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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Dumped this on Caer Azkaban, and there's been some interest. Thought I'd dump this crap here, too, incase someone wants to do something.


  2. Tsar

    Tsar Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2012
    This is an idea I’ve had knocking about for some time now,(In my haste, I even published a prologue on FFnet.)

    It’s probably been done before but I haven’t read one yet.

    Instead of putting the diary in Ginny's cauldron, Lucius Malfoy leaves it in Diagon Alley at an earlier date for some other unlucky sod to find.

    Tom Riddle is reborn and out for vengeance.

    After using someone as resurrection fodder--Sally Anne Perks in my mind--he uses his skills, and the knowledge he’s acquired of the last fifty years to hunt down Harry Potter, the other Horcruxes and the wraith of Voldemort.

    His reasoning is to rest control of the soul from the failure and kill Harry Potter for daring to harm him.

    He gains an ally, one disenchanted Nicholas Flamel, who on a whim gives him limited aid.

    Events spiral from there and Tom is at Hogwarts for Harry’s third, fourth and possibly fifth year depending on how you want to age him. While at Hogwarts he’s looking for the Horcruxes he believes are there and is trying to ruin Harrys life while taking everything away from him.

    Flash forward.

    Tom is seen as the hero of Hogwarts, Harry is the underdog. In this time Harry becomes a recluse shunning the people who care for him and the help of the Headmaster (trust issues or some shit like that). He becomes more inclined to study magic and explore the castle finding secret areas and such.

    Voldemort comes back. Battle with Tom and Dumbledore fighting Voldemort. They win but tom double-crosses Albus and kills him, spinning it to look like voldemort did and he finishes the job.

    Thats the general jist, but I don’t know where to go there or if its any good. So I'm just tossing it out there.
  3. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Headmaster

    Sep 3, 2010
    And now harry has graduated from school, and has to prove to everyone that he knows the truth, that Albus died at Tom's hands, and to put the on-his-way-to-Emporer Riddle down, using the hidden skills and playing off of the misplaced loyalties of those who once called him friends, but have now flocked to tom's banner. Basically harry as a renegade (of whatever spell shade of grey you want) going against the public order of Tom+Ministry, with only the allies he lies and tricks into helping him with some masterplan that will allow him to either expose tom if done well, or just kill him if done poorly.
  4. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    I haven't seen any Harry Potter crossovers with the world of darkness that were decent, so yeah.

    It's something I'll probably leave untouched, unless someone gifts me a gift of time. (And knowing the guy responsible for that, from his contributions so far, I kind of doubt it.)

    So, a WoD/HP crossover, that in truth would be VtM/HP.

    Here's the thoughts about the setting and the first chapter or two - these would serve as a basis for the events that would start. it's more of a analysis of what could be done, what changes are needed and how the setting would be handled than a summary of the possible plot.

    The setting

    The first question is, obviously, - what to do with the worlds? Basing this on Harry Potter and bringing in elements from WoD seems to be the formula to do this. Bringing in werewolves would change too many things for their population to remain in their state. Also, as it's hereditary, the changes exclude the possibility of wizards being turned. Thus, probably somewhat less discrimination, and obviously, a lot less knowledge.

    Taking the Mages would probably be wrong, as Harry Potter's magic system clashes quite a lot - thus, in place of Mages, their Paradox and covenants, we have the usual magical word of Harry Potter.
    Thus, I wouldn't need to research about how the Awakening stacks with the first change - Remus would probably be a theurge, that's able to do magic in Harry Potter magic way. To balance this, as well as turning the idea on itself he would be discriminated between werewolves, thus the need to live in the Magical world.

    Fenrir would be another such werewolf, and instead of child rapist and killer he would become women rapist, trying to spread the werewolf genes, and killing on the side with the corruption of the wyrm getting to his head.

    Vampires, probably the main focus of any such piece, would exist in all their glory with the games of Camarilla, Sabbat and Anarchs at large. Tremere, having lost their foundations as former Awaken, their story would probably carry a similar orgin. Goratrix and Tremere here, would rise from ashes of former wizards and witches, stepping deeper into darkness - interestingly that events clash with the date of the founding of Hogwarts - probably a counterweight so that promises of Goratrix and the battles with the remaining House Tremere equivalent would have a uniting teaching method, where the fall of Goratrix and his dark choice would be held on par with Herpo the Foul and other Dark Wizards.

    The magical world would necessary be somewhat darker - it would have to explore the Obliviations and control over the mortal populance, trying to remain as hidden as possible. Other supernaturals would only know rumors of wizards, alike with the Mages - with no true information to confirm anything, yet sometimes encountering a stray piece of information.
    The power struggle for control would be rather lax from Wizard side - having chosen the ignorant approach they hold the rest of the hidden world at arm's length. Some select few wizards, especially those interested in the dark arts and creatures, would know more, but the defence against the dark arts would have a more serious focus on dark creatures.
    The unforgivables would definitely be only unforgivable against other wizards. A la Harry Desden - Thou shall not kill. But if it's a vampire it's ok.

    The versatility of Harry Potter world would make any confrontations really dangerous to both sides, yet there would also be those who would try to benefit from the connections.

    Here, I would change the power balance and Dumbledore would represent the side that wants wizards to stay out of the dark forces of the world, leaving other creatures as much at bay as possible.
    Where Voldemort would believe that wizards are rightful rulers of the true world. Vampires would thus be a reminder of Goratrix's magic, and an enemy that must be eradicated, and the pure families of wizards would have more reason to be angry - their blood, in turn would be more valuable to vampires.

    As a side note - Slughorn would be more likely to bring a werewolf theurge or galliard to the Christmas club meeting than a vampire - kind of switching the respect of both species around.

    The prologue

    Then, Harry Potter. Finally.

    The Harry Potter we know would grow up in the usual childhood of Dursleys, blissfully ignorant, yet having an itching feel that nights are not as safe as one would expect - there would probably be a short scene where he sees something about the Masquearade, or, as wizards call the equivalent - Statute of Secrecy, carrying that knowledge till the letter arrives.

    There probably would be a few more highlights of differences in cannon.

    The third year wound have Remus arrive as a scarred man, but a lot more healthy, even as the same poor self. He probably would say himself as a werewolf in the first lesson - and proceed to teach normal DA with bits and pieces about the world.

    The whole thing with Black would probably end up with Pettigrew enraging Remus to the point of frenzy, risking death to escape, successfully. Alike in canon.

    The fourth year would largely be the same, maybe a scene or two shown of differences.

    The summer of the fifth year would see an increase in press defaming Harry and Dumbledore, and the resurgence of anti-Goratrix propaganda, courtesy of Malfoy. (at this point there wouldn't be a name Tremere used, just to leave it more obscure.) Rumors of dark creature hunts resurging from the years before.

    The point of divergence would probably be just before the fifth school year - the dementor attack could be more devastating, and we could have some OC (probably a young woman) (or, maybe there's something in the cannon vampires that's fun and lives in UK) take the chance and to 'save' Harry after he's injured, giving him a 'potion' of blood to drink.
    In the month he spends in London, Harry would realize the difference, and start getting addicted, as well, as meeting with the vampire once again.

    Then, in the first few months he'd realize that Magic isn't working for him even more and more, and he needs to get more blood to compensate.

    And then, the fun would start, and... Well, it would have the new world, the motivations of stealing the boy who lived and the growing war, where Voldemort is trying to eradicate or rule over vampire world, but bites more than he can chew, ending up with Harry trying to choose between fighting his firends or dying.

    So yeah

    In the end the real story would start only after the short prologue, after Harry drinks some of the blood in the time of need. And then it would be a quick dive into conspiracies and plots - wizards slowly understanding that even with magic, fighting the war with vampires is dangerous without enough knowledge, and vampires, in the end, have Tremere who remember enough about the magical world to do some damage.

    There are a few more exact ideas in that department, but all in all it would all prove that everyone is a bastard and were preparing to stab each other. A standard WoD lesson.
  5. TRH

    TRH Groundskeeper

    May 19, 2012
    How about a Voldemort who doesn't even bother creating a new body for himself? Instead, he simply possesses random Death Eaters to fight with, abandoning their bodies to the dogs if things somehow go wrong (Call him Harbingermort if you want). He'd probably flush away a body or two trying to finish what he started with the Potters, but other than that there wouldn't have been a thirteen year hiatus for Death Eater activity. Flash-forward to DH, where Harry and company are on the run, constantly afraid that any Death Eater they encounter might, in fact, be the Big Man himself...and they don't know how to kill him.
  6. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    I don't even recall where I was taking this, but I recently rediscovered it while perusing my entries in the 500 club. I like aspects of it, but ultimately don't know what to do with it from here.

    It seems to have aspects of the atypical Indy!Harry, given his attitude. He might even be working toward discovering Sirius in Grim form, given the glint of yellow eyes.
  7. nyx

    nyx First Year

    Oct 7, 2011
    I was working on this as a sort of a writing excercise for myself, but my life is currently so full of crazy that I'm never going to finish this. So anyone's welcome to it.

    Time travel and changing the past is possible without destroying the universe (the premise of the story). Time travel is illegal (canon). The ban on time travel is just another law the Ministry is responsible for upholding. Time travelers show up every now and then, are caught and given a one-way ticket to Azkaban. Time traveling is a big crime, and you never know just how dangerous these future folks might be, so I imagine it would be the Aurors who do the catching. The Unspeakables are obviously on the intelligence side of things (cue intra-departmental cooperation difficulties, but that's a minor point). Now Department of Mysteries obviously have the means to travel back in time (time travel not being a huge one-time esoteric ritual thing it usually is in fanfiction) AND they can do it legally to catch time traveling criminals (or more correctly, the Auror field agents can).

    Cue Harry in future fascist Britain ruled by Voldemort and Death Eaters. Harry breaks into DoM and travels back in time with a plan to hunt down the horcruxes, destroy Voldemort and avoid getting caught. Only, nothig goes like he's planned. To start with when he sneaks out of DoM in the past there's a team of Aurors waiting for him and he gets caught. Harry manages to break out, but the Aurors keep hunting him and they always seem to be one step ahead. At first he has no idea what's going on and manages to barely avoid them (with the long experience of being Undesirable Number One in the future). Bit by bit he manages to gather clues and at some point (a big turnpoint for the story) actually catch and interrogate an Auror and find out what is going on.

    The rest of what I have mapped out so far starts out as a huge pileup of plots from all of the books happening simultaneously. Of course all of these plots interacting means they don't stay canon rehash very long. Basically Harrys actions cause lot of other characters to start doing the things they did in the books a lot earlier -- he inadvertently starts the whole war years ahead of time, instead of finishing it before it even gets started (his original plan).

    To sum it up: Harry is trying to hunt down horcruxes & destroy Voldemort, avoid getting caught by Aurors, avoid the Order (who think all this shit is being done by Voldemort/Death Eaters, when it's actually mostly Harry)... and nothing is going according to his plan.

    I'm sucker for time travel and redo fics. In many of them Harry (or whoever is doing the time travel) has a grand plan how to do it all better and how to better outsmart his enemies. I wanted to make something different and show how doing the different thing actually leads to whole set of new, different problems -- none of which Harry can predict despite his preparation and planning. Also even with his future knowledge the Aurors are very close to outsmarting him and Voldemort is not stupid either. Poor sod imagined it would all be simple and easy once he managed to break into the Voldemort-controlled Ministry and travel back in time... but that's just the start of his troubles.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
  8. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    This makes me wish for a HP/Doctor Who crossover where Harry ends up as a Time Agent.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2012
  9. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    Bumped because I just got a pretty sick idea for a story that I'd love to take a stab at someday.

    The setting is Hogwarts, and Voldemort has just requested the job for teaching Defense Against The Dark Arts. Dumbledore has refused - and so the curse takes affect.

    Each chapter covers a new year, as it slowly becomes apparent to the teachers of Hogwarts that the job is inexorably cursed. Nobody knows when or how the curse will trigger, except that it must trigger, costing the professor his or her job - and occasionally his/her life.

    I'm not exactly sure how I'd want to play it from there. Part of me wants to write it from the perspective of another professor trying to crack or break the curse on the position - half the story as a character piece surrounding the doomed applicant and half as a detective thriller. Yet on the other hand, if you play up the lethality of the curse, you can really make it one hell of a compelling Final Destination riff. But either way, writing a story that allows you to introduce a huge number of new and interesting characters up against a magical curse, all set against the first rise of Voldemort, is a hell of a compelling narrative.
  10. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    That certainly sounds like a prospect worth investing some time in. I'd read it, either way, though I'd probably prefer the former over the Final Destination vibe.
  11. Thyestean

    Thyestean Slug Club Member

    Jun 11, 2012
    It would be a neat idea. However, is it known, how many years between Dumbledore declining Voldemort the teaching position and his downfall? I think it would also be neat if you tied the curse into Voldemort, as he grows stronger and ever closer to winning the war, the more gruesome/deadly the curse becomes, until he is vanquished. In which case it progresses to the canon, where everyone just leaves.
  12. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    Little plot bunny I got, Voldemort had no funds for his campaign. He uses magic to rob rich muggles, but also blackmail and threaten wizards for galleons.

    Basically, just following Voldemort while he's trying to set up his finances and his name.
  13. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I've had an idea once on a story about Bellatrix abandoning the Blood Purity in her early Hogwarts years
    and what effects would it have on the Harry Potter Universe.
    But such a POD would create a massive AU and I lack the writing skills to develop it, so that's that.
  14. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I recently had the same idea, but with additional twist why she did it. Making Bella one of the good guys and girls early in her life really has a lot of untapped potential.
  15. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Would this really make that much of a difference? I know you could go anywhere with it, a sort of butterfly effect. But the only major difference I'd expect to happen would be that Sirius would survive. It's not like she was the deciding factor in the war or anything, she was just a particularly recognisable Death Eater.
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Well if you do the 'True' Butterfly Effect, nobody from Original Timeline is born after the POD is introduced.
    Instead they would all be replaced by alternate brothers/sisters.
    This would mean all children are different, like Bill Weasley is born a girl etc.
    Of course, Authors would have to limit this to at least Harry staying the same (one could argue that the existence of the prophecy caused him to be born, but that's too fanon-ish).
    Even if you do introduce some 'Butterfly Net', you still can affect the outcome of various things.

    For example:

    1.The torture of Longbottoms may be affected in various ways. Neville may grow up to be a vastly different person.
    2.The Hufflepuff's cup may no longer be at the Lestrage Vault if Bellatrix does not marry Lestrange.
    3.All people who were killed by Bellatrix in Original Timeline, may or may not be alive in this AU.
    4.Some people may be completely different.
    For example, Narcissa and Andromeda could have been strongly influenced by this New Bellatrix.
    You could even prevent Narcissa from marrying Lucius and butterfly away the existence of Draco.
    5.If Bellatrix ever marries someone else, she may have children who grow up and go with Harry to Hogwarts.

    I find that authors really do limit themselves with these things.
  17. arkkitehti

    arkkitehti High Inquisitor

    May 31, 2012
    Biggest change would probably be on the Black family as a whole. Is Bellatrix disowned, or would the older generations of Blacks think that disowning half of the younger generation is a sign that they are doing something wrong? Assuming that Andromeda doesn't fill Bella's role as the "white" sheep of the family. The childhood of Sirius and Regulus would probably be very different if it was Bella who caused the scandal in the family instead of Sirius.

    The lack of Bellatrix the Death Eater wouldn't probably change much for her victims, there's always someone else to fill her shoes in that business.
  18. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Bellatrix wasn't the only one to torture the Longbottoms. Rudolphus Lestrange and Barty Crouch Junior were involved as well.
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Perhaps then there would be different victims, due to the circumstances?

    One less person means the Longbottoms have a higher chance of survival.
    Perhaps Frank dies but Alice lives and is healthy?
  20. arkkitehti

    arkkitehti High Inquisitor

    May 31, 2012
    The only deaths that are mentioned in the books are people that fought against Voldemort, and those people would have been targeted anyway. The random bystanders that might have been killed because of Bellatrix' insanity don't really matter. Of course anything could change, but there's really no real reason for it.

    Instead of making a list of things that would change from canon I'd start with Bellatrix, the people close to her and how they are affected by her change of views and what effect will that have. If you have a role for the Longbottoms in your plot then by all means have them survive, if not, they are part of the background noise that's not really all that important anyway.

    So: what will Bellatrix be like? Is your story about her school years, or something later? Will she be still sorted in Slytherin? Will she fight against Voldemort with the Order, or have an agenda of her own? Is she a social outcast, a manipulative mastermind or a reckless hero who prefers front lines? What is her relationship with the rest of the Blacks like? Does she have high or low profile approach to things happening around her? Does Harry have any reason to have a role?

    I could see some sort of "black sheep of the Blacks" group, where you could have Sirius, Bellatrix, Andromeda and later perhaps Regulus supporting each other during the war.
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