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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) IV

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. esran

    esran Professor

    May 19, 2013
    You only made the typo worse. 4 magical rings to 5 people?
  2. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Goddammit. I've been awake too long...
  3. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    The Silver Ranger always gets added later.
  4. S1234567890m

    S1234567890m Third Year

    Aug 28, 2014
    It's been a while since I read the Game of Thrones books, but I've had the idea since reading a few crossovers on FF.net.

    Maybe a year or so prior to the stories canon.

    On the non-westeros continent, Harry finds himself (Skipping the learning communication PITA) looking for any signs of magic. But only finding rumours from the small folk.

    Brushing past Dany in a market place or the brother he would notice something 'different' maybe a feeling of magic or something else of interest for him to investigate.

    Series of events lead to Harry killing Vaeryes(?) and saving Dany, with the Dragons he helps her with her plans to conquer Westerns, With bullshit HP magic (Runes/Wards/Mind Reading), after the cruelty/Instability of the seven kingdoms is mentioned.

    While trying to build a proper replacement wand (Dragons nearby/experimenting with wizard hairs ala Fluers grandmother)

    Back story
    Just normal fare for a banishment fic, to be referenced through out the narrative.

    • Lingering trace of the locket (Ron's ability to open the chamber)grows in Ron takes ten years to take control, but V returns.
    • Depending on how depressing, Ginny and Hermione and their children are captured by V!Ron
    • Big song and dance with V!Ron using an immortality ritual from X ancient culture, that always fails in a familiar way.
    • Sacrificing Gin and Hr and their kids souls to fuel the ritual.
    • Instead of the ritual failing like normal and Harry becoming a dementor, he just gets Jack Harness/Logan levels of regeneration
    • V!Ron activates a countermeasure, a pseudo veil of death, to physically banish him from V!Ron's universe
  5. IAmJustAnotherGuy

    IAmJustAnotherGuy Seventh Year

    Jan 1, 2015
    A Coherence/Harry Potter crossover. For those not familiar with the movie, it revolves around a group of friends hanging out for a dinner party while a comet passes through Earth's atmosphere. While there, strange occurrences lead the group to a discovering related to parallel universe existing on the same time and space than ours. The plot is slightly more complicated and it evokes different reactions on the protagonists.

    The story could focus around a DA session or it could be a post Hogwarts AU. It would mostly deal with the paranoia of the group regarding the other multiple groups of "them" out there and what they could do to them. The magic factor could lend a whole new world to the table. I recommend watching the movie either way.
  6. James

    James Unspeakable

    Jan 22, 2015
    Nevermind. Missed a page of new things.
  7. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
    Plot twist: they defeated Voldemort but found themselves bounded to the rings' mistress, and slowly being bent to her will.
  8. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Plot twist: Harry's power is Fire, Luna's is Wind, Daphne's is Water, Cedric is Earth and there's a mysterious fifth member, something to do with Heart. Magia, I mean Gaia, the spirit of Magic, can't stand to see the wizarding world so polluted with evil.

    Therefore, Harry and co are summoned to find the fifth ring, and its chosen protector, so that they can summon (with their powers combined):

    Captain Planet.
  9. golan

    golan Temporarily Banhammered DLP Supporter

    Oct 11, 2014
    Central Europe, for now.
    Power Rangers ripoff crossover?
  10. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    You've literally never heard of Captain Planet?

    I see the Redundant Ministry of Redundancy has sent their representative. Well done :p
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2015
  11. golan

    golan Temporarily Banhammered DLP Supporter

    Oct 11, 2014
    Central Europe, for now.
    I've heard the name, but know nothing about it.
  12. crimson sun06

    crimson sun06 Banned

    Jun 21, 2013
    That show had one catchy intro song. Now I can't get it out of my head.
  13. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Professor

    Jan 18, 2015
    I don't believe I've ever watched the show, yet I too find myself recalling the song.
  14. DC

    DC Groundskeeper

    Nov 9, 2012
    Captain Planet and Powerpuff Girls, both of them had very catchy themes. But on the idea for the story...no. It drips the cheese, it sounds so cheesy.
  15. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
  16. potterheadcharles

    potterheadcharles Third Year

    Aug 30, 2014
    And Dexter. You can't forget Dexter.
  17. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Samurai Jack/Harry Potter crossover... Post-DH

    Harry survived the killing curse cast on him in the forest, but his duel with Voldemort did not go as Dumbledore planned. Bereft of his horcruxes and convinced that he is on the verge of collapse, Voldemort acts in a similarly desperate way. Robbed of the last vestiges of his humanity, he casts a spell that irrevocably changes Harry's world. Sent into the far future by the tyrannical demonic wizard, Harry Potter has a singular quest: to find a method of traveling back in time, allowing him to return to the past to conquer the developing threat of Voldemort before its too late.

    However, the citizens of his world are much changed in the millenia that have passed. Wizards are no longer reclusive, no longer sealed away for their own protection, and those with the power of magic have succumbed to Voldemort's pervasive darkness and are subverted to his side. What's worse, everyone and everything Harry remembers has been erased from the world without a trace, and nothing on Earth is recognizable.

    The streets of London are abandoned; Diagon Alley is a scorched scar in its center. Hogsmeade has been swallowed by the Forbidden Forest and Hogwarts is surrounded by magic-resistant walls. Harry slowly realizes that he is surrounded by enemies and deprived of allies.

    Towers as tall as mountains have appeared in the frozen northeast. The sea level has dropped so that the beach he remembers from his childhood is now a wasteland overlooking a yellow, polluted ocean.

    But in the mainland, there are waters untouched by the many millenia long struggle. Rivers wind through grand forests filled with creatures, both new and old. Dragons, giants, trolls and centaurs are now free to roam the world, preying on the weak, but friendly monsters exist as well. Small villages with hidden populations of unschooled but helpful beings litter the countryside. Some resemble monkeys in the way that they use the trees, and Harry sees unthinkably awesome feats in his travels, as men leap higher than ever before and interact with nature in ways he never imagined. But despite his awe of the new world, Harry finds that the natives are afraid of him, suspecting that he is a minion of the Dark Lord.

    But help always comes to those who are worthy of it, and as his influence grows over the tribes of the world, he unites them under his cause: break through the walls around Hogwarts, where the only remaining time turner rests. Even he is not convinced he will succeed, but as he starts to remove the darkness of Voldemort from the world, he knows that he must keep going, and that, if he can do nothing else with his time, he must train his friends to fight alongside him.

    He cannot forsake this world no more than he can forget his own. And if there is any hope that he can see Ginny again...


    EDIT: Of course, Voldemort has set a masterful trap; he didn't know how far into the future Harry was going to go, but he knew only a being as powerful (and determined) as Harry could break into Hogwarts. As soon as he arrives, the time turner is spirited away to another place, leaving Harry to travel the surrounding world once again.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
  18. Golden Lark

    Golden Lark Muggle

    Jan 5, 2015
    Hey. New to DLP posting, here.

    So what started as a dumb joke gained a bit of traction, and after thinking about it more and more I came up short on reasons why it wouldn't work.

    So I did some brainstorming out loud on irc, and aside from some obligatory shitpost-like replies got some constructive feedback. This has probably been done before. I googled for a while and didn't find anything similar, but I probably missed something!

    So, the pitch: HP/Naruto. Swapped at birth/tragedy.

    Yes yes, HP/Naruto is the worst cross because both are so popular. That's how the conversation got started in the first place. But I digress.

    Fudging the death of Harry's parents to a lot closer to his birth, have Harry and Naruto literally swap places at the moment of Killing Curse/Kyuubi sealing. Few (if any) people notice.

    Now play it straight. Our protagonists:

    THE NINJA: Harry James Potter raised as Uzumaki Naruto in the Village Hidden in the Leaves. His base ninja talent will resemble Sasuke's, I'm thinking, but without special training or any bloodline advantage. He'll be raised as an orphan, and almost everyone (old enough to know about the Kyuubi) will assume the lightning bolt mark on his forehead is the Kyuubi seal.

    THE WIZARD: Uzumaki Naruto raised as Harry James Potter in the Wizarding World. Initially raised by the Dursleys, his childhood is relatively unhappy until assassins come for him one night: the blood wards intended to protect Harry are obviously useless to protect him. Dumbledore arrives one evening to find a toddler 'Harry' crying but perfectly intact in a room full of blood and the remains of the Dursleys and some Death Eaters. He moves the boy to a different location and makes different security arrangements as the blood wards failed.

    Both boys grow up in their new worlds, ignorant of the truth. Each has a different personality and different talents than the other. Let us say chakra antics and wand magic can equate, to a degree.

    For the Ninja: I'm seeing him as on the Sasuke tier as far as innate talent goes; decent capacity for Chakra, by no means stupid. He just doesn't have a bloodline limit or special training from a family going for him. Whatever swapped in for Wave Arc aside, things go on relatively normally until the Chuunin Exams where he stops a giant snake by yelling at it in a panic. This attracts Orochimaru's attention, who very quickly determines that the boy called Uzumaki Naruto is bearing something like his own Cursed Seal in his forehead, and can compel snakes. Which leads him to the question, "Where is the nine tailed fox?" When the wrong people hear that question, a great number of powerful figures put their plots on hold in search of the answer.

    For the Wizard: Less innate academic talent than canon!Harry, ridiculous stamina and ability to take a hit. Higher social skills, and a mischievous streak a mile long. Savant at unorthodox thinking, yet terrible at rote memorization- yet has a penchant for remembering good images of things, as canon!Naruto displayed with his skill at Transformation as a kid. I'm not sure how well 'poor chakra control' would translate into wand magic, as as far as I am aware it's all about wand motion and words, with no real limit on your capacity to cast while your voice is working and your wrist is accurate. By the same token, 'great chakra capacity' doesn't seem to make much of a difference here either. His life goes sideways when the Troll attacks, after either he or a companion takes a bad hit, and he goes 0-tail form and rips the thing to shreds, terrifying whoever's with him at the time. After that he's examined carefully, and questions are asked about his navel seal; but no one actually suspects that he is not Harry James Potter just yet.

    So there's the basic set up. As a general arc, each protagonist clashes with elements of the other's home world as they do, while the background forces adjust accordingly. What kind of wand would the Wizard get from Ollivander? What would the Ninja's chakra affinity be?

    How does the Ninja get along with his teammates, since he's not as obnoxious as canon!Naruto? Does he more or less fall in line and rely on Sasuke as the heavy hitter, while not hesitating to ask for help/advice/clarification and otherwise be an active learner? Will Sakura act more as his study-pal than his slapstick gag assailant and push him to improve? Or would his personality be altered a bit more from this alternate upbringing?

    How long does it take for someone with the capacity to travel dimensions (A Rinnegan, etc) get all the info needed to hunt down the Wizarding World, and by extension, the Kyuubi? Does Voldemort realize the truth sooner or later, and does one of his earlier resurrection plots go off without a hitch? Or does he corner The Wizard during the Tournament and botch the ritual since it's not the blood of an enemy? (Or would it still count as he made himself the Wizard's enemy even despite him not being the prophecy's target?)

    Does the Wizard fall in with different folks? I'm pretty damned sure he winds up in Gryffindor without a doubt. The Sorting Hat may or may not leap off of his head due to the Kyuubi.

    Hell, that might be the first forced conversation between the Wizard and Kurama. Totally unexpected, and puts a twist on things as the Wizard struggles to either forget or re-establish that line of communication. Perhaps, on learning about Animagi, Kurama tries to persuade him down that particular branch of magic for unwholesome reasons.

    An unbalancing factor, mind you, is if the Wizard somehow gets into Kurama's good graces, Kurama may be familiar with Ninjutsu. But that wouldn't be a short term concern.

    Voldemort may or may not have dreams of ninja school. Hmm.

    Anyways, the initial idea is just, swap protagonists, account for their different talents and personalities, and run them through each others' gauntlets. See how many chaos butterflies take flight, have a blast. Since Naruto is finally done, we have virtually all the metaphysical pieces from that world at last, barring new movie crap or the miniseries about the next generation.

    Feasible? Interesting at all? Or should I be shot?
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
  19. golan

    golan Temporarily Banhammered DLP Supporter

    Oct 11, 2014
    Central Europe, for now.
    This is fucking awesome, DO go ahead!!
  20. prtclehysics

    prtclehysics Third Year

    Oct 23, 2014
    The Deathly Hallows weren't created by Death. That was a lie told to cover up a more terrible truth. The Deathly Hallows were created by Queen Mab to outfit the knight of Winter, the Reaper, later known as the Master of Death.
    The Cloak for the Winter Kinight's mantle.
    The Wand of Elder from Mother winter
    And the Ring to call his army.
    James made a terrible bargain to spare his son from death...and the Sidhe always claim their due. The first Knight of Winter in 1000 years has risen.
    I'm trying to decide how much work this would be.
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