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Start Of Lady Bellatrix Challenge; Help?

Discussion in 'Challenges' started by mournthewicked, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. mournthewicked

    mournthewicked Mistress

    Oct 18, 2005
    I just started the Dark Lady Bellatrix Challenge, and I was wondering what you all thought of what I have so far. This is very rough, but I'm still looking for some suggestions as to how she reacts to Dumbledore's actions, and how she gains complete command of the DE. Also, I'm stuck as to how she should get the support of other dark creatures; being merely Dark Lady in name isn't going to get her the vampires, werewolves, or Dementors.

    Glad to have any comments.

    I lounged on the slightly chill stone throne of my lately departed Lord. The throne was high, as my Lord was a singularly towering man, but it overpowered me. I idly wondered if I had the Black Dwarves ordered in to whittle it down to a throne more fitted to me if that would be some sort of inner betrayal to my Lord.

    No, I concluded with a slight shake of my head, he would have wanted his successor to keep his vision alive no matter what the cost. And a throne that made me look every inch the Dark Lady was one that would afford me many supporters.

    Now, what to do about the Potter brat that nearly destroyed the visions of my Lord and actually murdered my Lord? I was at an impasse. I could either gather my closest friends and my Lord’s most trusted followers to chase after the Potter brat, I had already set myself up as the new Dark Lady immediately after I felt my Dark Mark burn and the power coursing in me from my Lord dwindle to naught, or I could continue rebuilding my Lord’s empire and see what that manipulative Headmaster and bastard would decide to do with Potter.

    It would probably be best to wait, I mused as I twirled my ebony wand around my slender fingers. What Dumbledore’s actions are in the next twenty-four hours will be the telling sign.

    I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard a scuffling noise from the outer chambers of the gathering hall. I sat up straight, I must give off a good presentation no matter who it was, and smoothed my crushed ebony velvet gown and pulled down the black veil surrounding my face to cover my visage. I was in mourning, after all. There was nothing for the fact that my velvet slipper clad feet hung almost a foot from the bottom of the throne. Still, I imagined myself as an imposing figure.

    ‘Who is there?’ I made my voice travel in a technique learned from my teenage years. Power in a voice can overcome nearly any other.

    I gave a mental nod to the private lessons I had managed to receive, through a twist of fate as I saw it, from my traitor cousin’s own tutor. Sirius, that mangy mutt, had been raised to be the heir to the most Noble and Ancient House of Black. And along with that, lessons in how to be the proper heir. However, I had just started Hogwarts as a Slytherin when Sirius was born and although my Aunt wanted to start his training early, there wasn’t much Telemank could teach him at that young of an age. So I slyly coerced Telemank to teach me all the intricacies of a male heir to the House of Black. I must say, he taught me well and those lessons have been used by me in many an occasion. They may have even brought me here, to this throne and this place.

    Slightly, I remember being grateful to Telemank later, allowing him the quick and merciful death of the Avada Kedavra when I could have tortured him first for his weaknesses. He should be thanking me from his grave.
  2. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I think the main issue to tackle is the fact that magical society seems very patriarchical in nature. I don't see most pureblooded wizards being willing to accept a woman as their master. I apologize if that comes across as sexist in any way, and it doesn't reflect my own opinions at all.
  3. mournthewicked

    mournthewicked Mistress

    Oct 18, 2005
    That was also the main problem I was facing, too. Part of the reason why I had her secretly tutored in the Pureblood male's role in Wizarding Society. I think that through sheer ingenuity she may be able to pull it off. But only if she has the support of some of the Inner Circle.

    Perhaps Malfoy allows it because he sees her as easily manipulated because his wife is Bella's sister? Bella I see also has having a strong domination over her husband, who is part of the Inner Circle too. She really only needs the support of a few others to overpower any objectors.

    I know I'm stretching, but I do believe this challenge can be done.
  4. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    I am not so certain about the Wizarding World being purely Patriarchal society. They have had a Minister of Magic from before muggle women even began to be civil rights activists or at least at that time. There has been several Headmistresses in Hogwarts there are several Department Heads who are women including Bones who is head of the police force until her murder. Neville's Grandmother has shown strong signs that she is the head of the family and don't forget that Merlin's chief antagonist was a powerful witch. I think in this case the Wizarding World is more progressive then Muggle Society.

    As for dark creatures, is there differant sexes in Dementors? Would they care about sex since they do not use physical strength whic is the basis for male domainance. Vampires being traditionally seductive could be more willing to join forces with a beautiful Dark Lady especially if you make their society a Matriarchy. Werewolves are tricky, I think they would eventually join the bandwagon if she proves competent. And Giants can be tamed by beautiful women according to some Giant lore. Hope this helps somewhat.
  5. mournthewicked

    mournthewicked Mistress

    Oct 18, 2005

    You've helped me a lot with this. Thank you so much. Really. I think I've got a header with which to continue. <3
  6. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    The dementor's are tricky. They said they were 'breeding' in the sixth book but... how the fuck does that work? Why dont they just breed a huge army and take over the planet, inslaving human's for a food sorce? The best that wizards can do is drive them back, they cant be killed apparantly. Meh. I reckon they summon their kin from a different world altogether. It's much better than 'breeding'.

    I'd like it if Bellatrix takes Harry from the Dursley's at a young age, after a bit of abuse so he grows to hate muggle's, but... well, a lot of stories when Voldemort does that fall apart because they dont do it right. Meh. Just an idea.

    Being a lady wouldnt matter as long as she was powerful and they have the same goal.
  7. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    Werewovles... i dont see joining... they are by nature and choice a society controlled by males... alpha male and all that rot... which is why i used remus as a possible controlling agent in Lust of a dark soul ... and why Lex with be replaced quickly... with a wonderous idea ive got ^_^...

    dementors i dont see caring so long as they get their feed... vampires i would see as more women controlled because as necruel said they are seductive by nature... i suppose i could see the giants continuing under bella... but the purebloods? kill off six or seven of her most powerful opposition in pulic and she could strike enough fear tha theyd follow to save their own skin.. they are primarily slytherins after all... and a slytherin by nature (in my mind) has self preservation as number one priority
  8. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Hatshepsut of Egypt managed to become a female pharaoh...like Hatshepsut, I think she'd really have to be clever and manipulative in order to keep her forces. Sheer fear might not be enough.
  9. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    As long as we on about women of the wizarding world have you ever noticed that the only half-bloods talked about in the series are ones with the mothers being the magical one? Not only that but in those cases like Voldemort and Snape they aren't ridiculed. I mean Bellatrix knows of Snape's half blood status, you would think she would have taunted him about it. It seems to me that it is acceptable in Pureblood circles for one to have a muggle father as long as your mother is a pureblood. I don't think this is an accident because during the Nazi era the way it is decided if you are a jew was if your mother was a jew, apparently you could have a jewish father and be all right unless you fell into the other persecuted categories and Rowling did say alot of the whole Purity of Blood idea stems from Nazism. So you could incorporate that into your story as well if you wish.
  10. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Half-bloods dont even get picked on much anyway. It's mainly half-breeds and mudbloods that cop all ths shit... well, most of the shit.
  11. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    That is what I have seen. Then why does everyone insist that Voldemort wants to kill all muggles, muggleborns, halfbloods, and fat girls who insist on wearing shirts that expose their bellybuttons?
  12. mournthewicked

    mournthewicked Mistress

    Oct 18, 2005

    Most fat girls translate into fan girls. Which, knowing that, I can see why everyone insists on the fact that Voldemort wants to kill them.
  13. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    Touche... except that was not a counterpoint more of an agreement so... :insert french word that applies here:
  14. mournthewicked

    mournthewicked Mistress

    Oct 18, 2005
    Some fan girls need to die a very painful death. Except it would give me no satisfaction because they'd be too busy prattling on about Gods knows who they're fan-girling on about.
  15. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    That is why you go for the psychological torture first. If they are prattling on about Harry Potter than find a lookalike and use your whips and chains on him in front of the fangirl it would be best if you find a lookalike that is into S/M and then you have the lookalike torture and kill the fangirl as you preside over the proceeding.

    I guarantee a sweet symphony will caress your ear drums at such an event and near the end if you listen carefully you may even hear the wench's heart shatter.

    In my opinion, the best way to kill a person is through their vices.
  16. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Heh. Nice.

    Does Voldemort even want to kill all the muggle's? I'm thinking he wants to just kill most of them, like population control and rule over the rest. You would get pretty bored if there were only pureblood's around to torture.
  17. StrifeXII

    StrifeXII Guest

    Is your bellatrix going be raising harry or try to kill him off completely...theres also the problem of dumbledore seeing as hes probably a hell of a lot stronger than bellatrix aswell. Is she gonna be underground for a while or start with guns blazing. she could kidnap harry because dumbledore really never checks the blood wards does he ?
  18. mournthewicked

    mournthewicked Mistress

    Oct 18, 2005
    OK. Here's what I was thinking so far:

    Snape IS a loyal Deatheater. She gets information from him about HP's whereabouts. She kidnaps him. The rest will be for all of those who will read this! I'm not giving out the whole plot. Snape sides with her because he sees it as the best way he can survive. She also uses Snape as a way to hold off Dumbledore.

    Lucius sides with Bella after she either a) blackmails him, or b) he has good reason for her to be Dark Lady. I'm having trouble with the Lucius one. Maybe she appeals to his pride? Offers him a deal such as he gets to be the new "Minister of Magic" (but with a different title)? With Lucius comes many other Death Eaters.

    She gets the Vampires, Werewolves, and Dementors on her side through ways I am not telling right now. :)

    Dumbledore is dealt with, ingeniously I might add, but only after a game of cat and mouse.

    Any other suggestions?

    Ah, title is still pending. I had a couple ideas, and I think there will be a sequel called, 'My Lady's Apprentice'. I have a lot of the outline written.

    I really want to thank all you guys for your wonderful input. Genius minds.
  19. mournthewicked

    mournthewicked Mistress

    Oct 18, 2005
    I'll take that into account next time I see a fangirl skipping about gleefully.

    *evil laugh*

    Now, I must go find some lookalikes.
  20. StrifeXII

    StrifeXII Guest

    IF harry if raised by bellatrix please let the dark side win for once in most stories he switches at the end and becomes dumbledores bitch.
    will she have her own veriation of the dark mark ?