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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I'm totally going to steal the part with mutants always have some permanent physical attributes while most other superhumans don't have them. It's always a problem to have people love superheroes and hate superhero mutants when they can't somehow easily tell which one is which.

    Some mutants are more lucky than others and unless someone inspect their whole body, they can pass for a normal human. That would lead to infamous 'M' tatoo from one of the possible futures.
  2. Dirty Puzzle

    Dirty Puzzle Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Dec 11, 2016
    Northern Hemisphere
    High Score:
    BNHA plot bunny because right now the fandom is kind of garbage for fic: one of more of 1-A/1-B decide, after graduation, to work internationally. I know in the recent BNHA movie it's shown that All Might spent some time in the U.S., but as far as I know that was kind of like a student exchange. I'm talking about full on working overseas, and it could be any country. I was specifically thinking the U.S. because I think it'd be fascinating to explore how the U.S. legal system does or doesn't fuck with heroes.

    For example, I'd imagine that heroes would have to be a subset of the cops. To be legally operating, I can't imagine that our system would tolerate outside companies contracting with the police for enforcement purposes. That would essentially mean heroes could bypass 4th Amendment rights, etc because they're not government or even government funded (at least, canon implies that heroes aren't government funded in Japan). Or maybe that is what's happening, and the system is fucked.

    I'm also down for the idea that, if heroes were employed by the police, then they 1) make a wage not based on popularity and 2) people with less destructive quirks are the name of the game, especially in big cities and for most kinds of crime.
  3. 9th Doctor

    9th Doctor Groundskeeper

    Nov 25, 2013
    “Pokémon uncontrolled by humans causes more destruction today than any other two natural disasters combined. Our country is scattered, with several city-states, some openly hostile toward each other, some with more cordial relations, all forced into a semblance of agreement by the restrictive control of the league, the elite four, and the Champion.

    The Cataclysm was caused by a party spouting objective truth and motivated by compassion to spread that truth as far as possible. In their pride, the political slogan “Truth and Love” became a curse to the survivors.

    If all else fails and the earth is swept away in a destructive maelstrom of battling ancients, we must have a place for humanity to retreat to- a cradle of life that can grow into more.

    To protect the world from Devastation

    To unite all peoples within our Nation

    To renounce the evils of “Truth and Love”

    To extend our reach to the stars above.
  4. Heosphoros

    Heosphoros Fourth Year

    Jul 9, 2008
    Yeah, a bunch of athletic super models isn't the first thing you picture when hearing the word Mutant, right? Though the idea is hardly original, plenty of artists played with it before. I'd avoid going into the monstrous/tumorous extreme, if only to dodge the ensuing angst (already plenty to go around from societal factors). I think my ideal for the concealable side of a mutation would be my version of Cyclops. I'd just have his visor being a part of his face, just the horizontal ruby strip. It's something that isn't reproducible by simple makeup or hair die, but can still be concealed by a big ass sunglasses.

    I don't think much of what you're suggesting is particularly different from the Japanese heroes. They already have support from the police, lot's of rules and regulations; Mt. Lady complains about always being limited by having to avoid colateral damage. If anything things would be looser in the US, with it's greater aversion to government in general. There could be an easy parallel between quirk use and guns to use the 2nd amendment "I Win" button in any regulatory argument. Likewise the stronger corporate and fame seeking culture would be a enormous incentive for colorful heroics.
  5. Dirty Puzzle

    Dirty Puzzle Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Dec 11, 2016
    Northern Hemisphere
    High Score:
    I think you're underestimating how hard the lobbying would be after a bunch of private shit got demolished. If you go the 2nd Amendment route, would then public use of quirks be legal? That sounds like a hot mess from the get-go. That in of itself wouldn't be a bad story premise, especially if the canon characters were like "wow wtf you guys, why".

    I see it from this perspective, I guess: if heroes enforce laws, then they would have to be a part of the police. How could they function within the American justice system otherwise? Everyone has certain protections from the police like search and seizure rights, etc in how the police conduct themselves when faced with a crime. If heroes are enforcing laws (and is it just quirk laws? or do heroes involve themselves with any kind of crime? I'm not familiar enough with the manga to know if it's been addressed), then they would have to follow the same rules as the police force, but if it's a private entity, that wouldn't apply. While policy and laws could be changed to fit around it, it wouldn't make much sense. Quirks can be very destructive, and as soon as some major shit gets wrecked, someone has to foot the bill. The police wouldn't be responsible, but a private business would. That's a crapshoot. Maybe you get insurance, but that sounds like a crapshoot too, and I don't think anyone would want to create the hero insurance agencies.
  6. Heosphoros

    Heosphoros Fourth Year

    Jul 9, 2008
    I don't disagree with your points, I just think that much of what you say is more or less true in canon. Heroes may act independently, but they are still registered, regulated and must follow rules of engagement. Not to mention when they literally work alongside the police as muscle. They're essentially already law enforcement. So yeah, you can have the US be all sort of ways regarding quirks and heroics with reasonable explanations, but if you want your fish out of water story to be compelling by itself, the place it ends up in must be more than just a lake with slightly different pH.

    Also, having the world of US be all reasonable and rational brings back all the flashbacks from those fics where the American Wizarding World is this racist free muggle hugging Utopia.
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Time for a crossover.



    Boku Naruto Academia
  8. Dirty Puzzle

    Dirty Puzzle Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Dec 11, 2016
    Northern Hemisphere
    High Score:
    Honestly, though, if you did it the way I laid it out, there would be some major issues. Sure it's rational, and sure it would make sense within the U.S.'s framework for criminal justice, but our justice system got issues. First and foremost, cops get paid shit, and who would want to do a job that just became more deadly for probably not a whole lot more pay, especially when quirks can be anything? At least in Japan there's incentive to get famous, even if it can cause corruption. Which, no incentive doesn't stop corruption, it just comes from a different source, and the idea of dirty heroes might be worth exploring. And if the golden rule is "please, please don't break anything", well. Our systems in place for rebuilding would probably be horrible because the government couldn't foot those bills, which would have to make heroes free of liability, which just leaves other people to insure their stuff against villain attacks, I guess.

    I mean, yeah, it could easily be written like 98% of American Wizarding World fics, which would garbage. But I guess if you're going to the trouble to build the American hero system, why would you not explore the obvious problems within the world?
  9. Sataniel

    Sataniel High Inquisitor

    Jan 24, 2016
    High Score:
    "Why would you do this?" referred to "Why would you use this aberration".
    In DitF he would kill Joker if not for Clark. There are also multiple alternative versions of Batman which killed the Joker.
  10. Heosphoros

    Heosphoros Fourth Year

    Jul 9, 2008
    That's fair. I don't have problems with your system, but for the country which it applies. State servants super-heroes with America's resistance to big government and its pride for its citizen's personal Freedom feels off. It's the place that invented the colorful, independent, larger than life super hero after all. There is also the matter that any quirk regulating legislation doesn't only applies to a super-hero minority but the 80% that has them, good luck taking away the people's God given gifts. Honestly, propriety damage alone is a pretty weak motivation for such strong regulation. Since controlling it through strengthening rules and regulation would bring diminishing returns, as criminals are notorious for ignoring those.

    Alternatively you could link the super-villains with terrorism (something not far from canon before All Might). The threat of the citizens' day-to-day life is always a good opportunity for a state to expand its rights. Alternatively you may allude real world's police brutality and militarization by having the heroes take-downs being more lethal (also a good way to reduce damage, for a certain price).

    Otherwise the US could be Stain's nightmare: hyper-corporate super-heroes full of merchandise, product endorsement and reality shows. Yet another celebrity industry to attract all those hopefuls for the American Dream. With the perk of being a taxable business that can help out the government with damages.
  11. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Yes, that's why it's the worst case scenario for him to become the Batman Who Laughs.

    I use him because he's an OP character capable of travelling between universes and destroying them. Perfect for an OP SI to fight against.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Pokemon AU in which Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh come together to become a single nation which is more interconnected than in canon.

    A new Pokemon League (and therefore the government) forms from the merger of the Leagues of all the regions. Former Champions, Elite 4 and Gym Leaders hold an official meeting to determine the first National Champion and his National Elite 4.

    This is when things get a little tricky. While Steven Stone represents Hoenn and Cynthia represents Sinnoh, there arises a problem with Kanto and Johto since they share the Indigo League. It is therefore decided that Lance will only be able to represent Johto, as he is from Blackthorn City. In his place Lorelei is chosen to represent Kanto. This part is accepted easily enough, but it creates new problems as there now need to be two new groups of Elite 4, for both Kanto and Johto.

    The whole thing is a big deal with lots of media attention. Even the four Professors Oak, Elm, Birch and Rowan are invited to the conference. But while the new government is slowly formed, Team Rocket plots to make sure that they are in a position of power.

    Which is how Giovanni manages to land himself a spot as one of Kanto's Elite Four Representatives, along with Bruno, Agatha and Sabrina (who also works for Giovanni). Meanwhile, the Johto's Elite Four Representatives are Pryce, Clair, Will and Morty. Of course the ascension of some gym leaders into Elite Four now means that their gyms are led by new people.

    Some of the choices are applauded by the public while some are deemed suspicious (such as Lance choosing his cousin Clair as one of the Johto's Elite 4). All in all though, this one big event derails the plot of events from Pokemon Red/Blue as well as Ruby/Sapphire, because it happens a mere week before they would have taken place.

    Pokemon Trainers Red and Blue are given their starters by one of Professor Oak's aides while he is away at the National Conference. Meanwhile in Hoenn the same happens when Pokemon Trainer Sapphire goes with her father Professor Birch to the conference, leaving Ruby to acquire a starter also from one of Birch's aides.

    As various adventures begin, Pokemon Trainers Red, Blue, Ruby and Sapphire are all destined to eventually cross paths one way or another.
  13. Padishah Emperor

    Padishah Emperor First Year

    Apr 4, 2011
    So, here's a Cosmere/Mistborn one I had in mind. What if instead of being raised on the streets with her mother and Reen, Vin got taken in by her Obligator father and got raised as a noblewoman in House Tekiel; not having any idea of her Skaa ancestry? A bit like Beldre (i.e. Spook's girlfriend in the Hero of Ages). She largely grows up indifferent to the Skaa, and is trained as a mistborn by the Tekiels, only to end up helping the rebellion after Kelsier discovers and reveals to her that her mother was Skaa. He might even be coercing her to begin with, only for her to eventually get involved in the rebellion of her own free will. Perhaps she even ends up getting betrothed to Elend initially in the story, and that - unlike the novels - he isn't even that keen on her to begin with, as she's a bit haughty and arrogant when she thinks she's a mistborn noblewoman.
  14. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    I'm currently reading various fics and quests involving different versions of Spider-Man and more often than not Spider-Gwen, no surprise given the recent animated movie.
    So far so good, but I started to wonder if there's potential to branch out a bit.

    Long story short, how about a quest (or story) about Peter Parker of Earth-65 (Lizard)?

    The character itself can seem unsympathetic to some given, that he bascially became a school-shooter and got Gwen blamed for his stunt, but I like to think, that there's some potential to build on.
    - Rough start (always picked on by his classmates)
    - extremely intelligent (high grade nerd / Peter created a serum)
    - the hook (formula turned him into a giant lizard monster that he couldn't control)

    To avoid getting into a death-battle against Spider-Woman right from the getgo there can be a choice (coupled with a motive role) at the very start.
    Standing outside the gym (Midtown High prom) with a syringe: inject it and go inside or go somewhere else and inject it.

    What comes next?
    A dice-roll: How bad/violent is the reaction to the formula?
    Another roll: How many people are in his vicinity?
    A willpower-roll: Can Peter restrain himself from hurting or killing people?
    A Vote: Run away or go back home?

    I would love to see a young Peter Parker go a similar path like Conners in the Amazing Spiderman with his base in the sewers trying desperately to get his new powers under control.
    The futhest from his mind is being a hero, he's more concerned with keeping his sanity, getting all the necessary equipment (maybe stealing) and not going full-blown villain/monster.
  15. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    This is the Snow White I want to read.

  16. Dagro

    Dagro DA Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    Was about to post this in ASoIaF stories thread but realized at the last moment this is probably the place for that post. If it isn't or a specific discussion about this (if there is even any interest) is not wanted here, mods please move the post, thanks.

    https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13224251/1/Wyrm-and-Cub "Sent to squire for Barristan Selmy three years before A Game of Thrones, Jon Snow finds friends and grows close to a golden princess before learning a truth which drives him to craft a conspiracy to place himself on the Iron Throne."

    This story is shit, don't read it, don't open the link. I am solely posting this, to talk about Douche!Jon that was promised and not delivered in the summary. Yes sorry that is ironic I dared to say that after the drivel that is going to follow not related to this story at all. This post has been brewing for about a month but despite that it is not very thought through or probably even coherent. Please bear with me anyway!

    Asshole!Jon could be made serious and or parody/comedic. It could well be a story or a oneshot that jumps from situation to situation, to just quickly milk the content. This Jon is basically everything Catelyn Stark ever feared, unaccepting of his place in the world, uncompromising on what he thinks is owed to him. He could be made to leave home, seriously damage his relation with family himself, outside forces that breed resentments etc. His family beef could stem more from his own ego rather than actual clashes, it could be really anything the writer imagines. But this is probably where the trick is made if the future character is enjoyable to read/believeable.

    Now one of his only redeeming features could be that he honestly fell in love with a girl above his station. Myrcella comes to mind here, because of the sheer amount of stupid/funny/awesome situations asshole!jon could shine here. It would play with the trope of the righteous usurper, only this ones motives are not those of the 'trueking defender of the people' but a mindset of 'I really want shit the world doesn't want me to have'.

    The whole war of the five kings could be playground for Jon to try to advance in Lannister goodwill and / or try to destroy them so he can marry that poor disgraced bastard girl. Imagine him trying to sell Tywin and/or Cersei that he is the right guy, 'red wedding be damned, I will have that girl!'

    Or him finding out about the incest, and being all like "yay bastard!" or further conflicted about his choice, what it then would mean for Myrcella, the realm etc. and then fuck it! Oops started a war all my family is dying and that girl is in bloody Dorne! Or him showing up to her: "Guess what I found out? We can be together!" She: " ;( "
    Lannister fortunes waning, Jon!Adventure to Dorne, maybe made deal with Cersei, up to pull a Barristan. Sand really really sucks. Sun sucks. No water sucks. Epic odyssee through desert. Finally arrive. Nearly all of Dorne off to war. Your girl is dead! New queen! Hail the mother of Dragons! And there are dead things! Btw you are no bastard, marry your aunt who's lackeys killed the love of your life and go save the world! Nope -.- Fuck you all!
    Asshole!Jon hates Ned Stark for whatever reasons, War of Five Kings really fucks Westeros up even more, everyone dead. Lannisters somewhat still on throne, barely hanging on, everyone dead except Myrcella&Cersei. Stupid Eddard Stark, couldn't he stick me on someone with some claim so I could make a fucking move here please?! Ned Stark from the grave: "Not my kid!" Jon: Luv u uncle <3 :rolleyes:
    Little different asshole!Jon, knows about incest, Ned Stark captive in KL, Jon knows that he is as good as dead. Northern army has to cross Twins, Jon send over bridge to talk by Robb. Walder Frey really trying to slap him with a bastard, but Jon has eyes only for one bastard girl who is soon going to be in need of protection! Goes back with basically every Stark to marry except him.
    Timeskip: "You fucked us all over because you love the Kingslayers daughter?! Now you think there is a happy ending? Fuck that! Starks have manned the Wall for thousands of years, off with you!"
    Doesn't need to be connected to the above, Stannis + Wall!Jon: "Yes my King! All my yes!" <- Stannis with super ruthless-Jon on his side, maybe later the north, maybe some wildlings, comes at the cheap price of one bastard girl you were gonna kill anyway!
    Borrowing from the terrible story above: Jon in KL, transparently being a big dick trying to get ahead. Barristan figures out he is Rhaegars son, because of character resemblence whatever lol. Never tells a soul. /story
    Joffrey+Jon bestmates: Jon knows exactly the go to guy to make this happen, he doesn't care a lick for his sister or what ever lickspittle she marries. He cares about a) killing enemys, b) hurting people. I can deliver that! We are going to be besties! My family sucks? Don't like em either, how about I bring you my brothers head and we become family? ->>>> Joffrey-bro dead-.-, Mama Lannister a bitch about marriage deals... Joffrey-bro legitimized me! Tommen doesn't like the mean guy, no Marriage! Tommen dead too yay! =) Cersei panic mode, needs new chap for Myrcella. North just got fucked, no swords, new Jon Stark is out of the run, but from the grave Eddark Stark brings fire support. All the seven kingdoms rise for your true king! Don't worry Cersei, I got this!

    I could have sworn the general concept of Asshole!jon was discussed in the asoiaf story thread before, but I couldn't find it when last checked.

    The above are just a bunch of silly things that jumped to my mind quickly when trying to write this post, as said the story linked first made me think about a parody on this specific trope. (gold heart bastard falls in love with princess/lady of whatever/queen only for everyone and their mother to work so that they get that happy end)

    But douche!jon could be taken in a lot of different directions, don't be shy to let your mind wander!

    Sorry about the english, not my first language, I had to use a lot of google to reduce typos, hope this is readable enough.
  17. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    A fic where Jon discovers that he's the rightful heir to the Iron Throne and plans his way to get it back could be good. You don't even need to change his basic character that much. The TV Show presents him as a reluctant leader lately, but young Jon wanted to be great. He would need more skill in manipulating people though and be on level of Littlefinger and Varys, if less experienced, for it to work out.

    I'm not entirely sure what his plan could be. He can't ask Ned to help him because his uncle will never betray Robert and it's better if he's not even aware of Jon discovery. Robb could support him, but that's a distant future. He probably should invest into being a better friends with Theon and maybe Edmure, if he has a chance, to at least have future Lords on his side.

    Presently, he probably would need to make a name for himself somehow. While it's tempting to go to Essos and try his luck there, maybe get support of many powers there, this Jon would be aware that becoming a knight is a good option too.

    It makes a better narrative for the people, especially the smallfolk, than joining one of the foreign companies and killing for money. A prince believing himself to be a bastard becomes a gallant knight and protects the weak. He earns his money and the fame in the tournaments. He can make connections there too.

    All that is just a groundwork and I'm unsure what should be Jon's bigger plan. Just wait like Littlefinger for inevitable chaos after Joffrey become a king?
  18. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    If you wanted to avoid Essos, which is where many 'Jon makes a name for himself' fics go to die, you could instead have Ned request permission to semi-legitimize Jon, and set him up as a cadet branch - House Soustark, or whatever. Have Robert agree, but hold the legitimization back until Jon earns enough through tourneys to commission his armour/banner/furnishings. If you wanted to give Jon that extra drive, this could be an almost peace deal sent to Ned when Jon's still young.

    Cat can agree because Jon would renounce any claim on House Stark, and be sworn in under another vassal as a minor house, to give that bit less power and influence to him; or Ned could keep this a secret until Jon's older. Alternatively, have Robert demand this during his visit to Winterfell, because he doesn't like the stain on Ned's honour and he's got a soft spot for bastards. Or because he's drunk and it seemed like it would be funny, and piss off Cersei.
  19. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    I had two ideas pop into my head for A Song of Ice and Fire the other day:

    1) What if Brandon Stark had been able to reach the sword and free Rickard from the fire? They are imprisoned instead. Ned rebels to free them. Ned doesn’t become Lord Stark because his father and brother live. There are a couple of directions to take this. If you like Ned/Ashara you can go with that. Or maybe he’s a Kingsguard for Robert? Or he stays North to help his brother rule?

    2) Instead of Robert fighting Rhaegar at the Trident it was Eddard. Rhaegar kills Ned, but Robert still lives. The rebellion goes on.
  20. Longsword

    Longsword Banned

    Feb 1, 2015
    If Aerys was so surrounded by lickspittles that nobody stepped in to stop the two Starks from being burnt alive, then I cannot think how they would not be immediately put to death had Brandon managed to free his father.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019