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SURVIVOR: Graveyard - For Whom The Bell Tolls [Tribal Council]

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Lexicat, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    To clarify, Lungs is playing and not doing obs. He made a Faustian agreement with one Zeitgeist. That means we only need two more people before we can begin!
  2. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Alright, I'm in. I'll give up my spot if anyone who hasn't played Survivor before wants it.
  3. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    I'm tentatively in.
  4. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    I'd personally prefer if both of you bottled that enthusiasm and used it in the All Stars game. Lexicat said that she's accepting All Stars now, but maybe we can wait for two more newbies to sign up?

    I only ask because I believe both of you would be significant assets to the All Stars game, and I don't want you to be tired of Survivor when the All Stars game rolls around.
  5. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    I'll play if it's what it takes for the game to fire. I'll gladly step aside, otherwise.
  6. Nae

    Nae The Violent

    Dec 16, 2010
    East India Company HQ
    I dun even know what the fuck I'm signing up for.
  7. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Same. /ten
  8. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    I'm in -- dunno how much good I'll be, but I'm in.
  9. Lexicat

    Lexicat Second Year

    Sep 5, 2013
    Alright fleshlings~, the game will begin soon! Until then, I figure it's only fair to let you maggots learn who you'll be writhing around with!

    In Green, the Gorgon Tribe:

    In Blue, the Garou Tribe:

    In Red, the Vampire Tribe:

    Your first tribe challenge will be coming up in 24 hours from this post!

    A warning, fleshlings: This challenge has major implications on the course of the game. The tribe who comes in LAST PLACE will be heading to tribal council, but that doesn't mean Second Place is the same as First. Still, if there was ever a challenge you don't want to lose, it's this one.

    Your tribe QTs are going out shortly. Good luck maggots, 24 hours starts now.
  10. Lexicat

    Lexicat Second Year

    Sep 5, 2013
    Welcome to the graveyard, kiddies! Your first challenge awaits~.

    Challenge 1: ScatterBrained

    "Spooky Scary Skeletons...."

    In ScatterBrained, your team will each be given 5 different topics. These topics will be assigned one per player by your team leaders. Then, in your private QTs(which will be handed out after this post), you will be listing terms that fall under that category.

    There is no limit to the number of terms you may post, nor is there a penalty for putting a term that does not belong in, beyond that term not counting. So what's the catch, you ask? You need to order your words/terms, in such a way that you feel your list will go the longest without having a replicated word on one of the other two lists(One player from each tribe has the same topic, so 3 people).

    For example:
    Player 1 writes:
    Player 2 writes:
    Player 3 writes:

    Player 3 wins, because his list went the longest without replicating a term/word from another list. That player wins 1 point for his team. The team at the end with the most points will win. If there is a tie (2-2-1 is the only real tie potential), then the entire tribe with the most combined valid words/terms on their 5 lists will be crowned the winner.

    The categories will be posted shortly into your tribe QTs, and then your private QTs will come out.

    You have 24 hours to complete this challenge. Remember, the losing tribe will be going to tribal council, in addition to other things.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2014
  11. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
  12. Lexicat

    Lexicat Second Year

    Sep 5, 2013
    Results Time~

    In round 1, we were looking for SCARY MOVIE names~. The winner was Lion, for the Vampires!
    In round 2, we were looking for COUNTRIES IN AFRICA. The winner was Caligula, for the Garou!
    In round 3, we were looking for THINGS FOUND IN A GRAVEYARD. The winner was Zenzao, for the Gorgons!
    All tied up at one a piece, maggots. Time to look at round 4.

    In round 4, we were looking for FAMOUS MOVIE MONSTERS. The winner was Poytin, for the Vampires!

    And finally, the last round, which was the closest and most confusing thing I've ever calculated, was looking for SERIAL KILLERS...

    The winner of this round was...

    Citrus, for the vampires!

    Which means the Vampires take first place and win immunity, 3-1-1! However, only the last place team is going to tribal council tonight, so I had to use my tiebreaker ruling.

    Given that Lungs failed to submit a list, and that Lyrium had 1005 serial killers on his list (which was alone more than enough to beat all 4 of the other gorgons combined) the Garou take the tiebreaker!

    Which, of course means the Gorgons are going to tribal council. Now, I did warn you that losing this challenge would have DIRE consequences. It's time for you to find those out. Over the next 24 hours, you will be allowed to discuss who you will vote out at the tribal council to follow. Make sure you enjoy your final moments in your Stone Garden, my Gorgons...

    Because it's the last 24 hours you'll ever spend there. After you go to tribal council and vote out one of your own, your tribe is hereby DISBANDED for failing me. The remaining 4 players will be absorbed into the Vampire and Garou tribes. Their team captains, Poytin and Caligula, will be doing a schoolyard pick to decide who goes where, with Poytin going first, due to his tribe winning the challenge. Like I said, Second Place is not as good as first!

    Finally, Zenzao, as the captain of the losing team, you are immune for this tribal council. See? Sometimes it pays to have authority.

    Enjoy your 24 hours, fleshlings~. Soon, I will claim my first victim, and take First Blood in our little game~.
  13. Lexicat

    Lexicat Second Year

    Sep 5, 2013

    Welcome to Tribal Council, Gorgons.

    Here, tonight, one of your lives will become forfeit to me. Who that will be is decided by you 5. To help your decision, I have a few questions for you to answer!

    1. Why do you think you lost this challenge?
    2. Assuming you live through this round, what tribe would you prefer to end up on? Why?
    3. Do you think you will be an asset to your new tribe? Do you think that you can find room in their alliance structures?
    4. Are you worried you could be the first fleshing murdered?

    A reminder that Zenzao is immune tonight. Any votes cast against him will not count. You have 24 hours to submit a vote and answer the above questions. If you fail to submit a vote, your vote will be counted against you.
  14. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    1. Why do you think you lost this challenge?
    One of our own failed to contribute his share of the burden. While it can not be guaranteed that we would have won that round, at least the attempt should have been made.
    2. Assuming you live through this round, what tribe would you prefer to end up on? Why?
    The Vampires. I'd like a chance to make amends with Cracked for how we fell out last time and prove I've got his back in a game as he thought last time. I don't want another Rep-vendetta haunting my steps.
    3. Do you think you will be an asset to your new tribe? Do you think that you can find room in their alliance structures?
    Sure. Things have been a bit time-constrained for me this month so far, but I don't expect that to be an issue now that I've taken care of a few things with my family that needed to be done. As I said above, I want to mend the bridge with Cracked and hopefully he'll be willing to accept me.
    4. Are you worried you could be the first fleshing murdered?
  15. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    1. Why do you think you lost this challenge?

    I guess I didn't put in enough effort. It didn't help that Lungs was a no show :/

    2. Assuming you live through this round, what tribe would you prefer to end up on? Why?

    Either tribe is fine tbh, I like people on both sides.

    3. Do you think you will be an asset to your new tribe? Do you think that you can find room in their alliance structures?

    I'll defineitly need to try harder on challenges. Yeah, I certainly hope that I can. If not I'll prove myself via challenge.

    4. Are you worried you could be the first fleshing murdered?

  16. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    1. Why do you think you lost this challenge?

    Lungs was a no-show. Douche. ;)

    Also, and although this is not an excuse, this is my first time playing such a forum game; I thought 73'ish names would be enough for my list, in my part of the challenge.

    Evidently, I was wrong!

    2. Assuming you live through this round, what tribe would you prefer to end up on? Why?

    Same as LuckyLee: I'm not too bothered either way, to be honest.

    3. Do you think you will be an asset to your new tribe? Do you think that you can find room in their alliance structures?

    I'm a bit thick-headed, so I might need things explained to me with an example, but I'll do my best and crack on with my parts of any upcoming challenges.

    All I can do/say, really!

    4. Are you worried you could be the first fleshing murdered?

    Yup. Newbie, and all.
  17. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    1. Why do you think you lost this challenge?

    We got unlucky and didn't put enough effort into some parts of the challenge. It was meant to be a team challenge, and I guess the burden could've been shared better.

    2. Assuming you live through this round, what tribe would you prefer to end up on? Why?

    Either tribe is fine. I don't know enough about the tribes to make an informed opinion.

    3. Do you think you will be an asset to your new tribe? Do you think that you can find room in their alliance structures?

    I'm good at challenges and understand the mechanics of this game. If a tribe can reach the Merge with most of its numbers intact, having avoided attending Tribal Council, the tribe is in a good place to reach the Finale. Hence, having a good team player would be beneficial.

    4. Are you worried you could be the first fleshing murdered?

    Who isn't?
  18. Lexicat

    Lexicat Second Year

    Sep 5, 2013
    Feeling ill tonight folks, big headache. Results will be posted tomorrow morning when I wake up.

    ---------- Post automerged 02-11-2014 at 03:09 PM ---------- Previous post was 02-10-2014 at 11:23 PM ----------

    As you sit, waiting for the results, the red glow of the HellPit seems to draw you in. It's almost as if the flames within are calling to you, pleading for you to just take that step forward and fall endlessly into their burning embrace. The pulsations of the fiery chasm dance hypnotically in your eyes, losing track of time and space. Soon, swirls of a deeper, thicker red meld with the bright hell fires, swirling fluidly through the air, almost like...

    "I love the smell of First Blood in the evening~, don't you maggots?"

    And suddenly you are pulled out of your trance-like state in horror, as you quickly take stock of what has happened in your torpor. A corpse sits next to you, stripped of all its skin and mutilated by giant obsidian spears piercing its chest. The body would be unrecognizable if it were not for a logical process of elimination. You look to your left and right, taking quick count of who is still here, and come to the realization just as the words hit your ears.

    "Lungs has failed me for the last time. 4-1, was the vote fleshlings. Pray that your time never comes, because it only gets worse from here. Get out of here, your new homes await."

    Lungs has taken his last breath Night 1.

    Captains, now is the time to select your new teammates. Poytin, you will go first. Selections should be made in this thread.
  19. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    We've decided that we're going to embrace Zeitgeist as our first choice.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2014
  20. Caligula

    Caligula First Year

    Nov 15, 2013
    In that case, Zenzao, join the Gallant Garous.