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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    That basically. it doesn't matter imo how many S ranks they have hidden about. As far as everyone else is concerned there is only Sarutobi. Orochimaru is actively looking to destroy the leaf. Danzou as far as anyone is concerned is a nut who got passed over as Hokage and is now just an old nutcase Sarutobi has to reign in. Tsunade wants nothing to do with the place, Jiraiya is gone more often than he is. Minato is dead. Kashashi and Gai aren't exactly making people piss themselves at this point in time. Itachi is either someone that I doubt many people know too much about aside from being a prodigy or later on he's a mass murder who wiped out an entire clan of Konoha (sure isn't looking like he's on the leaf's side at that point). Plus the Kyubi killed god knows how many fodder ninja.

    So yeah it doesn't matter that Sarutobi knows Itachi is loyal, the thing is as far as Kumo, Iwa, Kiri ect know there is only Sarutobi who is old and tired, and maybe Jiraiya if he can get back in time. Without Naruto the implied threat that if you let your jinchuriki loose at us, we can do the same isn't there. It doesn't matter that they would never do that, the point is that as long as they have Naruto they have at least some form of a deterrent outside of the Third.
  2. Garden

    Garden Supreme Mugwump

    Apr 25, 2010
    I think Jiraiya and Sarutobi are both big threats. Plus Tsunade could probably be counted upon by other villages to come in if things were really looking dire for Konoha. That's 2 S-class, maybe 3. Jiraiya is incredibly strong even for S-class, something people tend to forget. THe other villages, with the exception of Cloud, don't have those many S-ranks. Cloud has the Raikage and Killer B, Sand has the Kazekage until his assassination, and maybe the help of Chiyo, etc.
    Konoha is really quite strong compared to ther other villages.
    It just goes to show you how strong Akatsuki was, what with their # of S-rank.
  3. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Jiraiya was probably the second strongest person in the manga at the time of his death, behind Nagato. He could wipe the floor with pretty much any Akatsuki member if he wanted to, so that's a significant threat in and of itself.
  4. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Something I was thinking about: Prodigy!Naruto hides his skills from the village almost unilaterally successfully. What if that wasn't the case? What if the village saw what he was doing and started to give him harder and harder assignment covertly, and teaching him more complicated techniques by giving him all the pieces to re-create the techniques, or forcing him to defend himself against increasingly more powerful "assassins"?
  5. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    Old Idea of mine:

    1. Sarutobi's machinations fall apart.
    2. The attempt at stopping the Uchiha coup is a disaster. Someone leaks the entire plan to use Itachi.
    3. Itachi is "killed" (whatever that means).
    4. Danzou and the Uchiha take over Konoha "peacefully" (they basically take key members of all the clans hostage and threaten lots of other nasty shit).
    5. Sarutobi, in his own right, is horribly powerful ninja, but he's also forced to resign for his heretical actions.
    6. Danzou makes one critical flaw: He neglects Konoha's jinchuuriki in his plans.
    7. Sarutobi steps down and promises not to pursue action against Danzou in exchange for a bloodless coup (not sure how this plays down exactly or how Sarutobi would exactly agree to this).
    8. Sarutobi is forced into exile, but he's one crafty son of a bitch. He sees Minato's legacy as the ticket to Konoha's salvation. So, he kidnaps him and leaves Konoha.
    9. From here, the potential idea could split, but Sarutobi can't really go to Sand, because Danzou's pullin' strings there too. Cloud is one possibility, as are other minor nations, and perhaps Sarutobi hops around with Naruto, visiting various places for a while. But he eventually realizes that Naruto needs some kind of a normal chlidhood to properly carry on the will of fire.
    10. So he takes Naruto to the only place where Danzou doesn't have much influence: Iwa. Sarutobi is naturally good at disguises and stealth, so he fakes an identity for Naruto and himself.
    11. Naruto gets enrolled in the Iwa academy and set on a track to become an Iwa genin.
    12. Sand is "acquired" by Danzou at some point during 10/11. It's at least a puppet state, because it's the weakest nation outside of Kiri. Danzou wants to control Iwa, so that he can build up power to unify the shinobi countries before his death (which he recognizes his approaching soon enough).

    Justification for this idea: Why are we doing it?
    1. Long-term espionage. Naruto has to blend in. Naturally, people start to unravel the mystery of who he is, especially if he gets a jinchuuriki as his instructor. The game of trust
    2. Explore Kurotsuchi as Naruto's teammate and Ounoki as the Tsuchikage; the motivation behind the previous war and the irony of Naruto becoming one of Ounoki's favorites.
    3. Change of setting. Exploring Iwa as a setting (I've never seen anyone do this yet).
    4. Should probably be fun to pit Naruto and his team against Konoha/Sand teams. InoShikaChou vs a Naruto apprenticed by the Sandaime, and such.
    5. Probably earth/wind Naruto, which would create an interesting style of combat to read about? I dunno about this. I've always wanded to do a story where Naruto imitates Gaara though, crushing up earth into sand and using wind to manipulate it.

    Well, that's the basic idea. I'd do it myself, but I'm way too busy, and the ideas aren't too fleshed out.

    There are other ways this could change: Really, you could go anywhere from #10 and do something interesting. Maybe Sarutobi decides to help the rebellion in Kiri? They could save a lot of powerful bloodlines and use them to eventually retake Konoha/fight Akatsuki. Or it could be the launching pad for a Naruto vs Akatsuki story, such that Naruto studies under Sarutobi and goes around collecting jinchuuriki to prevent their extraction, all the while fighting Danzou and other countries to prevent them from becoming war machines, while the fourth shinobi world war wages on among all the countries due to Danzou's manipulations.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2013
  6. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    One giant flaw in your idea.

    It was Danzo's idea to use Itachi to kill the Uchiha, not Sarutobi's. Sarutobi wanted peaceful resolution via talking. Danzo gave the order behind Sarutobi's back (with the support of the councilors), from what I understand.
  7. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    Something I thought of while re-watching FLCL. Kind of a result of me wondering how someone would go about making a fic for it. The answer is one that will probably never leave the figurative drawing board. Mostly, because we have don't have much to work with, though what we do have is really fucking awesome. There also really isn't anything I would change in Canon. It's just that good of a series, in my opinion.

    Anyway, the idea is something of a sequel to the main series, more than anything else. Naota is now grown, (Probably 18-20 years old, so 6-8 years after the show/manga) and feeling apathetic with the world or for some other reason I could think of, he decides to try and find Raharu. This leads him on an adventure throughout he galaxy and universe, getting involved in fighting Medical Mechanica and other such things. (Atomsk was called the Pirate King. Space Pirates anyone?) Maybe an inevitable confrontation with Atomsk himself.

    Really, this all I could think of for a fic. Nothing else fits, and while a post-canon fic could focus on his Middle/High school years, it'd be a very Slice of Life oriented fic. So that left me with the above, or to introduce a reason for a conflict on Earth. (Which is possible, but would require more work than the former) The reason it'll never leave the drawing board is because it's just so...big, I guess. It'd be more an Original Work, based off of FLCL more than anything else, in my opinion. I mean, you'd have to come up with a slew of original characters, villains and allies, as well defining N.O a tad more than what they stated in the series.

    Doesn't stop it from being an intriguing idea though.
  8. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    This idea grew out of a desire to see a Non-evil Sasuke. Some of my favorite portrayals of him is either before he defects, or in universes where he stays loyal. My favorite two, in fact, are Reload by Fosfor/Case13 and The Howling Wind by Menace, where Sasuke and Naruto are in all instances Bros of the Highest Order.

    To me, the coolest fucking bro!fic would be a Sasuke modeled after Domon Kasshu, with a Naruto modeled after Kamina. I can easily envision Sasuke going around the Elemental Nations, a torn photograph in one hand, asking "Have you seen this man?". The fact that Chidori reminds me of Shining Finger helps a great deal too. And a Naruto who thoroughly embraces kicking reason to the curb and doing the impossible just makes sense to me, spiral motifs and everything.
  9. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I don't recognize most of what you're saying since I've never watched that anime. The only thing I associate with it now is that 4chan thread about Obama's first election. It immortalized the phrase "tengen toppa barack obama" for me. Is it worth watching?
  10. The Arid Legion

    The Arid Legion Professor

    Oct 6, 2010
    If you're talking about Gurren Lagann? Then yes. Even if only to say that you've watched it.
  11. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    Who would be the Master Asia analogue in this?
    And fuck you for implying that G Gundum isn't worth watching. Heathen.
  12. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    Perhaps a living Shisui?
  13. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Final Destination/Death Note crossover

    Here's a recap for those who do not know what the Final Destination movies are about:

    1.A single person gets a vision of the future where it is shown that a group of people (and the person included) die in some sort of accident.
    2.This 'Seer' uses his/her knowledge to prevent said accident and saves the lives of those who would have normally died.
    3.However, soon after that, these saved people begin to mysteriously die in various accidents in a short amount of time, as if they were meant to die.

    In the movies, some characters suspect that Death doesn't like to be cheated and kills those people because it was their time, the end of their 'lifespan' so to speak.

    Using the evidence shown here, I could assume that the Final Destination movies could be happening in the Death Note universe. It makes perfect sense: In Death Note, Gods of Death, or Shinigami if you wish, can see the lifespans of people, meaning they know when a person is supposed to die. It was also mentioned several times in Death Note that Gods of Death exist to shorten those lifespans, as they feed on the remaining years, extending their own lifespans.

    Now, what would a Shinigami with a Notebook of Death do when he sees that someone's life span suddenly became much longer that it was supposed to be? He'd get curious and research the problem. He'd learn about the 'future vision' and be worried because if people avoid their deaths then it's a big problem for the Death Gods. So what he does? Why, he kills these people in somewhat-amusing ways, of course!

    It can also explain why some of the deaths in the movies seem outlandish or downright implausible: some twisted Shinigami had a nice sense of humor.

    So here's an idea for a fanfic with this: Many years before the main Death Note storyline, have the Seers appear among humans a lot more frequently, becoming a big problem for the Shinigami. The Shinigami King orders all Shinigami to constantly watch the human world and kill all Seers and those saved by them.

    Shinigami Ryuk becomes bored of all the hard work he is being made to do, so he drops his note in Japan, where it is picked up by Light. Ryuk hopes that Light will live very long and use the Note frequently, so the Shinigami won't have to work so much. We could have a much more manipulative Ryuk who tries to guide Light into killing as much Seers as possible.
  14. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    In terms of anime, I would never recommend G Gundam to anyone. Do you like giant robots? Gurren Lagan or Gundam Wing. Do you want a lot of 1v1 fights? Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Bleach or Naruto. G Gundam's redeeming feature is that it is about giant robots fighting.
  15. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    How can you be so wrong? G Gundam is incredible.
  16. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Well, he did rec Gundam Wing for a giant robot show. It's not terrible, but it's more bad political bullshit with robots in the background. So, can you really take the G Gundam thing seriously?
  17. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    If you want Giant Robots you watch one of the UC Gundam Series or Code Geass not Gundam Wing D8

    I like the idea though I've never seen Naruto... Domon Kasshu is always amazing.
  18. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    Gao Gai Gar, Mazinkaiser, and Shin Getter Robo vs Neo Getter Robo are better examples, especially for people who enjoyed Gurren Lagann.

    And fuck Gundam Wing, that show is shit.
  19. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    G Gundam is a zany super robot tournament arc put out over an entire series complete with Poncho Mexican Gundam and WINDMILL GUNDAM. I'm not exactly sure how it is possible to hate it. The show was made by people having a ton of fun with the concepts and that sense of entertainment bleeds through something fierce
  20. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    Yeah, the thing about G Gundam is it's all about stereotypes in the absolute best way. And yes that is a kangaroo; it's a manga exclusive.

    Also, it features a Gundam riding a horse. That would be silly on its own, but...
    It's also piloted by a horse.

    This is particularly apt, because Gurren Lagann is a massive love letter to Getter Robo.