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Stardew Valley Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. Ecophagy

    Ecophagy Muggle

    Jan 20, 2017
    High Score:

    Well I guess we'll have to wait and see then. I still think trying to lynch a confirmable, unCC'd role is silly.


    Vaimes: Talk to me about your Fluffy read. You've got Fluffy in blue but no extra explanation.
  2. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Oh my God, you guys are honestly going to let fontisian do this. I just. I just...

    I'll marshall myself here and come back with more structured arguments at some point, but right now I'm just going to openly appeal to you - read any town fontisian game, read this game, and honestly consider how many scenarios that you honestly think town fonti plays like this. Honestly consider that she has been been scumreading 3 players more or less all game - me, Tom, and Jarizok. She got her wish on one yesterday and they flipped town. So she, as the allegedly town vig, decides not to shoot Tom (which is silly beyond belief because he /isn't/ confirmed scum and she didn't have the votes yesterday so it's not as though this was a waste of a shot or whatever bullshit she fed us), but more importantly not to shoot me. Let's review - I also flatly refused to vote Tom, like Waco. She scumread me all game. I was not being lynched today. All of the reasons that applied to Waco would have also applied to me, but more strongly because she was also scumreading me. Which she wasn't for Waco. -_- Town vig fonti never takes that shot.

    Also, as an aside, Jarizok did something that was not optimal play yesterday, but it /was/ clearly towny. That a new player doesn't know what is and isn't kosher is not surprising, and she is using against you guyshould that you all know that self voting is bad to make you look past the fact he was clearly towny to everyone.

    So, don't let her do this to you. Don't let her do this to us all. This is not town fonti. I can't appeal to you all in the same way because I don't know you like she does, but I can appeal to your reason and the facts.

    I redouble my claim - lynch her here, and if she flips town vig then chain lynch through her will afterwards with me first. I welcome it. I have no fear whatsoever.
  3. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Stop volunteering to die.
  4. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    This game is making my head hurt.

    Funfact :
    I think I could make a preety good case why I am either delphines mason or the vig, just for fun.

    I don't get why people are so gung-ho about lynching fonti here.

    If there is no counterclaim, then we can just give her another day or two and hold her accountable for her shots.
    If you think she is scum, just lynch her teammates.

    The moment she makes a kill on someone somewhat towny, you can go back to pushing her.
    If she is real (vig or sk), then scum basically have to take care of her anyway.

    There is absolutly no gain to whatever Typhon is saying.

    v/v it just straight up loses the game.
    w/v he gets a free kill on the possible townvig without using scumkp. (that is townfonti/scumtyphon)
    v/w we don't get anything more than we would by lynching her likely partners.
    Either she outs the next night with her kill being on a hard townread or she shoots inside the poe and makes it easier for us.

    I don't think it is worth it in any world.

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:08 ---------- Previous post was at 16:55 ----------

    Am I the only one that can see Fonti claiming the waco shot without doing it herself?

    When I saw the nightkills I was fairly certain some serial killer is trying to frame me for later on. (waco and I hadd a little fight + i got called possible sk on d1)
    Her claiming the kill as sk does not actually fit in that picture, BUT an actual sk would not counterclaim her.
    They would just watch it play out and pick up the pieces a few days later.

    For that scenario fonti can be town or mafia. She loves gambits when it feels right to her (as seen last game fakeclaming priests and forcing a massclaim). And this certainly would be the right situation to do so considering the pressure already on her.

    Just mentioning this for postgames sake.
  5. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Yeah, volunteering to die was clearly the entire point of that post.
  6. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Typhon :
    Let's say fonti doesn't die today who are the likely partners that you would want to focus on?
  7. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    You and Mal.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 AM ----------

    Vaimes originally, but the Mason thing has shaken me.
  8. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Are those 2 scumreads a result of your fonti scumread or independent?

    Do you think my interaction with mal early d1 is w/w?

    Best case you have 1 between Mal and myself.

    Maybe you need to rethink your game.

    What happened to your Mathblade scumread? You were fairly firm about it, and now you stopped mentioning them here.
    Is there a reason for that?

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:36 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ----------

    Here is delphine softing mason with me. She could not really townread me, since her read is not strong enough by nature and we didn't want her to get into trouble.

    Oh wait .. I am not her mason, but I could be!
  9. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Not, I think we're done with me doubting myself - there was enough of that D1 for several games combined.

    The reads on you are in part based around fonti, and in part on him being independently scummy, and then you have a special category. Tell me, Jan, are you CCing fonti as town vig or nah?

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM ----------

    Rip, autocorrect. The first word should be no, not not.
  10. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I don't feel like it. Do you want to cc her?
  11. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Kk. You should probably go ahead and start trying to confuse us with your spew then, because if the thread is too stubborn to see fonti is jerking them around then I'm going to settle for killing you.
  12. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I mean .. you can try. But d3 is the day i get misslynched.

    D2 is still for fun and games.
  13. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    D3-D4 is my preference to kill you as well, if I'm being honest.

    It will not, however, be a mislynch.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 AM ----------

    In other news, I've actually pondered on this some more, and have decided that I'll take questions on fonti instead of trying to write up long formal cases that I have no clue if anybody is actually reading or not.

    So yeah, open question: among those of you who think fontisian is town, what issue do you see with my arguments? What is convincing you that she is town?
  14. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    It's probably the vig claim.
  15. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Which does nothing because town vig Fonti, once again, ALWAYS KILLS TOM NIGHT ONE.
  16. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    It isn't, and you still owe the thread your ordered readslist and scumteam theories.

    ---------- Post automerged at 13:42 ---------- Previous post was at 13:39 ----------

    What happened to "Math is scum in every world" that you were championing yesterDay?

    Did you change your mind because of the aggro from me and font?
  17. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Yep, it's probably something as easily explainable as "Typhon is bad scum who OMGUS reads us as scum because we scumread him".
  18. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    What did you think about Math's reaction to Vaimes's claim? Was that the same line of thought you had?
  19. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Walk me through it.
  20. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    A slightly less snarky answer to your slightly less snarky first question is that Math was (and is) independently scummy, but doesn't have the connections that the rest of you have. They could still be scum, as I am very probably wrong in having thought Vaimes was scum (I have no clue if opposite aligned masons are a thing, but in my very few closed setup games I have not seen them).

    They are not being lynched today, because fonti dies today. If I am denied that, Jan dies today. I have no clue how many more times we can miss, but it can'take be many, so it is imperative that scum dies today. We can use the additional data points to sort out who the remaining scum is/are. I feel strongly you're one, we'll see on the other if Vaimes is town. Math is a good place to start, but that should be considered later.