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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Then by the Force Awakens era the exactly same thing happens to his long lost daughter... but nobody sees the similarities.
  2. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Not really a Plot Bunny, but rather a small wish that someone makes this.

    Set after the events of Pokemon Red/Blue, but before Pokemon Silver/Gold.

    Professor Willow and his three assistants Spark, Blanche, and Candela set up shop in Saffron City and open up a research laboratory similar to Oak's.

    However, unlike Oak Willow works very closely with trainers and convinces them to mass-capture Pokemon and then give the extras to him.

    Meanwhile, the assistants establish three rival teams and recruit many trainers to see which team's methods are the best.
  3. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    A RWBY fic:

    Roman Torchwick wants nothing to do with Cinder. He final solution would mean no more people, which meant no more crime bosses, and no more the life of luxury. Not to mention no more fine cigars. You can't have any of those things standing upon a mountain of ash, and that is assuming he survives the experience.

    He sees no escape; Cinder has him in a corner. But what if he could escape? The intention would be to have a semi-spy thriller story where Ozpin manages to turn Torchwick and make him a (reluctant) double agent. He would still be a crime boss at heart, and as soon as this blows over he will be returning to that life, so I think it would make for any interesting story seeing Torchwick and Ozpin work together.
  4. Ven Arima

    Ven Arima Slug Club Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Hmm, sounds an awful lot like what Pokemon Go would be if it had a plot. That'd be interesting to read.

    I've been tossing these ideas around in my head for a while and even have a few pages or so written. I was thinking about starting one in earnest and posting it in the WbA, but figured I'd at least toss the idea out first to gauge the level of interest they might receive.

    1. A Bleach AU: He'd always been more of a lover than a fighter, despite his talent for the latter. He never cared to take it to heart, no matter how many times Yama-Jii tried to beat it into his head. Times may be changing, but Kyouraku had always been a slow learner.

    A story that takes focus on Shunsui Kyouraku, Captain of Squad Eight, after he takes his position of Head Captain after Yamamoto's death to lead the Gotei 13 in the Thousand Year Blood War against the Quincy. In one aspect, a complete rework of the war between Quincy and Shinigami; In another, a character study of Kyouraku that explores the sacrifices and burdens a man who never craved power must take for the sake of peace, duty, and order. I was thinking of writing it as a short story in snippets or something episodic-like in nature, since I don't believe that there'd be enough to make it a complete AU novel-like fic.

    It's either that or a fic about Gin Ichimaru and his time with Aizen from childhood till death.

    2. A pseudo-novelization/AU of Dragon Age Inquisition:

    With the devastation of the Divine Conclave and the death of Her Holiness Divine Justinia V, Thedas stands at the precipice of chaos. All hope of peace between Mage's and Templar's erased and the drums of war beat on the horizon. All that stands in the way of doom is neither a Warden or a Champion but instead a man nobody would ever expect. A man who, for better or worse, will pave the way forward with the standards of the Inquisition at his back.

    So basically like what it says above, I'm aiming for a novelization of sorts of the Dragon Age Inquisition story line (DLC included) with the hope of exploring the character of the Inquisitor (Mage!Male Trevelyan), his growing power, and his relationships with his companions along with the burden that is leadership. I'd like to do justice by Corypheus by demonstrating the threat he poses as much more...serious than it was presented in the game. Because honestly I couldn't see him as a legitimate threat to my Inquisitor, especially in the late game.

    For those who care, there's no real focus on pairings, since that's not my forte, but they'll feature for sure. I'm leaning towards a Trevelyan x Leliana, since I've always found her fascinating as a character. But yeah, that's the idea. Toss in some lore exploration, magic theory, dramatic battles (small and large), Skyhold slice of life, and a few deviations that find their roots in the side quests and smaller details found throughout Inquisition and that's the story.

    Oh, and dragons. Can't forget the dragons.
  5. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    Have you read Bad for Business? Because that's pretty much what you want.
  6. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Headmaster

    Sep 3, 2010
    So I've seen the trailer for God of war 4, and I read somewhere that 'of course the kid's going to die.'
    And I thought, why? Why do we have to condemn a child to die so that Kratos can have even more reason to MDK his way through divinity?

    one of the early fights that kratos deals with is an ice troll, who he beats contemptuously, making a game of it.
    Halfway through the game going after the McGuffin Kratos finds a rival, someone else who is similarly powerful who is sometimes one step ahead in the search, and sometimes one step behind, with fights between them coming to a draw. This opposite fighter also has a child as well, and the two children stare at each other from opposites sides of the clearing at the entrance to the temple of mcguffin. The parents are locked in mortal combat, no harpies come in and make a mess of things, no get of Fenris pounce, no cliff falls away. And so they fight, and they both win.
    The viewpoint shifts immediately to the child, who sees his father spitted on the enemy's spear, his chain swords falling from limp hands. The other child steps forward, and for a moment, there is the idea of peace. Why fight? Why go after this stupid artefact?
    But then thoughts turn to vengeance, and the two children fight. But they are weak, and fighting with their fathers' weapons. Strength gives way to fatigue, gives way to complete exhaustion, and as the boys struggle vainly in the grass, too tired to do much more than take breaths, an ice troll approaches. The two children's exhaustion is replaced with a surge of adrenaline, but the ice troll, while no match for their fathers, is too strong for them to take alone. And so they attack, using their fathers' oversized weapons in their undersized bodies, they slice and stab and are bashed and cut by its feet and claws. But eventually, they stand triumphant, and go up to the temple stairs together.
  7. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I took a look at that but that seems more like Cinder's minons rebelling.
  8. Nerox

    Nerox High Inquisitor

    Jan 29, 2012
    Yes please.
  9. M.L.

    M.L. Groundskeeper

    Jan 28, 2014
    Beyond the Pale
    A Hobbits Tale, SI

    An Self Insert into the body of a hobbit baby from the village of Frogmorton. It takes "me" some years to become aware that I am a hobbit without a frame of reference, and some more years to realize that this is Lord of the Rings rather than some other fantasy world, which I realize when I'm introduced to Sam Gamgee in my early tweens, my family being of a similar social class. I have no intention of joining the hunt for the ring, but rather draw on vague memories of the invasion of the Shire. Wishing no harm to come to his new home, I join the Bounders and attempt to reform them into a force that could guard against Saruman's invasion, gaining urgency as I realize that Frodo has left the Shire. The story would revolve around me trying to overcome inertia in the Bounders. This would all climax in a greater invasion by Saruman.
  10. Ven Arima

    Ven Arima Slug Club Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I thought I'd let you and everyone else who expressed interest in it that I just started what will hopefully be the first chapter of the story. Since I've lurked for so long that working IRC is as much a mystery as how many licks it takes to get to a Tootsie Pop's center, I decided to post this here. Anyways, I have two starting points but I haven't been able to decide which would work best.

    1. The Herald's first visit to Val Royeaux where Lord Seeker Lucius withdraws the Templar's from the city.

    2. Immediately after the events of In Hushed Whispers, with the Herald and party recovering from their sojourn into the despair inducing future.

    I'm more partial for the first, in that it'd give me more of an opportunity to explore the Inquisitor and his party more so as to give the events and aftereffects of In Hushed Whispers more depth. But what do I know?

    Regardless, I have begun writing and you can expect to see a post in WbA soon enough.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
  11. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Pokemon Reignited Red / Replanted Green

    Red and Green/Gary are stuck in a time loop which starts from the day they received the starters from Professor Oak and ends after their battle for the title of champion.

    The first few loops are exciting, especially for Green who sees the first loop as a chance to keep his position as a Champion for more than several minutes. Red uses the loop to defeat Team Rocket quicker and more effectively.

    Eventually however, when the loops show no sign of ever stopping the two rivals/friends decide to join forces on a quest of discovering why they are happening and how to stop them.

    To achieve this, they decide to travel to the Johto region in search of the legendary time-travelling pokemon Celebi.

    They don't have a lot of time, since the loops are fairly short and with each reset they go back to having untrained starters and getting from Kanto to Johto on foot with weak starters is difficult.

    Not to mention the fact that if they choose to travel to Johto they are ignoring Team Rocket in their own region.
  12. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    That's depressing.

    I seem to recall dropping a Pokemon Peggy Sue once because it did that.
  13. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Well, what did you expect? Their pokemon returning with them? That would be too easy.
  14. Roarian

    Roarian High Inquisitor

    Jun 11, 2011
    I only know of one Peggy Sue Pokémon fic, Ashes of the Past, which does exactly that - and it just means roflstomping is the rule. Never mind the dozen legendaries he gets control of, sheesh.
  15. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Apparently Capaldi may stay for one more season after the next one, but sooner or later we will get the Thirteenth Doctor and many argue that it should be a woman. Personally, I'm kind indifferent to it, but lately I was trying figure out how I would do it if I were a showrunner.

    First of all, I wouldn't do any episode focusing on the Doctor's gender. In my opinion it would be a lot better if it was established that the Doctor is gender neutral and as we don't have adventures focusing on him being a man, we should have any about him being a woman.

    The Doctor's personality too wouldn't be affected by being a female. If anything against stereotypical expectations she would be more action oriented than most regenerations. Not afraid to actually have a physical fight if necessary. I have this scene where she has a sword duel in early XIX in an episode based on The Count of Monte Cristo.

    As for the look, I would like her to have an adventurer style. Maybe something like this, but without guns and with a long brown coat.

    The companion is going to be definitely a male, but mostly because in my opinion having them almost exclusively females is getting boring. I would avoid any romance though, at least from the Doctor's side. Maybe have him to be a teenager with a crush on her. Additionally, someone that young would be a change of perspective from other companions too.

    While I'm against making every person travelling with the Doctor special, I would give him some king of overreaching arc. One, kind of tragic have him ill and dying with the Doctor being unable to do anything about it because his death is a part of her personal timeline when she visited London two years into the future. All she can do is to be one person Wish foundation for him. I would give him two seasons and in the end there would be no trick or twists to his fate, but before his time is up, he would achieve his dream. Maybe be a hero like from the old stories by saving some world that he visited with the Doctor.

    That's all for my version of female Doctor. Does anyone have their version, female or not, that they would use if they were to become a showrunner?
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    ASOIAF Plot Bunny:

    The story of a squad of assassins from the Interdimensional Oversight who are stationed on Planetos with one job: to kill any travelers from other dimensions wanting to change the history of this world, especially those wanting to upgrade the technology of Westeros (like introducing gunpowder).
  17. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    I've been thinking of a Star Wars AU, tentatively titled The Skywalker Holocron, where Vader kills Palpatine and dies in the process. In the chaos of the Empire collapsing on itself Obi-Wan, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru are killed in some indiscriminate strike on Jabba by an Imperial faction. Luke, at this point completely rudderless decides that he's going to get justice for his family.

    The actual story would pick up a bit later, when Luke has acquired a name for himself as a bit of a badass. He's been picking off Imperial Bases, working his way up the chain to find out who gave the orders, but no one is too worried because you don't get to be an Imperial Moff without making a few scarily competent enemies.

    However the Moff in question gets incontrovertible evidence that Skywalker is going to hit a random base, one so utterly pointless that Skywalker's normal precautions were relaxed. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth he sends one of his most capable lieutenants, Commander Arica, to deal with the nuisance.

    The base would hold the titular holocron, and the story would focus on his attempt to retrieve it while combatting the efforts of the Emperor's Hand.
  18. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    (I'm sure this will end well)

    Naruto/Harry Potter "fusion", with the magic system from HP and the setting and characters from Naruto.

    Hidden villages were formed around schools of magic and the headmaster of a school is also the kage of the village. Regular people (muggles) hire wizards to do various jobs just like they hire shinobi in Naruto canon.

    The rank system from Naruto remains, with Genin-Chunin-Jounin titles serving as an indicator of magical skill. I'm thinking genin is equal to a Hogwarts 3rd year, Chunin is a 6th year and Jounin is above a 7th year. In fact, the Chunin exam could be like a Triwizard Tournament between three allied villages. Oh, and of course ANBU are elite Aurors.

    Secondary magical abilities, such as Metamorphmagic and Parseltongue serve as a replacement for bloodline limits, though some canon abilities could remain if they are magic-like and not overpowered (Sharingan is out).

    Instead of his Fushi Tensei, Orochimaru could simply have Horcruxes and possess people. Yondaime's Flying Thunder God is just apparition and perhaps he was the first one to successfully apparate.

    The Tailed Beasts are powerful magical creatures (on the level of a Dragon or a Basilisk), while weaker magical creatures like Hippogriffs serve as a replacement for ninja summons.

    Since Narutoverse doesn't take place in the modern world and there is no statute of secrecy Goblins could have their whole country, Centaurs and Giants could too.
  19. Aetius

    Aetius Disappeared

    Sep 3, 2016
    High Score:
    I had thought of doing something similar, except using Mahoutokoro as the setting for a Naruto AU. I'd probably do away with explicitly ninja-related terminology (genin, chuunin, etc.) in favour of something more... wizardy.
  20. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    I cross-posted my Harry Potter/Tim the Witchsmeller plot bunny over at space battles and a guy moaned about how I missed the spirit of both series.

    He followed with this and it kinda stuck with me.
    In a crack/humor/horror-way of course.

    The Acme Labs are government funded, Brain overhears a visiting military officer talking about their Film Liaison Office in Hollywood, a few days later a lab technician didn't turn off a TV and Brain manages to catch an episode featuring Sam the Eagle. Suddenly it all clicked. Propaganda and brainwashing via TV leading towards global domination. Believing he already has an ally in a massive franchise in Sam given their government background Brain sets his sights on the Muppets. Those who follow his lead can stay, the others will be replaced.:fire:facepalm