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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) IV

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Aekiel comes to the rescue. Bunny is saved, currently in a comfortable cage with carrots.
  2. Arrowjoe

    Arrowjoe Auror

    Jan 27, 2011
    Vancouver, Canada
    Don't blame me, blame the 'crossovers you wanna see' thread:

    On May 16th at 4:33 p.m an incident occured at a remote research lab in the New Mexico desert. Soon after, inter-dimensional portals begin opening randomly around the world, with strange and alien creatures coming out and wrecking havoc. Within a week, an organized military force emerges from the portals, and after the Seven Hour War, humanity has become enslaved by a group known as the Combine.

    On May 16th at 10:33pm Harry Potter is reading to his son Sirius when his scar hurts for the first time in five years.
  3. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    I think his father would be a bad example, now that he understands what his mother went trough when she was abandoned by him. This could go both ways, either he forgives his father, because he was druged or he rages even more for he left his mother to die alone.
  4. Arrowjoe

    Arrowjoe Auror

    Jan 27, 2011
    Vancouver, Canada
    Meh. Blame it on all the portals opening up, or Voldemort's soul being pull back to reality. I really just used it as a way to show the time period that story would normally take place in (after lining up the the Half-Life and HP timelines).
  5. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I just had a weird thought; magical stalkers, anyone?

    I would like to see the magical world trying to deal with Zen creatures, followed by the Combine though. I imagine they would initially think it's magical in origin and try to obliviate everyone who saw them.
  6. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Those of you versed well in the Pottermore canon will know that time travel can do damage to time itself. Such as days lasting too long, etc.

    Well, here's a scenario showing what could happen as well.

    Oops, something went wrong! - or - 1996 kicked backwards

    One June 17th, 1996 Harry, and his friends travel on Thestrals to the Ministry of Magic in order to save Sirius. After they arrive they learn it was a trap made by Voldemort and the Battle of the Department of Mysteries happens.

    As we know, during this battle, all of Ministry's Time Turners were destroyed.

    Now, in canon, they were simply broken and trapped in a short time-loop in which they broke and repaired themselves over and over again. Here, however, something more terrible happens.

    As soon as the time turners crash and break, everything stops. As in, time stops.

    We see from Harry's point of view that he is aware that everything has stopped and that he, and presumably others are unable to move.

    Then, slowly but surely, everything seems to go backwards. People walk in reverse, spells fly back into wands and most importantly the time turners fly back up to their shelves undamaged.

    The moment the time turners go back to their place, there is an explosion of light which blinds everyone.

    And then...

    June 17th, 1996 - Time Turners destroyed. Time itself is damaged.

    June 17th, 1496 - The Time Turners repair themselves, then vanish.

    June 1581 - Albus Dumbledore is born. The Mastery of the Elder Wand immediately transfers to him.

    December 31st, 1629 - Tom Marvolo Riddle is born. His soul splits into several pieces and he receives a chaotic mess of memories from the original future/present.

    September 26th, 1950 - Quirinus Quirrell is born. He receives chaotic pieces of memories from the original future/present when he was possessed by Voldemort.

    July 31st, 1680 - Harry Potter is born, he receives chaotic pieces of memories from throughout his entire original future/present lifetime when he had the Scarcrux inside him.

    August 11th, 1681 - Ginny Weasley is born, she receives chaotic pieces of memories from when she was possessed by the Diary Horcrux in the original future/present.

    In case you didn't guess it by now, some pieces of magic are stronger than time. Soul magic and the Deathly Hallows being among them. So even the universe was set back 300 years with future events happening way earlier, some things survived in way or another.

    Voldemort's Horcruxes remained and latched onto those who interacted with them. Voldemort's soul was also split because it was already split in the original future/present.

    The Mastery of the Elder Wand transferred to Dumbledore upon his birth because he was its Master when the Time Turners shattered in the original future/present.
  7. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    :facepalm Why do I have a flashback to 2006?
  8. Photon

    Photon Order Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    How it would be better than any other erotic story? I remember one, but it was not a dumb smut so I am not sure whatever you are interested.
  9. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    "This is amazing," Hermione muttered, staring at the multitude of items scattered about the Room of Requirement. "I can't believe the size of this place! Students must have been stowing items here for centuries!"

    Harry privately thought that some of these items had been put away for a reason. In addition to dangerous weapons littered about the place, there were also stuffed trolls, old scrolls and a full-size wardrobe that looked like it hadn't held clothing since the founder's time.

    "God, this place is filthy," Ron said. Harry privately agreed, but said nothing, as he was too busy narrowing his eyes at something across the room. Oddly enough, portraits seemed to be awkwardly moving in the dim light, and Harry walked around a pile of books taller than himself to approach one frame in particular. He ran his hand lightly across the bottom, recognizing the label (worn away slightly) as it said, "S. Hufflepuff, D. Slytherin." Intrigued, his eyes were drawn to a small, medieval-looking shack. He noted that something was slowly moving up and down inside of the second floor window.

    He jumped back from the portrait about the time Hermione joined him. Curious at his strong reaction (and blush), she couldn't resist inspecting the painting a little more closely. She too ran one finger across the worn label before staring at her digit in confusion, feeling the odd texture and a sticky sensation she hadn't expected.

    "Don't touch that painting!" Harry warned. He had a frog in his throat, and choked slightly, though his eyes were full of mirth.

    "Why?" Hermione asked, her eyes still on the painting. She wondered what on Earth had gotten into Harry.

    "It's still wet--"

    "But, Harry, it was crafted a thousand years ago! Surely it can't be--"

    "Yeah, that's what I thought, but it's Hufflepuff's daughter and Slytherin's son in the top room there." He pointed at the top floor window, though he was careful not to touch the painting again. "How do you think they fill their time?"

    "Let me get a look--"

    "Ron, you don't want to see this. Imagine Sprout and Snape," he tried to explain, though Ron jumped in front of the painting anyways. "Nevermind," he muttered, just as Ron began screaming.

  10. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
  11. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I'd watch that.

    And by that I mean the painting.
  12. Knoq

    Knoq Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 29, 2014
    Name it, and put it in the Library. Perfect.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 PM ----------

    Or he puts his Horcruxes in places with zero connection to his past, and never offers anyone mercy ever.

    Uh woops. :fire:fire:fire:fire Everything is burning, Voldemort is laughing, and I don't know what I did wrong.
  13. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I recently thought a S.T.A.L.K.E.R crossover might be interesting.

    I was thinking it could be a group of Unspeakables being sent in to investigate the Zone. Because the UK has the premier government department on researching magic, the British Unspeakables are chosen to lead and make up most of the team. Of course, this is Harry Potter so Harry has to be part of the team.

    I was thinking the magicals could be overconfident because the Zone is muggle only to have a good half or three-quarters of their team wiped out by anomalies or Stalkers. Then because the Zone fucks with physics I was thinking they couldn't escape via Portkeys or apperation forcing them to escape on foot.

    I'm not really sure where to go with the story but I was thinking maybe Harry wants to stop the Zone or something (chronic hero syndrome) so he and a few others go deeper into the Zone and reach the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
  14. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Recently, I reread this and it got me thinking about crossovers. And it hit me.


    Zzap and Harry lands on the island of Khorinis. Preferably a younger Harry instead of an experienced badass because it's just more fun this way. No wand would pretty much be a requirement, otherwise HP magic would allow him to trollstomp everything.

    He's in a strange place, obviously wants to get back, but being Harry, who hasn't seen much of the world, he lacks the survival know-how and gets himself in trouble. Since King Rhobar decided that more possible workers in the Colony=more ore, Harry is carted off there.

    Without his wand, he can't use the magic he's familiar with. Magic works differently here, but let's allow him a few wandless tricks, like starting a fire, since Gothic magic is wandless anyway. Him being a wizard means that obviously, runes will come into play at some point.

    Apparition could be a major game-breaker, but let's say this is at most Year 5 Harry - Lupin wasn't fast enough and Harry jumped after Sirius into the Veil.

    The world of Gothic is quite dark (very dark in places). I think it would make for an awesome setting.
  15. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    I had...maybe not a plot bunny, but something that could lead into one? An interesting hypothetical situation, anyway.

    2 Years after the fall of Voldemort, Dumbledore falls ill. Despite the best efforts of Madame Pomfrey, Himself and even Severus, he still succumbs, dying withing a few months.

    Dumbledore's untimely demise sends ripples throughout Magical Britain. At Hogwarts, Minerva is the new Headmistress, with Flitwick as Deputy Headmaster. Not as willing to stand for Snape's...antics, as Dumbledore had been, Minerva forces Snape to either lose the favoritism or be fired. Nicholas Flamel himself comes out of retirement and is hired as the new Transfiguration Professor.

    In the Ministry, Dumbledore's death is seen as an opportunity by less savory factions. Malfoy is able to gain an even firmer hold on the Ministry than he had in canon. Several bigoted laws are pushed through and a few laws favoring equality are shot down. The relations between Magical Britain and non-human species and foreign countries slowly sours. By the time Flamel takes up the reins left behind by his deceased student, the corruption already has a strong foothold, but he is able to push back most of the more nefarious laws that Malfoy tries to get implemented.

    On a more personal level, Dumbledore's death has a couple more effects. Minerva's doubts about the Dursley's rises up, when she contemplates the deaths of the people she's taught and worked with, remembering James and Lily and their son. Ultimately, Minerva retrieves a young Harry from the Dursley's and...raises him? Has him raised with a magical family? Could go either way, really.

    On a whole, the tears created by the last war are unable to mend and seem to be fraying even further. While another civil war hasn't broken out, if the situation doesn't change, it will definitely head that way.

    Tl;DR, Dumbledore's death results in a Magical Britain that is on the verge of a Civil War even w/o Voldemort's resurrection.
  16. aotsfan86

    aotsfan86 First Year

    Jun 21, 2012
    I have a bit of a bunny I've been working on. It involves a timeline where Voldemort was not conceived while his father was under the effects of a love potion. This allows him to feel love.

    Now for whatever reason Riddle Sr. stays with Merope either due to pity or as I prefer him recognizing her strange powers and their usefulness. Merope could live or die depending on whatever. I would like to see a story of her ruthlessly fighting for her son to get everything that is due to him as a descendant of Slytherin and as a member of the Riddle Family.

    I've always read the Riddles as being pricks and I think Voldemort would fit in well with them. He would still be as powerful and intelligent as canon but he would be much more subtle.

    His goals would be much the same except the whole immortality thing would be replaced by seeing his family firmly in power over Hogwarts, Ministry, etc. He would pursue these means through backroom deals as well as through legitimate avenues.

    His family may include children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or siblings. Some of whom my have relations with Harry or his parents through school or work, etc.

    Anyway Voldemort's new past would be revealed through Harry who lives a very different life in a very different world. It could involve him learning of some conspiracy involving the Riddle clan or him becoming a protégé of Dumbledore or Voldemort learning of the latter's ultimate goal and see him try to stop it or be a part of this new world order.

    Also the relationship between Riddle and Dumbledore would be similar to Professor X and Magneto with Voldemort thinking Dumbledore is foolish in his opinions of muggles/muggleborn but still respecting him greatly. Dumbledore would hold Tom in much higher regard and work against his secret agenda all while trying to convince him of abandoning the darkest parts of his goals.
  17. blizzarrrd

    blizzarrrd Fourth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    You don't have to get rid of the love potion for that.

    So you can simply have the same love potion background only change that after Merope died Riddle went looking for his child and decided to raise Tom himself. Growing up loved by his father and grandparents should be enough to change Tom's inability to love. If you don't care whether Merope lives or dies this should work. If you want her to live for the whole Slytherin descendant thing this doesn't work, of course.

    I don't quite get the family part. Any siblings Voldemort would have would be muggles as I can't imagine Tom Riddle Sr. as we know him from canon marrying another witch.
    By 'his goals would be much the same' do you mean the whole pureblood agenda and killing and ruling over muggles? If he grew up in a loving muggle family and values that family so high that he want his family to 'rule' why would he think that way?
  18. aotsfan86

    aotsfan86 First Year

    Jun 21, 2012
    The siblings part would only apply if Riddle Sr. and Merope stayed together/lived.

    As for his goals I would think that he probably wouldn't hunt down Muggleborn for 'stealing magic' he would probably set up some kind of monitoring system or limit their freedoms at least in relation to purebloods. I also think he would lay about the ground work for Magical dominance over muggles much like Dumbledore had envisioned in his youth when he was under the influence of Gellert.

    This would be one of his last steps. I imagine him setting up a false flag operation to enforce the start of the security measures or some such thing.
  19. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    There are a lot of stories about Harry going into some superschool. What if the opposite happened? Because his parents wasted their money helping the war effort, there's simply not enough Galleons left in their vault to pay for seven years of Hogwarts.
    Harry's only choice is a third rate school (insert name here). So instead of possessed teachers, Basilisks and dragons Harry had to deal with mismatched wand, second-hand textbooks, low quailty cauldrons, and a bunch of disillusioned overworked teachers. Can he really overcome all the obstacles and become better wizard than Canon!Harry?
  20. Genghiz Khan

    Genghiz Khan Headmaster

    Mar 21, 2011
    Sounds brilliant for a crack!fic.
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