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Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Midknight, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Replying as I go down, hoping to stop before I spoil the new episode again.

    I think the T-1001 is the terminator we saw in the sub, or an agent of that group that was debating allying with the humans.

    Unless they were captured and programmed to fight the machines, or had some sort of other directive, that didn't include "KILL HUMANS" anywhere in it. Maybe not our normal idea of terminators who got smart, but weren't programmed to kill in the first place, although, Cameron is showing signs of being self aware, with her decision not to kill John. And then you have the machine telling Allison that in the one episode.

    Nanomachinery I assume.

    I'm thinking the whole morals/human teaching John Henry to act more human, is so the terminators can fit in better.

    See they didn't explain where/when she came back at all. The time machine in the bank had been there awhile, so had she evidentally, she couldn't of just sat there.

    Wtf happened to the HK?

    Wiki has that for the last episode of the season. Hopefully fucking John didn't send her back too.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  2. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    The newest episode was rapingly good.

    John Henry gets hacked, gets taken over by "a brother", nearly kills Weaver's girl, Charlie dies, Sarah gets cancer, everyone gets attacked, Derek gets kidnapped, Cam is nearly killed, and John escapes an assassination with a boat and a beach full of explosives...

    Second, best episode ever, not as good as the Mexico one but better than last weeks', if that's even possible.
  3. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
    I'm whatthefuck-ing here. I mean, I have a throbbing erection over how good this episode was, but still... whatthefuck?

    Anyone who's ever known someone with an external pacemaker knows that the tit-transmitter was unrealistic bullshit. I mean, I know it's sci-fi, but give us a little credit. And why did the hit squad only show up thirty seconds after Sarah gets her ultrasound and find out it's there. It's had time to develop it's own cyst, but the bad guys only show now?

    John Henry's brother annoys me, but it can be redeemed so long as JH still turns out to be Skynet.

    *Prays* Please don't let Weaver be one of John's agents, sent to create JH as a "good" AI. I don't think I can handle that much fail in one sitting.
  4. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand

    Actually, think about it - the brother could be a T-888 from the 'new' Skynet. Cromartie is from the old, pre-Cameron, pre-jump forward future. This could simply be a T-888 from the post-Cameron (Jesse) future. This would also explain why Cromartie said Skynet didn't always believe in his methods, which is impossible if the Skynet that made him was the same as the one that sent the Ellison clone back.

    EDIT: I have the best postcount ever right now.
  5. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
    Cromartie said that, not John Henry. I think you're getting the two confused. I think that what happened when Cromartie saved Ellison was just an instance of two independent plans conflicting. Cromartie stepped in because he judged his mission to terminate John Connor to be more important than whatever short term gain Skynet was looking for by replacing Ellison.

    The conflict comes from him not being in direct contact with Skynet for orders, and having a directive to pursue his own mission regardless of how it conflicted with other agents. That's my guess, anyway.
  6. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Good episode, but not better then last weeks by far.

    The tit transmitter was fail, they would of found them by now. Charlie dying was.. meh. I didn't like him, but he deserved better. Cam and Derek was awesome, a bunch of funny moments. The jungle stuff just screamed filler, but it shows how scared she gets when she can't find him. JH getting hacked and his "brother" was weird. Did they ever find the Turk? And wth with the humans being directed by what was clearly the other AI? Secret society? Linking back in Cyberdyne was weird. I think it will be "new" AI JH versus old AI/Cyberdyne.

    Needs moar content.
  7. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
    Catherine Weaver bought the Turk in the second season premiere for $300,000. She's actually shown touching it and waxing poetically at one point, so we can assume that it later became John Henry.

    The brother I'm not sure about.
  8. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    K, I must've skipped that part or wasn't paying attention. What do you guys think of it's a alternate future/present JH? They're barely talking about changed futures or paradoxes in the show at all. If John dies, he wouldn't of been around in the future to send people back, so it's obvious he doesn't die, so why not let the kid do whatever? Stuff like that.

    Another forum


    I hope this isn't true, Every fucking show I love gets cancelled. Dresden, Boston Legal, Las Vegas, this one =/

    Aw =(

    Edit 3: The Turk behind JH, and the 3 dots!
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  9. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
    There's logic in what she's saying, but a blog is a blog. I-met-someone-and-we-went-this-place-and-this-guy-told-me-some-stuff is hardly reliable reporting.

    The fact that the actors are doing other things doesn't mean much. Dekker was on Heroes and TSCC at the same time for a while. Dillahunt is a supporting villain on Life, who's probably going to show up again there soon. BAG has signed with another show, but I read that Gabrielle Union also signed with that show, and she's doing Life right now too. Actors are always looking for more work, as much as they can cram into their schedules.

    Tearing down the sets means even less. There are only two everyday sets in TSCC I can think of, the Baum house interior and John Henry's room. They've already moved out of the house, and there's every chance that JH could appear in an entirely different form if the snow continues.

    I'm not saying that it won't happen, or even that it's not likely to happen, just that we don't know yet. And I still say that the Salvation movie coming up just as the Sarah Connor season ends is a good thing. If it does big business, and it looks like it will, FOX might be less eager to kill the show, even if the two aren't set in the same Terminator timeline.

    Glancing at the wiki page, looks like the ratings have been picking back up as the season ending gets closer, after bottoming out during the shitty sleep episode.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  10. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    Holy fucking shit the episode was epic.

    John Henry getting hacked was fucking incredible. Just imagine if it had learned how to use the endo in time and killed the dude and then hid inside JH's programming.

    Also, I was fucking right Jon. Weaver didn't react at all at finding out Ellison was chasing Sarah. More evidence that Weaver doesn't have the mission to kill John. Also the two factions thing going on seems even more awesome.

    Bringing CyberDyne into it sounds awesome, although it makes Weaver seem more of an Agent of Jon's or from the 'third' faction in the future (T-1001 from the sub).

    Also, I wonder if SkyNet were actually capable of sending some of itself back in time in an endo or T-1001 and then going from there, creating a grandfather complex, in having been created in one single universe, won the war but let kyle reese back in time thus every single different universe created by the outcome of that makes a new universe and a new SkyNet capable of going back in time and eventually ensuring it's creation by creating itself by going back in time.

    Kinda pissed if that blog is true. I can find holes in it as can a lot of people but it seems very rushed to stack a tonne of material into a few episodes if it is true. There are a tonne of plot points which need to be finished. Sarah die of cancer or not, Confrontation with Weaver, John/Cameron and the watch plus the confrontation of Derek and Cameron, I get the distinct feeling Derek will try and kill her if Cameron goes bad again. Also I can see Cameron going over to the other side again.
  11. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
    That exchange doesn't mean much. The fact that she knew Ellison was on the Sarah Connor case came up in his interview when she hired him (or at least the New Mexico incident did) Weaver, being from the future, certainly knows that John Conner didn't die in that bank vault, but there's nothing to indicate that she knows where he is or that Ellison's been in contact with them.

    The whole point of jumping ahead to 2007 was to get John off of Skynet's radar.
  12. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    We still don't know when Weaver came back in time and from which time line and who she is working for. I'm getting the distinct impression that she was the 1000 on the sub and wants to create a different SkyNet, thats why the brother has appeared, the real SkyNet, trying to take over him as it progresses more. The group from CyberDyne will also be interesting as to who is running the show (SkyNet or a Terminator sent back to create it or something else).
  13. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    That comes up in a few episodes, John threatens to kill Ellison when he finds out, pics of Sarah standing across from Weaver, Cameron going off with a shotgun.

    Some fan trailer put together shows clips from it.
    Found it
    http://link.brightcove.com/services/...=146243460 01

    Hey Jesse is going to show up on the new Melrose Place next year, she's a med school student who's whoring it out to pay the bills.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  14. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  15. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    Can FOX get any more gay? They keep cancelling good shows. First FireFly, and now TSCC? Seriously, what the hell are they on? Remember Family Guy, cancel it, the one of the most popular shows ever and then bring it back so they have a go at them.
  16. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    I don't really see the evidence of it being cancelled.

    It's speculation at this point, fueled by set destruction, which, due to the plot, makes sense. They left most of the old scenes behind.

    EDIT: Best postdate ever. yes, even better than the last one.
  17. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Oh my fucking god.

    This episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode this episode

    Or Fucking Gasm.
  18. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
    Well... I guess we know why BAG has a new job lined up. It it wrong that my first thought was "Well, hopefully they did that because they're planning to do another season and they wanted to bring production costs down."?

    Derek was awesome, and that was a very ignominious death for someone like him, but any sacrifice for the greater good.

    The writers are putting on a clinic about how to create a proper villain with John Henry.
  19. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  20. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
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