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Spider-Man: Far from Home

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Arthellion, Jan 15, 2019.

  1. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    True. Very possible.

    One thought...with the after credits they seem to be setting more and more distrust among the public towards the super powered beings.

    Honestly think it’d be great to see them bring in the X-men soon. Considering Disney has the right now.
  2. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    Eh...not sure about super-powered distrust, tbh. I mean, obviously Spider-Man, but realistically? There's a whole bunch of ways the allegations can be disproved by 'Fury' (not necessarily directly, of course, but through fronts) before you even get into the fact that there's a whole bunch of established and respected heroes who'd be going 'that seems suspicious'. I know that doubts about superheroes are Comics 101, but I doubt they'll repeat Civil War that way. Earth's heroes just saved every single life in the universe, after all, and Spider-Man was right there with them.

    What could happen, in that angle, is have 'Fury' and 'Hill' exposed as Skrulls, at which point panic ensues, because people start wondering how many of the returned Snapped are imposters.
  3. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    The more and more I think about it, this is probably the best movie Marvel has made. It’s not my favorite (that’s endgame) but it’s definitely top 3 with Winter Soldier.

    All the beats fall perfectly. The actors are all great. There is really no weak part in this movie.

    It also has two best after credits.

    Just saying this movie has sold me on Holland as Spider-Man and everyone should see it.
  4. Viewtiful

    Viewtiful Groundskeeper

    Jan 9, 2010
    I liked the multiverse being a fakeout, at least for now. While the multiverse might be the natural escalation point from the events of Endgame, I don't really think that escalation is necessary. You can tell great stories within the MCU - whether as standalone stories or bigger arcs - without it having to be 'bigger' than the last major threat. It doesn't have to be like Dragon Ball-Z when the next major threat/villain is immediately 1000x more powerful/dangerous than the last. Something like this - with essentially a normal person just taking advantage of a post-blip/snap world, is a lot more interesting to me Galactus showing up.

    That said I do expect they'll begin escalating things and moving onto something they can market as 'bigger' than Endgame. I'm not a comics fan so I don't know what that entails, but I assume they'll start working on integrating the X-Men, and the multiverse is probably the most efficient way to do that. Everyone knows who the X-Men are and how they work, it would make sense to just have them already be established on an alternate Earth rather than having to do an entirely new origin story to introduce mutants.
  5. Nevermind

    Nevermind Headmaster

    Mar 18, 2017
    The Medium Place
    High Score:
    Well, I had a really good time.

    Arthellion mentioned that this film sold him on Tom Holland as Spider-Man. For me, this film sold me on Zendaya as MJ. I didn’t particularly like her in Homecoming, but she was great. She’s got that dorky sort of demeanor and humour that meshes extremely well with the current interpretation of Peter Parker.

    I really like how the film dealt with the absence and literal omnipresence of Tony / Iron Man, and what that means for both Peter and Spider-Man. That motif was definitely one of the strong points for me.

    On the post-credit scenes: Both the revelation that Parker is Spider-Man and particularly Mysterio’s false accusation bookend the film quite nicely, given that we first saw Spider-Man at the Blip fundraiser. It’s a total obliteration and inversion of the status quo. I don’t know whether that was something they did intentionally, but I noticed it. Bringing Talos and his wife back was great, both to confirm that the Skrull are still active (there can never be enough Ben Mendelsohn) and to perhaps set up Fury as even more of a puppet master than before. It also neatly side-stepped the issue of Fury and Hill being outwitted by Mysterio. And what does this revelation mean for Hill, btw?

    As for the multiverse, I am happy it was a fake-out for the time being. I never really got into any iteration of the X-Men franchise, so from my personal perspective I’m perfectly fine with their introduction being at least a couple of team-up films away.

    Happy and May as a couple is something I never really knew I needed until I saw it. Deliciously awkward. I guess it helps that both Marisa Tomei and Jon Favreau gave really strong performances once again, and the “I’m in love with Spider-Man’s aunt” line was a showcase of impeccable comedic timing.

    Lastly, a nitpick: How did Peter gain back control over Edith so easily? Did Beck simply not think about locking Peter out of the system? Seemed very convenient to me, given that the former wasn’t exactly in any condition to object.

    All in all, without revisiting my previous list, FFH feels like an easy Top 5 entry in the MCU, and exactly what was needed after Endgame. A job well done.
  6. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    One area where the two spiderman films have left the other MCU movies in the dust is with their villains. Yeah it's a bit odd their both kinda created by Tony Stark, but the actors and motivations are the best villains in the MCU.
  7. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I was super hyped for this one, even moreso than I was for Avengers 4, and that might be why it fell a little flat for me. My hopes were too high? I don't know. The rom-com aspects were on point but the rest of it needed a bit of work imo. Still liked it though!

    I liked MJ and all the rom-com aspects of the movie just fine. The field trip, the chaperones, the other kids, etc. were great. But even though Peter is a kid it was way, way too easy to get him to give up EDITH to the new guy he just met, esp as it was a gift from Stark. Some of the issues I had with Fury not being paranoid enough were fixed by it not actually being Fury (post-credits) but in that case some of his earlier interactions with Peter make less sense. I seriously doubt Peter was really the only available person to help as well, and he *is* still a kid who repeatedly tried to avoid getting into this. The trailers hyped me up for things to go a bit more heavy on Peter missing Stark, and while they did hit some of those points it wasn't hitting it hard enough for me. Lots of opportunity to mention Morgan Stark, what with how much Happy was around but she wasn't mentioned. And a bunch of other little things that felt sloppy or something in terms of the main storyline. But everything else hit the right notes.

    So yeah - it was good, but I spent half the movie being just a bit disappointed and that never faded.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2019
  8. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
  9. Raigan123

    Raigan123 Banned

    Jan 23, 2015
    Salzburg, Austria
    Saw it on thursday. I liked it a lot. Jake Gyllenhaal was a great villain.

    Agree completely. Only Thanos and Loki are better villains and they were built up over several movies.

    One thing my brother mentioned was that he thought Jake Gyllenhaal’s acting seemed lackluster until the twist, which I didn’t notice because I knew about Mysterio from the comics, but since he didn’t his perspective was fresh and he noticed. It totally makes sense in hindsight though, and I agree it seems so until you realise it’s intentional.

    It’s one of the best MCU movies so far. I’m not sure exactly where though, probably top 7 along with Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Avengers, Infinity War, Doctor Strange and Ragnarok.

    Endgame is the emotional top but not the movie top.
  10. Blorcyn

    Blorcyn Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 16, 2010
    So I enjoyed this immensely, except for the fact that no-one cares about their kids enough to book, so I thought I was going to an early Saturday showing that would be reasonably unchilded.

    The story was good, very good but not great enough to hit the mega tiers for me. I felt it opened a bit clunky. I felt that Ned wasn't really given much to do, and didn't really shine like he did last time. As we got further in though, it got really good, and as you've all said it was all about Gyllenhal. They really played up the Tony inheritance angle and I think it worked well. I think by the end we got to see in Peter what we kept being told was there.

    I also like it was a film all about how the Spider-sense is going to be Imber. It's the path, along with the tech, that'll excel him into the Thor and late Iron man leagues.

    Really liked MJ, and the swinging at the end was the first time I've actually that looked sweet and gave me some feels. The end-credit scenes, particularly the first one, are the only times they actually seemed to be really weight scenes in and of themselves. I like seeing OG jameson back in the films. Also, I like that you can see how they're gonna realign spiderman into his usual level of NY hatred, because otherwise he's just going to be too popular.

    And then, just cannot praise Quentin Beck too highly. He went evil quick, but he was both a good sympathetic actor at first, and then a good mysterio second. It felt like the comics come to life when he was battling Spiderman that first time. Really loved how trippy it was.

    I think there wasn't enough ambient depression from the Blip. Like, if the Iron Man Murals were over the top of Snap Murals. Or if everything touristy was still just a little bit bleaker. I thought this should be a world healing over trauma, not one already healed.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2019
  11. Heather_Sinclair

    Heather_Sinclair Chief Warlock

    Jan 19, 2008
    The Eighth Circle of Hell
    Decent movie. I say that because, like the first one, it really didn't have the feeling of an MCU movie to me, simply a better told Spider-Man movie. I agree with the high points everyone has already noted. The one thing that I am completely over is the "awkward" thing that Peter still keeps doing. Really tired of it. Yes, he's still a teen and teens are awkward for the most part.

    Thing is, he's been in a number of battles, and faced a number of problems, but he's still this stumbling bumbling teen from Homecoming. I really thought this movie was going to be something completely different. I thought the first half was going to be dealing with the aftermath of Endgame and trying to make sense of (His place as a new Avenger) while Mysterio is being set up.

    Not saying he should have been the new Tony Stark and try to build a team, but some hints as to where his new place is to be... much like when Happy and him are on the plane, being given the pep talk and introduced to tech that Tony left behind.

    Instead, it was virtually a complete regression of the character into a virtually tech-less suit and back to the comic book style spider-man with JJJ being JJJ. I was almost waiting to see if Peter whipped out a camera and went down that road.


    They've gone all this way to show how intelligent how he could realistically be the next brainchild for future movies) is only to revert back to comic form with only a (single?) comment about how smart he is. Again, not saying he should have been Tony!Peter, just something more.
  12. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:

    It's been out long enough so going to respond without Spoiler text. So...for anyone else in the thread who hasn't seen it yet, here's your last warning from me.

    Edited by Ched to add spoiler tag - it's been out LESS THAN A WEEK.

    Responding to your thoughts. Firstly, I don't think we are ever going to fully get a movie dealing with the results of the Blip. Maybe the Black Widow movie will deal with it, but I'm not hopeful. And it wouldn't be in a Spiderman film. That would take away too much from the character who still needs growth.

    I disagree that Peter regressed. I watched homecoming before far from home and the difference is night and day. Is peter still awkward and bumbling? Yes, but nowhere near the level he was in homecoming. You can see the progression watching these movies back to back.

    One thing the MCU has done marvelously is handle their power levels. They showed us our heroes growing more powerful. We never had to be told that Stark using Nanotech was more powerful, we were shown it.

    In the same way, you see Peter's progression.

    Regarding his smarts, I think that was shown twice, and both of them were meaningful. The first was his thoughts about the multiverse. That was good and in character. The second was when he was creating his own suit. Did he build that machine that built his suit? No, but how many other people in the universe would know what voltage would be needed for his webbing to disable the drones? You see him working, like Stark, in a similar level of intelligence.

    Finally, I think on a story level, Marvel has left the Golden Age of Heroes. For the most part, people adored Tony/Cap etc. Those heroes were revered. But they're gone. Living up to that legacy will be difficult...but it is also a whole new world. Everyone now knows the level of devastation. Everyone felt it emotionally. Everyone knew someone who was snapped. This wasn't just paranoia of seeing it on television. This was real to everyone.

    I think it is telling that Marvel has regained the rights to the X-Men. A world of hostility to these super-powered beings, of which Peter is no longer a golden boy, will be the theme of the next stage.

    Personally, I'm hoping for Dr. Doom and Magneto as the next two phases villains leading to Kang the Conqueror as big bad.
    --- Post automerged ---
    *shrugs* if you’re going into a thread of a movie that’s released you risk getting spoiled.

    Imo, spoilers are a courtesy, but whatever.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2019
  13. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    There's kind of an unwritten rule that spoiler threads warn about spoilers in the thread title @Arthellion. If a thread is labeled such, then I'd say spoiler tags are unnecessary.
  14. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Fair - it's not really a big deal and I agree that people coming in here should know to expect spoilers.

    But it's also polite and a courtesy for a week at least - maybe even two in my opinion. Arth wasn't given a warning or anything for it so... Shrug?

    Seriously though was I the only one who really liked the movie while also feeling like it was a let down?
  15. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    Meh, apologies that my response was being a bit of an asshole. Could’ve responded better. I blame lack of coffee.
  16. Heather_Sinclair

    Heather_Sinclair Chief Warlock

    Jan 19, 2008
    The Eighth Circle of Hell
    I read something... somewhere: They aren't planning to start an X-men movie for a few years. I want to say 2025, I think. That might not include characters like Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch that were MCU-ized, but nothing about mutants in general, like they did with Inhumans. From an insider (supposedly a reliable source that has been vetted fairly well) they plan on using the High Evolutionary as a 'primary' villain in one of the upcoming arcs.

    Speaking of which - no more decade long plots like they did with Thanos. It'll be mini-arcs of three years or so for the future.
  17. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    I liked FFH a lot. I prefer Spiderverse though.

    Says more about my opinion of Spiderverse than it does of this movie tbf.
  18. DR

    DR Secret Squirrel –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Mar 13, 2006
    Inside the Beltway
    High Score:
    Spiderverse was a lot of fun, but I regard it as basically fanfiction.
  19. Tempest

    Tempest Third Year

    Sep 22, 2016
    High Score:
    As some noted, I also thought this movie handled different types of situations (romance, battle scenes, dramatic scenes etc.) very well. Going into the movie, I had my doubts about the MJ/Peter romance angle the trailers highligted, but I was very pleasantly surprised. In fact, excluding the end credits scenes and a few emotional moments, MJ/Peter moments had become my favorite parts of the movie. Maybe it's because awkward teenage moments were just enough, for me. I rarely (if ever) buy young love completely, but I felt for both Peter and MJ. And MJ learning about Peter's secret identity was handled much better than I expected so that's also a plus.

    I really liked how we saw the transformation of Spider-Man here. The character growth is not stated outright like it's usually done in most superhero movies, which I liked. Peter panicking on the plane was such a good scene, one of the best actings I've seen from Tom Holland I think. And Happy looking at Peter as he was designing his new suit... Right before that scene, I was thinking how Tony-like Peter was becoming, and Happy's look told me he was also thinking this. As a fan of Iron Man and Spider-Man, this felt very satisfying to me. Peter isn't at Tony's level, obviously, but I believe he will fill in those shoes eventually.

    I also liked Happy's final lines to 'Fury', which showed him acknowledging Peter's growth and his respect for the young hero. (Not to mention another well-written comedic scene.)

    Some other thoughts:

    - I liked how Peter was trying to minimize the damage to the civilians in the first battle. I thought was going to be mentioned in the briefing, but I don't mind that it wasn't.

    - Some of the scenes in the movie felt weird, but the movie did a fine job of explaining them. For example, I was beginning to think Mysterio was using illusions far too long just to kill Peter, but then it was a trick to gain the info about who knew his own secret without making Peter realize this. Maybe it should've been obvious, but I was really into the visual effects at that moment. And my discomfort about Fury being fooled by Mysterio and saying weird lines was neatly explained by the twist at the end. (By the way, Fury seemed TIRED, but that almost makes him more dangerous.

    - I don't think Mysterio being presented as the greatest hero by the news outlets (well, only by one person at the time, but still) at the end will stick. I mean, the Blip is just too iconic for that to be totally forgotten, even though the society seems to be moving on. On that note, the opening video was nice. At first I thought that might be a video Peter was watching while thinking about the dead Avengers, but the school broadcast idea was good as well.

    - The visual effects. I loved them all.

    I don't know if it's because I just watched this movie, but I'm really excited about the new era of MCU. In addition to the end credits scenes (especially the first one), I just like Spider-Man. Can't wait to see his next appearance, especially after that cliffhanger.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
  20. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Spider Verse was a visual treat and I wish there were more of it, thought the multi verse fake out sort of quashed any hope for that for the time being.

    Really enjoyed this one. Thing I didn't like after my friend pointed it out to me was how the fallout from the end of Homecoming was completely glossed over and missed out on showing the character development with May and Peter. Feels like the same thing is gonna happen with the big reveal at the end of FFH.

    Jake Gyllenhaal gave a fantastic performance first as a sympathetic hero come mentor to Peter and then a maniacal, unstable villain.

    The Mysterio fight scenes were phenomenal and brought me back to the fight in Spider-Man 64.
    Furthermore he's the true successor to Tony Stark: he was a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.

    Also the old Parker luck is in full force.