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Ranked Diaries

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Churchey, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    I'm not saying he's a -bad- split pusher, it's just I feel like Bruiser Nid & Singed are far harder to force out of lane and stop the push in comparison, though after watching Wings just now, I guess Trynd is probably better, it just feels like he can be kited far easier against the wrong people. Just feels like he's far harder to come back with, though as I said I've barely played him, never in a game that actually mattered and I very rarely see him in my games. Think there'll be a wave of Kennen's and Vlad's if anything after LCS, and I feel confident enough with Xin vs any Vlad.

    Still, from an Irelia diving under tower with nothing, even wasting her flash to do so he went on to something like 12-1-7, so, eh. He was using AS reds & blues too, which is a curious combo to have, the joy of playing 2 lanes max I guess.

    Always lots to learn, Aatrox seems ok from what I've seen of him, his damage really seems lacking though, as he's pretty kiteable sans his q and is forced into using his ult, and due to crappy base stats you can probably beat him in lane fairly easily, aside from this fixation Riot have with revive passives lately - One of the things they said 'weren't fun' in champion creation - A free revive. Queue Zac & Aatrox, though at least you can -stop- Zac's.

    Not complaining, it's a gimmicky passive that has its moments like most do but, eh. I'll have to see what it's like to play against or watch more games with him in. Onto ranked games again tomorrow, only need 1 more mixed pen red and then it's onto CDR blues - think I'm done for runes after that, nothing really jumps out at me as I like MR so much even as a base rune.
  2. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    After my elo decay from 5 months of inactivity, and me being dumb and duo queueing for my placement matches, I am now steadilly rising back up through the divisions ~! Goal atm is one division a night.
  3. Daedros

    Daedros Seventh Year

    May 7, 2012
    Yeah, I've been playing a lot of Tryn exactly for the above reasons. He's honestly just stupid right now. Even if you straight up lose lane, you can just keep farming and pushing, because even with no kills farmed Tryn is a god. You can charge Shiv in like a second with your E, and you clear waves stupidly fast. If you play smart, nobody can chase you down and kill you. Then suddenly you come into a teamfight and destroy the world.

    Like, to put it in perspective, I'm a pretty terrible toplaner -- hell, I'm actually a pretty shitty player in general. But I almost never lose a game when I go top Tryn.
  4. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Edit; Original post in the wrong thread... Played 2 games since I got back, won both, now on 89 points, though I really should only be on one as the first was a 5 vs 4 from the start and it sucked playing it as I hate those games, regardless of whether I win or lose.

    Second game is the best I've played in a long time as support, even if I did whiff a sona ult that cost us the first teamfight we were still so far ahead it didn't really matter by the 30 minute mark.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2013
  5. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    One division a night? D: Good luck with that.

    Had a wonderful game of good communication and beautiful aoe chain combos. Other team raged hard in all chat except for good guy Ryze who kept his cool and stayed polite.

    On to the promotion series! Going to run LolRecorder for these for post game analysis, assuming it still works.

    Edit: nope.jpg

    Bugsplat when loading but thankfully I reconnected before game start. Got carried by Wukong and Jungle Nunu with Triforce and FH. Monkey kept split pushing when we needed all 5 since we couldn't hold, and Graves was not the brightest as he didn't play ADC, but Lulu synergy worked despite our poor wave clear. At the end the enemy team was so scared of Nunu they let him stroll around behind their lines after a Gragas ult.

    1 of 3. Does anyone know how to fix lolreplay crashing the client?

    G2: Jungle lee sin disconnects, Akali mid does stupid solo dive around baron not to steal but to try and assassinate someone. Me and Tristana pummel bot and help take mid too, but too much Fizz roam means instagib ult. Team stupidly tries to tank mid inhib turret to take it out and does manage to do so but d/c sin too stronk.

    2 of 3.

    Picked Jayce against Elise, then asked to go mid for Talon so he could face Elise, enemy had Draven and Vayne, so he assumed he would be up against Vayne top. It was Draven mid. Total wtf match. Draven took their blue and pummeled me for a bit but I was able to go back safely and pick up a little cs. Graves Alistar picked up first blood against Vayne Taric bot, and completely dominated the lane despite Zac ganks. I made some lousy trades against Elise when I swapped with Talon, and he got gibbed by Draven. I gank mid and Nunu ults Draven under our tower, giving me double buffs and shut down gold. Proceed to rush Last Whisper and Brutalizer against Elise rushing Warden mail into Frozen heart, finish stacking tear in like 5 minutes of play, and begin with rape face. Spectacular play all around my team, particularly Nunu and Alistar. However, the popup said "Welcome to Silver III." In the rush to check my league I left the post game lobby without properly honoring them.

    Anyway, currently Silver II. Excelsior.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2013
  6. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Some weird ass lag spikes on EUW for me, I can see people moving & people doing damage, but I don't see any effects or anything, it all just freezes in place, models & everything so I have no idea where the fuck I am in a fight, then it catches up & I instantly die halfway out the fight or something stupid.

    Basically threw away my last game as top Nasus because of it combined with a Noct & Malph who kept wanting to dive a level 18 Trist with GA who has Wukong & Lee to peel for her. Sigh. We had that game in the bag till they started diving Trist every fight rather than let her get out of position as she jumped in -every- time someone got low for a reset, then we coulda got her, but nope... Damnit.

    Oh well, 73 LP as I dodged earlier, picked Graves when we already had a Vayne.. Completely oblivious to the fact we needed a mid laner, not an ADC, I am just stupid.

    Edit; Still got those weird freezes in my second game... Nobody else is experiencing them which worries me as my machine's running fine so far as I can tell. Won with Naut because this guy is still beastly even after the small nerf to his damage and nobody expects that much CC at level 3. Helps when your laners are amazing as well and competent, if anything I got carried going 1/0/3 in a 12 kill game.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2013
  7. Red

    Red High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2008
    Well since I got to Gold I have stopped trying and been yolo-ing the jungle and I didn't know that not giving a fuck would result in so much elo gains. I pick Jax jungle, get one blue buff then decide to camp either top or mid and make that enemy laner just hate their life. 90lp in a couple of games (MMR too OP). I might be Gold IV soon, marginally less horrible than I currently am.
  8. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Playing carry junglers is always fun when you just say fuck it and goes balls deep, people don't seem to expect it. That said, it's something that I just don't do... I like support junglers over carry junglers, something about the fear of getting wrecked early and giving away doubles in a bad gank just scares me.

    That and the skill to play Lee Sin decently... Is lacking within me, so much. Might try it though, maxing E seems to work really well if you have -any- other form of CC in the lane.
  9. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Play the support carry junglers then?

    Sejuani, Jarvan, Cho and others of a similar style that have damage and tank builds based on the situation.
  10. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    I play Cho almost religiously, though the need to practise rupture's is getting close - I keep anticipating people to dodge, so I aim slightly to the side... and they never dodge. I assume too much.

    Whenever I snowball though I make the mistake of building tanky, rather than building some damage first which, when you get a few kills un-answered as the jungler you should probably do. With Cho though, I'm never quite sure what to get. RoA? Too expensive. Abyssal? Niche situational item. Maybe something like Wits End? Seems like a much simpler choice with Naut where you're guaranteed to be up in their face.

    Main junglers to summarise quickly are Cho, Naut and the occasional Nasus game. Strong desire to try Eve, Hecarim, Nunu and maybe pull out J4/Sej again - working on my runes anyway, once I have ArP quints & CDR blues I'll feel a lot better about pulling out a wider roster of junglers on a more regular basis.

    Edit; Screw it, I wanna try Eve/Nunu? First jungle game I get, lets try it unless the enemy team is simply too good against one of the above. Can't drop out of Gold V, can only go up.

    Edit 2; I envy these people who enter Gold V and then just fly past me with such low win/loss counts, smurfs ahoy.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2013
  11. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    After some long matches, I finally made it to gold V! I didn't make my goal though. While it took me 2 days for 3 divisions, I was busy for a bit and couldn't make the last jump fast enough. So all in all, took me 6 days for 4 divisions, from Silver 4 to Gold V :( Still, at least I finally rectified that mistake of duoing on my placement matches. I just didn't realize how many freaking games it takes to move up division by division.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2013
  12. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Hell of a job though, I hate playing more than 3 games a day due to nerves, stress or not wanting to follow a winning streak with a losing one - all stupid idea's.

    Very big congrats on that Tragic, talk about hauling ass. Best of luck to you & everyone else who made Gold V recently - Gold I by seasons end perhaps?
  13. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    Plat V hopefully by season ends :p But, it'll be harder to carry and probably take a lot more games. So we'll see.
  14. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Lies. You're already plat V.

  15. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    Well, I played 3 rank games today.
    First game was garbage. Our first pick Ryze loses to Pantheon and gives up firstblood at around 4 minutes. Was a rough game after that. Their Pantheon played well though, snowballing all the lanes. So props to him.

    Second game was playing as Ezreal and did decent. Both our solo lanes won so it was a pretty easy game. We dicked around a lot ending it. The mid Ahri was pretty awesome and the enemy Hecarim was 1/9 at the end.

    Third game I played jungle Shyvanna. Ended up queue'd with the Ahri from last game and I secured her first blood against TF. Farmed up the jungle and then helped our Lee top tower dive the enemy Tryndamere. We ended up destroying the enemy Malphite as well. We almost got outscaled but we stopped fooling around and ended the game. Ahri got a quadra at the end and the enemy TF stepped out of the fountain to *give* her the penta, but he Zhonya'd and the game ended
  16. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I think I've hit the limit of my current ability at around Gold 5-4. I win and I lose, but I never go above that.
    Doesn't really bother me. I'll get better the more I play, and eventually I'll get good enough to get higher. So long I don't let my rating decay out of Gold, I don't much mind.
  17. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    So, my Ezreal sucks balls now. He's like 1/4 of all my total losses. :(
  18. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    This may sound crazy but hear me out.

    Don't play ezreal.
  19. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    I've seen your ez builds. It's like old school Tforce Ez, man.
  20. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    Yeah, it's something I gotta change. But, I really don't like the whole Blue Ezreal build, and I like bloodthirster on Ezreal too much. I'm trying to think of item to go after BT, but not sure if I like Iceborn gauntlet enough on him to use it.
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