dumbledore and Umbridge isn't sent to Hogwarts, preventing the creation of Dumbledore's Army and causing the Weasley twins to stay at the school for the rest of their education instead of quitting.

    Wanting to try teaching for a year, Dedalus Diggle agrees to become the Defense Professor, though only for a year as he fears what the curse might do to him if he decides to stay for more.

    Meanwhile in Albania, Moody learns of Voldemort's presence and approximate location, he reports back to Dumbledore with the news.

    During this year, Harry begins dating various girls, at first Parvati due to them going to the Yule Ball together, but when that doesn't work out he goes out with Katie Bell from his Quidditch team.

    Harry also studies for the OWLs, though without Umbridge at school and a returned Voldemort he isn't under so much pressure, allowing him to focus. His grades improve as a result, though as always Snape remains annoying.

    Ron and Hermione continue their relationship, having more time together when Dumbledore makes them both Prefects.

    Nothing really eventful happens this year, the Twins finish their NEWTs and graduate, Harry passes OWLs with better results than in canon and Diggle leaves Hogwarts as per his deal with Dumbledore.

    After graduating, the twins gift Harry and Ron the Marauder's Map, telling them to treasure it.

    Next year Snape continues to teach Potions, Slughorn remains retired and after approaching Dumbledore looking for a job Remus Lupin becomes the Defense Professor.

    Harry becomes the Captain of the Quidditch Team this year, with Ron trying out for the position of a Keeper.

    The Weasley twins start working towards their joke shop, first selling their products via Owl mail.

    Remus reveals to Harry his connection to James Potter and Harry learns how Sirius Black betrayed them and killed Peter Pettigrew. The two bond over memories and Harry receives many pictures of his parents.

    He also learns of the true origins of the Marauder's Map when Remus tells him the nicknames Padfoot, Prongs, Wormtail and Moony.

    After Harry's relationship with Katie Bell last year didn't work out, he is approached by Romilda Vane due to his fame as the Boy Who Lived. The two date for a bit, but when Harry learns that she was planning to give him a love potion, he dumps her.

    He is then in turn comforted by Ginny Weasley, though he doesn't really see her as girlfriend material and instead sees her as his best friend's sister. Disappointed, Ginny stands aside.

    Eventually though, Harry finds his match in Luna Lovegood when he stops some older Ravenclaws from bullying her.

    Dating Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived and Quidditch Captain, does wonders for Luna's confidence and feeling of self-worth. She also gains friends in Ron and Hermione.

    At the end of the year when Harry wins the Quidditch Cup, the Gryffindor team poses for a picture for the Daily Prophet. In this picture Ron holds his pet rat Scabbers.

    A few weeks later, Sirius Black escapes Azkaban.
  5. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I don't know if I commented on the previous iteration of this, but Voldemort is way too passive in plot bunny of yours. So much of what you wrote hinges on him doing absolutely nothing for all those years, just because he doesn't have Pettigrew to help him along, and I can't see him just lurking on the sides doing shitall.
  6. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Sure, cool, but tell me this: what was he doing in all 10 years before Harry went to Hogwarts? Sitting around and doing nothing.
  7. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    I like this For Want Of A Nail idea. Certainly makes for a more prepared Harry for when shit hits the fan. I don't understand though how Sirius remaining in Azkaban affects Harry not to blow up Marge. I also thought that Harry would notice Pettigrew on the map in year 6, especially with Lupin around telling about the Marauders.

    But this is all just the setup. What happens when Sirius escapes? does canon repeats itself, or do they, for once, act like competent wizards, and capture Pettigrew?

    This also reminds me of a bunny I once thought of. Prisoner of Azkaban - only that, instead of Sirius, it's Bellatrix who escapes. And she does intend to murder Harry. Things get complicated when Sirius hears of her escape and decides he needs to follow her in order to protect Harry.
  8. redlibertyx

    redlibertyx Professor

    Oct 25, 2011
    I'm not sure that's true. He doesn't learn the Patronus Charm in third year, nor does it really become part of his repertoire since he doesn't have any experience with Dementors. He never becomes Triwizard champion which means he doesn't learn any of the spells he learned then (nor, that is, gain any of the practical experience he would have with them). Finally, by not running Dumbledore's Army, Harry has fewer people to call on when he the proverbial shit hits the fan.

    Without the Weasley Twins' joke shop, there's no Decoy Detonators or Peruvian Instant Darkness powder or any of the other items they invented or sold that were used by Harry, Hermione, and Ron during sixth and seventh year (granted Malfoy doesn't get to use it too). There's dozens of reasons why the Harry Xandriel describes may be more socially adjusted but incredibly less prepared for Voldemort.
  9. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Sirius has spent additional several years in Azkaban, that can't be good for his mental health.

    He may really end up killing Pettigrew, no matter what Harry says.

    However, if he doesn't and Pettigrew really does escape, then he will most likely search for Voldemort.

    As redlibertyx says, in this world Harry is less prepared to fight, having less experience with threats.

    Let's assume for a moment that Pettigrew escapes, finds Voldemort and works to restore the Dark Lord's body.

    He is able to give Voldemort detailed knowledge of Harry's life and skills, having lived near him for six years.

    In canon it took Pettigrew around 2-3 months to care for Voldemort and give him that creepy baby-like body.

    So my predictions for Year 7 are as such:

    - Sirius escapes Azkaban.
    - Harry learns the Prophecy from Dumbledore on his 17th birthday, Harry leaves Privet Drive forever.
    - Harry learns that Sirius escaped and swears revenge.
    - After some time, it comes to a confrontation between Sirius, Pettigrew and Harry.
    - Let's say Pettigrew manages to escape this time, as does Sirius who keeps hunting him.
    - Pettigrew finds Voldemort and after a few months brings him to the baby-form.
    - Plan is created to take some of Harry's blood.
    - Harry graduates Hogwarts and begins training as an Auror.

    Eventually Voldemort would have somehow gotten Harry's blood and returned to full form.

    The Second War would therefore begin 3 years later than in canon.

    However, it would be completely different, since Harry already knows the Prophecy. The Orb in the Ministry would most likely be destroyed for safety and Harry would be taught Occlumency by Dumbledore himself.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
  10. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    I was referring more to Harry being of age so he can use magic outside of school, able to apparate, isn't stuck at Hogwarts, and isn't so hormonally unbalanced. My point was that, essentially, Harry isn't a little schoolboy during the war, and can be on the front lines.
  11. LinguaManiac

    LinguaManiac Seventh Year

    Dec 14, 2015
    High Score:
    I haven't read much of this thread, so it's quite possible that someone else has posted this before, but this plot bunny has been bouncing about in my head for a while:

    What if Aunt Petunia had been a witch?

    So many things, it seems to me, change. First, since Petunia is a witch too, she and Lily (and Severus?) both play about with magic as kids. Petunia goes to Hogwarts first. Does that make it easier for Lily or harder? Does Petunia hate having her younger sister both more beautiful and more talented (likely more talented, we actually don't know how smart Petunia is) than her? Who does she marry? What house does she go into? Dumbledore would obviously have to keep Harry in the Wizarding World, his Aunt being a part of it. Does Petunia understand the magic of Lily's sacrifice? Does Pettigrew still become their secret keeper, even? How is the Harry/Sirius relationship? Is Sirius still in Azkaban? Is Sirius perhaps not in Azkaban but Petunia doesn't like him so their relationship is still strained? Does Petunia tell Harry about the prophesy early? Does she teach him early? Is it possible that there's another reason (perhaps his fame) that she still dislikes him? Does being raised in the Wizarding World (or by a Petunia that cares for him, or both) change the house into which Harry is sorted? How does having friends as a child (after all, he wouldn't be 'a freak' anymore) affect Harry?

    TL;DR Everything changes, it seems to me, and it seems to me that this would be a interesting premise for a prepared!Harry story.

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:42 ---------- Previous post was at 17:37 ----------

    It seems to me that Harry wouldn't, in fact, become an Auror. After all, Snape is teaching potions in Harry's Sixth Year, and I'm not sure why Harry's potions grade would improve in your world. Perhaps Harry finds a different job, which, instead of fighting as an Auror, gets him in touch with old-magic. Perhaps he trains under Ollivander?

    And the real question, in my mind, is, Does Dumbledore start training Harry? Perhaps instead of becoming an Auror or training under Ollivander, as I suggest just above, Dumbledore gets Harry to train under him after Hogwarts and while the war wages.

    This brings up an interesting question: wouldn't Dumbledore die at the end of 6th year or thereabouts anyway? After all, unless Voldemort's ressurection gives Dumbledore a clue about the Horcrux, Dumbledore is on the same path to discovering them as he was in canon, which means that he'll still put on the Gaunt ring the summer after 5th year.
  12. bacchanal

    bacchanal Squib

    Feb 1, 2016
    High Score:
    What-if scenario:
    Severus and Lily don't meet pre-Hogwarts. (for whatever reason, they were never at the playground at the same time, w.e.)

    Things you can coherently justify changing:

    They're part of houses that are by nature competitive, and integrated into their opposing social contexts. So they're aware of that from the get go, instead of the miscommunication/pretend that happened between them in canon. They don't become close initially.

    He never joins Lily on the train compartment, so initial fallout with James and Sirius, 'Snivellus' etc., doesn't happen. Taking that James was jealous of his closeness with Lily in canon, with no Lily, that doesn't escalate. Snape will also be more wary since he'd first see them as a group, not individually like on the train. (They still dislike each other by design, obviously, but no more than any other Gryff/Slyth/Dark bigot. It isn't as personal.) Maybe they found some other kid to pick on on the train, Bertram Aubrey or whoever, and that's who they're occupied with.

    You can say he'd be better adjusted without the bullying.

    This seems like the easiest way to give more freedom for intuitive development/get rid of restrictive emotional baggage.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
  13. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    Considering that his lessons during HBP consisted of watching home videos about Tom Riddle, I doubt things are going to change. After all, Dumbledore could ask any of the Order memeber to try Harry and did nothing. Probably didn't want to give his sacrificial lamb any ideas about dueling Voldemort instead of getting killed by him.
  14. Pure Infinity

    Pure Infinity High Inquisitor

    Dec 19, 2012
    Any training during year six would have been pretty much pointless. Voldemort is on the level that Harry could be trained for a decade and still not match up. Dumbledore deciding to give Harry insight into Voldemort's psyche, as well as giving him the tools to make him mortal again, was probably the best route to take in regards to preparing Harry.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  15. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    With RWBY Volume 3 coming to an end, I've had tons of plot bunnies - one of which is an HP/RWBY Crossover. Except instead of bringing HP to RWBY, we bring RWBY to HP.

    Magic is a curious thing, capable of creating beings that are but the embodiment of human emotion. The Veelas who are Lust, the Leprechauns who are Greed, the Boggarts who are Fear.

    In the 1900s, Grindelwald begins his march across Europe, chaos and panic and despair reaching their critical mass. And from this latent emotion something becomes. Shadowy creatures who are drawn to pandemonium, more a corruption than anything else. They do not simply kill - they turn those it touches into one of them.

    The Grimm.

    Only those with souls prove safe from being Turned, and the Grimm, as if collectively aware of this, hunt them down with fervor.

    The Magical World at first believes it is safe behind their enchantments and isolate themselves further from the Muggles. But then the first House Elf is Turned.

    It becomes open season on the wizards.

    Dumbledore and Grindelwald have not been idle though. While their brethren thought they were safe, the two geniuses were hard at work, finding a means to hurt these beasts. Traditional magic works, but not nearly well enough for a war of survival. They turn their attention towards the one thing that is safe from the Grimm - the soul, and they weaponize it.

    In 1994, Harry Potter, a Hunter-in-Training of Hogwarts, stands watch over Glasgow to enforce the Grindelwald Plan. He is there to keep the Grimm out as much as keep the muggles in, but not everyone is happy with the current order of things.

    The Triwizard Tournament is at hand, but a greater plot is in play.
  16. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    Su Li is basically a blank character, my idea is this:

    She is really into magical girls and decides Draco Malfoy is her Archnemesis. The problem is she tries to solve it by flying kicks to the head. Poor Draco...
  17. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    Don't you think that some training is better than nothing? In the world of J. Rowling even Harry training DA helped to make a difference.
  18. Pure Infinity

    Pure Infinity High Inquisitor

    Dec 19, 2012
    I'm not saying training itself is meaningless, I'm just saying that in the short time left Dumbledore probably only felt the need to pass on the essentials. Harry is already at the level where he can survive in a duel against most Death Eaters, and there's no way he's going to get strong enough to hang with Voldemort in the year Dumbledore had left alive.

    Aside from that, it would have been boring. There's a reason book four glosses over the spells Harry learns for the third task - "training" in Harry Potter basically amounts to studying. Exploring the history of Wizard Hitler is much more interesting.
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    You know those ads on wikia sites?

    Well, I just saw this one and damn does this sound like a crazy crossover.

  20. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    Looks like a horrible threesome in the making.