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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Immie

    Immie First Year

    Aug 31, 2008
    Pettigrew blew up a entire street with his wand behind his back. That qualifies as competent. (At least more than Harry)

    This is CANON? Which book? I certainly don't remember anybody called Alexander in HP.
  2. Catch42

    Catch42 Squib

    Jul 21, 2009
    Pettigrew blowing up a street means he some knowledge of a powerful curse or was smart enough to aim at a gas line or something, not that he is capable of actually dueling well.

    Funny. I meant that in the canon universe this could be taken as a missing moment that would have no bearing on how the books actually happened, which means it sure as hell is a possibility (not a likely one, but still).
  3. Grubdubdub

    Grubdubdub Supreme Mugwump

    Feb 22, 2008
    He had to blow up several meters of concrete to reach a gas line, which is pretty damn impressive compared to the curses we witnessed.

    Actually, it cant. Voldemort wont go 'oh well' after a wizard entered his HQ. Alexander (I feel stupid writing this name) might have told someone where he was going ---> suspicion ---> ramifications.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
  4. Catch42

    Catch42 Squib

    Jul 21, 2009
    On the Pettigrew front, I'd like to see what more people think of his power level, as I'm not up to date on the current fanfic consensus. However, his power level really doesn't matter, as he is no Voldemort, and therefore it is possible for Cedric and Harry to beat him.

    Yeah, the name doesn't flow with me either, I just put something in cause it's awkward to be calling him "that guy". I also am not so sure about having an OC be such a big deal within the story, but like I said you could go without him. I just feel it makes for a better plot to have an antagonist that is acting outside of the ministry but is not trying to resurrect Voldemort. He would just have to be written really well.

    I'm not sure what you meant when you wrote "Voldemort we go 'oh well' after a wizard entered his HQ.", as it is not exactly a complete sentence, but I'm going to assume you meant that he might freak out that Alexander knew where his base was. I doubt he would, as it would be pretty obvious that Alexander is shocked that Voldemort is alive. However, even if Voldemort did freak and search for what Alexander had been up to these past thirteen years, it's not like we would know about it, as he could easily have done it in such a manner that Dumbledore wouldn't know about it. Plus, maybe Dumbledore did know about it, but since he wasn't exactly telling Harry much at the time it's not like the info would actually be in the books. Honestly, Voldemort could have gone on a month vacation in Hawaii, and we wouldn't know because that fits in the broad definition of "laying low and keeping yourself out of the public eye" (as long as he didn't start throwing spells around, anyway).

    Oh, and as for your suggestion that Alexander might have told someone where he was going; he's a manipulative potential Dark Lord returning to a homeland he left thirteen years ago in search of dark knowledge. Would you tell anyone where you were going? Would you even have anyone you trusted enough to tell?
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
  5. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Gas line was the story they gave to the Muggles, not what happened.#

    With regards to Peter Pettigrew's competence: note that wizards of his generation were apparently much more competent than Harry's. Pettigrew is said to be a poor wizard, yes, but this is a relative term, and in his case relative to people such as James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, and Severus Snape. All exceptional wizards/witches.

    I think Pettigrew is better at magic than Harry, but Cedric probably would have been better than him, though Pettigrew does have the advantage of having finished his schooling.

    But yeah, this whole Alexander idea is... not the best plot bunny in this thread. Let's be honest... Alexander's real name is Catch42.

    Also, all plot bunnies that have some uber threat to the wizarding world emerge conveniently just after Voldemort has been vanquished are lame.

    These kind of threats are rare. You could turn the fic into a humour one-shot though by having the character Alexander make all these plans... and then get caught right at the early stages by the Aurors, who are, contrary to many fics, actually quite competent.
  6. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    Er... why? Why would Fudge give Orders of Merlin to Harry and Cedric (and more than one)? If the homunculus is captured at the Graveyard and taken to the Department of Mysteries, wouldn't that be easy to cover up? Spin a little tale about why Harry and Cedric were Portkeyed away from Hogwarts, make them sign a secrecy document, and there's no blowback from Voldemort being alive all this time. Then Fudge might actually be re-elected.
  7. Catch42

    Catch42 Squib

    Jul 21, 2009
    Eck, I would certainly hope not, but I suppose the length I went into the back story makes it look pretty bad. I just feel that my ideas for the whole basis of the AU should be laid out in case someone would would want to use it as a starting point for their story. Like I said though, the idea could used without the inclusion of any major villain OC at all, it would just change some dynamics.

    And as for idea of a humor one-shot, that is an interesting idea. If no one wants the basic premise of the story, or wants it without the OC, then maybe I will. I also see your point about the whole big threat after Voldemort plots never working out well, which makes me cry a little on the inside. I still feel that the premise without the OC would make a good story, as Harry would have to deal with a magical world that hadn't been cleansed of death eater influence.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
  8. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
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    Pettigrew is hardcore.

    In 1981, the guy cuts off his own finger just to make a convincing diversion. Hell, he could have transfigured something else (a knife, perhaps? he had one in his hand) into a finger--it just had to last long enough for the funeral, after all. Or, he could have just given up on the finger thing altogether. But no, badass that he was, he used his own flesh.

    Then, he killed a bunch of people in cold blood. Boom, one spell. Only Dumbledore (maybe) or Ginny, with her MegaReductor in the DOM, could touch him in power in canon.* (Or maybe movie canon--I get those confused).

    Pettigrew lived for a dozen years as a rat with the Weasleys, including at least a couple with Ron. Guy did hard time in deep cover. Consider: he had to endure Ron's farts in the summer in a house with no AC. Rats have higher respiration rates than humans. Enough said.

    Pettigrew demonstrates his mastery of the Unforgivables in the graveyard. And then he chops off his own hand as an ingredient for the Voldemort batter. I don't know about you, but I sure wouldn't go lefty for the rest of my life for a less-than-gifted "boss." (I use the quotes because it's clear Voldemort is anything but).

    It's obvious Pettigrew stood to gain something significant (leverage perhaps?) by resurrecting the snake guy. Again, with mastery over the Unforgivables, he could have easily hit Cedric with an Imperius and had the kid bow to Voldemort's fleshbag and then have Cedric chop off his hand instead. One has to wonder why Pettigrew didn't, if not to have a card to call in later.

    Pettigrew operates behind the scenes throughout Voldemort's brief reign, staying at Spinners End to ensure Snape is manipulated properly. Later, he's at the Malfoy mansion checking up on his minions when the trio get there. He fakes his death with the hand thing, realizing that Voldemort is too weak and deranged to hold power and Pettigrew is about nothing if not the long game. Instead, he disappears into the shadows, lying in wait for the opportunity to strike, probably picking up a few badass tattoos along the way.

    The wizarding world will never know what hit it when Pettigrew decides to take the whole world domination thing seriously.

    * Cue obligatory Taure comment that there's no such thing as magical power.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
  9. Grubdubdub

    Grubdubdub Supreme Mugwump

    Feb 22, 2008

    That's weirdly awesome, though probably won't be any better than it is right now. Cedric couldn't have sacrificed his hand under the imperius though, as it would'nt be willing.
  10. Immie

    Immie First Year

    Aug 31, 2008
    The fake Moody says the AK takes a fair bit of power behind it to work. Pettigrew killed Cedric with an AK...that means he does have at least more than average power. Also, he was faster getting off a spell than Sirius when Sirus confronted him after the Potters death.
  11. Janus

    Janus Groundskeeper

    Jun 15, 2008
    Sin City
    Being a pathetic person doesn't necessarily mean you're a pathetic wizard. Lets also remember that he's cunning (or at least opportunistic) enough to escape the moment the shit hit the fan with WereLupin and a few dozen Dementors. Not terribly hard for a rat in the dead of the night, sure, but that sort of shit takes a serious fight or flight reaction.
  12. Memory King

    Memory King Order Member DLP Supporter

    Dec 17, 2007
    How about replacing that Alexander with a random Order member who vanished in canon? Someone who intended to change the Wizarding World, but became disillusioned with the Order's inner workings.

    Just a thought.
  13. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    That Pettigrew thing was awesome. I mean, it doesn't go against canon, but it gives you a new perspective on him. That would make a good oneshot, methinks.
  14. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Imperius wouldn't have worked. Cedric would have to want to be Voldemort's servant and want to cut his hand off. But seriously; write this.

    He's also had the disadvantage of being a rat for 12 years. That's a whole lot of muscle memory and spellwork to get back.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  15. Red

    Red High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2008
    Here's something, not exactly a plot bunny but a way I would like to see Harry characterized;

    Harry, neglected and starved for attention, discovers that in the wizarding world he's the best thing since sliced bread. So, he does he do? Milk it for all it's worth.

    This would feature a Harry who goes around getting free stuff, cashing in favors and generally taking advantage of people and manipulating them for his own gain. Just a random idea, because I don't remember ever reading a fic where Harry outright takes advantage of his status.
  16. Ceebee

    Ceebee High Inquisitor

    May 5, 2009
    I'd always thought an interesting plot bunny could be a play on the exact wording of 'Blood of the Enemy, forcibly taken', because I'm not sure of the timing, but doesn't Pettigrew chant/incant/say that while he's walking towards Harry?

    The plot bunny would be that Harry, in a flash of genius wants his blood taken, so as Pettigrew approaches, he starts repeating in his head 'Take it, take it' and moves his body so that the dagger pierces his skin, rather than a stabbing/cutting motion. Pettigrew doesn't notice and this really botches up the ritual that was being used. You can disregard Horcruxes and have Voldemort die, or have like a magical nuke go off, killing eveyone in the area, and then the rest of the plot would be the aftermath.

    It'd probably work best as a one shot.

    Second plot bunny sort of plays off one of Taure's original bunnies in the OP.

    Maiar!Harry LOTR crossover
    (A Maiar is the pseudo 'angel' beings that Gandalf, Saruman and Sauron are in Middle Earth/LOTR/Silmarillion lore)

    A bit of Middle Earth lore for dummies explanation is probably appropriate for this one:
    Eru (aka Illuvatar) is the One God. He was bored, and thought to himself, "I need some lackys", and his power was so immense that a whole bunch of powerful demigod-like beings were created. They are called the Ainur. Then he conducted them in a song, and they made Arda, the planet. One of these guys was a bit of a badass, Melkor, and he decided he wanted to rebel against Eru and the rest of the Ainur, so he did and screwed up the song. Melkor is the big bad, and is/was Saurons boss. Timeskip- many thousands of years - Melkor got owned ages ago, but it's just before LOTR time, and Sauron is screwing around. Eru, never one to directly interfere sends 5 Istari (Wizards) to Middle Earth to do their stuff and combat Sauron. He sends Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, Allatar and Pallando.

    Point: Middle Earth is 'meant' to be the very distant past of Earth, and the LOTR book is meant to be the book that Bilbo, Frodo and Sam compile about their adventures, translated into english.

    Plot: Eru, thinks to himself, 'I need some people who can get the job done' and his mega One God powers pulls Harry and companion through time/dimension and before him. He instructs them of their goal and names them Allatar and Pallando.

    I guess the rest would be up to the author. You could pull just after the final battle at Hogwarts Harry, mid-20's Harry, 150 year old mega badass magical superstar Harry, who just passed away before being pulled, whatever.
    For companions, it's more for whatever ship you want, or it could be a buddy story. Personally, I'd pull Fleur, 'cause everyone likes H/Fleur, and she is the only canon proven babe who could fit in with all the LOTR elf babes.

    And of course depending on what Harry you pulled, you can have various deus ex machina to drive the story. Succeed and Eru will send you back, succeed and Eru will let you live in Heaven for eternity with the Elves, Maiar and Ainur, whatever.

    There are a couple problems with the bunny, centreing around the rename, I guess. It'd probably come across as more of an OC that used to call himself Harry Potter, but now calls himself Allatar or Pallando, the same with the companion. And it'd take incredibly skillful writing and knowledge of Middle Earth lore to pull it off, still, I think it'd make a decent story, other than the fact that it's not really HP fanfiction.

    The general premise could be put into the War of the Wrath (the war that the Ainur and Maiar waged on Melkor that owned him so bad, the continent that the war was fought on sank into the ocean), instead of the War of the Ring scenario.
  17. Link

    Link Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 28, 2006
    I think BajaB used that bunny in his squib!Harry fanfiction, if I am not wrong.

    But realistically, it's very unlikely Harry would think about that - he's pretty young and under lot of stress, his mind would probably be paralysed as he watches Voldemort being resurrected, so this could only work in a parody or humour fanfiction.
  18. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    I have definitley seen the "I give you my blood" multiple times. Most of the time, the author forgets about it, and it does nothing.
  19. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    In canon, young Harry was often left on the doorstep of Miss Figg to be handled when the Dursleys needed to be away.

    Sick of dealing with their wanton nephew and his freakish ways, the Dursleys drop him off at the only too eager cat lady Arabella, and take a long overdue vacation to somewhere the child cannot find them. And so Harry, almost gleeful that he gets to go somewhere Dudley does not but trying very hard to hide it, helps the Dursleys pack silently and then heads over to Miss Figg's house a little early.

    Harry slowly approaches her home, knocks on the door, and waits to be let in. However, after a few moments, the door swings in upon itself allowing him access. Harry timidly steps into the house, and after making sure that Miss Figg is not home, decides to wait in the living room with the door open, so that he doesn't scare her - it wouldn't help for him to anger the woman on his first day there, especially since he would be staying for a solid month. He didn't think she was much like the Dursleys, but there had to be some reason why the Dursleys trusted her, right?

    After a while he gets fed up and searches the house, noticing all sorts of strange contraptions - a stool that slid across the floor when you put your feet on it, pictures that watch you as you move across the kitchen - but even after looking everywhere in the house he can't find Figg.

    Then, for the first time, he comes into contact with one of her abnormally large cats, an orange and red one with a collar that said proudly, "Strudles". Strudles leads him outside to the rest of the cats, who are all lounging around looking very full of themselves and quite lazy. A red greasy substance is lying all over the ground near where the cats sleep, and some of Miss Figg's clothes are scattered about. Harry, thinking that maybe the cats raided the house, decides that Miss Figg forgot about him or something.

    And so the days stretch, Harry becoming the sole resident of what was previously Arabella Figg's house. Each day he feeds the cats, who look at him fiercely until he does, but he develops a strong relationship with Strudles, who often stays indoors and hangs around Harry protectively, heading off the smaller cats that stray too close. Harry feels that he can count of Strudles, and it seems to him that Strudles can even understand what he is saying!

    After two weeks at Figg's, Harry is awakened from his peaceful slumber by a high pitched squeal and a old man tumbling out of the fireplace of all things! Astounded, but unwilling to give away his presence just yet, he follows the man around the house, and then into the backyard. Harry is surprised to find that upon reaching the cat pen, the man is suddenly very sick with tears streaming down his face. Harry, who had long ago decided that bad people don't cry - since he'd never seen Petunia or Vernon cry - gathers up his courage enough to approach the man and ask him if he is alright. At first he scared the bejeezus out of him, but after a few moments the older man comes to his senses, shaking Harry's hand and telling the young boy that his name is "Elphias Doge".

    Without thinking, the man begins to clean things up with his wand, sweeping the "red greasy stuff" off the ground and sneering while he somehow made all of the cats disappear - except for Strudles, who Harry tearfully admitted having made friends with. Elphias nods, and returns to his business, creating a badger made of white smoke that swiftly headed off into the sky to the north, prompting Harry to ask him about his wand.

    Thus, Elphias is the first to explain to Harry that he is a wizard, and that although he will be expected to stay with the Dursleys until the age of 11 (he was 9) one day he will receive his own wand and be able to practice magic just like Elphias! Harry is so excited that he asks question after question well into the evening, until Doge whispers a sleeping charm, putting the Boy-Who-Lived out until the morning - the day that the Dursleys return.

    On the trek back to Privet Drive the following day, Strudles follows Harry to the Dursleys, and Harry begs Elphias to let him keep him as a pet. When Elphias tells him to ask his family, Harry breaks down into tears, admitting that the last pet he had the Dursleys killed - a goldfish he won at a school fair that he found later sound asleep on his pillow.

    Doge, angry that the boy-who-lived is being treated this way but seeing no way to remove him from his family, decides instead to charm Strudles so that the Dursleys can't see him. It's easy enough magic, and the Dursleys are oblivious to the presence of a cat in their home.

    Years pass, and without Harry knowing, Strudles becomes his familiar. Now, where Strudles could understand Harry before, now Harry can recognize what Strudles wants almost immediately. When he goes to Diagon Alley, Hagrid doesn't buy him an owl because he is so impressed with the relationship between Strudles and Harry.

    Once he reaches Hogwarts, Harry develops a kinship with other cats in the castle - including Miss Norris who runs to interference between him and Filch, and Crookshanks who lets him know early on that Peter Pettigrew is Scabbers.

    Then some more shit happens. Harry becomes a thundercat. He meets Garfield. He gets a Felix the cat clock for the Gryffindor common room...
  20. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.

    Write this nao.
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