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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Cyclops

    Cyclops Unspeakable

    May 12, 2007
    Cleveland, OH USA
    That would be awesome. Similar to The Doctor appearing throughout time in Doctor Who, as well as the Observers from Fringe.

    But what would Stan Lee's real purpose be? :sherlock:
  2. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Isn't it obvious? He's a god of that universe, visiting his creations. There is no heaven or hell, there is only Stan.
  3. Nerdman3000

    Nerdman3000 Seventh Year

    Apr 23, 2013
    Or it could be that Stan Lee is the MCU version of the Watcher.
  4. Alraune

    Alraune Seventh Year

    Jul 22, 2009
    Posted in wrong thread.

    Please delete.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  5. Dark Belra

    Dark Belra Minister of Magic

    Feb 14, 2008
    Dublin, Ireland
    Since I've been reading Worm lately, I had a bit of inspiration for a story.

    The story would start with a different power to begin with. I had the idea that Taylor can take biomass from living things and rearrange or use it in whatever way she wants. The applications of this power would be healing or destructive or she could take biomass from living things and convert it to other forms. I'll admit that this idea kind of came from the Zerg and crossed a bit with Panacea's ability in the story.

    Her initial applications would be to take some insects and convert them them to other forms of life and she would also learn how to use it in a constructive manner like healing small cuts and the like. She would also get direct control of biomass that she has changed so her power could end up like her power in the original story but not on a larger scale without a lot of work. Of course, Taylor being who she is, would never use the power in that way but instead in a healing way. From here, she would go to her Dad, excited that she can be a hero and they apply to go to Arcadia and join the wards!

    Initial part of the story would be about her getting used to a new school, trying to get around her bullying and working with the wards where the initial conflict would be with Sophia/Shadow Stalker. I'm at the moment completely unsure how that conflict would play out but I'm imagining Sophia revealing Taylor's identity, some criminals attacking her dad and Sophia not taking enough punishment because the PTR is the evilz. I'm not even sure how that would play out since I don't really care about this part of the story.

    EDIT: Maybe Sophia tells Emma and it breaks out when Emma overhears some people talking about Taylor and idolizing her hero part and doesn't like it one bit. That could be a decent way to do it. Then we could have conflict in the form of paparazzi and villains trying to get at her. Bakuda could start her bombing at that point.

    Leviathan would then attack and Taylor is on hospital duty and that's about it.

    EDIT: Might be interesting if the hospital gets seriously wrecked at this point and Panacea and Taylor get together to try and from another make-shift hospital.

    I really feel like I should involve the Undersiders somehow but I can't think of a way.

    The real part that I'm interested in is when we get to the S9. Bonesaw, instead of trying to recruit Panacea, tries to recruit Taylor and provides a much better incentive in bringing Emma, Sophia and Madison as a gift to her. Things play out, I'm not sure how E/S/M would work out. I want to say they survive but that might ruin the story but the end result is that Taylor joins the S9 and they leave the city. No prophecy on the end of the world but there will be Jack Slash manipulations on getting Taylor to use her control of biomass to create some real abominations and Bonesaw would add stuff to it creating some mini-Endbringers. Something like that at least.

    After that, the story would mostly be about evil manipulations. Maybe if Sophia lives, she gets a second trigger event and wants to hunt down Taylor. Maybe Emma gets one and she teams up with Sophia. I don't know at that point.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
  6. SmileOfTheKill

    SmileOfTheKill Magical Amber

    Mar 24, 2007
    Florida, Sigh...
    This is more of a search than a real challenge, but has there been any Sword Art Online fics about what would happen to everyone involved in the Death Game after everyone is released? SAO is one of those settings where it is much better as an idea than what is written, and it would be interesting to see a more realistic take on how a large group of people that fought to the death are returned to a more safe world.
  7. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    So... Nilbog!Taylor? Could be interesting.

    Actually, now that I think about it. This is probably one of the only settings where Alex Mercer (from Prototype) would actually fit in and not be overpowered.
  8. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Headmaster

    Sep 3, 2010
    Highschool SAO by Gabriel's Blessing.
    So of course its a crossover, but we see a post everything Asuna and Kirito sucked into another dimension, and taking it all in fairly good stride. Its a one-shot, and it works.

    But yes, I like the idea of a post-SAO. The secret societies that would start as "lets get the old guild back together", and evolve in the echo-chamber of "we've fought and earned our freedom, we deserve X" the militarisitc clearers and PTSD ARMY in a shadow war, with the real government caught in the crossfire.
  9. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I have an idea for a crossover. I'm only going to state the title, however. To say more would ruin it.

    Captain Planet of the Apes.
  10. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I would watch the shit out of that cartoon.
  11. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Steve Player is a series of seven fantasy novels.

    The series, named after the titular character, chronicle the adventures of a miner, Steve Player, and his friends Roland Woodpunch and Helena Gravel, all of whom are students at Netherwarts School of Minecraft and Smeltery. The main story arc concerns Steve's quest to overcome the Ender Dragon, who aims to conquer the Overworld, subjugate non-ender people, and destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Steve Player.

    Steve Player and the Redstone
    Steve Player and the Stronghold of Secrets
    Steve Player and the Prisoner of the Fortress
    Steve Player and the Blaze of Fire
    Steve Player and the Order of the Wither
    Steve Player and the Half-Blown Creeper
    Steve Player and the End
  12. Aries the Dog

    Aries the Dog First Year DLP Supporter

    Feb 29, 2008
    I pretty much envision most fics in this vein begin like From Fake Dreams which I guess is 500k words now, most of what I read ran together into a blur but that were parts that I liked like him not being a wet towel in archery club and going to the clocktower. I stopped following when the grail war started tho.

    But I agree it would be nice if he somehow activated his circuits after the Fuyuki fire and steadily progressed as a sword magus or magic user and got his hands wet so he's not such a meat shield in the war. Moving past 4 pgs ago.

    On terms of SAO I doubt youll find much about the survivors adjusting to not being in a death game. The ones that were in school had to make up 2 years at the special school, and the others were mostly like, welp I'm unemployed now. Most of the survivors didn't kill each other except the clearing group and Laughing Coffin guild but theres still room for trauma. GGO is more about how the trauma of SAO affected two former players who are still 'gamers' and how they 'deal' with it, why its my favorite arc, that and bestgirl(plus the crawling).

    My SAO plot bunny Im calling ß or beta, but Im just using the symbol because swag. What I thought would be an interesting time to investigate or AU would be the release of the NervGear and the initial community that sprung up around VR technology and upheld Kayaba as a quantum messiah. Kirito inherent ability was he some kind of savant with computers, or programming, which he picked up from his aunt. He was supposed to be good at kendo too but he stopped practicing when he found out he was adopted and made his little sister try to fill his shoes. It's at this point he starts avoiding his sister around the house and its implied he pushes away reality to focus on acquiring rare items on some MMO successor to WoW. Iirc on one night he sees a shooting star and wishes for a rare drop.

    This is where I want to start, the first scene I have is Kirito quickly assembling a sandwich to avoid Suguha, so he can focus on leveling and acquiring gear, and runs into her obviously distraught as she returns from kendo practice, he tries to avoid her and maneuver his way out the conversation but she sees him and basically unloads on him, accusing him of pushing his responsibilities off on her so he can play vids and avoiding her and not being a man or a good onii-chan. Kirito is utterly crushed and ends up returning to practice kendo with Suguha and staying up at nights to game passionately. He's still uncomfortable with Suguha and won't tell her about his parents.

    Kayaba announces NervGear and says they will ship to anywhere in Japan if a money order is filled before a deadline, the gaming world is thrown into conniptions and Kirito is caught in the hype. He ends up winning a cash prize in a kendo tournament to secure his NervGear. When it arrives theres a note saying that those who ordered before the deadline were extended an invitation to do additional quality testing and feedback on the NervGear, for improvements to the system before the release of the first game.

    Kirito is constantly training kendo and linking into virtual reality on a variety of flight and vehicle and other simulators and writing up his feedback and sending it back to Argus who is hard at work with Kayaba on SAO, Kirito is naturally curious at the limits of this technology as he experiences disorientation when he returns from some simulations as to how much time has passed. Since time is more relative depending on what the NervGear is simulating. Also on the engine which he notices has trouble reproducing the effects of complex things like water and the fine details of a flower. He suspects flaws like these might lead to breaking suspension of disbelief in a fully realized virtual world, He then gets a reply from Kayaba himself asking him to Alpha test for SAO that coincides with him placing as a national quarter-finalist in kendo.

    All this would eventually culminate into a piece of hardware for the NervGear that is side-along released with SAO. This is an area that has already been tested out by the fandom but not believably, is incorporating elements of the authors other work Accel World which takes place further in the timeline in a VR where time passes at 1/60th the rate of the real world, but the hardware would essentially alter the "virtual" perception of time to 1:4. The current alicization arc, which is set a few years after SAO, is when the the tech to alter 1:60 perception of time I think originally came about, but it was implied it was derived from Kayabas research at this time even if he was never accredited.

    I thought the time period when Kayaba was trying to do good with his innovations and his company Argus, would be a good time to build a relationship between him and Kirito. I was even going to have him take him 'under his wing' sorta and take him to the meetup for people using the medicalCuboid or whatever and meet the Laughing Knights and then we he leaves Kirito presses Yuuki to play SAO with him when its released.

    Then the beta for SAO starts and Kirito logs 100s of hours and makes it to floor 10, he instigates more changes at this stage as well as meeting people like Argo and Diabel, but I wanted to use this time to set the stage for who will be the group of 'clearing beta testers'. Whos knowledge will be invaluable at the start, and the group who will also have the highest mortality rate in the first week.

    I think that by laying more groundwork, the drama and deaths at the games beginning will have more impact, the original was written as a oneshot and would have lost direction by covering the origin of VR technology, Kayabas contributions as a scientist, or the 2,000 people dying in the first month.

    On the title ß, originally it refers to its slang or insult use as Kirito stops kendo, avoids his little sister, and games heavily. It quickly changes to represent his Beta-tester status for NervGear simulations, then when he then becomes an Alpha tester for SAO. This is suppose to highlight how during this time he goes from being a 'beta' to an 'alpha' and hopefully more bearable as a protagonist. Beta will also refer to the Beta time period of SAO which occurred offscreen but will be more of a focus of this story. In this AU Kirito reputation as a knowledgable beta tester will push more responsibility on him then he's ready for during the official launch, and he won't be as comfortable shrugging it off either. So beta then becomes a label he accepts reluctantly.

    These are just some quick notes but I figured I post them for feedback while I worked on the first chapter, I still don't have much of this written but here you go plotbunny thread. Theres also a Naruto fic lodged in the pipes I'm still working on... and an HP one.
  13. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    Doesn´t that idea make him simply OP? If he is a master Kendo, genius programmer and has vast social contacts then I fail too see the areas of conflict that a good story needs.

    I fear that such an story might be interesting at start but will get boring the longer the story continues.

    If you want to make Kirito more of a Leader character then there are other, better ways of making it happen.
  14. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    Taylor had always known that the world was unfair and unforgiving, so why was she so surprised that her trigger had changed so little? The one moment that should have fulfilled her hopes of being a hero shattered them instead.

    Like I said in the Worms Thread, I think a Programmer! (Tinker) Taylor would work very well. Like in worms she would have to focus on her brain and imagination and win fights thanks to careful planning and luck instead the focus on pure strength that many other Fics have. I imagine her powers being very good at programming (rewriting entire OS´s in an afternoon kind of good) and some limited form of wireless interaction with electronic systems. (Something like hacking into camera systems/Telephone Relays etc.). In my plan she would not double trigger because I think a second trigger would be quite an interesting tool of character development down the road.

    Part 1 Of the story would focus on Taylor exploring her powers (Things like bots for information gathering come to mind) and of course her dealing with the psychological backlash of seemingly unable to fulfil her dream of being a hero. Because her power has no offensive powers she feels helpless and still has to deal with bullying. (So no Lung or other Vigilante fights at the start) I would have her start with hacking/manipulating data pretty soon; giving her a way of dealing with her bullies, some access to resources and information and because it starts her on the rogue path I imagine for her. To the end of part one Taylor should have gathered quite a bit of information on the local heroes/villains and start with a plan of manipulating/using them against each other. An ending with her hiring the Undersiders to fight against the merchants and controlling the fight remotely seems like a neat idea.

    Part two would focus on this campaign, with Taylor still being the man(lady) behind the scenes and only interacting indirectly, and also bring Dragon into the story, first as an enemy who notices Taylor hacking, later as a puzzle for her to understand. Not sure how successful her cleaning operation should be but I believe it would be interesting to see how the whole Leviathan fight would go if Lung was still around. That fight would also a great place for a Dragon is an (triggered) AI revelation.

    For the rest I have only general ideas. Armsmaster as a rival over the affection of Dragon. A shadow war with Saint, fought in the dark places of the cyberspace. A, possible AI connected, second trigger. A S9 fight that involves (big) rockets/missiles and army involvement. Taylor trying the steal from the Number Man.

    No ideas how to deal with the end of Worms though. Scion and Co seem quite unbeatable.

    Edit: Corrected some small typos
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
  15. Rym

    Rym Auror

    Aug 4, 2009
    It's kind of a Tattletale!Taylor

    Also, Worm. No 's" :)
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Some ideas for crossovers:

    Dresden Files / Disney's Frozen.
    It should be remembered by all that Elsa comes from a Fairy Tale. Winter Court? Seems fitting for the Snow Queen.

    Tomb Raider / Harry Potter.
    Lara-centric. Searching through the ancient Egyptian tombs, Lara encounters beings which should have been dead for a long time. As she fights her way out, she meets one William Weasley. For her, he represents a hidden world worthy of the attention of any archaeologist. For him, love just got complicated.
  17. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Snippet from a Dragon Age Origins story I plotted out featuring all six Wardens that got abandoned because I figured it would be more interesting to look at the aftermath of DAO. Doesn't quite have the right characterisation I envision from the Male Dwarven Noble (something along the lines of Stannis's views on duty but more warmth), but a good bit better on hitting the mark with Female Dwarven Commoner (bit of a stubborn, take-on-all-comers who starts getting more and more idealistic and revolutionary as she sees the world outside Dust Town). This bit's with the gang in Denerim and MDN running into his former second and finding out his dad's dead.


    "Ancestors preserve us," cursed Natia as she saw Duran and his former second drinking in the corner of the tavern. A dozen bottles of human alcohol covered the table, and Gorim seem near unconscious even as her fellow Warden nursed a drink in his hand. Sighing for a moment, Natia lifted a drink from a nearby table and downed it before marching over to her friend even as the patrons behind her shouted in protest. Dodging the busy barmaids and the few drunks stumbling around the tavern, she stopped before the table and waited for Duran to acknowledge her. When he didn't, she cleared her throat to draw his attention.

    "Duran," said the fighting prodigy with a stern, almost motherly tone "I think you and Gorim have had enough for the night."

    "Nattie?" said Duran groggily as he directed his attention away from his drink "Nattie! Come ... come sit with us! We- we're mour- we're in mourning. Come and share a drink with us."

    "Duran, you're drunk." said Natia frankly, memories of her mother rising unbidden "I realise your grieving, and I'm sure your father was a good man, but-"

    "He struggled with all of us," said Duran drunkenly, not quite looking at anyone as he spoke "Especially after mother died. Trian cared so much about appearances and becoming King that he didn't have time just to be a person. Didn't have time to be a son or a brother, just the perfect prince he thought Father wanted. Bhelen was almost always featured in the gossip of anyone who mattered. Things he got up to, the shames he brought on the House, father was about ready to cast him out to the surface more than once. Pyral always used to say that I was the only one who didn't disappoint him. 'The only one with his head stuck on right!', he'd say to me. But I knew he struggled with me as well. I was too blunt, that's for certain. Trian and Bhelen could always talk their way out of anything, could charm anyone, and they made friends easier for it. I always found it easier to make enemies. Deshyrs who disliked it when I spoke the truth. Nobles who tried to ply me with flattery for their schemes and found little in return except naked steel. I was the honest dwarf in a kingdom of liars. The soldiering son, the dutiful son. The one who worried more for a darkspawn sword in his gut than a dwarvish knife in his back."

    "And what did that get me, eh?" spat the exiled prince bitterly "A dead brother, a dead father. Bhelen fighting for the crown with Pyral and Orzammar's streets ready to run red with dwarvish blood while the enemy is at the gates, forever at the bloody gates! Scrambling for gold and power while the world burns around them. I've had enough of it, enough for a dozen lives and more besides. Let them kill each other, from Dust Town to the Diamond Quarter. In the streets, in their homes, in the Assembly. Let's see them bleed each other dry, only for the darkspawn to come back and feast on what's left."

    "If you'd said it six months ago I'd have drunk to that," said Natia as she sat down on the pew by her countryman, grabbing him slightly and pulling his drink out of his hand "I've seen the darkness of Orzammar far better than you ever did, Duran. A duster's view, if you will. Crime-lords fighting for the scraps you rich folk gift us in Dust-town while you feasted and celebrated. Good women selling their bodies because that's all they had to give in the world, all they had to make a better life for themselves. And those that didn't drinking themselves into an early grave, because what they had went away too quickly. You want to see it all burn to the ground? I could have drunk to that, Duran."

    "But not now, not with what I've seen," continued the rough street fighter as her words grew heated "There's a whole world out there beyond Orzammar's walls, beyond the Deep Roads. There's as many dwarves on the surface as there is in Dust Town, all making names for themselves, living a better life. Sending gold and gifts home, or living it alone. No politics, no wars, none of that. If they can make that a reality here Duran, who's to say we can't make it so home? Isn't that what the Paragons stand for? Changing Orzammar for the better? Directing the dwarven people to a brighter future? Look at Kallian, Duran. She's as close to Duster as you can get up here, and she hasn't lost the will to fight. Aedan's lost his entire family, or near to it and he's still fighting for his home. Theron too, if you think about it. They're all still fighting. So look at them and learn from that if you need to, Duran. But don't you ever give up on Orzammar. The day you do that is the day you can just lay down and die."
  18. Alraune

    Alraune Seventh Year

    Jul 22, 2009
    Driven insane from the Power of the life force, Wanda was granted the ability to see past the fourth wall.

    And uttered the three words that would change the very history of the Marvel universe forever.

    "No More Retcons."

    And every retcon in 616's history was erased. Off the top of my head amongst the changes were, her children weren't demons, no Dissembled, no Darker than Scarlet, No M-Day. May wasn't replaced with a look a like and died so no One More Day, Jean died as Phoenix and Madelyne Pryor was just a normal woman whom Scott married and lived happily ever after with in Alaska. Magneto only had his deceased daughter Anya and no other children so he'd cling on to the young mutants as surrogates. Gwen did not have sex with Norman. Longshot is not a clone of his son.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  19. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    Most of the current heroes would be dead. They've all had their ages changed drastically. The retcons have changed how times passes in the universe from anywhere to 1:1 to 1:7. So most likely we'd be dealing with third generation heroes and Villians. Plus several big changes have come from children who might or might not be born anymore. Franklin Richards saving the lives of everyone with his reality bending powers. Charles Xavier's son killing a ton of people. Plus some of my favorite retcons, like the reality bending crossovers with DC, or when they absorbed a ton of minor comics characters and retconned their histories to match. And of course the beginning merger that actually formed marvel.

    Idea sounds cool, but you'd have an easier time starting your own comic brand. The entire universe is just a giant retcon. Changing all of them is just world ruining. If anything you should focus on several retcons that have to do with Mutants or just Scarlett witch. That alone would change a ton and cause a ton of confusion for everyone.
  20. Hal

    Hal Professor

    Jun 11, 2013
    Luke Castellan is given another chance to redeem himself when Thanatos is chained in the land beyond the gods.

    A universe where Luke was kept waiting at the entrance to Hades long enough for the Second Gigantomachy to roll around and Nico decides to give him a chance to atone for his mistakes before he heads to the Lethe.