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Complete The Denarian Knight by Shezza88 - M - Dresden Files

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Rehio, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. Jolersoer

    Jolersoer Third Year

    Nov 26, 2007
    Bordeaux, France
    On the matter of the lack of free will - sorry for the double post
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2007
  2. Jolersoer

    Jolersoer Third Year

    Nov 26, 2007
    Bordeaux, France
    On the matter of the lack of free will of the angels or the creature that aren't humans, In my opinion they're just locked into some pattern of action, they cannot do something they were not "created" for.

    An angel, in front of a certain situation will probably react in a manner very similar to the others angels whereas humans can have a variety of reaction much greater.

    And the case of the Fallen Angels show these limitations, in order to do something they didn't exist for, they changed their nature and became demons, creatures with the same limited liberty of action that is in their essence but that are the opposite of theit former nature.

    I don't know if I made much sense as it's quite difficult to exprime something like that in english, I don't even really know how I would exprime it in my native language.
  3. Nuhuh

    Nuhuh Dastardly Shadow Admin Retired Staff

    Nov 12, 2006

    Why didn't he use a tank round to kill Voldemort before the prophecy?

    Oh no!

    Why didn't he use a chainsaw into making him a cripple?


    Why didn't he use his own Grand Sorcery powers to stop him before the prophecy was revealed?

    OH NO! Rowling had better rewrite the series!

    Simple fact is, there are somethings within the scope of a story and some that aren't.

    Beyond that the point of my post was missed yet again, except by Aekiel.

    Aekiel, I don't know about where wand magic comes from. I don't think it is from the Outsider. I think in potter verse magic is within them, but that is just an opinion.

    In the details of the omake the wand magic was Dumbledore's own, and he perverted some divine invocations to get the power to split meciel temporarily. I'll post the omake once the second sequence is done.

    But you know how it is when Jon, Shezza and I do this for each other's stuff, its just fun and a 'what if?' kind of angle.
  4. Link

    Link Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 28, 2006
    Wasn't Dumbledore hesitant to confronting Voldemort at first (when he tried to get the teacher's post at Hogwarts, etc.) because he believed that Tom Riddle may yet repent of his crimes, become good, have remorse...?

    Anyway, I'm also positive that the divine powers are so difficult to grasp for a single wand-wizard, no matter how talented he may be, that it's very unreliable in a duel.
  5. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Heheh. This is turning into an argument :) Here is my response.

    Probably because Voldemort was clever enough to avoid the barrel.

    Probably because Voldemort could simply grow a new limb.

    Probably because those Grand Sorcery Powers simply were not powerfull enough. And therein lies my point. While Rowling is hardly the best or most consistent writer, I don't think there is a huge problem here. The reason why Dumbledore did not take Voldemort out in canon before the prophecy is simply because he did not possess the power to do this.

    We can see this in the duel between them. Unless I remember incorrectly, Fawkes had to swallow one of Voldemorts killing curses to save Dumbledores life. That suggests that Voldemort could very well have fought Dumbledores Grand Sorcery Powers and won.

    In canon however. There were no special divine powers at Dumbledores disposal. Here he does. The way I see it, if you write fan fiction in a pre-existing universe then you should atleast try to remain logical and consistent. In canon there was a reasonable explanation for Dumbledore not defeating Voldemort. He could not.

    Here though, Dumbledore has at his disposal a special divine power source that allows him to manipulate archangels. In order for the story to remain logical in the universe you really should be able to explain how this kind of large addition fits into the pre-existing universe. In this case, why is it that this huge power source was not used against Voldemort.

    I admit this is nitpicking and not a big problem, but hey! Why not! :D

    True enough. And if it had just been a "what if" omake I would have read it, enjoyed it and probably posted some random comment. However Shezza chose to use it in the "official" story. A story that already has 300k words and is easily one of the best HP stories around. Needless to say, this placed your omake under greater scrutiny. I saw things that I thought were illogical or problematic and tried to be constructive by bringing them out and explaining my reasoning. I hope you were not offended.

    He did not seem to have trouble grasping them at a moments notice to bring down Meciel. Or so it seemed atleast. But there are of course other ways of using it than just in a duel. Like say tracking Voldemort down and blasting his lair to pieces. I doubt whatever protective wards Voldemort would have had could have stood up to a power sufficient to alter an archangel. Or something like that. With ultimate power at his disposal, I am sure someone as smart as Dumbledore could have thought of something.
  6. Nuhuh

    Nuhuh Dastardly Shadow Admin Retired Staff

    Nov 12, 2006
    Tinn promised me smut, previews and sig/ava in exchange for not saying anything more on this subject.

    Tinn wins.
  7. Kyle_Dodge1

    Kyle_Dodge1 DA Member

    Aug 8, 2006
    Portland, Oregon
    Well isn't Tinn the devious one. *cough*jackass*cough*
  8. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Just read this today on PC. There's some glaring typo's I'm suprised made it though to a published version, a few problems a spellchecker wouldn't catch, but a person reading closely would.

    Very damned good work, hope to see it actually kept up with and worked on.
  9. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    I know I sound like a spoiled kid not getting his way but after I started reading this the other day, I cant help it. I WANT AN UPDATE

    Harry is pretty cool in this fic. He reminds me of one or two of my friends who anytime you say something they have a comeback related to sex just waiting.
  10. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Shezza is busy watching '24' go and abuse the fuck out of him. ^_^
  11. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.

    I never liked that show anyway so Now I really dont like it
  12. Lincos

    Lincos Professor DLP Supporter

    Aug 17, 2007
    Liverpool, UK
    Hasn't Shezza been away for 2 weeks? Give him a break like. Cant expect him to work 24/7 as soon as he gets back.
  13. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    He shouldn't have even been able to be gone for the two weeks. I'm still trying to figure out who let him out of his cage.
  14. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    I got the gun to shoot who ever opened it up. Didnt you idiots put a GPS tracker in him?
  15. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Yeah but Maciel detected it and then...well it goes without saying i'm glad (s)he let me live...
  16. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand

    How did this go unreviewed for two hours?

    Anyway, this one flows exceptionally well, better than usual. It might be the more conversationalist tone you've picked up along the way. I like this Sirius, though you might want to rewrite the text referring to him as crazy. It seems sort of rushed, and his mood swings are described too abruptly and matter-of-factly.

  17. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    I wonder what would happen if a denarian tried to make a horcrux.

    Good update.
  18. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Ahhhh. Great to see a new Denarian chapter. I think it has been quite a while since the last one. The other resistance storyline is great and all but in truth I look forward to Denarian more. :)

    Hmm. I wonder if you should make some mention of the fact that Harry has left Hogwarts despite the fact that Dumbledore modified the wards to prevent him leaving. Has his heroic rescue(heh) of Arthur Weasley caused Dumbledore to revoke Harrys imprisonment in Hogwarts. I ask because it occurred to me that it was a bit odd that Dumbledore locked Harry in. If something went wrong and the ministry/Voldemort came after Harry or something, then being unable to flee Hogwarts could have been very dangerous afterall.

    Why is it that Meciel did not modify Harry's senses to make the cereal taste good. I seem to recall him eating some cold food straight from a can in Renegade with Meciel making it seem warm and tasty. Since she has always done it before I found it a bit odd that Harry was forced to eat food that tasted bad here.

    I am surprised that Dumbledore has revealed Harry's role in the Leaky Cauldron attack to the order. All it would take is one spy or someone like Snape to reveal it to the ministry and Harry would be history. A foolish risk on Dumbledores part. Unless he only told Sirius and Tonks. I admit that Tonks knowing that it was Harry who attacked her would make their first meeting a great scene. :)

    I loved the image of Harry's huge demonic Wyrm-form crushing Sirius-the-poodle. :) It cannot be denied that the form Harry can shapeshift into is a lot cooler than Sirius's dog. I would love to see Sirius's reaction to Harrys "animagus" form later in the story.

    A question that occurred to me with all the talk about the sword. Why is it that the sword has not wanted Harry to go rescue someone in a long time? Just occurred to me that Harry is not doing lots of "knightly" things right now despite being a "denarian knight". Why no messages from the sword to go rescue someone, even if that would just be someone in Hogwarts itself or nearby. Or does god consider education so important that Harry has a holiday from being a knight.

    Anyway, it was relatively short so far but great despite that. Looking forward to the rest of the chapter! :)
  19. MysterioX

    MysterioX Professor

    Dec 15, 2005
    off the record
    Good start. And credible interaction between Demon!Harry and Sirius.

    If a Denarian did make a Horcrux, seperating only parts of the fallen in to the object thus creating another container rendering the coin useless.

    Not a bad idea.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2008
  20. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Would that work? A Horcrux is a container for a soul fragment.

    1. Do Fallen have souls?

    2. Are the Fallen's souls housed in the Denarian's bodies? I doubt it. If they have souls, they're most likely in the same place as their bodies are. So a Denarian wouldn't have access to a Fallen's soul.