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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. CrippledGod

    CrippledGod Banned

    Jan 11, 2013
    Anybody ever read a Naruto/Codex Alera crossover?
    I guess it'll start with the infamous mission to Wave country. Maybe Naruto's mindscape is an actual representation of all the negative emotions he has repressed. He identifies with Haku. Haku dies. He snaps and in his raeg tears off the seal from the Kyuubi's prison. Some blonde, sissy looking dude wearing a white cloak with flame patterns tries to stop him, but Naruto shrugs him off. The Kyuubi is released. There is chaos. The fox couldn't stay for long however, due to it's missing Yin chakra so it disperses to reform later. Naruto is unconscious and leaking chakra from his damaged pathways. He is carried by the tide and deposited at the bottom of a whirlpool. A seal activates. Blinding light. Naruto comes to, eventually. Horrified by his action, and with the knowledge that the Kyuubi was going to destroy Konoha as soon as it was able, Naruto decides to make up for his mistake by defeating the Kyuubi to protect his "precious people". So he studies, but little by little, as he searches for long lost ninjutsu amd forbidden seals, he becomes aware of a threat much greater than any tailed beast. A force that was responsible for the apocalypse that befell the world and pushed humans to flee and seek refuge in the only uncontaminated continent they knew, the Elemental continent. A threat once though vanquished and driven back into the dark reaches of space. The mahfuckin' Vord.
    Join Uzumaki Naruto, or watch with wicked amusement, as he tries to become strong enough to stop the Kyuubi, resolute enough to not give into despair, and canny enough to lead the Elemental nations against a foe greater than they could have ever imagined.
  2. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    See, the idea of the Vord screwing around in the Narutoverse is kind of cool, and I could see it working if you had them adapt to shinobi like they adapted in Alera. Maybe work it into the Juubi plot and/or an AU Fourth Great War. It could work. Thing is, the way you're trying to spark the conflict with the Kyuubi overtakes that because it's so dumb.

    I don't care how sad Naruto is that Haku died, or how much he empathized with him. He's not going to release the big bad Kyuubi over some kid he met two days ago, which will kill himself and his team almost guaranteed. That would go against everything Haku taught him, since he'd basically be murdering Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi. And then, even if somehow he did decide to do that in a fit of rage, he wouldn't shrug off the Yondaime Hokage when he tried to stop him. That's way too much handwave.

    If you really want there to be conflict with the Kyuubi you're going to have to make it more believable, because otherwise you're going to shatter everyone's SOD halfway through the first chapter.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
  3. CrippledGod

    CrippledGod Banned

    Jan 11, 2013
    Eh, I'll find another reason then. All that is important is that Naruto shouldn't have the Kyuubi chakra cloak of doom. I want elemental ninjutsu dammit, and who needs elemental ninjutsu when you can just chakra cloak flash and super mega double spinning ball rasengan the bastards.
    The whole "Naruto shrugs off Minato's hand and rips the seal off anyway" sounded hillarious at 6 a.m, come to think of it, it still does.
  4. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Easy way. Don't have him train under Jiraiya. Have the Vord kill him early.
  5. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    Agayek's prompt over in the TGYH: Naruto thread got the juices flowing for this giant pile of words.


    I couldn't fucking believe it. My haw hung slack, mouth open wide enough to catch flies, and eyes riveted to the food cart parked in front of me.

    Some of the side panels looked new – they had only faded, peeling paint as opposed to the pockmarks and cracks on the others – and the awning had fresh patches sewn in. The hanging sheets that served as a modest door were as dirty as ever, and even from where I stood I could tell that the second stool from the left still had the same, misshapen replacement leg I'd made a year or so back – the original had, tragically, been used against an ignorant motherfucker who was getting fresh with Ayame. The sign that hung from the top of the cart, however, had the dark brown color of a fresh coat of varnish. The name of the traveling food cart was burned into the dark wood.

    Ichiraku Ramen. The holiest of hollies.

    I flared my nostrils, and inhaled deeply. The aromas of miso and chicken broth mixed with those of salted pork being grilled, fresh noodles being boiled, and a myriad of other foods being cooked. A grin spread across my face as the smell of home invaded my senses.


    I whirled around, and met the shocked face of a boy who looked only a year or so younger than myself.

    My grin widened. “Yasumaru!”

    I leaped forward and engulfed the smaller boy in a fierce hug, ignoring his sudden, surprised noise of protest. With no warning, what little resistance there was disappeared, and a tanuki whose fur was alternating shades of light brown crawled up onto my shoulder.

    The little fuzzball glared up at me, and ended up looking even cuter for it. I couldn't help but chuckle as the tanuki's attempt at intimidation backfired in such an adorable way.

    “Why'd you grab me like that? You know I get startled easily,” said Yasumaru.

    I winced at my friend's tone. “You're whining, Yasu,” I said dryly.

    Closing his eyes, the tanuki sniffed before turning his head to the side. Holding it high, he said, “I'm the youngest, I'm allowed to whine.”

    I shook my head; same old Yasu. I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, and gently lifted him off my shoulder. I walked towards a gap between two buildings no wider than my shoulders. Placing Yassmaru on the ground, I gave him a light shove so he was inside the gap. Turning around, I blocked him from view with my body. A few seconds later, a light tapping between my shoulders was my cue to step out and to the left.

    I blinked in surprise at the familiar face. “Looks like you found a human form you like.”

    “Yeah.” I held back a shiver at my friend's choice in voice. It was high pitched, and had cracked with the first syllable. It was the voice of a teenager going through puberty. Joy.

    A least it fit his form – I still laughed whenever I remembered his use of a deep and rough voice that only a chain-smoker could have with a body belonging to a first-year Academy student. I barely broke 1.6 meters, and Yasumaru's form was a good head shorter than me. Guileless, brown eye stared up at me from a round, cherubic face. His brown hair hung loosely from his head, only enhancing his innocent appearance.

    “Jeez, Yasu,” I said “Let your balls drop already.”

    He glared at me. “No way. I'm the youngest.”

    I sighed. No matter what someone was calling him out on – his behavior, table manners, or appearance, just to name a few – Yasumaru's response was always “I'm the youngest.” The tanuki was four decades my senior, and had, at least according to his mom, been using that excuse since his fourth summer.

    “Besides,” He said, an impish grin spreading across his face, “The ladies love it.”

    I shook my head; perverted little rodent.

    “Best keep a eye out, Yasu,” I said. “Tsunade's in town too.”

    Huh. I don't think I've ever seen someone go so pale, so fast before.

    Yasumaru stepped behind me, hiding himself from view. “What's that violent hag doing here?”

    I raised an eyebrow at that. “Her yearly poker game with the Lords of Mount Hino is tonight; you know, the one with a hundred-million ryo pot.” I turned my head around to get a better look at the cowering tanuki. “Your tail's showing,by the way.”

    Yasumaru ignored me, opting to peak around my sides to spy on the street traffic, light as it was during mid-morning. I frowned as I heard his breathes coming in short, frantic bursts. I'd known that my mentor spooked Yasumaru something fierce, but this was a whole different level than what I expected.

    Turning around completely, I looked down at the frightened and hyperventilating tanuki. “Relax,” I said as I clasped Yasumaru on the shoulder. “She's still at the hotel; sleeping off a hangover, and I doubt she'll be moving for a few more hours yet.”

    Yasumaru closed his eyes and got his breathing under control. “You think.” He started playing with the hem of his shirt.

    I shrugged. “It's an educated guess.”

    “Based on what?”


    Yasumaru stopped fidgeting and looked at me, then snorted with a wry grin on his face.

    “Sides,” I said,”I thought you liked the ladies; especially the busty ones.” I leered at him. “What did you call it? The 'Valley of Heaven'?”

    “More like a Valley of Death in her case,” said Yasumaru.

    I couldn’t help it, I laughed.

    Yasumaru glared at me. “It's true,” He said vehemently. “That woman is such a.” He paused for a moment, hand held high, finger extended. “Such a,” he said, trailing off with a confused look on his face.

    I quirked an eyebrow at his loss of words. “Sadist?”

    His eyes lit up. “Yes! A sadist,” He said, slapping his hands together. “I honestly have no clue how you can stand being her student.”

    I shrugged again, a grin on my face. “What can I say? She's the 'S' to my 'M'.”

    Yasumaru stared at me before clapping his hands to his face, and giggling like crazy.

    “Only you,” He said, trying – and failing – to hold his laughter in check. “Only you, Naruto.”

    My grin widened; damn straight, Yasu, only me.

    I flared my nostrils and inhaled again; seems like that pork was just about done,and was that mapo tofu? Hell. Yes. “Come on,” I said, steering Yasumaru towards Ichiraku's “Let's get some eats. My treat.”

    Reaching the food cart, I threw the hangers to the side. “Old Man! Two large miso's with extra pork and a side of mapo! And I want them yesterday!”


    I slurped down the last of the noodles, and let out a contended sigh. Putting the broth filled bowl down, I looked at my server. “Excellent always, Ayame.”

    “Thank, Naruto,” She said with a chuckle as she finished drying a knife. Ichiraku Ramen was empty besides us; Yasumaru had left around noon, and the Old Man had gone on a supply run during the post-lunch rush dead hours before the dinner rush hit.

    Ichiraku Ayame was my oldest friend. I'd known her since I was an irritating little ankle-bitter running around Konoha and raising hell. She was the one who caught me when I decided that the original Ichiraku Ramen needed a pink and orange makeover. Instead of hitting me over the head with a ladle and running out, she'd hit me over the head with a ladle and forced me to eat her experimental ramen. When her dad, Old Man Teuchi, showed up an hour later, it was to an overstuffed me passed out on the ground, and Ayame running around and fretting that she'd “killed her first customer.”

    Teuchi, Sage help him, took it all in stride. After calming his daughter down, he flagged down a passing chunnin patrol and had them take me to the hospital. I was right as rain in a few hours – my case was a walk in the park compared to the gastrointestinal nightmares the Akimachi Clan inflicted upon the hospital staff. When I returned to Ichiraku Ramen, I was met with a tight hug for a teary eyed Ayame, and a promise from the Old Man for a free bowl of ramen every day; it was a match made in heaven.

    I picked p the bowl and started sipping the broth, looking over the top of it at the pretty chef. Life on the road seemed to be agreeing with the young woman. Her fair complexion had darkened a tad, and I could see the muscle definition hiding beneath her white robe. Her brown hair, kept in place by a white bandana while she worked, had gotten lighter, and complemented her very well.

    Ayame wasn't an exquisite beauty by any stretch of the imagination, nor did she have that “sexy but deadly” look that most kunoichi cultivated. What she was, however, was a hometown girl. Pretty, but not earth-shattering; the kind that got all the local boys hot under the collar because, dammit, she'd be the best looking lady they'd ever see in their life.

    And she was mine.

    I downed the last of the broth. Putting the bowl on the counter, I slide it towards Ayame with a gentle shove. “You know, it's been a while since we had a night out.”

    Ayame snatched the bowl up before it fell of the counter. “Oh?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. She shook the empty bowl back and forth in the air.

    I nodded my head to both her questions. “Yeah. Tsunade'll be busy all night, and the Old Man can handle the cart on his own when the dinner rush tappers off.”

    Ayame hummed under her breath as she put the used bowl into the rinse sink. Grabbing a clean one from the stack behind her, she started filling it with fresh broth and noodles.

    “And what,” She said as she put the bowl on the counter, eyes locked on mine, “Would we do?” A small grin on her face, she put the pork and mapo in the bowl, and pushed it towards me.

    I matched her grin and grabbed a hold of the side of the bowl. “Whatever you want.”

    Cheesy as all hell, but Ayame loves that kind of stuff. Covering my hand with hers, she traced a pattern on it with her fingertips. Despite the light touch, I could feel the callouses and scars she'd picked up over the years; chef's hands, she always called them.

    Leaning over the counter, she kissed my cheek. “Good boy,” She said, whispering it into my ear; her hot breath making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I caught the mischievous look in her eyes as she leaned back, and got back to work. Minx.

    I heard the hanging sheets behind me get pushed to the side as I made to start in on the fresh ramen. A fist, however, slammed into the back of my head, and almost rocketed my face into the bowl. Growling, I lifted my head up and turned around in the stool.

    Tsunade met my glare with an irritated look of her own as she tapped one of her many fans on her thigh. She was short today – even sitting down, I was taller than her – with brown hair tied up in a traditional bun, and kept in place by a pair of lacquered chopsticks. She was wearing a purple kimono with a traditional cut that was doing an excellent job at hiding the curves that I knew were there.

    I didn't try to find them though; my wandering eye had gotten me beaten to the ground by my mentor far too many times already. I kept my eyes locked firmly with hers – dark blue instead of the usual brown – and waited for her response.

    “You,” She said, pointing at me with her fan, “Are a pain in the ass to find.”

    “I wasn't aware,” I said dryly, “That I needed your permission to go out for lunch today.”

    Tsunade sniffed and held her head high. “I''m your master, slave-”


    “Same difference.” I rolled my eyes, and Tsunade glared at me. “I have something I need you to do for me.”

    I sighed under my breath. Oh boy, I was not looking forward to this. I turned my attention back to my ramen. “Alright,” I said as I grabbed some of the noodles and mapo with the chopsticks, “What do you want me to do?”

    Tsunade was quiet for a moment while I started eating. “You're going to my poker game tonight.”

    I stopped chewing and turned my head to stare at my mentor, mouth slightly open in shock. The noodles that were halfway inside slid out and back into the broth filled bowl with a splash. The partially chewed piece of mapo tofu, however, remained; thankfully, it only took a second before I had enough sense of mind to lift the bowl up to my mouth and guzzle down enough broth to wash the spicy confection out of my mouth.

    Swallowing, I slammed the bowl down onto the counter. “Care to run that by me again,” I asked, hoping that, somehow, I had heard wrong.

    Tsunade smirked at me, snapping open her fan to cover her mouth. It featured a massive tree along a coastline standing strong against a powerful storm. In the back of my mind, I noted that the makers mark signified it was a 7th century work by Kasabe, and would likely fetch a very good price from a court noble.

    “Oh ho? Has your vaunted hearing failed you, student?” Her gaze sharpened, and I knew that behind her fan was a shark's grin. “Perhaps we should forgo tonight’s festivities in favor of retraining your muted senses?

    I kept myself still, eyes locked with Tsunade's, though I desperately wanted to shiver at the implicate threat; to show weakness now would be the worst thing that could happen.

    A moment passed before Tsunade said, “You're no fun.” Snapping her fan shut, she pointed at me with it again. “You will be attending my yearly poker game in my stead.”

    “The one with a hundred-million pot between you and the Lords of Mount Hino?”

    Tsunade nodded happily. “Indeed.”

    “Do I even want to know why?”

    She scowled. “I'm sick of that crotchety tengu ogling my tits every year.”

    My eye's didn't snap down to look at her chest. Nope. Not at all.

    I blinked as I remembered something about my teacher's yearly game with the most powerful spirits of Mount Hino. “Aren't you the only human they've ever allowed to join their game?” At her nod, I continued. “So that means I'm going to have to pretend to be you, right?”

    “More or less,” Tsunade said happily. “I already have the twenty million you'll need to join back in the hotel room, so change into me when you get the cash.”

    I nodded, humming under my breath. Then I stabbed my chopsticks in the air in her direction and yelled, “Why!?”

    She lifted an eyebrow at the chopsticks. I lowered them, sheepishly. “Didn't I just tell you that I –“

    “Yeah, yeah, don't want Lord Takakage staring at your tits,” I said, waving my empty hand dismissively, “But why do I have to go instead? Can't you just not go?”

    “No,” said Tsunade. Sighing, she lifted up one of her fingers. “For one, it's in the contract I wrote that I have to play every year.”

    I winced. Spirit contracts weren't the kind of thing anyone wanted to mess around with. They tended to be tricky, both in terms of wording and conditions, and woe betide anyone who was found to have breached the contract.

    I had signed one spirit contract in my life, and that was the one that Tsunade had me sign in order to become her pupil.

    “Two,” She continued, “You need experience interacting with powerful spirits. you've been my student for three years, and while you've had plenty of interactions with the low-hanging fruit, you've yet to meet any stronger than a three-tail. Takakage is a five, Subae and Koishinama are both sixes, and Honomoronoichi is a seven.”

    I winced. “I don't think Yasumaru would appreciate being called a 'low-hanging fruit'.”

    Tsunade growled. “That grabby asshole should be happy I refer to him as anything but dinner.”

    I resolved myself to not tell her I'd seen the tanuki earlier today. I liked the guy, and had no desire to see him hunted down and added to a hot-pot by Tsunade.

    “Finally, this is a test.” I perked up slightly at that. “Your illusions have improved a lot over the last month, and now's the time to see just how effective they are.”

    My mouth twitched upwards. “So you're sending me off to play in a poker game with four of the most powerful spirits of Mount Hino,” I asked dryly.

    Tsunade smirked at me. “Sink or swim, kido; it's the best way to learn.”

    I grunted in agreement; I've always been a hands-on kind of learner, and this was most definitely hands-on.

    “So what happens, “ I said, “When they find out I'm not you?”

    “It won't.”

    I raised my eyebrow. “Humor me.”

    Tsunade rolled her eyes. “Nothing, actually.” At my surprised look, she grinned. “The contract I signed said that 'either myself, or a chosen representative bearing my mark, must attend every year'.”

    “Your mark?”

    Tsunade smiled. Tucking the fan into the obi of her kimono, she reached behind her neck with her hands. A second later, they were holding the two ends of her necklace. My eyes widened in shock when she stepped forward and clasped it around my neck.

    “There you go,” She said softly, “Now they'll know.”

    “Tsunade,” I said, almost choking up, “I-”

    “Can it, kido.” She ruffled my hair. “Just make sure you return it, alright?”

    I nodded. I caught the gem in my hand and brought it up to the light. The crystal exploded with color as I rotated it. Beautiful.

    Tsunade clapped her hands together, startling me. “So,” She said, “Now you don't have anything to worry about. Even if they see through your illusions, you'll be safe”

    I could only agree with her. As long as I had this necklace, there was no way the four spirits wouldn't recognize me as a representative of Tsunade.

    “Besides,” She added, “Subae will adore you, and Honomoronoichi will approve of your illusions. So don't worry about what that old crow; they'll keep him in line if something happens.”

    “And Lady Koishinama?”

    Tsunade twitched. “If that student-snatching pedo tries anything, I'll grind her to dust.”

    “You're not exactly imbibing me with confidence here.”

    Tsunade grinned and gave me a lazy shrug. “What could possibly go wrong?”

    My eyebrow twitched. “If I live through this, I'm gonna kick your ass.”

    “Noted,” She said dryly. “Now get going, my eighty-million isn't going to win itself!”

    Sighing, I slurped down the last of my noodles before getting up and leaving Ichiraku Ramen, giving Ayame an apologetic wave as I left. She smiled at me as she waved one of her hands dismissively; this wasn't the first either Tsunade or Teuchi had ruined our plans, and it probably wasn't going to be the last.

    I cracked my neck as I started walking back to the hotel Tsunade and I were staying at.

    Time to go infiltrate a poker game.


    First draft, gonna add some more stuff, blah, blah, blah, yackity scmackity.

    Rip it to shreds, please.

    Anyway, I can't decide if I want to keep this as a one shot, or expand it into multiple chapters. The current multi-chapter plot I'm kicking around is that as a result of the fallout from the poker game, Naruto's status as a Jinchuuriki gets out to all the Not Humans, who take serious issue with this, and start trying to kill him in order to release the Bijuu.

    Now the problem I currently have with this is that I don't really have an end for that kind of storyline. Sure, Naruto could have a lot of showdowns with powerful Not Humans, but that doesn't really leave me with much of an end besides "Naruto kills them all. ~Fin~" I could start connecting it with the plot from the manga, but I'm not too inclined to write my own version of everything post-time skip, just with more supernatural crap.

    Any ideas? I'm kinda at a brick wall with this right now because of it. :(
  6. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    I am loving the story so far. Anything along the lines of Bakemonogatari or XXXHolic (which this particularly reminds me of, with Tsunade-Yuko parallels) is something I love to watch/read. I do feel as though I am reading the fifth chapter of a book though, which is probably more due to this being a oneshot.

    Another possibility for a resolution is that Naruto must do something to appease the Not-Humans, leading to doing favors and chores for them. It seems like there would be some who wouldn't care, some who could be appeased, some who would attack Naruto, and then those who would not take offense at him being a Jinchuuriki but would then hate him for killing the ones who attacked him.

    Ideally though, what I've always wanted to see in a story like this would be that it becomes something like Dark Syaroan's Wizard for Hire with a Sage-Naruto traveling and solving the problems of nature spirits and soothing relations between them and humans, in an episodic format. It's something I've always looked for but can never seem to find. This story as it is so far has the makings of that, barring having Tsunade rather than Jiraiya as a teacher.
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Naruto - Nobody Dies

    What would you say is one of the biggest aspects of the Naruto 'verse? Ninja killing each other. Well, not anymore.

    Shortly after the Uchiha Massacre, possibly several weeks (doesn't matter), there is this wave of light across the entire ninja world. While not the strangest thing people in said world have seen, it has most powerful consequences: Nobody dies. Or rather, nobody can be killed. Say you cut someone's throat with a kunai and he bleeds to death. He then just stands right up and kills you. You then stand right up...and so on.

    Poisons don't work anymore, nobody gets diseases etc. The only way someone can die is old age.

    The reason for the Change would not be explained and people in-universe would be left scratching their heads.

    But never mind the POD now, what of the hilarity that ensues? There is no point for Ninja to exist anymore. Although, that's not exactly true. Sure, you can't kill anyone, but pain is still a real thing.

    Also, I somehow don't see Shinobi as the kind of people who would suddenly decide that their way of life is useless now.

    This would probably work as a one-shot best, I'm not sure.
  8. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    Weird Idea. Probably wouldn't read the story with that premise alone.

    Also, not dying is not a reason for there to be no Ninja. If everybody is Hidan, you still can bury them 'alive' ala Shikamaru, or at least chop them to enough pieces for them to never heal.
    And Jutsu would work wonders for that, I guess.
  9. bakkasama

    bakkasama Seventh Year

    Apr 20, 2012
    Or they could seal them like they did with the edo tensei zombies.
  10. Ferdiad

    Ferdiad Unspeakable

    Oct 23, 2011
    Limerick, Ireland
    Doesn't sound that hialrious tbh, more likely the EN would breakdown with all the peasants rebelling etc.
  11. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    I think a Naruto as a Vash the Stampede style pacifist would work better.
  12. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    That almost sounds like a Naruto/Sunday without God crossover. Which would be really really cool
  13. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I had to google Sunday without God to see what's that, but holy shit it would indeed be cool.
  14. Sn0rkack

    Sn0rkack Professor

    Aug 24, 2011
    Long Island - 631
    Any good Spiderman / Avengers stories floating around? Been reading the Superior Spiderman and that kind of story (i.e rebon in another universe / someone is actually someone else) has got me interested in Spidy again.
  15. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Naruto/Full Metal Alchemist Fusion;
    Set in the middle of the Haku/Naruto&Sasuke fight. Second version of the concept - I know I saw the idea somewhere, but I can not figure out where. Someone suggested that the forbidden jutsu on the scroll that Naruto stole way back when wasn't Kage Bunshin, or at least not solely that, but the way to open the Gate or Portal of Truth.

    Speaking of which, what about that being a substitute for the Shinigami summoning? Go speak with the Truth instead and determine what you'd give up to achieve your goals - Minato gave up his life to seal the whole Kyuubi into his infant son, for example.
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012

    I got Power of Youth flashbacks there :)
  17. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    Well damn, I'd read that fic, if only to see what Naruto has to give up. I'd hope the 2nd person POV would only be something of a one-off, but that's just me.

    Shit, I really want to see this fic,but it's existence here implies that has a low chance of happening. Oh well, I can imagine.~
  18. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    That was me, I think. Link. Or the challenge leveled by nobody102.

    Long story short, I managed to tie together the Eye in the Gate with the Rinnegan and Juubi, and the fact that both the Edo Tensei and Shiki Fuuin jutsus end with clasped hands--the same as the one used for circle-less alchemy. And a few other things as well. Didn't actually have a plot for it, just an outline.
  19. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Yeah, that was it. I'd forgotten about the other aspects that you mentioned, but they make sense.

    Perhaps bloodline limits here could have began with the Sage's sons opening up the Gate of Truth, and it gradually spread from there. The Uzumaki's famed fuinjutsu stemmed from deals made with the Truth generations before they were destroyed, but faint knowledge of the process passed down to Kushina, who shared it with Minato and kicked off the sacrifice you mentioned. In the aftermath Hiruzen found the scroll they had used and tucked it away for safe keeping, and then Naruto stumbled on it years later, bringing us to the present scene.


    Heh, completely unintentional. I figured the Truth would comment on the Yang chakra running rampant throughout Naruto's body and the seal holding back the Kyuubi, as if hinting that it might be a worthy trade for something.

    Yeah, it is pretty unlikely this will get expanded into a proper fic in the immediate future. Glad you liked the sound of it so far. Perhaps DrSarcasm and I can ping ideas off each other and work out something more, though?
  20. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    I've been going back through the Impel Down and subsequent arc of One Piece the past few days - loved that part of the manga - and I just noticed something that might prove interesting; in Chapter 552 is a flashback to Ace's past, and Whitebeard mentions that Ace rejected an invitation to join the Shichibukai while still part of the Spade Pirates.

    So my question is, how do you guys think One Piece would have turned out over the next couple of years if Ace hadn't said no? I'm too tired and ill-experienced with the One Piece plotlines to guess on my own, but I still think it could have had a dramatic impact on Luffy's journey and interactions.