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Staff Announcement Regarding the DLP C2 and Enembee

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Rahkesh Asmodaeus, Jul 19, 2019.

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  1. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Well, that depends on how you define the word lesser. Obviously, I don't know what this get out of jail free card is, but if I'm right in that it's simply a faster process that requires less bureaucracy like implied, then in cases where bans are being handed out, a speedy, easier resolution to the issue (especially if the banned party was being wronged) versus a long, drawn-out process where every member of the staff that can be contacted has a discussion that could take days is lesser, at least to me.

    Because the heart of the matter is that in terms of total ban length, a Prestige member is much more likely to get their situation resolved in a more timely manner than a member with 5 posts. And while the standard that members are held to may be the same, the treatment of members are not.
  2. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    No one explicitly advocated that. Perhaps @Aekiel was the most on the nose with saying that people who abuse power shouldn't have it.

    I won't speak for anyone else, but bluntly, this whole thing didn't blow up like it did because of anything that happened in Politics. If Xiph0 has developed a sharper edge because of his moderation of Politics, okay, but the best information we all have right now is that they had a catfight on IRC and Xiph0 put nmb on lagswitch for ~10 days (there's a recent post of nmb's from like July 9th where he left feedback in a googledoc because he said the site wasn't working well for him, so it's not like nmb immediately flipped his shit).

    People expressed sad feels about vlad when Xiph0 banned him for the infamous Trumperium derail, but no one seriously said "fuck this, Xiph0 is wrong", we all agreed that the derail was an epic clusterfuck in the end. I mean to say that the fact that Xiph0 moderates Politics is not relevant to this discussion. What people have brought up has largely to do with shitfits on IRC.

    This is the most important and positive outcome of this situation, but it's a damn shame DLP lost nmb to make it happen.
  3. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    In the spirit of feedback, I'll say that I think this is a good-intentioned idea that could work here, but it's also got its share of problems.

    We do something pretty similar to this on Mafia Universe, and while comparing site cultures / site goals for MU and DLP is like apples and oranges, I'll just share a few of the headaches it's brought us:

    - It invites comparisons between punishments. "X did Y and then later Z also did Y and yet X got a 2 month ban and Z only got a 1 month ban." Standard rules lawyering type stuff. I'd like to think we're got a pretty good immune system when it comes to that, but. A lot of people don't understand that mod action is oftentimes more about the response to moderation and not the initial inciting incident. And unless you include that in the mod log, it can start to look "unfair" when it's not.

    - If you do include those private details, though, you get into user privacy issues where you're airing dirty laundry in a way that's not entirely productive.

    - It's tough to keep the tone / level of detail in the log consistent from entry to entry, especially over a long period of time, and very tough to strike a good balance between consistency and context. If the log isn't written to a "standard format," it makes decisions look capricious. If it is written in a standard format, it tends to come off as Messages From Human Resources-level impersonal and eventually drives a wedge between the mods and the users, by making mods feel like they need to adopt a "mod face", and then mods start being not just regular users who also help with the site, but something Other, and then you get into mods vs. users territory.

    - If you leave the thread open for comment, rules-lawyering is inevitable. If you make it a corkboard, it can start to feel impersonal.

    None of these are insurmountable, and the site I'm drawing these experiences from is very different than DLP - it's a melting pot / aggregate site that draws from tons of other communities and has a built-in influx and turnover of users every year. My instinct is that DLP would handle it a lot better, and that mods would be able to find that balance on the tightrope a lot easier than we have.

    Just, FWIW, these are some of the challenges we've faced with a public mod log.
  4. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Nice sales pitch, but there’s a dark side to being pink! The term “should have known better” comes to mind. I know none of this is about Vlad, but I still think the DLP death penalty that a permaban is should be used a lot more sparingly. Personally I think nuking the C2 gets close, if anything, but if we’re discussing punishment anyway...

    This might already be in place, but a strike based system, with week long bans, month bans, 6 month bans and if that STILL doesn’t fix the problem something more permanent?

    I honestly didn’t know Vlad that well, and Enembee a lot less still, but this site is my internet home and it’s residents extended family. Whether I like the individual or not, all the people on this site make it what it is, and it hurts a little bit whenever we lose someone.

    Maybe I’m overly emotional here, think it’s a bit silly myself, but it’s how I feel. My two cents.
  5. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    Well this is sad news.

    Xiph0 has a thankless job which he has performed diligently and actively for over a decade now, for free. He has curated and moderated discussions in the most contentious parts of our forums and is effective partly because people know he will not suffer fools or arseholes who wont heed warnings given when arguments get out of hand. We should not forget that 99% of the mods do is invisible to us, but is vital to the health and wellbeing of this forum. This forum would absolutely not still be here if it was not for a core group of people who put in the time and the work, Xiph0 is one of these people.

    Additionally, what he did has been a long term accepted practice on this board, in the past, being hazed by the mods has even been celebrated as part of the board edgy appeal. Xiph0 might do it more than most but lets not pretend we have been suffering silently under tyrants, this has always been a clear part of the fabric of this site.

    That being said, small abuses and oversteps of power (which do not come only from him, but from the long-term culture of modding on this board) normally have small effects, people might not participate IRC as much, or withdraw quietly from the forum, or police their posts. It still damages us, we just don't see it most of the time.

    Changes I'd like to see:
    • A clear path to complain/ contend/ challenge mod actions, and a multi-mod consultation on what action to take. 'Contact any mod' is not really good enough, and people mostly get the choice of put up, shut up, or leave. If enembee had had a clear process to appeal too, I don't think we would be in this situation.
    • 'Discouragement' should be reserved for sock-puppet accounts, trolls and plagiarists, ban people if needed and give them a reason, a clear length of time and a appeal process if they want to contest it. This way is childish and infuriating and has no clear end and effectively blocks the contacting other mods within the site.
    • A form of accessible logging of mod punishments/bans/ actions. This time it blew up beyond what anyone would expect and it involved a prominent member so we are talking about it. I feel like this sort of thing happens far less these days, but none of us really know how much this goes on. We don't need quarterly reviews, but a bit of transparency is a good idea.

    This discussion of the changing culture of the board and a push to maturity, accountability and transparency is probably overdue, but lets not retrospectively castigate mods who were operating under the accepted practices of the time.

    enembee was wronged, and what he did was wrong. He was given the chance to walk it back, and he refused. Revanclaw's actions were sound under the circumstances, I'm not sure what else he could have done. All the same, I sympathise, I've been here over a decade, that a lot of investment, if I had my access fucked with over something this petty, I would be absolutely red-mist raging. Ravens response is understandable, but it does not suggest he is going to do anything about what Xiph0 did to enembee. He is lashing out, from anger but also from hurt and frustration. That is not to excuse it, but enembee has had a decade long track record of being a decent fair and mostly level headed member of the board, that should be taken into account, as should the fact this is completely out of character for him.

    This leaves a bad taste in my mouth, it feels like there are no winners here. We lost a long time invested member of our community.

    Both Xipho and enembee did things that were disproportionate and damaging to the community. I think, permanent exclusion or demotion from a community they both have spent countless hours improving and supporting leaves us all poorer. I want both Xiph0 and enembee here. I think there should be a pathway back for enembee when the dust has settled and tempers have cooled. This is not a result any of us want (least of all him) and we all know that there will be regrets and hurt feeling all around.

    I must ask, during the mediation Raven tried to broker, did Xiph0 at any point go and apologise to enembee for using his power to disproportionately retaliate for being mildly rude to him? I feel like had this happened, and/or had enembee had a clear appeal process to fall back on in the beginning, we would not be in this mess. enembee has some shit to apologise for too obviously, what he did as not okay, but that seems to me to be the route of the problem and the simplest solution to all this. This could still happen by the way, and I think if it was sincere it would go a long waay.

    IMO to resolve this right, the person who did the first wrong thing should make the first apology. it might not fix everything, it might be thrown right back, but it would be a good faith effort.

    Damnit it, we should be able to forgive each other's moments of pigheaded, prideful stupidity. There's nobody else left to take us in.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
  6. Silirt

    Silirt Chief Warlock DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Sep 19, 2018
    I don't have prestige and probably won't for a while, but I have to weigh in if we're trying to get rid of the special privileges that prestige members have. Being prestige doesn't mean you've been dicking around for five years or whatever, it means you've been contributing and making everyone else's experience richer in some meaningful way. Presuming we're not talking about posts that are just spam or what would get you banned, posting is good. Members posting makes me not close out of the tab as soon as I open it. There should be some kind of reward for making a great amount of posts, and having an 'extra life' or an appeal process both make sense as a reward. When vlad was banned, I went ahead and assumed that derailing the thread was the last straw rather than the first one, because that was the only way it made sense. I'd be supremely disappointed if he hadn't had other infractions in the past.
    If someone who just joined this site crosses a mod, he or she gets banned, without being able to use the 'ignorant new member' defense, precisely because that's the only way to get people to read the rules. I can't even imagine the load on the mods if we had to give every new member second or third chances or a super speedy appeal process, but I don't know how often new people join.
  7. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    @Lord Ravenclaw

    I don't think anyone ask you to be fun police.
    Humor comes in different shades, some people view messing with your account details, as crossing the line.
    Further If I can't access DLP because I'm lagging, how I'm suppose to alert/ask/contact anyone ? from what others mention it can last days.

    My criticism, isn't directed at Staff member Z, just asking to either draw a line, or ask the Staff to be more self aware. Some lines shouldn't be crossed with users.
    Certain powers, shouldn't be used for punishment.

    Last note: I hope some of nmb good friends will be able to reach him, and help him resolve this.

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    Although it started as a joke, I think that is definitely a key part of what Prestige has become, so people should absolutely be aware of it. You're basically saying 'I've been around long enough to know better than to shit up the forum and I'm commiting to not doing it.' By doing so, you are offered a 1 time bannable offense protection. I have no idea if his protection was still in place, but what enembee did goes so far beyond the confines of bannable forum offense that I don't think his Prestige card should have saved him anyway.

    I think those are all decent suggestions. We definitely do already have a temporary ban system in place for minor infractions. Or we did on the old site?
  9. Paradise

    Paradise Paraplegic Dice DLP Supporter

    Jun 21, 2015
    Pine Tree State
    I dunno, I think that should only be applicable in some cases. Plagarists obviously still need an instant and permanent ban.
  10. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I personally think that Xiph is great and a demotion would solve nothing, but there has to be something laid down for mods/admins about bringing a gun to a knife fight.
  11. Archinist

    Archinist Hαn Sαlsæd First

    Jun 30, 2019
    Holy Terra
    LOL Mah bois I just woke up to find something like this happening LOL.

    I've been lurking since I was twelve (that being two years ago), I can't say I know the full extent of what happened. Call me a cock if you want to.

    I think nmb received what he deserved. He gave shit and thus took shit. Sure, mods being pests with your avatar is annoying, but retaliation by doing something as drastic as removing countless stories is nothing short of petty, immature, etc.

    This is like me getting slapped by a girl, and retaliating by stabbing her to death. If there's a problem wait for it to settle and resolve it with a rational mindset. Don't pull shit like this.
  12. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    I've seen a lot of concern about the Discouragement setting and how Staff are messing with profiles.

    The long and short of it is that it's a single checkbox. No other settings are messed with regarding user profiles.

    It look like this:

  13. 13thadaption

    13thadaption Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2008
    Not the Hammer
    I pretty strongly believe that "discourage" setting shouldn't be used as punishment. Mute, warn, work through levels of banning if you have to. Use the setting to get rid of straight trolls/plagiarists, but don't fucking gaslight forum members
  14. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    God that sounds worse than a actual ban. That’s just aggravating. Given it also seems some people aren’t aware that it’s active on them, it may add to the over reaction.

    Please just slap a actual temp ban, that sounds like cruel and unusual punishment.
  15. Failcure

    Failcure First Year

    Jun 13, 2014
    Middle-of-snowheap, Sweden
    I agree - Xiph has over the years I've interacted with him, been great.

    His moderation history, even with a couple of black marks, is not to be dismissed, and I do agree that a dismissal is probably a bit much, but something like a probation doesn't sound nearly as over the top. Think "no bans without review by other staff" or something similar (I don't know what the staff permissions look like but generally "things that can be used to fuck over other users to the point where they have to contact other staff" should probably be vetted for a while when someone just misused it).

    Also yeah, save this for the scumbags that can't be deterred by other means. It's something that could literally ruin someone's week.
  16. Chengar Qordath

    Chengar Qordath The Final Pony ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 12, 2008
    High Score:
    Practically speaking, there is a big difference between someone who is a normal member in good standing for years, then does something stupid and offensive and someone who's stupid and offensive from the instant they join the forum. It's the same as the difference between a close friend being a dick one day, versus some random stranger just walking up to you and immediately being an asshole. One merits a "Dude, WTF? Don't do that again!" and the other "GTFO you psycho!"

    I agree with others that the discouraged setting should not be used as a joke/petty revenge. On top of the issues others have brought up, it makes the remedy of contacting another mod to look into the matter a lot harder to actually manage. The victim doesn't even know that they're being targeted as opposed to technical issues, and it's a lot harder to actually contact a mod when the site is made all but unusable.

    Also, just knowing that setting exists and could possibly be applied arbitrarily is going to make people paranoid when/if they have legitimate technical issues.
  17. Saiman

    Saiman First Year

    Nov 13, 2015
    High Score:
    I don't frequent the IRC and I'm more a lurker here and I understand that being a moderator can be a shitty and difficult job so I'm not going to comment on the particular of the case.
    As nmb was one of the reasons I joined DLP and from what I understand aside from this episode was a member in good standing, I would like to echo the call for giving him a chance in the future to join back. This was apparently really uncharacteristic and he might be going through a difficult moment IRL. I know it's not an excuse, but it can be an extenuating circumstance.
    I don't know he much weight this post might have coming from a lurker, but I wanted to express my opinion
  18. DR

    DR Secret Squirrel –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Mar 13, 2006
    Inside the Beltway
    High Score:
    I've been thinking about this on and off today, and reading through the thread while on my commute home. Given that, one thing does occur to me:

    Not knowing the specifics of the particular conversation in IRC, it's hard to say, but I think we need to be a bit better about when what happens in Vegas turns into a problem on the site in general. That seems to be the crux of the matter in this instance, and in many of the anecdotes that other folks have offered in this thread.

    I think it's important that getting into an argument with a mod, any mod, on IRC should not be viewed as the same thing as breaking the rules, however unwritten they may be. Getting into a screaming match (if that's what it was) isn't harrassment, it's not plagiarism, it's not trolling or spamming. It's a fight. Friends fight, but they also get over it. So getting kicked from IRC for the evening to cool off might be appropriate, but anything more than that for something short of one of the Big Bad Behaviors above is, I think, excessive.


    Nmb's situation here is rather unique in my view because of the special status of the C2 as it relates to DLP as a whole, and the special access he had in the C2.

    Put simply, although he may have started the C2 on his own for his own reasons, it got "adopted" as being a part of DLP itself. Nmb accepted and even promoted this. And as a result, that put him in a position of trust.

    Trust he broke for selfish reasons.

    So the end result of that is that nmb got shorted, but what he did in response is what broke him, and it should be viewed in that lens.

    However. I'm not sure a permanent ban, even in this case, is the best course of action. 2-6 months, the loss of prestige, and the loss of trust and affection by losing his role as DLP curator seems more appropriate. At least, to me.

    /my 2 cents
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
  19. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Just to clarify the timeline right off the bat:

    This was the initial conversation on 7/8/19:
    [2019-07-08 16:16:03] <Microwave> monarchists i can kinda get behind
    [2019-07-08 16:18:29] <enembee> can you?
    [2019-07-08 16:18:46] <enembee> i can get behind monarchists and push them over the edge of a cliff
    [2019-07-08 16:28:10] <Paradise> a good king can do more good than a good president ever can
    [2019-07-08 16:28:19] <Paradise> but a bad king can do worse damage than any bad president ever can
    [2019-07-08 16:28:45] <enembee> name a good king
    [2019-07-08 16:28:57] <Zeelthor> Can we name emperors?
    [2019-07-08 16:29:04] <Zeelthor> Since it's essentially the same? :p
    [2019-07-08 16:29:13] <Paradise> Hadrian
    [2019-07-08 16:29:31] <Zeelthor> Aurelian for the fucking win. ^^
    [2019-07-08 16:30:08] <ChaosGuy> enembee: all the ones who died extremely young
    [2019-07-08 16:30:22] <enembee> lol
    [2019-07-08 16:30:29] <enembee> the ones who were murdered in exile
    [2019-07-08 16:30:54] <Paradise> the best king other than hadrian i can name
    [2019-07-08 16:30:59] <Paradise> are the ones who gave up their crowns lmao
    [2019-07-08 16:33:56] <Blorcyn> GOOD KING WNECESLAS
    [2019-07-08 16:34:08] <Blorcyn> top trump republicans
    [2019-07-08 16:35:03] <enembee> huh TIL wenceslaus was not a king
    [2019-07-08 16:35:37] <Blorcyn> correct
    [2019-07-08 16:35:40] <Blorcyn> he was a good kinig
    [2019-07-08 16:35:45] <Blorcyn> what is happening to me
    [2019-07-08 16:35:49] <Blorcyn> have I got parkinsons
    [2019-07-08 16:35:52] <enembee> he was a duke
    [2019-07-08 16:35:56] <Blorcyn> a petty king
    [2019-07-08 16:36:08] <Blorcyn> but not that petty, ergo good kinig
    [2019-07-08 16:54:08] ⇐ Donimo quit (Donimo@dlp-CE4EC944.client.mchsi.com): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
    [2019-07-08 16:59:15] → Donimo joined (Donimo@dlp-CE4EC944.client.mchsi.com)
    [2019-07-08 17:11:18] ⇐ Zombie quit (uid553@nostalgia.for.infinity): Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
    [2019-07-08 17:17:53] <Oz> Better a tankie than a fascist

    - IRCCloud automatically disconnects every once and a while if you use free version. This is what I use to IRC from my phone. I got on the bus home from work and checked IRC to see this discussion and since it's an interesting topic, that's what I jumped into -

    [2019-07-08 19:00:37] → Joined channel #darklordpotter
    [2019-07-08 19:00:37] * Channel mode is +ntr
    [2019-07-08 19:01:56] <Xiph> enembee: Darius the Great
    [2019-07-08 19:02:00] <Xiph> :D
    [2019-07-08 19:02:16] <Xiph> An emperor is just a very successful king anyway
    [2019-07-08 19:04:03] <enembee> lets agree to disagree
    [2019-07-08 19:06:05] <Xiph> What is there to disagree about?
    [2019-07-08 19:06:19] <Xiph> There's huge consensus among scholars that he was good
    [2019-07-08 19:06:37] <enembee> good at being a king or objectively good
    [2019-07-08 19:06:37] <Xiph> An incredibly effective ruler and administrator in particular
    [2019-07-08 19:07:00] <enembee> yeah i'm not talking like 'good at their job'
    [2019-07-08 19:07:05] <Xiph> Good at improving the standard of living across a giant empire lol
    [2019-07-08 19:07:16] <Xiph> And ensuring state stability at the same time.
    [2019-07-08 19:07:29] <Oz> Good at rapine and pillage
    [2019-07-08 19:08:03] <Oz> Nn
    [2019-07-08 19:08:16] <enembee> Xiph, I think that we should probably just assume on every topic that we should just agree to disagree
    [2019-07-08 19:08:25] <enembee> like you can't even agree to that
    [2019-07-08 19:08:40] <enembee> i don't think we have any hope of seeing eye to eye on anything and it's just better if we don't
    [2019-07-08 19:08:47] <enembee> you won't have to shadowmute me
    [2019-07-08 19:09:04] <Xiph> Let's not rule that out just yet
    [2019-07-08 19:09:12] <Xiph> Night Oz
    [2019-07-08 19:27:02] <Ankan> :(

    Note the perfectly casual discussion with everyone else, and this is the response he gives me along with a little teaser about shadowmuting him. Bait taken, I mute him on IRC for 29 hours (conversation was a Monday, mute would've expired at midnight Tuesday->Weds).

    Come the next morning and I check Discord/IRC (while I get ready for work). Overnight he's alerted me with a bunch of shit posts saying I was scared to ban him, and that he wouldn't update his fics until I took the IRC mute off. I'd post screens but when we banned him Discord wiped all of his comments (which was unexpected tbh).

    At this point I extended his IRC mute substantially and (tried) to mute him on Discord - I've used IRC since 2006 but Discord and the Admin tools are relatively new to me, so I basically fucked it up entirely for a few weeks.

    I didn't figure out how to fully mute him until two days ago, but it didn't stop him from running his mouth the entire time:


    I checked Discouraged for him on the 9th, coinciding with extending his mute. My policy throughout was to let him do the talking and decide how long he wanted any of this to last, we did not speak after the initial IRC conversation and still have not. At no point did I want this to end in him being banned, but it's delusional to think he was 'seeing red mist' over 7+ days.

    Once I finally successfully muted him on Discord, he nuked the C2. To be perfectly clear this was tit-for-tat, but I think we've made it clear over the years that if you play the "let's escalate things" game with Staff members it will end up with you banned. That's not my policy, that's DLP Official Operating Doctrine and I think every Admin has bans that fall under that exact criteria.

    The threats we level on the forum to put threads back on track avoid the need to ban people but the threats only have credibility because we maintain a firm line - nmb was a couple miles over the line taking a shit on the sidewalk, daring us to ban him. I was trying to avoid that but the C2 move put us in a corner. The fact that Raven offered him a free-and-clear and he spit on it just further made it impossible to do anything but ban him.

    Now that I'm home I'm going to reread the thread and respond to specific things, if you want me to respond to you in particular send me a PM and I'll quote-reply your post.

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    Just a thought, did either vlad or enembee use up their ban protection? I've been going back and forth on whether either of their offenses really warranted permabans, especially if these were first time incidents.

    Enembee maybe simply went too far, with the seriousness equating to something like plagiarism/irlHarassment/etc. Vlad... I dunno... maybe not?
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