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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Arrowjoe

    Arrowjoe Auror

    Jan 27, 2011
    Vancouver, Canada
    I never realized how much I needed Minecraft fanfiction in my life until now.
  2. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I once talked with someone about this premise: Imagine H.P. Lovecraft's writings about the Minecraft setting.

    "Stranded on this floating island, drifting through the seemingly endless darkness, I have walked among these creatures, surrounded by tall, obsidian towers..."

    "I learned that one should never look them in the eyes. I have narrowly avoided death."

    "I have heard a loud roar, as if the very beasts of hell were after me. I fear this is the end."

    Just his reaction to the clearly-not-human villagers would be precious.
  3. Arrowjoe

    Arrowjoe Auror

    Jan 27, 2011
    Vancouver, Canada
  4. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I mean, just imagine:

    The Wither


    An Enderman


    A Blze


    An Iron Golem

  5. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    A little plot bunny for HP/Got/Asoiaf with a twist.

    Instead of sending Harry Potter to Westeros, how about sending Sirius Black?

    Sirius Black stumbles through the Veil and wakes up in his teenage body, let's say the age when he first managed a full animagus transformation.

    He's wakes up in a small farmhouse in the North, where he lives with his ... kid sister/mother/whatever, which he has never seen before.
    He asks her where he is, who she is and how he got here.
    He gets told, that he fell off their horse and hit his head. He decides to go with the story for the time being. A year goes by and he's fairly sure, that it isn't a dream, he remembers falling through the veil and accepted the possibility of an entirely new life. He accepted his sister/mother/whatever as his new family and they grew on him, he also accepted, that he's the sole provider of his new small family. He "works" as hunter using his bow, which his sister/mother/whatever told him he was good at and his animagus form (the only magic left for him, which he keeps a secret) to hunt the wild.

    One day he hears screams and finds his sister/mother/whatever brutally attacked and murdered by wildlings. Having had a shitty life before he fell through the Veil (shitty family, war, best friends killed, Azkaban, 2nd war, etc.) and now this, he naturally goes apeshit, turns in his grim-form and tears them apart.

    Sitting dazed and trenched in blood between the body of his sister/mother/whatever and the remains of the wildlings he's found by a Night's Watch patrol and gets taken to Castle Black. There he takes the Black to "hunt" wildlings from now on.

    Why Sirius? Unlike Harry, Sirius is already a certified badass in canon and he has a nasty streak, which I find refreshing. Given his pitiful life I would love to explore his breaking point, to toe the moral event horizon with a likeable and fundamentally good person.

    I'm sorry for the mess, but work killed my brain today.:fire
  6. Nazgoose

    Nazgoose The Honky-tonk ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter DLP Gold Supporter

    Mar 16, 2011
    High Score:
    I like it, but I think having Sirius not fully remember his past would be more interesting. I feel that if he remembered everything he'd go searching for a way to get home instead of chilling in Westeros.
  7. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    If you go the 'not fully remember his past' route you could have Sirius keep his magic but struggle with it. Only his animagus form comes naturally to him.
  8. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    It would be nice if he fully accepts Westeros and his new family. For emotional impact or something like that. Let him dream about his conversation with Harry (the ring in the forest) and witness Dumbledore at King's Cross to make a cut with his old life.
  9. Nazgoose

    Nazgoose The Honky-tonk ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter DLP Gold Supporter

    Mar 16, 2011
    High Score:
    You could have him struggle between the life he's building in Westeros and the life he left behind until he goes through those things and finally settles down (right before his new family is brutally murdered of course).
  10. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Set in the now defunct Star Wars extended universe canon:

    What if the Vong began their invasion of the galaxy early? Say during the last year of the Clone Wars?

    Facing annihilation as both sides feel the attrition of many years of war and the emergency of a new threat, Palpatine is forced to delay his long-planned extermination of the Jedi and orders Dooku to propose a truce between the CIS and the 'Republic' to deal with the Vong.

    This gives the Order more time to discover how close Sidious lurks as Jedi and Sith are forced to work together to fight an external threat.
  11. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Wasn't it implied that Palpatine knew about the Vong Invasion and this is why he wanted to create a galaxy-spanning Empire, to better fight them?
  12. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I have no idea. I've only read a small part of the EU.
  13. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Pretty sure that's one of those buzzfeed fan theories, Xandrel.
  14. 9th Doctor

    9th Doctor Groundskeeper

    Nov 25, 2013
    I vaguely remember Thrawn saying that the reason he was sent where he was (and the reason the Hand of Thrawn was created) is that Palpatine foresaw an intergalactic invasion in a force vision. I can't remember which one it's from though.
  15. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    I think it was in the second novel in the Thrawn trilogy, around where he meets that insane Jedi clone. It has been years since I read it though so it's possibly somewhere else.
  16. mort

    mort Groundskeeper

    Apr 27, 2013
    I was thinking of a Highschool DxD crossover with Beelzebub.

    Something along the lines of a fusion of the two canons around 75% DxD and 25% Beelzebub.
    Baby Beel would probably have ties to the old devils which would open up all sorts of interesting paths once Oga starts interacting outside the scope of Ishiyama and with the DxD verse at large.

    I was thinking of starting it off around the time Oga beats up Jabberwock. This way he's still a BAMF, but not at the end game level at which he curbstomps his way through the first few story arcs till he finds somebody in his own weight range.
    Slightly puzzled as to which direction the Pillar Squad, Behemoth and the Solomon Company should take, however. And it doesn't really help that I'm not too informed about the DxD verse (I left off around vol. 11, if I remember correctly).

    Any ideas?
  17. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Alright, getting back to that Minecraft topic.

    Here's a story prompt I wrote today, I hope people like it.


    Minecraft - A Survival

    Two siblings, Alexander (24) and Catherine (19) are on a camping trip in the mountains. They are all alone, as their parents died a year ago in a car accident, forcing Alex to become the head of the house. The two are out in the woods camping, as a way to deal with grief.

    One night, as they are sleeping in their tent, there is a freak thunderstorm outside which for some strange reason features red flashes.

    In the morning the siblings are awakened to see a changed world. The forest which was around them the previous day is now gone, replaced by a sandy beach.

    The two walk around to investigate and see a completely different land before them. There are no mountains in the immediate area, the nearest forest seems to be far in the distance and there are mostly fields of grass around with the odd tree here and there.

    Not knowing where they are and how they were brought there, they make inventory of their belongings. Everything seems to be there, including their two mountain bikes and Alex's car.

    They pack all of it back to the car and drive in the direction away from the beach, towards the forest in the distance.

    During the ride, they discover that no station will play, as if there was no signal. This leads them to check their cellphones and they discover no signal there either. Confused and more than a little disturbed, they finally reach the forest.

    Realizing that there are no people in the nearby area and perhaps not even for many kilometers, they set up their camp once again, near a small stream at the edge of the forest.

    After checking their food supply, they conclude that it will only last them for at best three days. Knowing that, they decide that if it comes to that, they'll have to catch an animal or two. Perhaps a rabbit or something.

    Eventually, nightfall approaches again. Catie sets up a campfire, while Alex uses an axe to cut down a small tree for firewood.

    This is when they hear noise from the forest. Moans and screeches as if from the darkest of nightmares.

    It takes a moment, but finally several figures emerge from the bushes. In horror, the siblings witness hones-to-god zombies walking towards them. They even see some walking skeletons, which should be impossible.

    Having seen enough horror movies, they know how to deal with the living dead. While they have no firearms, Alex grabs his axe and tells Catie to hide in the car, however she does not agree and instead grabs a hard enough piece of wood from the campfire.

    With big effort and some very close calls, the two manage to survive the wave, having slain at least five zombies and three skeletons (which they were horrified to see had and used bows and arrows).

    However, they have no time to rest as more terrible creatures approach. Spiders as big as dogs and strange, green monsters which hiss.

    It is only by sheer luck that one of the spiders crashes into one of the green monsters, as the monster immediately explodes like a bomb. This allows Catie and Alex to learn what these creatures are capable of and survive long enough to get in the car and escape.

    They get no more sleep that night, as they drive around in circles avoiding the monsters. At one point they even witness something vaguely humanoid, but tall and black, with glowing purple eyes.

    Eventually, the morning approaches and they witness a truly wondrous sight: as soon as the first rays of sunshine appear, the zombies and skeletons burst into flames, while the big spiders become very docile and friendly even.

    They even see one of the tall, black creatures simply vanish without a trace, as if it could teleport.

    Going back to their camp, which hasn't been significantly damaged, they officially conclude several key things.

    One: they are most definitely not on Earth. They are either on a different planet or another dimension. Two: they probably have no way of getting back home. This means that the batteries they have will eventually run out of juice and become useless and their car will run out of fuel. Three: during the night, this place goes batshit insane so they need a good, durable shelter and a steady food and water supply.

    Knowing all that, the two get to work, deciding that they will do everything to asure their survival (mode).
  18. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Once they run out of fuel they could use the car as a source of high quality metals. Alternatively, they could make a still and distil alcohol for fuel for the car, or if it's diesel they could run it on plant and animal oils.
  19. Japanime

    Japanime Squib

    Nov 28, 2013
    Plot Bunny: HTTYD story where as usual Hiccup runs away before having to face the Monstrous Nightmare.

    Key Points so far:

    Hiccup heads south and arrives in England

    While there he meets trader Leif Erickson

    Timeline is roughly around the 11th Century

    Key Characters other than the HTTYD cast are Leif Erickson, Thorkell the Tall, Basil II, Zoe Porphyrogenita

    During his time in England he distinguishes himself as a renowned blacksmith
    He eventually meets the Jomsvikings during this period and joins their retinue as a blacksmith in their service.

    Eventually he reveals to the Jomsviking and Leif Erickson that he is a dragon rider and introduces Toothless, rather than scorning him they take it in stride and laud him for his skill and valor.

    During his time with the Jomsvikings they teach him how to fight, and eventually he becomes one of their number.

    Through Hiccup and his aerial reconnaissance on Toothless, he helps the Jomsvikings win many battles.

    Eventually the Jomsvikings are forced to abandon Jomsborg after a surprise dragon attack weakens them, which allows the neighboring Kingdoms to launch a massive attack in order to end the Jomsviking threat. The dragon attack is due to pheromone trail left by Toothless during his journey with Hiccup southwards, that trail allowed many female dragons to follow Toothless and eventually discover Jomsborg, which they saw as an excellent opportunity to plunder. Before this, Dragons were thought to be long forgotten mythical beasts. Through their series of decisive and crushing victories, the Jomsvikings were starting to be seen as a major threat by the various Kingdoms in the region due to their status as mercenaries who fought for those who had the greatest coin or their own cause. So in order to neutralize the growing Jomsviking threat the various Kingdoms decided to put aside their differences and launch a massive attack on Jomsborg.

    Based on knowledge gleaned from his travels, Hiccup learns of the Byzantine Empire in the East, and specifically about how distinguished Norsemen could earn riches and fame through becoming members of the Varangian Guard.

    After abandoning their longships in Denmark, the Jomsvikings under Hiccups direction and Thorkells leadership head southeast as a mercenary force in order to reach Constantinople.

    Along the way they earn their keep through mercenary work for the neighboring Kingdoms as they head south and make a name for themselves as elite infantry.
    Word begins to spread throughout Europe about a band of Viking marauders heading southwards.

    Along the way Hiccup further hones his skills as a blacksmith, tactician, and Viking through experience.

    During their trek through Eastern Europe they eventually run into a vanguard of the Byzantine Army fighting the Bulgarians. Their notoriety as warriors leads them to be escorted to none other than the Byzantine Emperor himself, Basil II.

    With their prowess already well known, Basil II decides to test whether they were worthy enough to serve in the Varangian Guard. At this point Hiccup has already been accepted as a member of the Jomsvikings.

    To test them, Basil II recruits them as regular mercenaries in his army, and tasks them to prove themselves on the battlefield against the Bulgarians.

    In a decisive, probably ahistorical, battle against Tsar Samuel of Bulgaria’s army, the Jomsvikings prove their worth to Basil II. After a series of skirmishes the Byzantine vanguard discovers the main Bulgarian force, which leads to both sides marshalling their forces for the decisive battle. The terrain itself is a forested mountain pass. Before the battle, Hiccup uses Toothless to scout the surrounding area of the battlefield. As he is surveying the battlefield, both during the day and night, he makes sketches of the area. During the days preceding the battle, Hiccup uses Toothless to make raids against the Bulgarian force by attacking their supply train and isolated foraging parties separated from the main force. During the battle proper, while main Byzantine force holds the Bulgarian force at bay, Hiccup and the Jomsviking use his map of the terrain to outmaneuver the Bulgarian army through sneaking through the forests of the path and find a route to the rear of the Bulgarian where they cut a swath through the unprepared Bulgarians who are unable to respond due to the forest preventing effective use of their reserve cavalry while the main bulk of the army, infantry and heavy cavalry, is fighting the Byzantines. The Bulgarian Force is further weakened by the various raids on their supplies which leaves many hungry and fearful due to unexplained death of the members of the foraging parties. Caught between the ferocious Jomsvikings to their rear and the main Byzantine Force, the Bulgarians eventually break and rout, with thousands being captured by the Byzantines.

    After the battle Basil II congratulates them on their role in the battle, awards them for their service, and decides that they have proven themselves worthy of joining the Varangian Guard. The Jomsvikings under Thorkell accept due factors such as the opportunity for a steady wage, the ready opportunity of battle, and most importantly: the practice of palace pillaging upon the death of the Byzantine Emperor by the Varangian Guard.

    When they are asked by the Emperor about how they arrived at the rear of the Bulgarian force, they tell him of a map Hiccup made of the area, when pressed further about the issue, Hiccup decides it is better to not lie to the Emperor and introduces Toothless to the Emperor. While shocked by the discovery of the dragon, Basil II instead laughs at the incredulity of the discovery. Hiccup himself was prepared to flee at that point, expecting Basil II to be angered by his harboring of a dragon, but instead is shocked by the Emperor’s laughter and subsequent acceptance of the idea of a live dragon.

    Due to the Emperors pragmatic nature, he decides to seize the opportunity presented and asks Hiccup to join his personal retinue as an adviser to the army attached to the Jomsviking unit of the Varangian guard.

    During the return to Constantinople Hiccup meets Zoe, the Emperors beautiful niece, probably in her mid to late twenties.

    Hiccup eventually learns many smithing techniques during his stay, along with usage of unique materials such as Wootz steel from India. He eventually forges himself a weapon made of Damascus steel.
  20. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    Huh, had a pretty similar plot bunny a few months ago. But I would focus more on Knut the Great and his Northener Empire. Also, learning two distinctively hard steel techniques that have similar results seems kinda useless.