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Complete The Denarian Knight by Shezza88 - M - Dresden Files

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Rehio, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    That's a good point, but what if one of Harry's Killing Curses actually hits someone?

    If he causes enough collateral damage while not actually harming people, it could rouse more attention.

    Also, I thought that the Quidditch incident was pretty tame. The Death Eaters seemed to have simply appeared and held a procession while everyone else fled.
  2. Robo Jesus

    Robo Jesus High Inquisitor

    Jan 23, 2007
    The answer to this is simple. Meciel plots, tells Harry to focus on making the attack look like its directed at Fudge, kill/injure Fudges guards, torture Fudge a bit, and then lead Fudge into asking what is going on. When that happens, Harry just needs to say this.

    "Since you're about to die, I see no harm in telling you what's going on. Whether or not Voldemort has returned or some new Dark Lord has taken his appearance, the Dark Lord wants you dead Fudge. He wants you dead so he can put someone more willing to do what he wants in your place. Now say goodbye."

    Queue Dumbledore to the Rescue, and Fudge now mobilizes the Aurors, Dumbledore no longer publically seen as insane or senile, and the public now knows that a Dark Lord is moving in the background. Whether or not they believe it to be Voldemort is a seperate issue, but it would make it look like a Dark Lord is at work, fucking up Voldemorts plans.
  3. Bukay

    Bukay Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 8, 2006
    London, England
    Pure win for me :)
  4. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    Hmm. Harry confiding in Dumbledore Meciel's plan was a bad move.

    It would have been easier if Harry had just acted. Now he has to be sure not to kill anybody when he pretends to be Voldemort, or Dumbledore will be furious. It would have been smarter to keep Dumbledore unaware. That way, he could have killed Fudge AND show Voldemort's back.
  5. Jearom

    Jearom Sixth Year

    Feb 14, 2007
    Ike's Eye
    Andro: My point exactly. Regardless of how much Dumbledore wants to avoid bloodshed, it will take more than just blowing up some store fronts and setting off the Dark Mark to convince the Ministry. Harry will have to spill some blood and maybe torture some civilians to be convincing. If he can do so in front of or even to Fudge and his entourage, so much the better.
  6. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    I doubt Dumbledore would ever agree to murder innocents even if it would convince the ministry and population about Voldemort. And if Harry tried to do it Dumbledore would act to stop him. Not sure I would want Harry to do it either since I dont really want him to become absolutely evil. The way he is now he is obviously dark but still a sympathetic character.

    Still, with magic there are probably ways that deaths could be faked. Maybe volunteers that Dumbledore trusts could be faked to be totally blown to bits or something. That way everyone would think that people died without the necessity of having any actual bodies left behind. Or something.

    The more I think about this the more I feel that only a very well planned and executed attack could possibly succeed in convincing the wizarding world. Harry alone with no real forethought really should not really accomplish much. Maybe he could spread some doubt and fear to the civilian population but I doubt it would sway Fudge or get rid of Umbridge. A fact Meciel really should be aware of.

    Unless ofcourse Shezza has something really clever planned. Fully convincing the ministry at this point in the story might even conflict with whatever plot Shezza has planned afterall.
  7. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I think Jearom and Robojesus have the idea. The key to success is Harry catering to Fudge's personality - namely, aiming specifically at him.

    Maybe if Harry captures a few petty criminals, and sets them loose in Diagon Alley so that they coincide with his rampage, so that he can execute them and justify himself to Dumbledore?

    It'd be synomonous to the criminals he sacrificed to summon demons, except this time it's for a good cause.
  8. malaga

    malaga Auror

    Feb 14, 2007
    New Zealand
    Shezza: Nice chapter, I'm liking how Harry is turning back into Renegade-Harry.

    Jon: Nice sig... I'm starting to move off the fence regarding Harry/Meciel vs. Harry/Amanda
  9. Heleor

    Heleor EsperJones DLP Supporter

    Mar 3, 2006
    Seattle, WA
    That cracked me up way more than it should have, thank you.
  10. Helltanz98

    Helltanz98 Professor

    Jul 28, 2007
    Terac Shri
    Just stating my opinion

    Yeah timeline thing definetly has me a bit confused... its good though.
    I to look foreward to seeing the other vampire courts becoming involved.
    As for Harry and Amanda... he could enthrall her or what ever, or regular brain wash/ indoctrination works too.
  11. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Should be practised or practiced (damned crumpet eaters).

    'Umbridge' should be 'bitchwhorecunt', though that's mostly a matter of preference. :mrgreen:

    Maybe that's a British thing (?), I've always heard this as 'put aside their differences'.


    I could be wrong but I think that should be 'twins bemoaning last year' or 'twins moaning about last year'.

    should be its

    should be 'sink in'

    Should the 'was' be 'were'? Anyone? I'm horrible with that sort of thing.


    I would think there should be a 'her' between back-handing and square.



    Should be 'have any trouble'

    'disk' should be 'desk' and 'steeping' should be 'steepling'.

    Ever notice, though, that dictionaries don't seem to regard steepling as a word and steepled exists only as an adjective, not a verb. WTF? Go figure.

    Perhaps a nitpick but I think 'disciplinary' would be a slightly better choice here. I could be wrong.

    'quite fond'


    I think the 'on' is extraneous here.

    I think the term is teabag, not sack.
    Oh... wait. I completely misinterpreted that, never mind. Hehe.

    I'd probably use 'When she is, I will no longer be able to do this.' but it's six of one, a half-dozen of another, really. *shrug*

    eyes and beckoned

    I suspect 'are' should be 'is'

    I'd put a comma between 'him' and 'the', but then I am a comma whore.

    "A piece of information which I shall now withhold from you."

    "Important enough to withhold from you. Gotcha, bitch! Ahahaha!"

    This really should be "Voldemort got it once, but nobody else. Never again!" or "Voldemort got it once, but nobody else; never again!" to avoid the appearance of a double negative. Or you could just change 'never' to 'ever' and call it a day.


    Er, can any Brits help me out here? Is this commonly used instead of 'disoriented' or is it an archaic usage over there too?

    and such



    Nitpick ahoy: 'bloody smear'

    steepling again, unless he really is making finger-flavored tea. :)


    'for that big'

    LOL, that is so wrong in so many ways.

    I recall some people asking that since the beginning of the first story. ;)

    This should be either 'with his cloak and blazing Hellfire to provide protection' or 'his cloak and blazing Hellfire providing protection'

    The Hogsmeade what?
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2007
  12. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    Lovely. However I have one tiny little thing to complain about...

    Death Eater Harry referred to his master as the Dark Lord Voldemort. The Death Eaters do not say the name, when they refer to him in public they call him the Dark Lord. Granted Harry is a mediocre recruit at best when it comes to ideology and proper form, but people would be surprised to hear him say the name.

    If you will capitalize on this in the future, kindly ignore my comments. If you didn't intend for Harry to make a mistake do as you wish.

    Bonus points for the Meciel illusion and the innuendo from Harry.
  13. Palver

    Palver High Inquisitor

    Aug 4, 2006
    Bloodmuds..That was amusing.
  14. BloodRedSword

    BloodRedSword High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Feb 25, 2007
    A place where we had caned American
    Ouch... I just can't wait to see Dumbledore's reaction... Or Fudge... Or Voldemort's for that matter...

    I have this strange scene in my mind which Harry denies that he had done it and blame it on Meciel.

    A poor Omake of some sort...

    "I thought we agreed that I will considered that option, and that you will not take any action of your own?" said Dumbledore as he looked at Harry over his glasses.

    Harry just shrugged. "What makes you think that it was me?"

    "I know Voldemort. He will never show his cards until the very last minute. You, however, prefer to go in wand blazing. Not only the fact that there were no one killed goes to show how little you know of his operations. The fact that Death Eaters never, ever attack anyone or anywhere as an individual is a well recorded fact. What you have done could upset the balance of power, tipping it to the Ministry's flavor."

    "Like I said, what makes you think is me?"

    "Oh, the fact that you want out of school compound immediately after our meeting and the fact that not even an hour or so later, I begin to receive reports of a Death Eater attack at Diagon Alley. It is easy to join the dots Harry, if one is given enough clue." Dumbledore replied mildly.

    "Like I said, it wasn't me, it was Meciel."

  15. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Cool! :)

    I liked it. You neatly sidestepped my concern about the attacks credibility by having Meciel make it clear that it was not going to achieve results immediately but was rather a more long-term thing. I had somehow got the idea that it was just a one time thing. Repeated attacks with perhaps OotP joining in would result in a lot more difficulties to Fudge. It is easy to dismiss one attack but dozens would not be so easy.

    Speaking of OotP btw. Will Harry meet them sometime in the future. I mean I would love to see their reactions to Harry and vice versa. I know you have a meeting with Sirius planned but I would love to see Harry taking on people like Molly Weasley, Real-Moody and now especially Tonks. I bet Tonks would have some choice words for Harry since she was a part of the team that Harry fought here. Not to mention the comments pervert-Harry would probably make once he learned that she could shift her body at will. ;)

    I wonder how Dumbledore is going to react to this. He could be expected to be angry that Harry disobeyed his orders but on the other hand Harry DID succeed in his attack without being caught or harming the aurors or anyone else which was what he most feared. Probably he would just be annoyed or something like that I guess.

    I would also love to see Voldemorts reaction to this! I wonder if you could have Harry have one of those visions again and show us what Voldemort thinks. Will he think that one of his deatheaters jumped the gun and be enraged at his followers or will he realize that it was Harry faking it. Either way I would love to see it.

    The attack itself was cool. I thought the whole bloodmud thing was somewhat funny if a bit contrived. Hopefully it wont ruin the impact of the Harrys attack. Were you just throwing it in there for fun or is that something that will come up in the future to throw doubt over the validity of the attack. The fight scenes themselves were exciting and well written as usual.

    Very nice chapter. Looking forward to seeing the aftermath. How will Harry explain his absense at the exact same time the attack happened btw? Securing an alibi/explanation is too obvious thing to have been missed by Meciel. Even Harry should have thought of it.
  16. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    The fight scene was exhilarating as always. How do you do it, Shezza?
  17. Jearom

    Jearom Sixth Year

    Feb 14, 2007
    Ike's Eye
    Excellent chapter. I like how Meciel has set this up as a long term plan. Having Harry "miss" his AK was a good touch. That plus the other use of Dark Magic should convince most people. Fudge, of course, will take some time.

    It will be fun to see Harry's reaction the next day when the Daily Prophet (i.e. Fudge) blames the whole attack on Sirius Black.

    Have Bella and the other Azkaban Death Eaters escaped yet? If so they might get some blame as well. If not then Voldemort might be hesitant to break them out when there are rogue Death Eater attacks going on. Originally they were able to deflect blame onto Sirius for the prison break. It will be harder to pull that off with someone running around attacking people in the Dark Lord's name.

    All in all another great fight scene!
  18. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    I have a feeling that this will turn on Harry somehow. :p

    Excellent scene, Shezza.
  19. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    That was good.
  20. ulkser

    ulkser Groundskeeper

    May 2, 2005
    nicely done. i like the pace of the updates.