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Pokemon Sword and Shield (Gen 8)

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Seratin, Feb 27, 2019.

  1. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    Honestly, the whole 'Dexit' and reduced number of pokemon thing doesn't really matter to me all that much (because I got Gengar, Umbreon and Weavile so who cares?! lul).

    In fact, I'd be totally fine if, going forward (not that I'll be buying another pokemon game, but in general) 80% of the Pokemon were just <insert region name here> versions of existing pokemon, and they focused way more on systems and expanding the scope.

    Alolan Ninetales is genuinely cool af. Sirfetched is awesome and while the new Ponyta isn't to my tastes, I love the touch of its mane lighting up when it attack and such. I also know people love that Weezing. Mr. Rime? I mean come on! That's cool. It also makes way more sense in universe that there aren't all these new pokemon completely unknown to the rest of the world, and instead they just evolve (in the non-pokemon sense) differently.
  2. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    Honestly, I've been of the opinion since around gen 4 or 5 that they needed to just stop adding new Pokemon and focus instead on updating gameplay and systems. I don't see it ever happening, but I absolutely feel like it should.
  3. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    So I finally picked this up (Shield) and a Switch Lite (Thanks walmart, even if you got rid of Holiday pay and gave us a self-serving extra discount, the switch lite and PKMN shield for a total of $190 ain't bad. add on all the other groceries)

    My only impression so far is that it's completely gorgeous and Yamper is the Goodest Boy and Sonia is a babe. I'm also glad that we got a clothes merchant early. The goddamn beanie the male trainer starts with makes you look like you have a gray bun of hair.

    I still wish we just had Mega Evolution rather than Dynamax though. I'm just gonna headcanon that every dynamax or gigantamax is just a mega evolution.

    I just got the authorization/certification/thing to bumrush gyms and am rocking a team of Grookey, Yamper, Rookidee and Chewtle. I can't lie, this is a really good gen for cool PKMN early.

    I still can't figure out how to fish tho

    EDIT: you just have to find special spots in the water

    Currently grind-fishing by the Prof's house for an Arrokuda

    As it is so far, I love most of the new PKMN and the complaints ring about as true as all of the bitching about previous new gens.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2019
  4. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I was thoroughly uninspired when it came to even trying the game out--the starters looked like hell, and the legendaries were the worst. That's saying something considering how bad Dialga/Palkia and Xerneas/Yveltal were. However my younger brother bough himself a switch to play switch titles and for Xmas gave it to me to play pokemon until I was satisfied.

    The game feels less hand-holdy than Sun/Moon, but not by a ton. The addition of a 'quest tracker' to your town map to point you in the right direction makes it seem like there's more open-ness, but it's really just that you can visit the wild area now. You have access to flying taxis early, and the complete removal of HMs is nicer than the implementation in Sun/Moon, although not as "cool" as riding various pokemon. This increased freedom doesn't really mean much though.

    Despite the game being less hand-holdy, I still felt like it was very slow. Not pacing wise, just actual speed of gameplay for repetitive actions. Stupid oversights, like not being able to swap pokemon items (which I feel was definitely a option in a previous gen), make it feel unpolished and clunky at times, while always-on experience share and similar "quality of life" changes make the game feel less challenging. The biggest frustration is very much the slow animations. Grinding becomes an annoying challenge just because of opening battle and exp gain animations, or maybe a combination of things, that make every engagement feel like an annoying chore. Wild pokemon areas give you an excessive amount of pokemon, but lack a measure of sense for WHY they are so expansive in selection. Why is a giant rock snake just wandering here straight murdering people? The galar region is too pretty and polished for this random gengar in the park. I'll echo that it feels like a great idea executed pretty poorly.

    On that note, overworld pokmeon get annoying as hell. It's certainly very cool, but also incredibly frustrating that we still can't roll like HGSS and have our own overworld pokemon to follow us. But once you're hunting for dreepys and trying to avoid noiverns (speedy fucking fucks), galvantulas, and golurks, the overworld pokemon make hunting down the rustling grass pokemon a very frustrating experience. One thing I found similarly frustrating was the lack of theme in so many areas in terms of pokemon. It was nice taking a surf route and knowing to lead with your electric pokemon for easy grinding. It seemed like many of the wild areas would have very diverse typing that didn't seem to fit with eachother, which made selecting a strong lead to OHKO grind through impossible.

    These things led to a very small pokedex on this run for me, and also a lot of gambling on my part due to frustration with the slowness. I'd tackle threats that were vastly overleveled with type-advantage pokemon and hope the AI let me through it alive by using swagger and shit, because the EXP gain would be worth it. Hitting a Rhydon with a water pulse and winning at level 36 vs level 50 was surprisingly not a very big thrill. It was certainly a new experience for a pokemon game, but I wouldn't say it was super fun gameplay. On that note, having those pokemon be uncatchable was also very, very frustrating. That sort of level gating was already solved by the gym badge "pokemon of a certain level with obey" function, this just seems stupid. Adding an additional modifier to the catch rate could've achieved a similar effect in a much better way.

    The reduced pokedex hurt me personally as many of my favorites are missing, but additionally the ridiculous variance has kind of ruined the pokemon experience of "look up each route as I go" and select which pokemon I may want to grind for that was part of my personal experience. I can't say that's necessarily a bad change, but I certainly don't enjoy it when I have no interest in half the pokemon I see. I didn't find a trapinch at all, eventually catching a flygon at 55 when I had 7 badges (iirc). That felt stupid. The general progression of available pokemon made me feel more of a "collector" or "catcher" than a "trainer".

    I think Dreepy/Dragapult look sick, so I was super pissed to find I couldn't get one before the 6th gym, and even moreso to find that it was weather locked. The level scaling on it is also stupid. 50 levels as a dreepy, then 10 as a drakloak? I finally gave up waiting for the right weather and forced my system to thunderstorm and went hunting. When I got one, it went from 50-->79 from the large candies I had accumulated. Not a huge fan of that, in hindsight.

    The raid battles felt novel and then stupid. Leveling up I saw very few, and selecting a type-advantage pokemon meant you won. Now, facing down all these snorlaxes, they seem legitimately impossible without joining up with others. I'm not sure if that's something you can do for free or if that's a part of the charged service, but they are very frustrating things to face and lose to because you roll wobbuffet, eevee, clefairy as your allies.

    Overall, the game was a letdown. Most have been, but this one feels like it really failed to deliver a next-gen pokemon experience.

    The biggest positive for me was the story. The handholding through the opening ceremonies was frustrating, but the little things like expanded explanation behind the challenger circuit, the need for sponsorship, and the first three gym leaders coming to congratulate you and explain that few made it past the first 3 made the entire experience seem more important. Bede and Hop were less annoying, and Leon felt like a champion. The bait and switch of team yell and the league personnel was less obvious than I thought--but the lack of an evil team was really felt. I liked Rose as a villain and the concept behind the plot, but the lack of a game corner, lake of rage, rocket base, etc. was really felt. Gym 7 was hardly a game corner experience, as you're just facing down a gym leader with a skin on it. The championship battle interlude didn't feel nearly as earned as Rocket/Magma/Plasma/Galactic, and was actually pretty lame.

    It's like six battles or something? Nothing challenging or interesting, and kind of out of the blue almost. Charging the tower was NOT the fight against world domination I'd expect from a pokemon game.

    The gym challenges were hit or miss. I thought there were several I enjoyed, as the grass gym felt like a good starting challenge for a first gym, the water gym was great but short, and some others had some interest, but others were very wasted, like the fairy "tryout" or the team yell fight several trainers (...and that's all!) laziness. I would've rather seen several different reused puzzles than this lack of puzzles.

    The league format was enjoyable, but also incredibly short. This was the least challenging league I've ever seen, but that's probably hyperbole. I remember one had less than 6 pokemon for the elite four. I don't like that the pokemon are healed between bouts...but I guess it would've been fine if the battles were actually challenging.

    I don't feel any desire to continue post credits, but that's been true since X/Y.

    I guess I'm just very confused that after all these games, Gold/Silver and their remasters in HG/SS still stand out as being so great. Why are we still working with 8 gyms, when 16 can easily work? I don't think it's nostalgia, as ruby/sapphire were the games that I really played the most, and OR/AS were so-so in my opinion. I'd say that HG/SS were peak pokemon, followed by ORAS, followed by BW/BW2.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
  5. Cjonbloodletter

    Cjonbloodletter Professor

    Jan 29, 2007
    In Lord Jabu Jabu
    So according to the Pokemon Direct, there's a dlc expansion on the way. We get to go to the Isle of Armour and the Crown Tundra. There's gonna be some new legendaries as well as some new Galar variants of the OG legendary bird trio. There's supposed to be more pokemon to catch there too. Also it looks like there's gonna be a slowpoke variation that isn't being slowly eaten by a shelder.

    I'm once again fairly optimistic, but then again I liked Sword/Sheild, though I do understand the pov of those who will be mad about quite a few Pokemon being hidden behind a paywall. Edit: you can still get all the pokemon coming through either trades or Pokemon Home.

    Edit: just watched more of the direct past the actual trailor, the Crown Tundra is supposed to have a Coop den exploration thingy. Also pretty close to all the old legendaries will be found there. I was kinda liking the non legendary filled meta too.

    Pokemon Home in February, dunno how much it'll cost.

    Edit 2: huge lack of James Turner in this Direct, is it possible that he was ritually sacrificed to obtain more content?
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
  6. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    I called them expanding the Pokédex through DLC sand I'm not even mad. Gimme more Pokémon content and I'm happy.
  7. Hymnsicality

    Hymnsicality Seventh Year

    Oct 28, 2014
    On the wild plains of Africa
    Yeh all of this looks really good. Hopefully the wild area parts of this dlc actually has stuff to interact with this time around.

    Gigantimax Blastoise looks sick.

    My boy metagross is finally back in the game.

    Galarian versions of the legendary birds is odd but cool.

    Can't wait.
  8. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    The Galarian birds look gorgeous. But what are those awful golems? I've seen fanart that was leagues above this.
  9. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    It's funny how my opinion is the exact opposite of yours. Zapdostrich is an abomination unto the lord.
  10. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    That's funny, the only one I actively dislike is Articuno.

    Zapstritch makes me feel like we need a Wile E. coyote Pokémon.
  11. Ash'Ura

    Ash'Ura Totally Sirius

    Dec 10, 2009
    Would any of the non-US players be willing to trade a foreign Ditto with me? I'd like to use the Masuda method to breed shiny Pokemon and a foreign Ditto would go a long way in making that easier.
  12. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    If you still need one next week I'll help but I imagine you'll have it sorted by then.
  13. Silirt

    Silirt Chief Warlock DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Sep 19, 2018
    It took me several months to breed a shiny eevee with the Masuda method. This was the Diamond and Pearl era, so I just used the GTS to reach out to someone from Chiba who wanted a Squirtle.
  14. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    I've got UK, Spanish, and Japanese ones, so I can trade. Ideally, if you've got either Pokerus, or the Sword Exclusive apple item as an attachment? If not, just chuck whatever.

    I masuda'd to get a shiny Ralts to round out my team before the eighth gym, and it took about 35 hours. Just driving in circles in front of the daycare in the wilds, with only a Coalossal in the party, whilst watching Peaky Blinders. It's the only time I've ever really done it.
  15. Ash'Ura

    Ash'Ura Totally Sirius

    Dec 10, 2009
    I've got a Riolu and an Eevee with Pokerus I can trade for a Spanish or Japanese Ditto. Apparently, UK and the US don't count as separate regional because they both speak English.

    Right now, I'm trying for a shiny Trapinch, Hatterene, or a Ghastly to round out my team. I waited until I beat the game to start breeding so I've gone at it for about 10-20hrs so far.

    Anyway, I'll PM you my friend code and we can get to trading whenever you're free. Also, thanks man, I really appreciate this. I've been trying to get a foreign Ditto rheough surprise trade and reddit for a while now but I haven't had any luck.
  16. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I bought Pokemon Shield yesterday, and currently I’m in Motostoke.

    First impressions:

    I’m really, really liking it. It’s a very beautiful game. I knew going into it the routes would be linear and there would be a lot of hand-holding, which I’ve found to be true so far.

    After basically no Pokemon variety in Let’s Go, playing Shield is like asking for a cup water and then being dumped into an ocean. Pokemon everywhere, and I keep throwing Pokemon from my party to add cute new ones.

    I spent about an hour in the Wild Area. I do wish the areas would look more interesting rather than rolling fields with vague differences. I caught what I could, but I’m certain that the catching ratio for some Pokemon have been jacked. I threw ten balls at a Level 13 Snorunt that I had in the red, and it broke out all of them on the first try, wherein I gave up. That’s a bit annoying. I think I went too far into it in places since some Pokemon were at Level 28+ and I couldn’t find lower-leveled versions.

    I don’t know, I just like the atmosphere and scenery. I wasn’t expecting to.

    Current Team:

    1. Rookidee. My chosen starter, since I’m not interested in the real starters. A strong Pokemon.
    2. Wooloo. I have no interest in using it, but it’s very cute.
    3. Yamper. Also cute. Nuzzle is good for catching Pokemon.
    4. Tyrogue. I just used a Hitmonchan in Let’s Go, so probably not a permanent team member.
    5. Swinub. Of course.
    6. Drifloon. Took twelve Poke Balls to catch it. My money…

    I’ve spent 20k on clothes, and I just got my hair styled, so I’m happy with my progress so far.

    Also, my Rookidee caught Pokerus. Dunno how. I’ll get my sheep infected and then box the sheep.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Update. I’m on Route 5 now.

    Currently, only two negatives of the game.

    Turffield was very bare. I get it could be considered a rural town, but there were so many houses in the background and basically nothing in the overworld for me to go in. Just a bunch of dead ends with an item. I hope this won’t be a common feature going forward considering Motostoke was such a big and great city. I know a lot of people don’t like Sword/Shield, so I’m doing my best not to feel negative so I don’t spoil the experience.

    The TM selection in the game is sure shit, though. How many of these useless moves do I want to teach my Pokemon? 10%? I think Magical Leaf and Rock Blast are the only decent TMs I have so far.

    Putting all that aside, I love the commercialization of the Gym Challenge. It’s so interesting and unique, and I especially like that all the gym leaders were introduced at once to build anticipation for their matches. The gym challenges before you fight the gym leaders are pretty dumb (though I’ve only fought Milo so far), but in the context of it being broadcast, a lot can be forgiven.

    I also don’t mind Hop too much. He clearly is concentrating on irrelevant details of being a trainer, like throwing a ball good or having catch phrases for when he inevitably becomes champion. It’s endearing.

    Current Team:

    1. Corvisquire. I’ve barely used her since I’m training my weaker Pokemon and EXP Share is pulling her along. She’s powerful when I use her though.
    2. Yamper. For catching Pokemon. I’ll replace him soon.
    3. Swinub. I didn’t mean to choose Swinub as my ice-type. It just kind of happened. <_<
    4. Sizzlipede. I’m not interested in this Pokemon at all, but he’s powerful and I needed a fire-type, and oh god, why can’t he just be Larvesta like nature intended…
    5. Leafeon. I found a female Eevee, so I accept no blame. She’s murdering everything with Magical Leaf.
    6. Applin. I like to imagine a scenario where some newb who didn’t research Pokemon beforehand catches this apple only to double-take when they notice it’s a dragon-type. I see I can find it’s evolution item in the wild area, and since I have the bike now, I’m going to go get it once I reach the next town. I’m not interested in boxing my Leafeon though, so two grass-types for now.

    Moving forward!
  17. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Idunn, my Appletun, carried herself beautifully from pretty much the moment I evolved her (apart from the Ice gym, wayyy too dangerous) until the Champion match.

    However, the evolution item requires your bike to have surf. Spoiler below:

    It's under the tree on the island, and apparently respawns (rarely). I've only ever found the one. You can get the relevant apple item by speaking to the kid on the far west of Hammerlocke, and you get your Applin back. Apparently there was an in-game giveaway in March for the wrong one, but we've missed it by nearly two months.
  18. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    I have to say you've helped me pinpoint one of the big problems I have with this game. All the town's feel like they have a cardboard cutout backdrop. I had to stop and think about it for a second but yeah, Turffield is just the beginning of that. There's even one town that you literally can't go into. You take a back alley side road to a gym and are then told to gtfo. They just didn't bother designing a town for it. There's more content in gen 1 Viridian city.

    Yeah some of the routes are so nice they make up for it somewhat but still.
  19. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Yeah, I spent ten minutes in the Wild Area before realizing my bike needed Surf. Serebii, you could have been more specific. :(

    Hulbury was a better town, though I know my priorities are in order when I desperately run around it looking for a clothing store.
  20. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Did you perhaps check the day care on the way to Hulberry?