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The Best Final Fantasy?

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Jun 26, 2008.


What was the best Final Fantasy game?

  1. Pre-VI

  2. VI

  3. VII

  4. VIII

  5. IX

  6. X

  7. X-2 (Fail)

    0 vote(s)
  8. XII

  1. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Yeah, I never really used it. Vivi with auto-reflect casting spells on himself won the game for me, pretty much.

    That was cool with FFXII too. Basically, set up two gambits thus:

    1. "Self: character status = reflect" "Aeroga" (or whatever powerful spell you want to use)
    2. "Self" "Reflect".

    Turn off all other Gambits, though you could put up some healing ones with items before them if you like.

    Put this on all 3 characters.

    Alternatively, put it on 2 characters and give the third the Opal ring (ability to cast magic through reflect) and make them a healer.

    This pretty much destroys anything in no time. I did it at level 45 with Aeroga and it was doing 9999 every time.

    It felt a bit like cheating though, so I took it off.
  2. Mirkwood

    Mirkwood Seventh Year

    Mar 20, 2008
    Vivi casting Flare on a reflected character decimated people, the only problem with nine from a gameplay point for me what the simplicity of the bosses, I wanted challenging bosses and Necron was immensely easy if you equipped a few status blocking abilities.

    The guy in Chocobo land was a bit more difficult, but still easy (can't remember name, been a while since I completed it).
  3. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Ozma was the BIG BOSS of the game, like Emerald Weapon in FFVII, but I do admit it was easy once you worked out how to counter his most powerful attacks.

    I never used the reflect strategy really, like Taure said, it felt too much like cheating and I prefer to play a game through properly instead of taking shortcuts.
  4. shadownin

    shadownin Fourth Year

    May 17, 2008
    Durban, South Africa
    For me VIII, was the best. Partly because it was my first Final Fantasy but mostly because I loved the storyline, it was so much deeper and more involved than anything I had played before. The only bad thing about VIII was the battle system, took me a while to figure it out.

    IX comes a close second, the whole fantasy feel was great. On Quina, I didn't like her that much as a character, but her abilities were great. I liked the battle system in IX, I thought they achieved a good balance between GF's and magic etc.

    VII didn't do much for me, maybe because of the materia system or maybe because I played it after the other two, but it just didn't feel epic, I don't get nostalgic thinking of it.
  5. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Anybody bother trying to beat the Omega Mark on XII? The one with like 5 million health?
  6. Mirkwood

    Mirkwood Seventh Year

    Mar 20, 2008
    Try VIII again, but get to level 100 in Balamb Training Garden in the school, then face Diablo and be decimated terribly unless you use Selfie's Limit 'The End'

    Thats the only bad thing about VIII, the experience system, the cards were great, I had tonnes of fun with cards, raw fingers from boosting. I could beat every single big boss in one hit with Selfies the end so it was quite boring.
  7. Dark Lord Rostam

    Dark Lord Rostam Button La Famiglia Midknight

    Mar 2, 2006
    In that thing you call a closet. Better watch out,
    Yeah. Didn't you only need 1000 exp each time, and the monsters in the beginning gave same experience no matter what?
  8. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    I always thought Quina was a man. I guess it's up for debate.

    The experience system in FFVIII was pretty easy to rip apart. And drawing was easy if you went to that Island at the such and such and put on that No Attack thingy you get from that one GF. You know what I'm talking about.

    Too Much Time On Your Hands?
  9. hchan1

    hchan1 Sixth Year

    Jan 5, 2008
    Beating Omega in XII was actually sort of easy, just get the right gambits set up, leave the system on, then check your progress and save every hour or so. Worst case scenario you lose an hours worth of attacking. Now, if you actually sat there and watched your characters attack him for god knows how long you're insane.
  10. shadownin

    shadownin Fourth Year

    May 17, 2008
    Durban, South Africa
    Selfie was my least played character, I don't even remember that limit of hers, I only used her in my party when it was necessary to do some leveling up before the final boss.

    I had to do things the hard way, I guess that's why I don't remember it being boring.
  11. Mirkwood

    Mirkwood Seventh Year

    Mar 20, 2008
    I completed VIII about 12 times before not bothering anymore, the thing with VIII limit breaks is that if you kept pressing triangle (I think) then you would get limit breaks and then when Selfies the end came up, boom pwnshot on anything, whether it be a t-rex or one of the big weapon bosses.

    VIII was without a doubt one of the graphical masterpeices of PS1.
  12. Naga's Shadow

    Naga's Shadow Seventh Year

    May 24, 2006
    I'd say the best FF game, that I've played this doesn't count FFXI-FFXII, would have to be FFVI. It has one of the best storyline and systems set up. The graphics were, and still are beautiful, and the game play was both challenging and fun. Everyone gushes on about seven but the game did nothing that others haven't' done. The materia system was actually one of my biggest gripes. I liked having characters mater but in VII one character was basically interchangeable with another. Oh and Kefka > Sephiroth. I had the same problem with FFVIII's system but liked that game a lot anyway.

    I should note that I've enjoyed all of these games this is simply ranking levels of enjoyment. And then there's XI. I can't see what people liked about it, the equip system was fun and the storyline was brilliant, for the first two discs. Then the whole thing just when downhill. I would truly be amazed if someone could explain to me what the hell Necros was and how he fit in the story.

    X was fun too, even If I haven't gotten anywhere near the dark aeons yet. I beat the two that got in my way with Zanmato cheese. And X-2 is indeed made of fail.
  13. Atomic Lightning-bug

    Atomic Lightning-bug Second Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 7, 2007
    Yup. Yiazmat, on the other hand with 50 million I couldn't bring myself to finish. I actually fell asleep fighting against Hellwyrm, and he only had 10 million...

    It's a toss-up between IX and Tactics. IX was my first RPG, and Tactics I just began replaying for the 5th time.
  14. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Yiazmat was the one I meant. I thought about bout it decided I didnt want to spend that much time when I looked up a youtube video of it.
  15. Breed

    Breed Third Year

    Jun 2, 2008
    Newcastle, UK
    Last year, if anyone had asked, I would have said VII hands down.

    After playing VII-X2 all over again multiple times in the last year, I honestly don't know.

    VII is awesome. Good music, excellent story line, and the best villain in any video game ever.

    VIII I have to pass on. I just could never get into it, never past the 2nd disc.

    IX I praise very highly for the actual fantasy feel. Excellent story, I particularly enjoyed my time on Terra and loved the soundtrack.

    X I recently completed for the second time. Voice acting is superb IMO which makes up for the lacking soundtrack, although 'Suteki da ne' is excellent. Excellent graphics.

    X2 I'm just not going to talk about. WTF was that shit?

    So, for me it would have to be VII, then closely followed by IX and X, which I think are on the same level.

    Can't comment on the others, have never played them.
  16. Zarent

    Zarent Seventh Year

    Feb 16, 2008
    Alright, I personally have to admit that I love the classic J-RPG's. FF7 was my first 'real game' besides, well, Pokemon and Tetris.

    Yes, underage b& and all that crap.

    Thing is, I recently started acquiring old games of the same genre. Legend of Dragoon is kickass.

    FF8 however, fucking sucks. I cannot bear to play another minute of it.

    It's so counter-intuitive to the regular RPG that it's insane. In order to kill bosses quicker, you keep your level LOW. In order to deal more damage, you waste your moves drawing magic so that you'll have better stats. Instead of BUYING weapons, you have to do a fucking stupid-ass collection quest for EVERY SINGLE ONE. There are like 4 summons which are a GUIDE DAMN IT moment, because they only can be acquired by one boss in the game... and if you save past that point, you can't acquire that summon until the LAST DUNGEON.

    I fucking hate that game. Gave it away.
  17. Illution

    Illution Seventh Year

    Jul 6, 2008
    Behind You!
    Has anyone played the classic Final Fantasy Tactics?
  18. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    The real question is, who hasn't?
  19. Durden's Wrath

    Durden's Wrath Second Year

    Jun 27, 2008
    Interesting reading through this topic. It certainly seems like VI isn't getting a lot of love. Though the ones it is getting love from, seem to be 26+. I remember playing it on the SNES when it was labeled FFIII. Good lord that was one fun game.

    And as a previous poster mentioned, you got to FAIL at saving the world. And the villian, was quite a badass and forward thinker.

    I'd say VI, and then I (because I was kind of the watershed moment in JRPG's gaining popularity in the US) IV, IX, VII (only so low because I HATED grinding materia) VIII, X.

    And nice ava Demon_Vigilante. I'm in the middle of playing Persona 3 FES at the moment.