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SURVIVOR: DLP - Outwit, Outplay, Outlast [COMPLETED]

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Zeitgeist, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    1. Some people said that you played a heroic but smart game, while other called you a cowardly coattail rider. After staying on that pole for 6 hours, rivalling Irene in your level of dedication, how do you respond to these accusations?

    Outlast is every bit as important as outwit and outplay. For most of this game, it simply hasn't made sense for me to make any big moves. I was on the right side of the numbers. Only as the game reached its latter stages did it become necessary for me to shake things up. Also, who called my game "heroic but smart?" At least one of those is untrue.
  2. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase

    A consensus has been reached

    Now that you've all had a chance to speak up, I'll go tally the votes.

    First vote is for...


    Second vote...


    That's 2 votes for Aekiel, 1 vote Caesar. Next vote...

    And the twelfth person voted out of Survivor: DLP and the seventh, final member of the Wizengamot is



    That's three votes, Aekiel, and that is enough for this Tribal Council. Please bring me your torch. As fire represents life, unfortunately, the journey ends here.​

    AEKIEL, the House has spoken.


    Apart from Zeitgeist and Palindrome, only the following (3) individuals are allowed to participate:




  3. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Filler: I have been conscripted to make it
  4. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Congratulations, castaways....


    You have made it to the Finale! Castiel, Caesar, guljons, you are now officially the Final Three.

    One World. One House. One Winner.

    Before we begin the Final Tribal Council, where the Wizengamot will finally say what they have been waiting to say, the Finalists must first undertaken the Rites of Passage.

    During the Rites of Passage, each of you will walk past the torches of your eliminated competitors, in the order of their elimination, and recite a few words about that player. You will then collect the torches as you go and by the end of your journey, you will burn them as a way to pay respect to those players.

    Once all Finalists have posted their thoughts on the fallen comrades and have collected the Torches, we will begin the Final Tribal Council.

    Rites of Passage (Day 11) has started.

    Posting is now permitted in this thread until the Rites of Passage concludes

    Example of the post Finalists will need to make. Rites of Passage will complete when all three Finalists have made this post:

    16. Collecting the torch of Aziraphale: "[Say a few words about Aziraphale]"
    15. Collecting the torch of TSN: "[Say a few words about TSN]"
    14. Collecting the torch of Doctor Whooves: "[Say a few words about Whooves]"
    13. Collecting the torch of LochNess: "[Say a few words about Ness]"
    12. Collecting the torch of Anya: "[Say a few words about Anya]"
    11. Collecting the torch of Riley Poole: "[Say a few words about Riley Poole]"
    10. Collecting the torch of klackerz: "[Say a few words about klackerz]"
    9. Collecting the torch of Ash: "[Say a few words about Ash]"
    8. Collecting the torch of Nae'blis: "[Say a few words about Nae'blis]"
    7. Collecting the torch of fontisian: "[Say a few words about fontisian]"
    6. Collecting the torch of Irene: "[Say a few words about Irene]"
    5. Collecting the torch of Stojil: "[Say a few words about Stojil]"
    4. Collecting the torch of Aekiel: "[Say a few words about Aekiel]"

    When you're talking about the player whose torch you're collecting, try to describe who they are as a person and say something as if you're talking to them directly. Example of what entails a Rites of Passage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwE7EDJIrcA

    Apart from Zeitgeist and Palindrome, only the following (3) individuals are allowed to participate:





    14 hours, guys. 14 hours.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2013
  5. guljons

    guljons Squib

    Dec 20, 2009
    16. Collecting the torch of Aziraphale: "We never met, but you were the first to go. So at least you went into history in that way"
    15. Collecting the torch of TSN: "TSN, dude. First lion to lay down his torch. It just didn't work out"
    14. Collecting the torch of Doctor Whooves: "I guess you were on the wrong side of numbers."
    13. Collecting the torch of LochNess: "In retrospect I wish we would have kept you over Ash, because you at least didn't quit"
    12. Collecting the torch of Anya: "You seemed to be good in challanges"
    11. Collecting the torch of Riley Poole: "Have to say, you lasted longer than it looked like you would."
    10. Collecting the torch of klackerz: "First casualty of merge, showing that we feared you at least a bit. "
    9. Collecting the torch of Ash: "Quitters gonna quit"
    8. Collecting the torch of Nae'blis: "Quitters gonna quit v2"
    7. Collecting the torch of fontisian: "Probably says something about you, that Irene wanted you out so desperately"
    6. Collecting the torch of Irene: " The best player in challanges there was in this game. Ultimately it worked against you."
    5. Collecting the torch of Stojil: "You did something none of us could, be the only player who got an idol. Kudos for that."
    4. Collecting the torch of Aekiel: "Being between a rock and a hard place is not a nice place to be. But my bond in this game with Caesar, was just a bit stronger."
  6. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    16. Collecting the torch of Aziraphale: "You were somewhat unfortunate in the way you were eliminated. Tough break man."
    15. Collecting the torch of TSN: "I'll be honest and admit that, at that point, I thought it was you or me. You seemed to have a good grasp on the game and were desperately unlucky."

    14. Collecting the torch of Doctor Whooves: "Didn't know much about Whooves. Just unlucky to be exiled I think."
    13. Collecting the torch of LochNess: "You could have gone far I think. Irene was worried about you. You were just on the wrong side of the numbers."
    12. Collecting the torch of Anya: "A solid competitor. I was really surprised when you were eliminated"
    11. Collecting the torch of Riley Poole: "Ah Riley. I still smile when I think about that tug-of-war challenge."
    10. Collecting the torch of klackerz: "My God, the lengths we went to to fool you Slytherins at the first post-merge Tribal. You worried me and I won't deny I was somewhat glad to remove a serious threat."

    9. Collecting the torch of Ash: "Not a lot to say here really. I'll admit that the thought of you flipping terrified me."
    8. Collecting the torch of Nae'blis: "Nae. Your every post at Tribal gave me high blood pressure. Including the one where you quit."

    7. Collecting the torch of fontisian: "YOU SCARED IRENE. No one else managed that. I'd have liked to see you go further in the game but circumstances demanded otherwise."
    6. Collecting the torch of Irene: "Irene. What is there to say? You were the best challenge competitor by miles and would have walked the final tribal if you'd made it. You were just too dangerous to let stay."

    5. Collecting the torch of Stojil: "You kept things interesting man and I laughed more at your posts than anyone else's. It's a pity our interests didn't coincide more."
    4. Collecting the torch of Aekiel: "Aek. Sorry man. At the end of the day, I just didn't think I could beat you. "
  7. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    16. Collecting the torch of Aziraphale: "I did not really get to see you play. Hopefully that will change in the next game."
    15. Collecting the torch of TSN: "Your elimination wasn't something I expected, better luck next time."

    14. Collecting the torch of Doctor Whooves: "Like most early eliminations, lack of activity got to you. I'd love to see how you play next time."
    13. Collecting the torch of LochNess: "I was surprised to see you go. And a little relieved."
    12. Collecting the torch of Anya: "I wasn't happy with how that vote went down. I had actually expected you to be one of the final three when the game began."
    11. Collecting the torch of Riley Poole: "I liked playing with you, however short that was."
    10. Collecting the torch of klackerz: "You were the first one they went for post-merge, so at least they were afraid of you. :D"

    9. Collecting the torch of Ash: "I was surprised when you quit but I guess I understand your reasons."
    8. Collecting the torch of Nae'blis: "I am not really sure why you quit though."

    7. Collecting the torch of fontisian: "You really surprised me with the Sudoku challenge, and you were another person I expected to see at the final three."
    6. Collecting the torch of Irene: "Words can not describe how happy I was to see you go. (There is a compliment somewhere in there.)"

    5. Collecting the torch of Stojil: "You're awesome."
    4. Collecting the torch of Aekiel: "I briefly considered voting for Caeser (I literally did) but you worried me more. Sorry."
  8. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Hi guys, sorry for the lateness. I'm currently at Harvard University's World Model United Nations Conference (2013) in Melbourne and was a little distracted. Also, Nae'blis is reclaiming his Wizengamot seat, despite my reluctance, since LochNess is a no-show.


    You have made it to the Finale! Castiel, Caesar, guljons, you are now officially the Final Three. And now, we enter the Final Tribal Council, where the tables turn. Now the Wizengamot, consisting of players whom you've ousted, take control of the game.

    One World. One House. One Winner.

    Welcome, castaways, to Tribal Council. You have been sent here one more, to this abandoned grotto; however, unlike before, you will not be cannibalising one of your own but instead, the fallen comrades and the silent jury that is the Wizengamot will examine you to see who of the three is most worthy.

    This is the opportunity for the Finalists to justify their decisions to the Wizengamot, to plead their cases. Wizengamot, please try to be openminded and able to at least consider the words of the Finalists.

    This is how Tribal Council will work. Firstly, Finalists, you cannot post in your House QT while Tribal Council is commencing. Each Finalist will then present opening remarks or an opening speech. This speech (maximum 250 words) is designed to plead your case to the Wizengamot and to allude to the main themes as to why you should be crowned the Sole Survivor.

    Once opening remarks are made, the Wizengamot members will then, one by one, ask (via ONE post) the Finalists questions and/or make a statement. If a questions is directed to a Finalist, the said Finalist must attempt to answer in some form. Once that Wizengamot member has asked their questions/statements, they cannot make further posts in this thread. Once all members of the Wizengamot have spoken and the Finalists have answered/responded to them, the Finalists can then make Closing remarks (speech of maximum 150 words).

    Between the Opening and Closing remarks, the Wizengamot can submit in their private QTs rescindable votes for who they think should WIN. After Closing Remarks, we will count the votes and announce the winner, as well as announce to which Tribe (Heroes or Villains) the Finalists belong and the identities and Tribe allocations of the players invited back for Survivor: All-Stars!

    Tribal Council 11 (Final Tribal Council) has started.

    Posting is now permitted in this thread until all Tribal Council questions have been answered. Votes can be submitted once everybody has answered all their allocated questions. If you know that you won't be online at this point, you may submit a vote early. Unlike with previous Tribal Councils, the Wizengamot members can rescind their votes and re-vote at any point before Closing Remarks.

    Everybody may currently post in this thread.​

    Apart from Zeitgeist and Palindrome, only the following (3) individuals are allowed to participate:




    Last edited: Mar 18, 2013
  9. guljons

    guljons Squib

    Dec 20, 2009
    Looks like I'm first.

    Hello, Wizengamot!

    First I would like to thank you all for playing this game with us. It was a great pleasure and I had a lot of fun. I hope you did too.

    This is a game designed to test loyalties and to see what you would do in different situations. I did my best to stay loyal to those tribes mates I had an alliance with. But there are only so many places in the Finals and not all of us could have made it.

    Why should I be the Sole Survivor? I tried hard and did my best in every challenge, except one (Buff). I actually won Individual Immunity twice, which, I think, is most of all the finalists. I made strategic moves in the game, which got me to this place. I’m sure somebody is gonna ask about this, so I’ll be happy to answer in more details about these moves. And finally throughout the game I did not receive a single vote. Was this because nobody thought of me as a threat, or back in Gryffindor days, because I was in good relations with my tribe, is your call. But I’m here. In Final 3. I feel that I have earned my place and did more than my fellow Finalists. So ask your questions and find out about things you want to know.

    I’m looking forward to answering them.​
  10. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    Well, hello again members of the Wizengamot. Like guljons, I’d like to begin by saying that it was a pleasure to play with you all. Thanks guys.

    As to why I should be Sole Survivor, I feel that, at each and every stage of the game, I made the best possible move for myself. I got into a majority alliance on Gryffindor on day one and made closer pacts with Aek and guljons. I played a low-key game and tried to stay under the radar until the merge, knowing what would happen to those who played their hand too early.

    After the merge, I made contingency plans, preparing for inconvenient immunity runs. I stuck with my Gryffindor alliance until the time came to shake things up. From then on the game went completely to plan. I’m here with the finalists I picked to sit beside and I think I played a better game than either.

    Any questions?
  11. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Hi guys. It has been a long ride this far and I enjoyed every single moment, so thank you all for this very entertaining experience.

    I participated in every single challenge pre-merge, while it was a collective effort of my house that won us any victories in that period I played my part as best I could.

    I did not do that well in two rounds post-merge and I have already spoken about it, but I have come this far. The most recent challenge was, as stated, a combination of the worst challenges we faced throughout the game and I think my victory in it proves me worthy of the title of the 'Sole Survivor'.

    If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them.
  12. Irene

    Irene Seventh Year DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2008
    guljons, castiel, caesar. Hello again. It's absolutely horrendous seeing you guys in the final 3. One of you, anyway.

    My dearest Caesar: In all honesty I don't blame you for betraying me and voting for me at all. I just really wanted to ask you if you were genuine in wanting to go to the final 3 with me, or was that all part of a ploy and would you have supported guljons no matter what? Please be utterly honest here.

    I was quite bent on voting for you until your speech, which besides being arrogant, also ticked me off.

    ' shake things up. From then on the game went completely to plan.'

    Yeah, no. No need to remind me of backstabbing, I do that well enough, though I let you and Aek off the hook.

    Castiel: I was, no matter what you thought, completely genuine in wanting to take you to final 3, and I'm glad you're there. There are certainly many that would question you being in final 3, and I'm sad to say I'm one of them, not because I think you're incapable, but because I genuinely considered font/Stojil more derserving. I'm sorry. I was rather impressed by your final win that secured you place in final, dear, that was simply fantastic. I'm far from one to advocate house loyalty at this point if I believed in it to begin with, but purely going by respect as a player/game style, I'll choose you.

    You, whether by choice or due to the precarious position slytherin was placed in, me being the main culprit (sorry!) was absolutely loyal to your allies. Genuinely. I bow in shame as a gryffindor that you were more honorable than any of us, despite being a slytherin. I really do. Everyone thought you were coattailing, but you pulled off a BEAUTIFUL win at the end, more worthy than either of guljons' win.

    This is no way to take away any effort you put in the game, as stojil would advocate, and I would really enjoy playing with you again. All the best, and if you win, I will applaud for your perhaps less deserving than some (Stojil, font) , but no less respectable win. Let's think of it this way, you made it to what Stojil, font, klack and me did not, the final 3! Cheer for yourself, you deserved it.

    My only token question would be, if stojil was voted out before me, would you have accepted my offer and sided with me instead, or was I still far too dangerous? No worries about a honest answer, because my vote probably lies with you already. Don't let the very thing that caused me to vote for you (loyalty/honesty) be compromised for what you think may make me vote for you, because I'd rather you be honest than a suck-up. :) All the best.


    You know this was coming.

    This is a long and angry speech. You'll bet it is, and I don't care a single bit what the other wizengamot thinks, because I think I can hardly influence them at this point.

    You know, I probably shouldn't begrudge you, since it's a game and all, but, how about no?

    I guess you could argue that I should at least ask you a question to find out your view? Save it, because of the 'outwit, outlast, outplay' motto your answer would be some bullshit that makes me sick.

    You would probably wonder why I don't begrudge Caesar and Aekiel for doing the essential same thing you did. Well, firstly, I was to blame for my own elimination. RL took over such that I really did not put much effort into writing, if at all, securing alliances, trying harder with Castiel/Stojil, and in general my playstyle meant that from the start I wasn't really playing to win. I accept that.

    So what was it that pissed me off, other than the fact that you were a coattailing, backstabbing son of a bitch that could not be trusted? I certainly knew you and Aek were that from the start. But I respect Aek as a player, he's a bro. I have no hard feelings for him at all.

    Well, refer to your TC post after my elimination.

    "1. Why was Irene eliminated at the last Tribal Council?
    She was a too big of a jury threat. Chances of her not winning, if she made to the end were slim.
    2. Some people considered her elimination to be quite surprising. Was it surprising to you, considering how she seemed quite secure in the game?
    3. Does the current constitution of the Wizengamot worry you?
    I have some concers.
    4. Your thoughts on the last Tree Mail?
    Next challange will incorporate different challanges from our past, maybe.
    5. What is more important: loyalty or self-preservation?
    You can't be loyal to everyone.
    But I would argue, that loyalty is more important. "

    In this single post, you 1. Admitted to orchestrating my backstabbing/voting out. Respect for that, though I saw it coming and didn't have time to care. BUT look at your answer to question 5.

    'You can't be loyal to everyone.
    But I would argue, that loyalty is more important.'

    The SHEER AUDACITY of admitting to my backstabbing AND claiming loyalty is more important than self-preservation in a single post.

    Let's just take a step back here.

    From the START you approached me to form the core 5 alliance, and I gave YOU the chance instead of Nessie, who I was more personally attached with, and TSN, who was generally a more decent human being, because you know, I thought it was bad to alienate new players. I could have easily used my personal experiences with Nessie/Shay/Aek/Nae to form a iron-clad alliance(at least for before the merge, because they would need me back then) to kick your ass into outerspace. That was my decision as a player, which may seem stupid, but it's a value I genuinely believed in. I expected betrayal, and probably was close to pushing for my own elimination since I got busy at that point, but the concept of 'loyalty' was something I thought, while definitely not for winning in a game, I was not quite willing to give up.

    Alright, so the clash in values were not my fault. I'm being stupid and taking this too personally. But here comes my question.


    Don't bother answering that question. It was rhetorical.

    The single chance of me voting for you over Caesar and Aekiel flew out of the window, and instead of my support, you have ensured that I will spend the rest of my time in wizengamot trying to destroy ANY chance of YOU ever winning shit all again.


    Aek did the same as you, but you know what? I don't begrudge him, because HE wasn't the one to approach ME and offer an alliance.

    You genuinely disgusted me with that response, when before I was clapping for how well you did the backstabbing. Class A playing. But your attempt to justify your backstabbing utterly backfired and reflects on you badly as a player, not just as a survivor player, but as a person.

    The riding my coattails part didn't bother me much. Everyone did it. If I begrudged anyone for it I might as well quit the game citing my unwillingness to vote for any single candidate.

    The backstabbing part wasn't the crux of the issue, since Caesar and Aek did it too, and heck, it's admirable playstyle, a smart move that I WOULD laugh at you people if you didn't do anything about the golden chance.

    It was basically, nothing you did BEFORE I was out, even to orchestrate my backstabbing, and everything you did AFTER. So what, because I don't have a soul/I'm me, loyalty to me doesn't count? It's not called loyalty but maybe, servitude to a bitch?

    So yes, I'm going to come out and tell you this RIGHT NOW. Be it mafia, survivor, werewolf, or ANY game ever again, guljons, your behaviour as a human being has made me so disgusted that I refuse to ever play anything with you again. I will automatically boycott and take myself out of anything if the mods happen to roll a dice and have both of us in one game.

    You are a fucking nauseating piece of shit and the very thought of you winning makes me sick. I don't really care what the other wizengamot players vote for, but I've made my case pretty clear. I know I admitted to being the sole reason font/Nessie/TSN/klack is out, and they probably have no reason to vote with me, or even vote against me out of spite, but I know that if I answered that TC question, I would have the guts to put that self-preservation was more important to me, and meant it.

    I do not expect an apology, so don't bother. May you have fun continuing playing other games in this way, but I definitely don't want to be there to see it.

    To the rest: Sorry for this long angry speech that shows me taking a game way too seriously, but there's a line about morals I feel guljons crossed, even for the sake of a game. Feel free to vote for him if you think he's deserving, but I will not.

    In conclusion, tl;dr for everyone else: I hate guljons, Caesar had my heart until his opening speech, and I'm currently leaning towards Castiel. Yay.
  13. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Originally, my "speech" would have only been this:



    But after reading the entrance speech of the finalists, I decided to weigh in a little more seriously. So, here is the new version (I still like the former more :p):

    Outwit, Outplay, Outlast. That's the subtitle of the game and it's central, I feel, to this stage.

    You all outlasted us obviously, and some of you probably think you have also outplayed and outwitted some of us, as well. You might be right, but as I see it, that's not what we have to decide. We are here to award the most deserving finalist. Outlasting is obviously a wash, but who outplayed and outwitted who, among you three?

    Castiel outwitted you when he got the best final three for him. You, Caesar, say it's the best for you as well, but as you know, I disagree.

    Castiel also outplayed everyone when he won the final decisive challenge - arguably the hardest of the game, especially compared to guljons' wins, which required little to no skill - to clinch a spot in final three.

    It's also important to note that he got there while staying perfectly loyal - which is outstanding in a game so chock-full of backstabbing - and very humble, which is also a plus.

    So... what are we even discussing, here? This is Castiel's win, easily.
  14. guljons

    guljons Squib

    Dec 20, 2009
    Irene, I love you.

    Stojil. Castiel got here being perfectly loyal? Okay, show me a vote were he could have betrayed one of his old tribemates and it would have mattered?
    It was easy for him to be loyal, because his team was loosing and he is the last of them standing.
    Castiel skirted into Final 3, because we let him and not because he did something awesome in the game.
    To me it looks that any plan, that he could have had failed.
  15. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    Irene: My preferred final three partner from Gryffindor was guljons, simply because I have the best chance of beating him. It was a question of pragmatism, not loyalty. The discussions I had with you were pragmatic as well, seeking to cover the prospect of you winning immunity all the way to the final.

    As to my opening speech, it was somewhat arrogant and poorly constructed. I had the brilliant (and possibly alcohol-fueled) idea to throw away the original version and compose a second at ten to three in the morning. It evidently wasn't the masterpiece I concluded it was. I'm sorry if you feel it was unjustified or condescending.
    TL;DR I'm a gamebot with no human feeling (apart from in the presence of alcohol)

    Stojil: When, in terms of outwitting and outplaying, did Castiel ever have control of his own destiny in this game? He made it to final four because of bigger threats around him. As to his loyalty, when could he have meaningfully betrayed anyone?

    In terms of the final three, we've disagreed on this in the past and I'm sure I can't persuade you now. (In general terms you're right. However, one of the two Slytherins I'd be up against would be you. That makes a difference.)
  16. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Originally, I intended to post something along these lines.

    “Hey. Spite isn’t really my shtick. I can tell you right now, I don’t who I’m going to vote for. I’ve got how you guys came to be here. I need to know the why.

    guljons: I didn’t really interact with you. Not going to lie though, your answer to the loyalty question irritated me. Tell me about your actions behind the scenes and why you answered loyalty versus self-preservation question in that manner. And ah, why do Caesar and Castiel deserve to win this?

    Caesar: You told me I was going voted out. Why? Why do Castiel and guljons deserve to win this?

    Castiel: It’s good to see you here. I had doubts about you, but you proved me wrong. Tell me the details of what happened after Zeit shut down our alliance qt and what you were doing outside of our alliance. Why do Caesar and guljons deserve to win this?

    It’s been fun guys. Best of luck.”

    But I’ve decided to “shake things up.”

    Caesar: Your opening statement just screamed arrogance and I’ve never been fond of the drunk-posting excuse.

    guljons: “Irene, I love you.”
    I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

    I’m probably voting for Castiel. By all means, please answer the questions. You might just change my mind. And guys, we are each only allowed to post once in the thread, so don’t ask us questions. All that does is give us an excuse to rant in the Wizengamot qt.

    Stojil’s (heavily butchered) reply is along these lines:

    guljons: Castiel could have abandoned ship precisely because he was on the losing side. Irene offered to take him to the final three with her, and he turned her down. He had no way of knowing that he would make the Finals by staying loyal. You seem to only be considering betrayal as a way to vote out a dangerous player. It’s also a way to ally with someone, as Castiel could have with Irene. But you didn’t even think about that because for you alliances are only chances to backstab, after all.
    You also conveniently ignored the outwitted and outplayed part of my post.

    Caesar : Castiel outplayed guljons and you in the final challenge, which you both glossed over. He controlled his own destiny and his decision to stay loyal helped determine the game, just like everyone else’s. Slytherin was at a huge disadvantage after the merge, even after Nae’blis and Ash quit. Castiel could have approached you with information. You were afraid that we had a HII, judging by your attempts at deception just after the merge. He never did, not when we were being voted off one by one, not even when Irene reached out to him. Maybe he already knew that he had a good shot at reaching the finals. Maybe he chose to remain loyal for honorable reasons. Maybe even both. Whatever the reason, I commend his decision and he deserves my vote for that reason alone.
  17. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    I would have sided with you.

    Stojil was convinced he would go out next so we discussed a bit about what I could do after he was gone and in what way, if any, he could help me from the Wizengamot.

    I had QTs with Anya, klackerz and Stojil besides you. Didn't talk much with Stojil and with Anya and klackerz, we mostly just exchanged thoughts on the players, who we voted for and who we planned to vote for next.

    They don't.

    Caeser and guljons are only here because of Irene. The challanges in the early game (pole and sudoku for example) were single-handedly won by her whereas our house put up a collective effort.

    The challenges I did not take part in were both post-merge. They affected me, and only me. When I lost them, I was the one who wasn't immune. I don't see how I took the advantage of any of my housemates in that situation.

    I will let you decide who rode on the coattails of others.

    Also, my lack of participation in those challenges is partially the reason why I came so far. They thought they would easily beat me in the end. You know how that turned out.
  18. guljons

    guljons Squib

    Dec 20, 2009
    This is getting funny. The question was, which of the two is more important. I answered loyalty, but that doesn't mean that self preservation is not what guided me.
    Irene's severe reaction actually shows, that loyalty is more important and proves my point. If I had stayed loyal to her, I would not be in this position right now, where everyone seems to be against me.

    Caesar deserves to win, because he stayed loyal to the 1st night allience we made as well as I did to him. Plus in overall he did really good in the game.

    Castiel doesn't.

    What? If Slytherins would have won those two challanges, they also would have been single-handedly be won by one person. No team collective effort would have changed that.
  19. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    Hello caesar,castiel,guljons

    What's up, I have no idea what questions to ask you all, hmm

    Caesar:Just tell me how you felt after 6 hours of pole challenge?

    Castiel: glad to see atleast one Slytherin reached the final 3.Fucking awesome job on the final immunity thingy.

    guljons:would you have done a anything differently in the game if you had the chance
  20. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    But the point is, say for the pole challenge, Irene was the only Gryffindor to even try. And yet, you accuse me of coming this far on the coattails of others. Every challenge I did not take part in affected me and none of my teammates.